Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Chapter 18: Peaceful Journey?

Under his hands, the bus left the school and moved smoothly toward the city. 

Nevertheless, there was no doubt Isao, who was driving the bus, startled the group who had just entered since they didn't expect that it was a student like them who drove the car. Yet, unlike Hirano and Takashi, whose status in the school wasn't that high or even below the standard, Isao's status and reputation were so high, especially among the girls, as all of them knew him. 

As for the guys, while some might feel jealous of him when they face him directly, they can only succumb. It was like how an herbivore could only bow down when faced with a carnivore. It was their instinct to react in such a way, especially when they saw him driving. If they said something carelessly, wouldn't he be bothered by them later?

If something happened, wouldn't it be their fault? 

In this country, high school students were like this: while they thought that they were the best, facing an adult or someone who they felt had a higher position than them made them bow their heads. 

Yet, there was one person who seemed to be oblivious to all of this. 

"Thank you for saving us." 

Wearing a nice smile would give anyone a good impression, yet when many saw it, they felt disgusted somehow. If it was a normal situation, they might not say anything, but in this situation where they could become "them" anytime, how could you show such a smile?

Moreover, they could tell this smile was so fake. 

Unlike the others, this man wore a suit and glasses, clearly telling everyone that his identity was a teacher and someone they should look up to. 

"Are you the leader, Busujima-san?" 

While the man hesitated, he approached Saeko, who wiped her wooden sword. 

"It's not me." Saeko subconsciously looked at Isao, who was driving. 

Watching Saeko's expression, the man understood, but he had to say this situation was a bit troublesome, considering Isao's charm. However, as an "adult," he was confident that he could handle all of this. 

"Are you the leader Iinuma-kun?" 

"Who are you?" Isao asked with doubt as he drove, looking at the man from the back mirror. 

"...." The man. 

Rei, Hirano, and some snickered and even chuckled after hearing Isao's answer. 

Only Takashi looked at this scene in confusion. 

"Iinuma-kun, he is Koichi Shido. He's a 3-A teacher," Kyoko said helplessly, but she didn't seem to like this teacher as her expression was a little cold when she looked at Shido. 

Yet, it was normal for Isao not to know Shido, considering he was still in the first grade. Unlike Shido, who knew Isao because Isao was the best student and also the representative of the first grade. Moreover, his handsome face was just memorable. 


This was Isao's answer. 


Shido's lips twitched, but he still maintained his fake smile, yet when one looked closely, one would notice how cold his eyes were. 

"Are you the leader of this group, Iinuma-kun?" 

Isao thought for a while and felt too lazy to argue. "Yes." 

When everyone heard his answer, no one disagreed since Isao was the one who led all of them.

However, Saya could see that this guy was too lazy to argue, which made her speechless. 

"I see..." Shido sighed and said, "It must be hard work for the first grade for you to lead everyone like this," His words were full of empathy toward Isao's situation. 

However, Isao didn't say anything and just continued to drive. 

How do you handle someone who wants to argue with you?

Just stay silent. 

Isao had no intention of talking with Shido, considering he focused all of his attention on driving, especially when the bus was in manual transmission. 

"However, you don't need to worry. I am here. I will solve everyone's problems! I will make sure everyone's safe!" 

Shido's words were like those of a politician who tried to deceive the people to vote for him. However, except for those who followed Shido from the beginning, the rest were silent and just stared at Shido in silence. 

Even the group of five that joined Isao later didn't say anything and stared at this scene silently. While some males in this group were somehow swayed by Shido's words, the girls were all on Isao since Isao showed the power and ability to lead all of them. Meanwhile, they didn't know Shido, and it felt like this guy said nonsense. 

Isao, bored, glanced at Shido and asked, "Do you want to become a leader?" 

"I think that someone needs to take care of this situation, and I believe that I am the one who is more suitable to handle this, so you don't need to worry and leave everything to me, Iinuma-kun," Shido said with a smile as if he was doing a charity. 

"Is that so? Why do you believe so, Sensei? Do you have a special ability to cure those bitten by those "things"? Can you defeat all of them with your physical ability? Or can you teleport all of us to a safe place? If so, then I will follow you." 

"...." Everyone. 

Shido's lips twitched. If he could do all of that, why would he stick with all of them? He would simply leave all of them! 

However, even if Isao asked some nonsense questions, Shido still answered him patiently, "I can't do it. I am just a normal human after all, but I can solve all the problems in this group." 

"Our group's main problems are the worry about our family, searching for a safe place, food, accommodation, safety from all of those "things," and many all other things, so Sensei, can you provide all of that to us?" Isao asked calmly. 

"..." Everyone. 

Shido narrowed his eyes and asked, "Iinuma-kun, are you teasing me?" 

"I am not, but I am just asking what can you do for us?" 

"That's a good question." Shido nodded. "What I can do is simple but necessary: Manage everyone. I can solve all the problems within our group." 

"Then, can you find our family a safe place, food, accommodation, safety from all of those "things," a cure from being bitten, and many others?" Isao asked the same question once again. 


Shido frowned at Isao's questions, then asked coldly, "You don't want me to become the leader, Iinuma-kun? Are you afraid that your position will be taken away?" 

"I am not. You can take the leader position if you want to, but is it the best for all of us? Are you the best leader? If you say that you are a teacher, then there are two more teachers with us. Are you sure that your qualifications are better than those of the two of them? Rather, I would like to ask you what you can provide for all of us. If it's just management, then Hayashi-sensei is the best since she has experience managing the club. Or are you saying that you are better at taking care of the hurt than Marikawa-sensei, who is the school nurse?" 

Frankly, Isao felt that talking about all of this was a waste of time. However, as he had decided to become a good person, he knew that he had to make an effort. If he had just given up and thrown Shido out of the bus, then how would he have been different from before?

So, even if Shido was annoying and Isao wanted to beat this guy up for talking a lot, he still wanted to insist on becoming a good person as it was a decision that he had made when he knew this world had become like this. 

"Or do you want to become a leader just because you want to use all of us to protect your safety?" 

"...how could you misunderstand me like that, Iinuma-kun? I am not someone like that. I am just thinking about everyone." Shido felt a cold sweat when he said those words. 

"And I am just asking, what kind of abilities or benefits can you provide us if you have become our leader? Our situation is like this. One mistake will lead us into danger. Can you swear to all of us that you will save us from danger? Be the first person to face the danger?

Or are you like those politicians who talk nonsense and make an empty promise?" 


What kind of advantage did Shido have over the others?

What kind of benefits could Shido give to others?

"Then, let me ask you a simple question." Isao didn't even look at Shido as he continued to drive. "At this moment, I am driving a bus even though I am just a student. I am forcing myself to do this to ensure everyone's safety. At this moment, lives are on my shoulders, but have you ever questioned yourselves the danger that comes from how you force yourselves to talk with me? You have put everyone's life in danger as you are distracting me with this petty problem. Or are you saying that everyone's life isn't as important as determining the position of the leader? Are you saying that our lives are nothing to you, Sensei?" 

When those questions were asked, everyone's eyes were on Shido. 

Shido felt this situation was tricky and knew he couldn't force his way again. He clicked his tongue secretly, then apologized as he felt humiliated. "I am sorry. I never thought my actions would cause such trouble, but I... was just thinking for everyone." 

"Then, for everyone, sit quietly on the back. Before you want to say something, I am telling you this for everyone. Is it for our safety, or are you someone who can ignore our safety by forcing yourselves to become a leader, Sensei?" 


Could Shido say more words?

Shido couldn't, so he reluctantly returned, but he didn't give up and could only look at Isao coldly. 

Rei noticed this gaze and approached Isao, who was driving. Then, she said in concern, "He is going to make trouble." However, there was no doubt she was happy with Isao's approach. 

"I know." Isao nodded, then glanced at Saya, who sat near him as she needed to guide him to her house. Even though he could solve this problem by himself, just in case, he needed insurance. "Takagi-senpai, help me later." It wasn't like he couldn't ask the others, but there was no doubt Saya was the most reliable since this girl was a genius. "You too, Hirano-senpai." He didn't forget to add so this chubby guy wouldn't betray him due to jealousy. 

"Eh-Eh? Me too?" Hirano was dumbfounded. 

Saya sighed helplessly as she rubbed her face in frustration. "Can everyone just sit tight and have a peaceful journey?

Unfortunately, they couldn't, and they also remembered Isao's last message, which they told them. 

Their worst enemy wasn't "them," but a human.


Grr, throw them all out already! 

Well, it is easy to do so, but if he does, then he isn't a good person, right? 

Being a good person means that he is putting in an effort to solve a problem in a way that is socially accepted by social norms, even if the social norms or morals don't matter in this type of world anymore. 

Still, being a respectable human and not a beast is something that he has to make an effort to do. 

However, if someone is unreasonable, then one has to become unreasonable, too, to solve the problem since being reasonable isn't a way when one handles a beast.

A beast can only be tamed by force since a beast won't listen to your reason, right?

Anyway, thanks for reading~!

Lastly, I have added advanced chapters on my p@treon, even if there aren't many chapters. 

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