Ultimate Assassin System

Chapter 4 - The legendary guardian

In the woods, Tang En was first proud of bunting pheasants with rattan. Then they went back to retrieve the hunting device, a short wooden stick tied with slender vines and a net cover made of various branches.

Yes, that trap was arranged by Tang En. Of course, this was done under the guidance of the old housekeeper.

The shooting accuracy of the crossbow is not solved in a short time, let alone such a broken crossbow. So after simply teaching Tang En some hiding tricks, the old housekeeper gave such a fool hunting device. The results were very gratifying, and Tang En finally solved the serious problem of being hungry as soon as he arrived in another world.

The prey is caught, and the question then is how to turn it into food that can be imported. The advice given by the old housekeeper is to be called a chicken, the method is simple, and the taste is not bad. The most important thing is that you don’t need to fade the feathers.

However, after successfully lighting the fire and using large leaves to scoop up water from the village, Tang En was hesitant to the pheasant who seemed to be fateless. He had said that he had never killed chickens and ducks before, which was really true.

Although Tang En’s family is ordinary, his parents still hurt him so much that he didn’t let him get his hands on it. In addition, he has just graduated and has not experienced any life experience, so he really has not done anything like chickens and ducks.

However, the hunger in his stomach was very real. He had a poor day when he had just arrived in the realm, but had only eaten a rye bread.

Tang En sighed: “So people are forced out. Chicken brother, you fall into my hands today, let’s die early and be born …”

He rubbed his palm twice, Tang En held the chicken body, tightened the axe handle, and raised his axe.

“Go!” The blood splattered, and the pheasant made a final cry.

Tang En only felt hot on his hands, but when he looked down, his hands were covered with chicken blood. Who knew that the chicken body without the red-crowned chicken head fluttered and flew away.

“I rub …”

Tang En is completely dumbfounded, this Nima is unscientific!

I have heard of cooked ducks flying, but I have never seen a headless pheasant running …

Fortunately, this pheasant ran for dozens of meters, and after the final madness was staged, it fell to the ground completely.

After going through this ridiculous scene, the next step is much smoother. After a period of baking, Tang En successfully ate the fabled chicken. The nutrition of pheasants is still very high, butter is dripping, and the meat quality is good, but without any auxiliary materials, the taste of this stuff is just average. However, Tang En is really hungry, and because he made it himself, he eats with relish and a sense of accomplishment.

For the next few days, Tang En temporarily lived in this forest.

He hasn’t planned on how to plan his exotic life. The killer Tang En doesn’t want to do it. The danger is one thing. The key is that he can’t get through the barrier in his heart. After all, a serious college student, although second-rate, asked him to take others’ lives at will for money and other things. He couldn’t do it.

But although he doesn’t want to be a killer, he often goes to the system space. The old housekeeper gave him things, and he often practiced. One thing was nothing to do, and the other thing was not to be overpowered.

The old housekeeper did not force him, but just came up with a killer game and let him go in to complete the killer task. Although Tang En repels being a killer, as a fan of this kind of game, he will not object.

But the difficulty factor of this game is too high. After playing for a few days, Tang En didn’t pass a level. This made him face that has always been self-proclaimed as a game master can not even hang up, deliberately delve into it.

The first level of the game is to steal a noble sabre. This goal may not seem difficult, but each time Tang En probed near the aristocratic house, he was found by the wolf dog who watched the house. Under the barking, the guards instantly killed him and made him depressed. Fortunately, this is a virtual game. There is no keyboard and mouse, otherwise you don’t know how many of them have been damaged by him.

Noon, meal time.

“Wipe, this broken dog again, don’t get me a chance, otherwise I’ll chop you ten times!” Scolding Tang En carrying the hunting device, looking around for the next set of places.

This time he managed to stun a guard with a sneak attack, crossed the backyard wall and entered the aristocratic mansion, but just before falling down, he had no time to get excited. It was a bark of dogs, and Tang En was again rushed by a team of guards. Killed. Nima, what do you say when you watch the dog and slip into the backyard?

Alas, this rabbit is quite fat, but unfortunately … Tang En watched the plump hare drooling dozens of meters away.

Tang En subconsciously observed the surrounding environment, in a downwind position, dense woods, thick knees, but a hidden and favorable terrain … er, what do you think, you think you are an old housekeeper. Tang En scorned himself.

I ca n’t help but think about it, Tang En can’t help thinking about it, just try it, there is no loss anyway.

Tang En licked his lips and walked slowly from the side towards the hare.

Concentrate, meditate, breathe, observe.

The frequency of grazing, the time of turning the head, the distance of the tree in front, the distance from the next tree, the presence of dead branches under the foot …

Slowly, slowly.

At this moment, Tang En’s eyes slowly disappeared slowly, and what appeared in his mind was the hiding technique of the old housekeeper.

After walking for ten meters like a ghost, the hare did not respond.

In the space, the old housekeeper calmly looked at the light curtain. The corners of his mouth slipped: “It can be done, but do you want to be so easy?”

With a distance of dozens of meters, Tang En has already walked halfway.

At this moment, the ears of the hare grazing suddenly moved, and he looked up and looked down at the front.

There is just an ordinary grove, and the breeze in the forest is blowing the leaves slightly, making a noise.

The hare sniffled, withdrew his gaze, and continued to lower his head toward the grass.

Tang En, who froze the tree, frowned slightly, just now he just took a tentative step and was quickly noticed by the rabbit. Can’t you approach it? It doesn’t make sense. How did the old housekeeper walk over? I can’t figure it out …

There must be a way to be calm and calm.

With such a long distance, the hare bowed its head and weeded, and I was in the downwind again. The problem should be in the sound. I can’t hear myself walking, it doesn’t mean the hare can’t hear it.

How can the hare hear the sound without looking up? Nima, the more I thought about it, the more Tang En looked up and took a deep breath, this rabbit is not an idiot …

At this moment, a sudden light flashed across my mind. Tang En looked up at the rushing leaves, and opened his mouth thoughtfully: Voice? sound!

恩 Tang En raised his eyebrows and walked out of the tree for a moment. Ten meters away, the herbivorous hare did not respond.

I succeeded, it really is. Tang En held on to the ecstasy in his heart and moved forward slowly.

In the space, the old housekeeper nodded slightly, this boy has some talent in hiding.

Tang En is just a rookie killer hidden in the beginning, or even a rookie can not be called, his footsteps are inevitable. The hare’s long ears are not white, and if there is any abnormal noise around it, it can be alert.

这次 But this time, the problem of the hare happened to be “no exception”. For the hare, the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves from time to time in the forest is not unusual, and Tang En approached it with the sound of the rushing leaves.

But, has it been so smooth? We know that the breeze in the forest has some ailments. Perhaps experienced people can know the strength of the wind, but this person is definitely not the current Tang En.

When Tang En was approaching three meters away from the hare, the sound of the rushing leaves paused.

The hare raised his head arrogantly. At such a close distance, Tang En even saw the jagged leaves above the two big teeth of the three-lobed mouth.

As soon as the wind stopped, Tang En knew that it was not good. Holding the net cover, the whole man rushed up.

Tang En’s response was not unpleasant, but the hare’s calf kicked hard, the dust rose, and it quickly passed under the net cover.

Don’t rely on it! The stunned Tang En threw a tusks and grin.


He did not wait for Tang En to confess, beside him was a loud crash.

愕 Tang En suddenly looked to the side, and suddenly stopped.

He had read a sentence before saying, “Life is like a chocolate, you never know what the next one tastes like”. At that time Tang En didn’t have any feelings.

I now look at the hare who was hit by a tree trunk because of panic, and Tang En feels that this sentence makes sense.

“Haha, the legendary guarding the tree is waiting for the rabbit, the ancients don’t bully me!” Tang En mentioned the unlucky hare in a particularly sunny mood.

Tang En’s cooking methods are general and only limited to pheasants. He doesn’t want to do anything called “Hua Tu”. Fortunately, these days, he is very familiar with the old farmer of the farm. Any game, he directly mentions it.

The old farmer’s wife left early, and he was unwilling to go to the city with his sons, so he lived in a rural mill. Although there is nothing to worry about, but inevitably loneliness. The sight of Tang En carrying a fat hare came to his eyes, and he quickly took over.

He slaps his hands with his hands, and the old farmer immediately smiles and smiles: “This beast has a good mouth, and there must be no five pounds. Don, I’ll use your blessing to solve the problem.”

Tang En laughed: “It’s really not my credit. I’m lucky this time, when I go out, I see this goods hit the tree by myself, haha!”

“Haha, Tang, you’re really joking. OK, I’ll deal with this beast first, you go to the cellar to get me a jar of green fruit wine, and today we have to celebrate it well.” Green fruit wine is a common collection of old farmers here. A green fruit made with slightly alcohol and slightly acidic taste.


Uh …

The old farmer dealt with these game, it was called quickly. However, most of the time, I brought two pots of rabbit meat and stewed them on the fire. The styles were different, and the taste made people appetite.

Tang En took two earthenware cups and poured them into green fruit wine.

The old farmer wiped his hands and said, “Today I will make these two flavors. I will marinate the remaining rabbit meat first, and I will make you a smoked rabbit meat tomorrow.

“Haha, that’s good.” Tang En rejoiced.

Amaranth wine is already on the table, but Tang En was not in a hurry to get started, because he knew the old farmer was a devout believer after a few days of getting together, and he would pray before eating.

“Thank the loving God of Light for giving us food …”

The old farmer believes in the male sculpture on the roof of the church in the village, the **** of light. Every month, he donates everything to the chapel except the rent he needs and the rent he needs to hand in.

In the past few days, under the slamming of Tang En, he finally learned from the mouth of the old farmer that this place is called the Nishizawa mainland. It is an era ruled by royal power and theocratic power. The royal power system is similar to what Tang En saw in history books Monarchy. UU Reading Book www.uukanshu.com

Town is now located in Bran, one of the two empires of the Nishize mainland. As for the other empire, well, it’s not so much an empire, but a tribe, the northern desert tribe.

It’s true that Yishan is not allowed to be a tiger. There is a continuous war between Bran and the northern desert tribes. But for the old farmer, these things are too far away. Xiao Shicun is located in the southern part of the empire. He has never seen the fierce “barbarians” in the northern desert in his whole life.

I was most interested in Tang En when he heard the existence of vigor and magic from the old farmer’s mouth. But when Tang En wanted to understand it in detail, he found that the old farmer knew little about both.

Regarding magic, the old farmer only knew that the magician was very noble. The only magic he had ever seen in his life was the healing of Father York. That’s right, the warm light that Tang En mistakes for a portable Yuba. Regarding fighting spirit, the old farmer just heard that the supreme chief here, a knight master, has this kind of thing.

After waiting for the old farmer to pray, Tang En can’t wait to start the rabbit meat meal.

After the old farmer ate a few pieces of rabbit meat and a few glasses of green fruit wine, he began to get used to it. The content is probably the same as what Tang En heard a few times ago, but with a slightly different degree of exaggeration.

The granddaughter of the old John’s family in the village east had a good life. He joined the Church of the Light God under the guidance of Father York, and was sent to a distant monastery for further study a few days ago …

Or maybe he saw a magician flying in the air when he was young, and waved his hands to destroy the evil Warcraft or something.

The latter is probably one of the wandering bards he listened to. Ron Tang smiled with a wine glass, and life in the other world was also quite interesting.

Drink it all. “Dad, mom, I’m fine here, don’t worry about you …”

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