Ugly Bastard System

UBS27 – Evacuation

"Is everything going well? Has there been any issues?"

"No Sensei, none at all!"

Gojima, Isshiki and Okada were going around checking various stalls and exhibitions on the ground and first floor. They were only given the duties for these two floors. The upper floors had their respective visiting teams.

"Well, this makes the last of the rooms checked up for now. Do you folks want to grab something to eat? I feel hungry." Isshiki said.

"I believe our lunch is due," Okada replied after checking her handwatch, "let us return to the office and have our lunch, then. We can continue our duties afterwards."

"Oh, Gojima san, did you make your bento yourself today as well?" Isshiki asked, "does it have omelette today as well? I still cannot forget the heavenly ta—"


Everyone suddenly heard a very loud noise. It was soon followed by lots of shouting and screaming.

"W-what was that sound? W-why are there so many screams?!" Okada looked around with a pale face. She, along with Isshiki and Gojima ran outside an exhibition they were visiting on the first floor.

They saw people frantically running down the emergency staircase. And... a fire alarm was ringing.

"Oh no..." They all ran towards the stairs and started to help everyone evacuate.

"Please do not panic! This way!!!"
"Please do not push each other and follow this path!"

Gojima for a moment thought of his neighbors. Where were they now? He really hoped that they were either downstairs or at least far enough from whereever the incident happened.

'Ubs, are they—'

AP cost is too high for the answer. Ask the people about them to gather data. Find some clues first.

'How the hell am I supposed to ask these frantic people such questions?!' He regardless tried asking those who were running downstairs. 80% of them simply ignored him, and the rest said they did not know.

They soon noticed other teachers and many student volunteers taking up the evacuation process. Gojima was glad to see them react fast.

"I just got informed that the fire service has been informed and they will be arriving soon!" Isshiki said after he talked with some of the teachers.

"But how did something like this happen? I thought the fire control system was monitored regularly?! Then how did this happen?!!" Okada still looked pale.

"Now is not the time for—"

"Ogre!!!" Gojima stopped as soon as he heard a familiar voice. He snapped his head at the direction of where it came from, and saw Ruri being carried by her uncle. She was throwing a fit and was crying.

"Ogre... Mi chan hic... Takeshi kun... Sayuri san... hic... please save them..."

Gojima felt his blood freezing. The look on Ruri's face said everything. It was the worst case scenario he envisioned. They were at the ground zero! And they hadn't arrived downstairs yet!!!

"...Where did you last see them?"

"...The mecha battle..." Ruri replied sobbingly.

"I am sorry but I really need to take my niece away now. Please excuse us." Her uncle, Sunohara, practically threw these words towards Gojima and ran downstairs, despite the young girl's protests.

'Ubs... are they safe?'

They are still alive, is what I can tell you for know. –0.76 AP. Do not ask for details, if they are in danger—you will not be able to do anything for them with the remaining APs.

'...Fine. Can you at least chart a path in such a way that I will have the maximum probability of finding them?'

...Now you are asking the proper question. You cannot use the staircase normally now. You will either have to climb the staircase or the windows and sunshades. I recommend the 2nd option, with a minor 21% boost you should be able to do it easily. You are strong, you know? Don't forget to stretch, it will reduce the cost and regen time significantly.

Okada and Isshiki were dumbfounded to see Gojima suddenly stretching.

"G-Gojima sensei? W-what in the world are you doing?" Okada asked.


"...That I can see, but why—?!! D-don't tell me you?!!"

"Gojima sensei," Isshiki said with a stern face, "please do not do anything rash that might put you in danger. The firefighters will be arriving soon, let them handle it! Leave it to the professionals!"

"...Thanks for the advice, Isshiki sensei.. But I somehow get the feeling that it will be too late before that happens."

You are right, Ken. The probability of one of the three dying before the firefighters manage to reach them is... more than 50%. –0.41 AP.

"If you see any of them, please give me a call. I'll see you two later." Gojima gave his coat to Isshiki and opened a window."

"Gojima sensei! This is madne—"

Before Okada could finish her sentence, he grabbed the window frame, put his right foot on bottom side and pulled himself up. He was surprised at how easy that felt. His own monstrous strength boosted further by Ubs. He grabbed the ledge above and pulled himself up. Was it supposed to be this easy?

"Holy hell..." Isshiki muttered. Gojima pulled himself up as easily as an athlete should—even with his... constitution. How strong one has to be to pull off something like that?!!

"Pretty oneesan!" Okada was also staring blankly at the window, but soon turned her head and saw the other two children, who were being helped by two students in the chaotic crowd. It took a moment for Okada to remember their names—Miki and Takeshi. She has always had good memory. It was Takeshi that called her, his sister was crying too much to say anything.

"Pretty oneesan, please help Sayuri san! She got stuck there while saving us!!! Please, you gotta do something!!!" Takeshi pleaded.

Okada simply patted his head with a complicated smile. "We have already called the firefighters. And your neighbor, Gojima sensei has also gone above to look for her. All we can do is have faith on him."

"Gojima san did? When?! How?!! We didn't see him!"

"W-well, he... took an alternative route. Let's all wait and pray for him, okay?" Isshiki said.

Okada never actually believed in any God, or gods. But she still joined her hands and closed her eyes. She could at least wish him good luck.

"Please be safe, Gojima sensei..."

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