Two Sides of A Coin



Kaptin Man: I don't understand, is it plan that Uniform, Kuchali and Mr. Incredible did with each other, they didn't come to school today? I know sha o that Kuchali is sick but what of Uniform and bros incredible?

Empress: it's because some people are still facing shame. Some girls can fall people's hands o.

Sam: you that is talking, are you not casting another person? This Chelsea, sometimes the way you behave never ceases to amaze me.

Empress: is it me that told her not to be prepared.

Tiana: a big shame to girls. They should not even think of giving her full prefect ship.

Americana: Tiana you’re a joker, because she got stained in class, then she shouldn’t begiven full prefect ship?

Yolanda: what is this undone akamu saying?

Kaptain Man: yoghurt abhi what is your name please just come and be going, you and Chelsea just mind yourself. Anyways class captain, where you dey? Can you call Uniform and bros incredible to see what happened?

Yolanda: my name is Yolanda not Yoghurt, mind yourself.

Emeka: Kuchali said she's sick and she's coming on Wednesday, maybe the sickness has really held her down, because normally she would still be chatting by now.

Empress: this sickness that is taking from Friday to Monday... I hope it’s not what I’m thinking

Kaptin man: that’s if you even think sef.

Emeka: Lol guy leave Chelsea alone, anyways, you know that Simeon doesn't talk to anybody except Kuchali, so I can't even have his number, talk more of group chat.

Americana: that's true. Where's Yama, he should know where his partner is?

Yamzy: yeah, I see my name I respond. How far now?

Sam: do you know where your uniform babe is?

Yamzy: no, I was asking about it in prefect group chat, nobody knows. They said her number was unavailable.

Tiana is typing...

Kenneth: Mariam said she's taking care of Kuchali. Yes guys, form master said I should tell you guys that someone is coming to our class.

Tiana: @Empress babes let's not say anything o.

Kaptain Man: say anything like what. What are you insinuating?

Americana: but wait, I can remember when I went to the staff room, I heard form master saying something like Simeon is not feeling fine.

Damola: weitin dey been dey call themselves again? Ehen bestie and bestie no dey feel fine. E be like say Kuchali pass her sickness to the guy.

Kaptain Man: guys later, nepa don bring light for my side. I wan go watch ball.

Sam: guy is like I will join you too. Guys later now.


Yamzy: Guys now who knows where Mariam is?

Lawal-heady: are you talking of Mariam Thelman?

John-time: no, is that your sister now, that one wey you been hide for house you know? Which other Mariam would he ask about?

Lawal-heady: you can just simply say yes. No need to be sarcastic.

Precious-games: but you too head boy you are funny. We only have one Mariam Thelman, who is in Ss2 and she's in prefect ship group chat.

Joy-heady: I've told you guys to change this group name. Which one is leaders? You can simply put prefects.

Hakeem-labour: Lmao please just allow us with our name joh. Free us small. Let us feel we are leading people small.

Yamzy: anyways guys, someone is coming to our class. And you people haven’t answered me o, where’s my partner in togetherness?

Hakeem-labour: again? First is that Mr. Incredible, now who. When will someone come to science class? It’s like every new person is going to your class.

John-time: or commercial class. Nobody is coming to commerce class too, at least even if nah girls. Yamzy you know the person coming to una class?

Yamzy: no o, it's my class people that just told me now. I didn’t ask them.

Lawal-heady: until we see the person. Hope this time around is a fine girl.

Hakeem-labour: asin ehn. Let it be a girl abeg

Chidinma-time: is girls that will kill you people.

Yamzy: no wahala. Something must kill a man.


I know sha o = in this context, it stands for I am certain.

Akamu = pap/cereal pudding

Where you dae = where are you?

Weitin dae been dae call themselves again? Ehen bestie and bestie no dae feel fine. E be like sae Kuchali pass her sickness to the guy = what do they call themselves again? Right, bestie and bestie are not feeling fine. It's like Kuchali passed her sickness to the guy.

nepa don bring light for my side. I wan go watch ball= nepa has brought light (power, electricity) at my house, I want to go and watch a match.

That one wae u been hide for house, you know no= that person that you hid at home, don't you know?

Free us small = in this context, it means allow us to live life a little.

Yamzy you know the person = yama do you know the person

Asin ehn = it can mean different things, but here it means I know right

No wahala = no problem.

If you have noticed, I was adding things like heady, time, labour, games and the like to some names under the prefects group chat. Those are their prefect ship positions. You already know Yama so there was no use to put his own. So, to save confusion, I put that.

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