Two Sides of A Coin


Ikoyi, Lagos State,Nigeria.

"I know this is going to be hard on you son but as your mother you have my support. I won't ever take that part of you". He understood clearly well what his mother said and he knew she loved him to death.

But even therapy didn't help,due to the fact that his cases were very rare and this new therapist might not understand him. Also, every Nigerian knew they could solve their own problems by themselves without the help of a psychiatrist. But his case was different,the same experience all over again. He will be called a witch.

He will be blamed for his mother's misery.

Having friends have never been a problem for him but then what will happen when it starts again. Humans will always be humans and they will first jump into conclusions before they even listen.

Moving places wasn't a fun thing as some people perceive it. Worse was when one was moving from one state to another. Would they buy a new furniture again or move with those ones.

His mum didn't allow him to go with her when they were moving saying it was a suprise.

What was even annoying was the fact that he was twenty and had not yet graduated secondary school because of his "issue".

"Simeon am not going to sugar-coat things but I will terribly miss you. You've been one of my best children. I will give you my number,you can call me anytime I mean it. If you're not comfortable with Doctor Dele then it's okay we can keep talking. I trust him that's why I want to put you under his care. So do take care" She hugged him. She didn't like him calling her doctor, the first time they met Mummy Ishola she preferred because to her, formalities drove him away from them communicating.

Yes, he was truly going to miss "Mummy Ishola".

"Thank you Mummy but I don't know if I can cope there with a new person again. What if he doesn't understand when I have different episodes?". She smiled her motherly smile.

"Simeon what do I always say?"

"I have the power to be positive and negative. I am positive".

"Yes, son be the little hyenna you are. Can I get a hug abhi you've grown". He shook his head and went to hug the chubby petite woman.

She gave him all her three phone numbers to him.

He went out to play candy crush on his phone while waiting for his mother to round up with the doctor. He loved his mum and he made sure that whatever his dreams were,she was never left out of it. The fact that his mother was an event planner, made this year fully booked for her. From weddings to anniversaries to birthdays to spontaneous celebrations. She didn't like the idea of leaving him alone and also, the fact that his mum doesn't like keeping still. She was also tired of the Lagos heat. She wanted to have a taste of how the north is, though it was also known for its heat, by this time of the year, the rain would have brought a little cold.

How would the north be?

Would they be shouting every now and then like he was used to here in Lagos? Would the streets be very rowdy and busy or not?

Were there going to be all sorts of carnival and big celebrations, or it was going to be a mind your business sort of thing?

Were plazas and shops going to be open around three in the morning or people will close earlier than that to sleep?

Well Lagos was a state that was known to be always awake; so he was a bit hopeful to experience the north.

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