Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Chapter 453: Bell of Solace

 The Edifice is a tall and sturdy stone tower with hints of age in every corners of the walls. Rollo opened the door and lead them up a series of old rickety stairs. From afar, she could fear Idia panic as he cried about the lack of an elevator as they began their climb. It was only ten of climbing the stair cases when audible gasps of air was heard from behind.

 "What's the matter? You've both gone strangely silent." Malleus noted in confusion as he watched the two gasp for air.

 "How many floors..." Azul panted in exhaustion as he grasped the rails, "is the bell tower...?"

 "Why don't they have an elevator? This place is in dire need of an upgrade..." Idia whined pitifully.

 Concerned, Epel called out to them, "Um, are you guys okay? You're covered in sweat."

 "Say, what if you took a broom up? Surely they have some brooms you could borrow..." Deuce said confident in his suggestion. 

 Jamil smirked in amusement, "What a cruel suggestion. Flying would just take them longer and exhaust them even more. So this is all it takes to reduce you to a miserable heap, Azul?"

 "Yes, you clearly need a more rigorous training regimen! You should follow Malleus's example!" Sebek stated in dismay.

 "Apologies for the climb. It's a very old building, so the only way up is on foot." Rollo explained, "Our school takes just as much pride in this bell tower as the bell itself. I do hope you'll take in all the scenery here. It's rather vast and complex, actually. They say that a person could even live here. But worry not; we're almost at the top."

 Someone could live here? Lotus frowned in deep thought. 

 "MADE IT!" Idia cried out before collapsing onto the stone floor.

 "So the top floor..." Azul gasped and collapsed next to him.

 Lotus looked around her curiously and saw the the top of the tower was rather old yet firm. there was no windows as the winds blew calmly past them. It was a rather wide open space with there still being room to hold all these people in one place. Perhaps a little too wide... 

 "Hm?" Grim pointed to the distance, "Is that it there?"

 Lotus looked up from her daze and saw the beautiful golden bell that was so large it reminded her of the ones that had been tolled by the monks in the temples each morning mantras, but much more simple and beautiful. 

 "Yes. Behold..." Rollo announces with a wide smile, "The Bell of Solace."

 "What a big bell!" Yuu exclaimed in surprise. 

 "Impressive. We have bells that toll to tell the time in Briar Valley, but I've never seen one so large." Malleus examined the bell in surprise, "I wonder if this bell would be able to arouse even you, Silver."

 "I can only hope so." He replied nervously at the thought as if it would be a last resort.

 As Lotus examined the bell closer, she noticed the mana from within it had diminished rather quickly over time. Did it disappear? She pondered in thought as she sent her divine sense to closely pinpoint the source of its spiritual energy. After a while, she paused and remained silent. 

 "Look at the way the sunbeams highlight its brilliant gold luster." Rook stated in awe as he examined the bell.

 "Is it actually made of pure gold?!" Ruggie exclaimed in disbelief.

 "Heh. Even if it was, you'd never be able to carry it back." Riddle sneered at him.

 "It's magnificent..." Trein responded with awe and seemingly emotional, "I'm so very glad I was able to view it in person. This will be a fine tale to tell my wife when we are reunited."

 Lotus gave a small smile before turning to Rollo and whispered with a grateful gesture, "Thank you for bringing all of us here, Rollo. We're very grateful you allowed us to see the bell in person. Especially for our professor. Our professor had probably been the one most wishing to witness the bell than us, newcomers."

 "Hmhmhm, I'm pleased to see how taken you all are with it." Rollo replied seemingly with a polite smile, "But its true draw lies not in its beauty."


 "Remember when I said that the Bell of Solace is a magical artifact? Well, not only is the bell infused with magic, but so is its sound." Rollo explained, "The ringing of the bells carries magic through the city, safeguarding our people. It's said that long ago, this very bell saved the city from a horrific disaster. Thus its name."

 "The sound of a bell saved an entire city?" Malleus looked to him in surprise.

 "Hmhmhm..." Rollo nodded, "Just as unfathomable magical might dwells within Night Raven College's Dark Mirror... So too does the Bell of Solace's ring contain a powerful magic. You'll find a great many rare magical plants growing here in Fleur City, which is another gift of the bell. Its sound suffuses the city with magic and spurs magical plants to grow rapidly. We have gorgeous magical flora that would wilt anywhere else. You won't find scenery like ours elsewhere. Our bell and the flowers are constant sources of reassurance to the people here."

 "How splendid! I can hardly wait to lay eyes on your floral city myself." Azul gave another flowery compliment.

 "We have a designated ringer sound the bell in the morning, at noon, and at night. What you just heard was the noon bell." Rollo explained, "Its solemn tolling wakes the city up, stirs its heart, then announces when it's time to rest."

 "Fascinating. So the locals structure their lives according to the peals of the bell..." Rook exclaimed in awe, "What beautiful organization! And look, out beyond the bell. What a view!" 

 Lotus looked out and could see the entire city around her. So, this was where the old man likes to spend his time. Seeing the view of people gathering in colorful outfits and enjoying their time in festivity, Lotus could tell that this was a view which would have brought a smile to that old man's crooked face.

 "Where now...? Whoa, I didn't realize just how high up we were!" Epel showed up behind her with Yuu and Grim appearing in suit.

 "Now that I'm lookin', I'm gettin' a little dizzy!" Grim noted as he shook his head so much so that Yuu had to carry him in his arms before he collapses.

 Lotus grabbed a hold of the two firmly, "If you're dizzy, don't look down. You'll be more likely to lose your balance otherwise."

 "Well, we did climb a lot of stairs. The people below look like ants from up here." Epel noted hesitantly.

 "What a sweeping view. Only but one word springs to mind: beauté!" Rook continued his compliments, "Is that a sparkling body of water leading out of the city a river?"

 "Yes—Noble Bell College sits in the center of a large river." Rollo nodded, "It's called the Soleil, and it actually joins to a much larger river elsewhere. The school is connected to the city by four bridges that cross the Soleil. We pride ourselves on this view as well."

 "Ah, so the Soleil runs through the middle of the city..." Jamil stated curiously as he looked around, "And Noble Bell College stands in the middle of the river."

 "Correct. Across the river, you can see the busiest road in Fleur City..." Rollo continued. 

 Lotus opened her mouth after some thought, "Soleil... By any chance, is this a natural river?" 

 "It is." Rollo nodded. 

 "... I see."

 Looking at the river and the land, Lotus was left deep in thought as she whispered amongst their chattering, "As expected... Fleur City is a masterpiece..."

 Malleus glanced over and whispered, "What is it?"

 Lotus closed her eyes in deep thoughts before whispering quietly, "I know you can hear me at this volume. So, listen well. If my suspicions are correct, then this city is not just a vibrant city of history. The land formation, the structure of this city, this bell tower... If my suspicions is correct, what we're standing on is the land of an ancient magic masterpiece probably dating back to when the phantom general was knighted in your kingdom."

 "That old?" Malleus looked to her in disbelief. 

 "Keep your gaze straight!" She hissed at him under her breath, "This is probably a secret only known by Pyroxene and the city alone. However, based on the design and flow of mana, this is very like a defense magic... and a very powerful one at that. Even now, it is still at play. The question is if it is at play, then this festival should be more important that it was meant to be. Now that the festival had been postponed for so long and the festival out of season, there must be more than meets the eye. I have to find master before then..."

 "Did you already find a clue?"

 "Who knows." She grumbled in dismay, "I may have to ask the fairies and see if they've seen anything... Hey, Malleus."


 She folded her arms in deep thought before continuing, "Do you remember what granny would often say to you when you were a kid?"

 "We've spent time on occassions whenever we could find the time. However, when accumulated, I am not certain which words you mean." 

 "She would always tell us words of reminder to dedicate our immense power to those around us. I figured she had said the same for you."

 "She did." 

 "Then, it looks like we will be forced to meddle in the safety of this city if the need arises." She grumbled. 

 "What are the odds?"

 "Out of a hundred? We're looking at a ninety-nine." She replied, "And very likely within the next day or so."

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