Twisted Rebirth of The Crimson Peony

Chapter 451: Rollo Flamme

 As soon as she said this, the sound of footsteps echoed the room loud and clear. She was certain that this pace and strength was not from their group as she looked to the source of the sound only to find three newcomers into the room.

 There was two students in what looked to be small berets, simple and short black robes, hoods, and small ribbons. In between the two, a tall young man with a pale complexion strode in calmly with an expressionless face. His hair is grey with streaks of white, and is styled short, like a mushroom cap, with short, choppy bangs in front. Heavy eye bags and thin pale lips... 

 He dawns a triangular maroon and black cap, black calf-length robes, black heeled shoes, and curtain-like fabrics on the back of his coat that is, of course, themed black and maroon. This boy gave a rather cold and blunt air as he responded calmly in polite greeting, "I've been expecting you."

 Noticing a swift glance at him, Malleus hummed in confusion, "Hm?"

 "Esteemed guests from Night Raven College, welcome to Noble Bell College." The boy continued.

 "Judging by your uniform, you must be the student the headmage mentioned." Trein concluded calmly.

 "That's right." Rollo responded politely, "My name is Rollo Flamme. I serve as the student council president here."

 "Oh, interesting." Riddle was the first to speak up in awe, "Our school doesn't have an independent student council, but it sounds like you all do."

 "Indeed. And while it may sound presumptuous, one could call it the face of our school." Rollo replied as the other two walked forward to his side, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

 Noticing the other two, Idia was taken aback in surprise, "Ack! Immediate encounter with strangers!"

 "Isn't the whole point of this social to meet strangers?" Azul scolded him in a hush tone.

 "Hm... This human named Rollo... There's something about his presence..." Sebek noted in deep thought.

 To his words, Rollo did not react at all as Epel noted hesitantly, "He's not smiling at all... Is he angry about something?"

 "This is our vice president, and this is our aide." He continued after having looked at the group calmly, "When they heard they could meet with such an esteemed group, they dropped everything and came running. The entirety of Noble Bell College welcomes you. Our school is small compared to yours, and you may find it lacking in some ways, but we beg your indulgence."

 "How courteous." Trein noted rather impressed, "You have impeccable manners for someone so young."

 "Huh, guess he just has resting deadpan face. But he's actually nice!" Deuce in relief.

 "Yeah. I'm glad we weren't doing anything to offend him." Silver nodded in agreement.

 "We couldn't allow you to keep hauling your luggage around, of course. Let me show you to your rooms." Rollo offered bluntly with polite gestures, "I'm afraid it's a bit of a walk. We can use it as an opportunity to get better acquainted, though."

 "Ugh, here we go with the guy who always wants to break the ice before gettin' to the main event..." Idia grumbled in despair, "You can't expect me to chat up a total stranger!"

 "Why is he even here?" Riddle whispered with great disappointment.

 "Not the most promising start..." Trein sighed in agreement. 

Following after this student, Lotus hummed quietly in her thoughts as she muttered softly, "Rollo. Flamme…"

Where did she hear this name before?

 As they exited the hall, they were led through a large courtyard as the boys chatted away with the other three from Nobel Bell College. To not make things look unusual, Lotus purposely kept her distance from Malleus as she listened in on their conversation carefully. 

 "Ah, so you're a junior." Azul noted in awe as he continued with his business like smile, "I imagine it's quite an honor being student council president, considering there can only be one in the whole school. I'm sure your academic performance is also superb and will guarantee you a promising future."

Rollo shook his head, "Noble Bell simply has a smaller student body. I can hardly compare to those of you from the great Night Raven College."

"Please, you needn't be so humble or formal. Why, you're technically my upperclassman!" Azul exclaimed warmly, "Everyone at my school would be overjoyed to acquaint themselves with such a fine individual."

"Hm... All right, as you wish. I won't stand on ceremony so much." Rollo responded.

"He's laying it on thiiick!" Idia ushered in horror as his eyes widened in disbelief and tugged on Azul's sleeve, "Uh, hey, excuse me, Azul..."

"What? Can't you see I'm busy?" Azul grumbled in dismay.

"Dude, why're you cozying up extreme-style?" Idia hushed nervously, "It's making me nervous. I know whenever you're that friendly, it means you're up to no good."

"Despite his modesty, he occupies a position equal to us housewardens. There's no question he's an exceptional mage.

Hence, it only makes sense to build a rapport with him while we can." Azul whispered back with an unprovoked smile, "...For the sake of future interests!"

"I've been observing Ashengrotto for a while. Is that how one expands their social circle?" Malleus interrupted their conversation curiously, "Perhaps I should take a leaf from his book."

"The damage is spreading...!" Idia nearly fainted on the spot.

During this time, they finally took note that Rollo has not said a word despite being within earshot the entire time. Azul cleared his throat and continued his conversation, "Ah, but where are my manners? I've gotten ahead of myself. Apologies for the belated introduction. I'm—"

"Introductions won't be necessary. I already know who all of you are." Rollo interrupted him abruptly as he explained much to their displeasure, "You're Azul Ashengrotto, housewarden of Octavinelle and a merman from the Coral Sea."

"My, my. Where did you get that information?" Azul responded as he pushed up his glasses with a hand trying to hide the displeasure from showing.

"And you're Idia Shroud, housewarden of Ignihyde and affiliated somehow with the Shroud family." Rollo continued.

"Eep! How... How'd you know?" Idia jumped back and shuddered behind an unplaced Azul.

"And YOU..." Rollo continued with a pause, "You are Malleus Draconia, scion of the ruling fae in Briar Valley and one of the top five mages in the world. Correct?"

Hearing this, Lotus watched everything quietly as another piece quietly fell into its place within the puzzle. She scoffed inside and watched on in silence.

"Indeed, I am Malleus Draconia." Malleus smiled rather amused.

"Of course the great Malleus would be known even in such a tiny burg!" Sebek exclaimed excitedly.

Rollo pulled out a violet handkerchief and seemingly covered his mouth with it as he continued, "You are Sebek Zigvolt, and you hail from the same land as Malleus. The one next to you is Silver."

As he put away the handkerchief, he turned to the others in front chatting away and continued, "And over there chatting with our vice president is Riddle Rosehearts, housewarden of Heartslabyul... Rook Hunt, vice housewarden of Pomefiore, Jamil Viper, vice housewarden of Scarabia... Ruggie Bucchi, Deuce Spade, and Epel Felmier. I thorougly perused the documents Mr. Crowley so kindly sent, you see."

"It's like privacy's a foreign concept to that man..." Azul muttered in disbelief.

"That could get you sued in this day and age." Idia agreed with a serious scowl on his face.

"You must have a very good memory, to recall so many different names." Silver praised him in surprise.

"It's simply because I was eager to meet such talented mages." Rollo responded humbly before approaching Yuu and Grim, "...But who have we here?"

 "Hm?" Grim raised a brow in confusion.

 "You two there. Might I ask your names?" Rollo questioned calmly.

 "I'm the great Grim, future great mage!" Grim stated proudly.

 "I'm Yuu. Nice to meet you!" Yuu replied with a polite smile on his face.

 "Ah, you must be the student attendants Mr. Crowley mentioned." Rollo said with a welcome gesture again, "He said you couldn't use magic. I certainly wasn't expecting you to bring a familiar."

 "A familiar...? Wait, are you talkin' about me?! It's the other way around! I'm the boss, and Yuu's my hench-human!" Grim threw his tantrum angrily.

 "Heh, what a dependable companion you have." Rollo sneered as he continued with a small smile, "Yuu, I imagine it must be taxing living among mages all the time. I entreat you to forget about school while you're here and enjoy a moment of respite in Fleur City. And I hope the rest of you will enjoy the social."

 "I'm truly grateful for your hospitality." Malleus said politely with a smile.

 "Hmhmhm, think nothing of it." Rollo gave a small smile, "...Ah, but look here. This is our front square. It's something of a symbol for our school."

 As they walked out of the corridors, they came upon what looked to be a larger area of the courtyard or perhaps the front entrance of the school with a large statue of a tall stern man on a scary horse in the courtyard.


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