Chapter 34: No Hesitation To Kill
"Magical Shift Tournament?" Yuu looked to Lotus curiously.
Lotus shook her head, "It's a sports from what I've known, but I don't have too much interest in it."
"What? Prefect, you don't know Magift?" Ace looked to him in bewilderment after wiping away the sweat from their battle with the ghosts.
"If he was from another world where it doesn't exist, then how would he know?" Lotus smirked, "Not to mention, he has been studying with Grim quite often now."
"I'm sure that's because you make them study hard all day..." Ace pointed out with a grumble.
"It's famous around the world." Deuce explained, "There's a pro league and world cup too."
"I don't know, either!" Grim pointed out.
"Now the two of you do." Lotus pointed out with a smile.
"Magical shift..." Ace began, "Magift for short is a sport played by two teams of seven. Put simply, there's a disk that you have to throw through the other team's goal to score points. The team with the most points wins."
"Sounds like American football." Yuu noted curiously.
"Ameri...can... foot...ball?" Lotus raised a brow, "A sport in your world?"
Yuu nodded. Crowley hummed aloud, "Hmm. It's not something I've heard before. I'll look it up next time I'm in the library. It might even turn into a lead."
"Is the sport also a big thing in your world?" Lotus questioned curiously.
"It's known world wide, in fact." Yuu responded, "From my home town's perspective, it's a foreign sport that's widely loved. I don't play it too often since I lack physical strength."
Ace hummed, "But it might be hard for you to take part in a game of magift, Prefect."
"Why's that?" Grim questioned in confusion.
Lotus looked to Deuce who nodded.
"Magical shift is a spot that uses magic." he explained as he folded his arms over his chest, "The disk is carried with magic, defense and offense also use magic."
"How big a spectacle you can make with magic is also part of being a great player." Ace added.
"Yes!" Crowley confirmed firmly before an entertainer smile played on his lips again, "That's why Night Raven College is known as a champion around the world! Countless amuni have gone to be pro players!"
He cleared his throat before continuing, "Magift is just an athletic sport but one that uses magic to compete as well. Our school's inter-dorm magical shift tournament is attended by representatives of pro leagues and those from different magical industries around the world. The arena will be lined with food stalls and visitors from different countries will grace the stadium. It is a tournament that'll make your palms sweat and works the whole world into a frenzy that live broadcast TV cameras."
"TV cameras?" Lotus frowned.
"Wooow..." Yuu's jaw dropped, "Amazing. I guess Night Raven college's is well known to the point that it'd even reach the media..."
"World wide broadcast?!" Grim's eyes lit up in awe, "So if I play in that tournament the world wide will be paying attention to me?!"
"Certainly!" Crowley smiled, "Those who play in the tournament will without a doubt become popular with pro leagues and any number of sponsors."
"In your case, Grim," Deuce pointed out, "I think they'd be more surprised by seeing a monster play."
"Oh yeah!" Grim cheered, "I'll start some special training today and stand out to everyone in that stadium!"
Lotus sighed in exasperation and shook her head as Crowley spoke up, "Oh but Grim, you can't play at all."
"Huh?" Grim looked up in confusion.
"Haven't I said 'Inter-dorm' several times already." Crowley pointed out and shook his head in exasperation too, "Your dorm doesn't meet the seven person requirement does it? So you can't even apply."
"Eeeeh?!?! How can that be!!!"
After returning with a discontent Grim, Lotus was then bombarded with Grim's cries. she sighed wondering how the cat became so selfish as of late. She shook her head in dismay before checking on Yuu who was busy looking over the books. She smirked and began to leave to her room where she started cultivating once more.
With her gone, Grim smirked and began to sneak to the front door for his getaway. He sneered, "Now that Lotus is gone, I can make my getaway..."
Suddenly, a knock on the door jolted Grim as he jumped in bewilderment.
"Fgnnaaaa! Wh-Who's there?!"
"Oh! Is that you, Grim? It's me, Cater!"
"Cater?" Grim looked up in bewilderment.
"Oh, Grim?" Yuu, who came to the foyer looked over in surprise, "Who is it?"
"Cater." Grim responded in confusion.
"Cater-senpai?" Yuu raised a brow and opened the door in surprise.
"Yo!" Cater smiled with his usual hand gesture of three fingers, "I'm here to look for one of your students."
"Me?!" Grim looked to him curiously.
"Ah, no." Cater shook his head.
"Then, it's Lotus." Yuu concluded, "Speaking of him..."
Yuu took out a piece of paper from the vase on the table and handed it to Grim, "He told me to give this to you if you ever reached here."
"Me?" Grim raised a brow and snatched the paper for a glance, "'If you want to become the best wizard, you need knowledge... or no cans of tuna for a week'?! Fgnaaaa?!"
With this, Grim fainted on the ground as Yuu's eyes widen in surprise, "Grim?!"
"Wah..." Cater wore a wry smile having understood the situation, "Lotus just might be scarier than dorm leader Rosehearts..."
With Grim in his arms, Yuu looked to Cater with a small apologetic smile, "Sorry about that, Cater-senpai. You need Lotus?"
Cater nodded, "Yeah. I just have something to ask him about."
"I see..." Yuu nodded, "He's currently in his room studying."
"Ah..." Cater wore a troubled expression, "Then, I shouldn't disturb him right now."
"I think it's fine." Yuu responded, "He told me that I can let him know if someone's coming to see him."
"Oh!" Cater smiled, "Then, I hope it's no trouble."
"It's not." Yuu smiled, "You can go wait in the lounge while I go get him."
"Then, I'll take you up on the offer!"
After Yuu led him to the lounge, Yuu hurried to go bring Lotus out as Cater noted nervously, "He could catch Grim in the act without being there and the Prefect follows what he says... I wonder who really runs Ramshackle Dorm..."
In her room, Lotus had been cultivating for a while into the evening when she heard a knock on her door. She raised a brow and got up, "Yuu?"
"Yeah, it's me." Yuu responded, "Cater-senpai came looking for you."
"Cater-senpai?" Lotus raised a brow and got off the bed when she suddenly felt a pain on her stomach.
She scowled. as she could feel the ache on her shoulder. Though the wound has closed, it hasn't completely healed. Taking her medicine, she could assume that she'll need a few more days on her dantian and another two for her shoulder.
She went ahead and took her book with her as she walked out of her room as if nothing had happened with a welcoming smile on her face, "Okay. It's starting to get late, did he say what it was for?"
Yuu shook his head curiously, "No. But it looks like he wants to talk with you."
"I see." Lotus nodded and turned to Yuu, "I'll go and check it out. Sorry to bother you, Yuu."
"It's fine." Yuu smiled, "Just let me know if you need any help."
"I understand." Lotus nodded obediently.
After Yuu returned to his room, Lotus took her book with her and headed to the lounge. The halls have been cleaned after so much time has been put into it, so the place was starting to look a lot better. When she reached the lounge, she found Cater sitting on the sofa with his phone in hand, "Apologies, Cater-senpai. Looks like I made you wait for a while."
"Nah." Cater smiled waving it off, "I actually didn't wait all that long."
She took a seat across from him and asked, "You were looking for m-... Cater-senpai...?"
"Yeah?" Cater gave a wry smile of confusion.
"Are you..." Lotus shook her head with a sigh, "Nevermind..."
She got up much to Cater's confusion and asked again signaling a silence with her finger, "How is Dorm Leader Riddle? I heard he wasn't feeling too well after the overblot incident?"
She pulled out a needle from her pocket much to Cater's bewilderment as she went around his back. Nervous, he gulped and said, "H-He's doing much better now. Trey and I have been helping him out managing the freshmen together since then and he's gotten more lenient with everyone. Eek!"
Lotus had struck Cater's collar before using another to remove a small blue spider from under the collar. When she revealed a shiny blue spider Cater jumped in horror back on the sofa. He shuddered, "Wh-What is that?!"
Lotus sighed, "God damn it... It's a Metalic Sapphire... Cater... Just what did Riddle get himself into?"
"Eh?" Cater looked to her in confusion, "W-What do you mean?"
She took a seat back down and dropped the barely alive spider on the table. She sighed, "Metallic Sapphire is a tarantula that lives in colonies in the forest further South. It's sensitive to light, so this one hid under your collar. But, it's not something that can be tamed by normal means. You better tell me now that you've led it here. This tarantula isn't your regular solitary tarantula, they operate in colonies. The fact that you led it here is being known back to the colony. So, what in the world did Riddle get himself into?"
"Uh..." Cater was reluctant to tell before he finally sighed, "That's..."
He finally recounted the situation with the kirin back to Lotus while leaving out the attack and, when he was done, Lotus feigned surprise. She stared at him with wide eyes, "Wait. You said that there was a kirin born on Heartslabyul!"
"Shhh!!!" Cater snapped with a scowl.
"Ah, sorry." Lotus settled herself back down and thought for a bit before she sighed and shook her head, "Fine. I'll tell you a little bit about Kirins."
"You know about them?" Cater's eyes narrowed in bewilderment.
Lotus nodded, "I'm not as well-versed, but my biological father once owned a few beasts himself. My mother had once read to me about kirins when I was young. They are said to be the messenger of heaven and dictates who is to become the next emperor in ancient times. They are like the symbol of power for the emperors. Wise and powerful, they are the symbols of the emperor's power just as the dragons are the symbol of the emperor themselves."
"There's such a history?" Cater raised a brow.
Lotus nodded, "It was common knowledge when my family's ancestors still owned land in this world, but I can't say it's the same anymore. They're very much nomadic now. However, there are many types of kirins. There are some who look more like dragons and other more like horses."
"Horses." Cater pointed out with a frown, "I remember the little guy. He had a white horse face and a gold tail with mane."
"White and gold?!" Lotus grimaced, "You should get Riddle to pull away now."
"What's wrong?" Cater raised a brow.
"Kirin's have multiple branches." Lotus explained, "What Riddle encountered with is one descended from the main lineage. They are very powerful. Once they reached juvenile, they're capable of shattering boulders and they aren't herbivores like horses. They're omnivores. They don't feast on humans... unless you get on their bad side."
"You should pull back." Lotus sighed, "It's because they are so powerful that so many people from my origin wants them for themselves. I'm telling you to pull back not because the Kirin is dangerous, but the people from my birthplace is. They aren't tied down by laws. In fact, as long as you have the power to overcome society, you aren't tied down by the laws. So, they aren't going to hesitate to kill."