Twisted Realm

Chapter 31 - promote

Meng Xuan felt that he was frozen, his whole body was cold, and even his thinking seemed to be frozen, making it difficult to think.

But he still firmly remembered that he had to complete all the ritual steps, and almost instinctively stepped towards the burning purple sala wood fire.

When his legs gradually came into contact with the jumping flames, an extremely warm feeling flooded his heart.

His frozen body seemed to have regained part of his mobility, and his brain had regained part of his thoughts. He heard the monster behind him babbling more in pain and anger.

“In sacrificial prayer ceremonies, the ancient Nelsons would hold hands and cross a burning bonfire, they believed that the flame could dispel the negative information in their body representing evil, darkness, disease, death, and bring light and good luck to themselves… …”

Meng Xuan suddenly remembered “where did he come from” and what he said about the ancient customs left over from the Nelson series of civilizations.

The legend is true…

Meng Xuan suddenly felt as if he had witnessed the legend. After regaining consciousness, he continued to slowly and firmly walk towards the fire of purple salawood.

The roaring bonfire did not bring any burning sensation to Meng Xuan, but only a sense of extreme warmth.

The monster on his back became even more violent, emitting a sharp and twisted angry roar.

Meng Xuan saw from the reflection of the glass fragments that more black lines gushed out from the monster’s body. A steady stream of attempts poured into his body, and the monster itself, struggling constantly, seemed to want to move his hands and break Meng Xuan’s head.

But the complex blood-colored chains reconstructed from the ritual pattern bound him firmly, and no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn’t move.

As Meng Xuan’s legs and part of his body gradually passed through the flames, the monster’s body began to burn violently, causing it to let out an unhuman scream.


The moment Meng Xuan completely stepped over the fire.

Canopy! !

The monster’s body was completely ignited, turning into a blazing flame, and the flames shone the entire room red.


It seems that there is the sound of something breaking, the silent world seems to be broken, the trance in my mind is quickly sobering up, and the indescribable distortion and strangeness is passing like a tide.

Everything became real.

Meng Xuan only felt his legs soften, and fell to his knees on the ground, gasping for breath, as if he had just been rescued from the brink of suffocation.

The cold sweat wet his clothes. He feels very tired now, his mind is swollen, and some unknown information has been implanted in his consciousness.

The ceremonial pattern on the ground is still bright red, the small pot has fallen to one side, and the pile of purple salsify is still slowly burning, releasing traces of heat, bringing light and warmth.

Everything that just happened was like an illusion.

But Meng Xuan knew that the terrifying and bizarre phenomenon that had just happened was definitely not just an illusion.

“If I didn’t hold onto the last shred of reason, I didn’t stick to all the steps to complete the ritual…”

Meng Xuan dared not imagine the consequences, and at the same time he fully understood why the ritual of twisting the secret medicine required the recipient to have a strong and firm willpower.

Against distortion and madness, once you can’t keep your senses, you are likely to become mad, die, or even become a part of the monster and become its carrier in the world.

The road of twisting assimilation is much more dangerous and mysterious than he imagined.

“The corresponding ceremony needs to be more careful in the future. You must leave the laboratory as soon as possible to find more knowledge about the ancient Nelson civilization. It is best to have the inheritance of its writing system. Before you have a deeper understanding of its writing, finally Translation of a ceremony on hold…”

Meng Xuan made a decision in his heart. At this time, he was still a little scared. If he hadn’t been more careful, he first determined the uncertain parts of the ritual steps, and did not act recklessly, otherwise he would probably fall this time.

Ritual is very rigorous, just like the most sophisticated instruments and codes, slight mistakes in any link may cause the failure of the ritual and cause disastrous consequences.

This is Meng Xuan’s deep experience after holding two secret medicine ceremonies.

Therefore, he felt that the translation of the last ceremony needed to be postponed, and only when it was confirmed that the translation could be complete and correct, would he consider preparing for the third ceremony.

He hurriedly packed up the remaining materials of the Blood Origin Ceremony, cleaned the ritual traces on the ground, and made simple trace processing with sand and surrounding wastes. With a large bag of things, he rode a small electric motor and drove out. After a distance of about two or three kilometers, a pit was dug, and the discarded ritual materials were set on fire, then filled with soil and buried, and returned home.



Saturday afternoon at three.

Meng Xuan didn’t go to the library, but put on his big schoolbag early and took the bus to the North District.

Black O Budokan.

“Morning Coach Meng!!”

Seeing Meng Xuan slowly walk into the door, Xiao He and Xiao Wen, the two reception girls at the front desk, immediately tightened their bodies and said hello to Meng Xuan loudly.

“Is there no one else around?”

Meng Xuan glanced at the deserted martial arts and asked Xiaohe and Xiaowen.

“No…No, the boss and the others didn’t come, and no students came to exercise.”

Xiaowen stammered in response, she always felt that Meng Xuan’s eyes were a bit strange and scary when he looked at them.

“Okay, I’ll use the practice field on the second floor. Don’t come up and disturb me if you’re okay.”

Meng Xuan retracted his gaze and said softly.

“Okay… okay!”

Xiaohe and Xiaowen nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

After ignoring the two little girls, Meng Xuan walked to the training ground on the second floor, which was completely empty.

Meng Xuan put down the backpack on his back, entered the locker room, changed into a loose martial arts uniform, and went to the equipment rack to get a ten kilogram training iron knife, which he held in his hand.

A sense of heaviness came. Meng Xuan stepped out of the knife-holding position with a ten-kilogram iron knife in his hand, and made one or two slashing movements. Don’t stop moving.

“Physical fitness is still not good. A ten-kilogram iron knife is very difficult for me now. It is better to hold a knife with both hands. I can barely swing the knife with one hand, and the movements will be deformed.”

Meng Xuan is probably aware of his current physical fitness. Although his ability to sense sensations has strengthened his reaction and intuition, his body is always a weak point.

“Then now, try your new ability…”

Meng Xuan held the knife in one hand, leaned the knife beside him, and closed his eyes.

He focused all his attention, sensing some unknown information that the ritual had injected into his consciousness.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and the bright red bloodshots on the whites of his eyes were like cobwebs, clearly visible, adding a bit of a ferocious feeling.

“Blood Origin!!”

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