Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Change and Punishment.


I was kept there overnight. At dawn, A guard escorted me before a judge.

"Ein Sinclair? You stand Accused of Theft of Garbage from a lawful buisness. Do you admit to such Crimes?"

"I cannot deny them, Sir. But I had good reason to do so."

"I Care not for your Reason, Boy. You admit to your crime, and therefore Shall be punished accordingly. Now, ordinarily you would be made to work in the mines for a year but... Well...."

 He looked around, And a robed man Gave him confirmation.

"Sigh. The king has ordered that you be, instead, made a test subject of the royal wizard. I will Allow HIM to explain what that Entails."

The robed man, Who had a Red Beard as long as he was tall, Walked up to the judge, then turned to me.

"A Sinclair is perfect, Boy... because my experiments are 5o benefit one of your Fellow Orphans from Sinclair. The Saintess. I'm going to test As many Potions and Spells on you as it takes! Once I Achieve Success, well... Then, assuming you still live, You will be freed. Understood?"

I didn't get to reply, as a guard put a bag over my head. And knocked me out.

I woke up Chained to a table, Completely naked, as the Wizard began his work. At first he Tried Various spells... my body Burned and Scarred from lightning and fire, My left arm was consumed by a failed polymorph spell... then he attempted Surgical methods... he took it away. Everything that marked me as a man... he cut it away with a curved blade... and tried to graft on monster parts. Finally, After what must have been days of torture, Came the potions. That was the worst part... by the end, my body was just a misshapen lump of Flesh, my arm and legs ah liquified, and fused into my body... I couldn't speak, couldn't Scream... when he approached for the last time.

"Now, Test subject, this will either kill you... or Restore you, in a new body! Let's find out Which, shall we?" He began to pour the glowing purple Ooze down my throat... And I lost consciousness.

When I came to, I was still tied down... but it was on a bed instead. I could hear laughter.

"Alright boys, our wizard gave us a treat! His Experiment was successful, and his test subject Is technically Free to go... in the morning. Before then, We get to have some Fun With her! So. Who wants to go First?"

There was a clamorous noise, then the door opened, and the guard that had knocked me out at the Trial came in.

"Hmm... gotta say, Kid, That Wizard Does good work. The potion didn't just change you... it repaired any damages as well... and your new body is NICE." He started to remove his clothing and Armor. "Well. Time to have me some fun. Heh hey heh."

I wanted to scream, but I was gagged... I... 47 men, and three women... i was Raped Fifty times that night. It should have broken me, hell, the torture should have broken me... but I just kept thinking about the kids, Hoping they were Alive... and I got through it. I was sore, Bloody, And Naked... And they just tossed me out into the slums.

I managed to get to the orphanage... and Explain what happened to me after one of the kids Fetched Granny. She held me while I cried. It took me two days to recover enough to walk, And Granny loaned me some of her old clothes, from when she was first appointed to the orphanage almost forty years prior. She also gave me my new name.

"We cant keep calling you Ein, Child... it will draw too much attention. So why not Eina? That way, if any of the kids make a mistake it won't be noticeable."

"Okay. It's so close to my original name, it makes mo difference."

Things returned to normal, for a bit... I had to get used to a new way of doing things, but i adapted. I almost thought I could put it all in the past...  but i was Wrong.

Next chapter in a few days, hopefully

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