Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

As Days Go by

[The tale of a nameless soldier]

White wings. They are all she had of her family. Raised by a Lion-kin named, ironically, Leonhardt, She was a kind girl... So when Leonhardt Joined his Lovers Mercenary band, she joined as well... At only 12 years old, She couldn't do much, But as time passed she became an expert with a Bow... Using her Wings To strike from above, She became the Air Support... Then, Around her 21st birthday, they were forced into service by the northern Queen, Saluna. It was now that she'd see the atrocities of war first hand... it sickened her. But then they met their fate... so she remained In The Town, Caring for the distraught woman... and they grew closer... Monsters came, The town was damaged, And soon it was naught but ruins... and her Affection for The Young Mother grew Every day...

[Sulea Ruins, Two months later, Auron POV]

I was afraid of what I'd find, when we arrived at sulea... or what used to be Sulea. Enemy occupation, and the increased number of monsters, had destroyed much if the town, But A few buildings were standing. I was surprised when I encountered A Young Woman Wearing Old, Tattered Leather Armor. Upon her back were Wings, identifying her as a Bird-kin of some kind... Pure White Hair, Deep Green eyes... She looked like Some kind of Angel.

"Who are you? Where are the surviving residents?"

"I... I don't have a name, Sir. I was never given one... But the Lady calls me Blanc. As for survivors, There's only The Lady..."

"What lady? Is it Eina? How did you come to be here?"

"I was a mercenary, hired by the northern kingdom... but that's in the past, As I never saw combat... but I saw the goddess... and I serve her. Follow me."

Seigfried and I followed the girl, and she led us to Eina's Estate... Where We found Eina, Praying before a small Cross made of Wood. And it hit me, I didn't see Ivan Anywhere.

"Oh no. Eina? Are you Okay?"

"Took you long enough. No. I'm not Okay. But I will be. Auron... Take me to my babies... I..." She looked at me... and her eyes looked Dead... Tears were flowing, but the light she usually had was gone... "Please! I need to see them... to make sure they are safe..."

"Alright. We'll go. But what about that Mercenary?"

"Blanc comes with me. She helped me... helped me.... do what needed to be done... She kept me alive when I was lost in despair..."

"Very well."

When we arrived back in the capital, And she saw The girls, She broke down... it would be a long time before she could smile again.

[A year later, Royal Capital, (nameless soldier) Blanc POV]

I feel like a monster. Standing here, Watching The lady marry The Bard. Shes beautiful, And he is Quite Dashing, But... Things Were Complicated... All this time, Lady Eina And I had grown closer, And I confessed my love to her... Last night. The eve of her wedding. And she smiled. They're kissing now... as it should be, considering... Lady Eina is Pregnant, you see... Its Ronan's Child... but it hurts my heart, and I feel Twisted and wrong. Still though... those two months in the Ruins were the happiest of my life... 

It's over now. The ceremony. And We all go back into the Estate provided by the King. I returned to my room, Mind made up. I would leave. Just as I began packing, I heard my door open... And turned to find Eina, Ronan beside her, looking Angry.

"NO! Unpack. You aren't leaving us."

"But my lady..."

Ronan was smiling... a slightly pained look in his eyes. "I'd do what she says, if I were you... Honestly, I dont mind... Today, my wish was granted... and that's enough."

"What... what are you talking about?"

"You. He's talking about you. Officially, Ronan is now my Husband... the Lord of the estate... And I do care deeply for him, but... I've realized what I feel for him isn't love. Its comfort. Being With Ronan is Comfortable... but it's not like it was, Before."

"People change... But as long as Eina is happy, I won't complain. Besides i... I love her, I truly do... but I also love Someone else, Someone I've met recently."

"Why tell me all of this?"

Eina looked at me, And sighed. "Because I Also Fell in love with someone else. Who was there for me when I wanted to die..."

"Oh. I'm sure they're a wonder person, but i still don't understand what that has to do with me, or why it keeps me from leaving."

"Hahaha! Is she Really this Dense? Reminds Me of Me!" A young Woman I recognized Slipped into the room, and locked arms with Ronan... 

"The Schoolteacher? REALLY?"

"Yes. It started While the Girls Were Attending her classes... And I felt horrible but... Eina Said she didn't mind..."

"I don't. As for what this has to do with you..." 

I felt her hands around me, her arms pulling me in... the such sweet softness on my lips... With a bit of tongue.

"I love you, you Idiot..."

My body was filled with warmth... and I smiled... I guess I'm staying... 

there ya go folks. Poll answered. It's not Exactly A normal Relationship... But it works. Officially married, but Each Seeing Another... it could be sad, but it's not. Its Amicable...

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