Chapter 60
The monster who introduced herself as Akari—no, the person—no, the monster was quite peculiar.
Unlike ordinary monsters who act hostile towards humans, she seemed subtly friendly, you could say.
At first, Sapphire was on high alert, but after seeing other monsters keeping their distance, she started to feel a liking towards Akari.
To human eyes, the appearance of a monster was, quite literally, horrifying.
“Hmm, hmm~♪”
She hummed an unknown song while enjoying splashing in the water.
Sitting on a rock near the beach, Akari began to swing her legs, quietly observing her surroundings.
It felt like a cat amusing itself to relieve boredom.
When Akari started to put strength into her legs, a huge splash, enough to overcome even the waves, erupted.
Watching the monsters flailing in the splash was more enjoyable than expected.
She easily got bored.
After a while of splashing, Akari pouted her lips, seemingly uncomfortable with the seawater on her feet.
‘…Is she really a monster?’
Though she was a type of monster never seen before, she seemed more like a girl who just called herself a monster.
She was capricious, often made profound statements, but wasn’t entirely dark-hearted.
Initially deceived by first impressions, Sapphire would be on guard every time she slept, but seeing Akari fall asleep first, even the remaining guard melted away.
‘If you want to know about someone, observing them closely is the best way.’
Recalling her father’s words, Sapphire focused on every action of Akari.
What were the differences from ordinary monsters?
What were the bases of her behavior patterns?
Was she truly a threat to humanity, and if so, in what ways and to what extent?
There were so many facts to know and so many she wanted to know.
“If some magical girl had answered me, it would have been much more fun~”
‘She holds a grudge longer than expected.’
Though she didn’t seem to hold grudges deeply, she could drag them out annoyingly long.
Like a cat.
…Why a cat comes to mind when observing a monster in human form, who knows.
“So, are you not going to tell me?”
“…Is it that important to you?”
“Just imagining a magical girl in despair, from a monster’s perspective, isn’t it natural to be curious?”
Disliking close attention, yet not caring about distance when demanding what she wants.
As Akari leaned in close enough for noses to touch, Sapphire turned her head slightly, and Akari stepped back with a meaningful smile.
‘Her basic way of thinking leans more towards a monster…’
But it feels like a mix of human and monster.
Thus, it was impossible to conclude leaning towards either side.
Perhaps a separate approach was needed to deal with Akari.
Just as humans slightly alter their behavior with different people.
“Go away. Don’t bother me.”
Grr, grrr—
“Magical girls are lurking nearby?”
Humans can’t understand the language of monsters, but Akari, who can speak human language, understands monster language. Could humans also understand monster language?
As this thought crossed her mind, Akari frowned, seemingly displeased with the fact that magical girls were nearby.
“It seems they’ve come to save you. What will you do?”
“…Would it be better for you if I left?”
“Why would a magical girl care about a monster’s thoughts? Leave if you want to.”
Grumbling, Akari started to walk towards her.
“Good timing. I was about to tell you to leave.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, well.”
Akari evaded, clearly not wanting to elaborate.
Surely, it was because she was bored or had lost interest.
Her actions and words were more impulsive than one might think.
“So, how was it?”
“How was what?”
“The observation, the observation.”
With her chest puffed out, there was a childlike innocence in her demeanor.
Short or long, the time spent.
While first impressions often determine one’s judgment of a person, Akari wasn’t someone who could be judged in such a short time.
But there were a few things that could be confirmed.
“She’s dangerous. If she infiltrates human society in human form, who knows what she might do.”
“She’s capricious, acts impulsively often. She might seem to act calculatedly, but that’s just how her uniqueness makes her appear to others.”
Akari fell silent at Sapphire’s words.
She didn’t seem upset. Just stared with her red eyes glowing, interested.
Though she acted on whims, surprisingly, she never seemed excited.
Thus, her impulsive actions seemed all the more calculated.
“If that’s the perspective of a magical girl towards a monster… my perspective as a human is slightly different.”
Since her behavior seemed a mix of monster and human, the answers should also be split.
What was said so far was from a magical girl’s perspective towards a monster, but now, it was from a human’s perspective towards a human.
First of all—
“Wait, were you about to speak to me as if I were human?”
“There’s nothing as foolish as treating a non-human as a human.”
It was more advice than scolding.
As if asking why a human would speak to a monster as if it were human.
Certainly, she was right.
Akari was just a monster who could speak human language.
If she hadn’t spoken, there would have been no conversation like this.
“Yes, speak.”
“You were curious about what I thought when I was in despair, right?”
Now it was clear.
Why she had fed on despair.
Thinking thoughts she wouldn’t normally have, despairing, and pouring out the memories hidden in her heart.
“I remembered when my parents passed away.”
Because the other wasn’t human.
Perhaps emotions that couldn’t be poured out to the same person could be poured out, reflexively.
I, too, was an impulsive person.
“There was a fire at home, and both passed away, holding me until the last moment.”
An accident caused not by a monster, but by humans.
No, perhaps it should be called an incident rather than an accident.
Twisting my lips at the bitterness in my mouth, Akari smiled slyly at me.
“Is it okay to tell me such things?”
“It’s because it’s you. Your friends can’t speak human language.”
The pitiful looks after hearing about my parents’ death.
And the whispers behind my back.
What was harder to bear than my parents’ death was the looks and reactions of others.
“So you poured out what was in your heart to me. Emotions you couldn’t pour out to fellow humans.”
“If it upset you, I’m sorry.”
Apologizing quickly to Akari, who twitched her eyebrows.
In a way, it was like committing a discourtesy.
Pouring out things not even expressed to fellow humans to someone not long met.
“You still see me as human, don’t you? Otherwise, there’s no reason to apologize to me.”
“Go see a hospital when you go back. Mental illnesses are dangerous if not treated in time.”
Nodding quietly at the sincerely given advice.
A hospital… perhaps I really was ill.
Deceiving myself with a single word of being okay, not realizing until now.
“Thank you for the advice, Akari.”
“If you’re thankful, then just go. You’re boring now.”
The relieved expression at hearing the desired answer quickly changed to one of having achieved what was wanted.
Indeed, she’s capricious and easily bored.
If she were human, such a personality would have been off-putting, but since she wasn’t, it was surprisingly okay.
Most importantly, after hearing my answer, she didn’t show pity or ask if I was okay.
“I’ll come again next time.”
“What are you coming back for? Just spread some rumors. Say there’s a terrifying monster living here that you should never approach.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“…Really, such a boring human.”
Clicking her tongue, Akari spoke, and after watching her for a moment, I slowly walked away.
Somehow, it seemed like I would be seeing her often.