TS reincarnated in Harem text

Chapter 53: Entrance Highschool (2)


After the exaggerated confession happened, it didn't stop the time from continuing to move forward. Every cherry blossom petal couldn't climb back to their home. Students couldn't stop their excitement and nervousness when they entered a new environment. It was just that time ruthlessly flew away without waiting for anyone.

The sudden silence due to a half-hearted confession had disappeared, returning the lousy noise of youths. Soon, the Stardust Academy was filled with many High or Middle School students. They chatted with each other to make a new friend in advance or they were just simply a loner like this girl over there.

Suiri's eyes locked on a tall figure nervously looking around without knowing what to do. Just as you expected, the loner bocchi, Shimori Akari kept her straight face and her eyes wandered around like a fish in a tank. 

A few seconds ago, Suiri panickedly ran away from the predator Himeki and sneaked into the school hall. And then, she caught Akari's figure there. Miwako and Suiri had separated because Miwako also had her own business.


Suiri approached Akari in no time, causing Akari to jump in surprise. If this place didn't have people, Akari's face would be out of control, exposing her bocchi personality. Akari's defense was vulnerable in front of Suiri, who knew her truest self.

"Ah, Sui-c...Student Hoshiyuki-san"

Akari almost broadened her smile but held back in time. She was a little excited but nervous at the same time. Honestly, Akari had several questions in her mind but Suiri had gone abroad for almost a week. As the same music freak, they had many similarities and various topics to discuss without a stop. Unfortunately, their close relationship must be kept a secret forever.

Who knew if some extreme idiots would pop up to cause trouble everywhere?

Even though Shimori Akari was a guitarist for Suiri, who kept her identity incognito, she borrowed a stage name, The Savior who rescued the musical industry with her weapon, an electric guitar that could smash your head...Just kidding, Engaki Guitar's Z. This was the price for selling Suiri's image. What you did, what you talked about, and what mannerisms you made, you would be stared at like an animal in the red list. As long as you made a mistake, they would condemn you.

If Akari were exposed as Suiri's guitarist, many plot twisters would show up and announce fake news. Such as, Akari was blackmailed by Suiri or Akari's moral character had a problem when taking advantage of her student's fame. It wasn't good in various ways. When someone stood at a place so high, the people below you would bear a thought to bring you down. A cruel truth, indeed.

"What're you doing here, sensei?"

"Just staring somewhere?"

Suiri's curiosity grew as she needed to confirm her situation. The predator Himeki had begun to target her; hence, seeing Akari standing there dumbly, Suiri had to ask Akari.

"Ah nothing, nothing, the principal Juvia told me to arrange students and stabilize the classes"

"But obviously, the students who can attend this academy have outstanding abilities. I just threw a job to the student council and everything is done. Am I really useless?"

Akari's sweat directly covered her forehead. In a second, Suiri understood the situation immediately. Nagisha's brother was her sister's right-hand man. The ability to work and direct was no worse than Maria's. Yet, she couldn't find a way to comfort this bocchi. Her eyes seemed to go dead as they lost their original color.

"No, you're not useless"

Suiri comforted first, a sudden warm covered Akari's panicked heart.

"Student Hoshiyuki-san...~"

In Akari's eyes, Suiri was like a saint descending on the Earth to rescue her hopeless dream. Even though she was just a hidden guitarist, she felt her life had been completed. Performing behind the stage had already satisfied her. In fact, Suiri had said in the contract that she could be on the stage to show off her skills as long as she wanted. However, for almost 3 years, she hadn't gathered enough courage to show up on the stage. It'd been stagnant...so she could only be a Metuber broadcasting her hands and guitar, nothing else. At least, she hid behind the dark to play guitar in Suiri's show.

It was like a tank containing Courage that was never fulfilled.

A completely pathetic and cowardly musician!!!

She reminded herself that she would do that in the next year. As a result, year after year, Suiri graduated from middle school and became a high school student. She hadn't made any progress at all.

"But you can exploit child labor's loophole. It's quite a talent"


Out of the blue, Suiri threw cold water to Akari's face. 'Did she praise me or make a sarcasm?' Akari's thoughts went wild again. Suiri found it funny and almost forgot what she needed to ask. This girl...Despite having a huge age gap, Suiri couldn't help but want to bully her.

There was a saying 'Bullying the weak, afraid of the strong'. It was a human nature. Suiri somehow felt the pleasure of bullying others.

'No wonder Suiri in the novel enjoys this kind of life'

Suiri thought.

Realizing how useless Akari was, Suiri stopped her act. As soon as Akari wanted to excuse herself, the ring bell of the school saved her from awkwardness and bocchi's attributes such as self-blaming 'I'm not worthy as a teacher' or something like that.

*Ring ring*

Suiri parted away from Akari and came to find her class's area. First-year, class D...

Suiri murmured as she walked along the way to find her class board. 

1-A, 1-B, 1-C, and 1-D...

'Finally there'

When she just entered the Class D area, she heard a familiar voice.


"I'm here~"

Suiri turned to look at the voice owner's direction. A short aquamarine-haired girl waved her hand and invited her to accompany her. Anyway, Suiri could only accept that invitation because Takamine Aoi was one of her oldest acquaintances except for her family members.

Ignoring the stares and discussions of many people in class D, Suiri safely chose a seat next to Aoi.

"Good morning, Aoi-san"

Suiri turned on her serious mode when communicating with other people.

"Hehe~, you're as famous as ever. Icy Queen-chan"

Aoi let her elbow tease Suiri's left hand, her lips curling up meaningfully.

"Stop that weird nickname"

Suiri had gotten used to Aoi's existence. Even though they had gone through middle school, Suiri couldn't figure out Aoi's brain circuit. If she needed to put it in a category, she would put Aoi as a special creature.

This creature's brain was up and down. Her activities were all so weird that her two childhood friends couldn't read her mind like Suiri's mom reading her like a book. She liked to do an exceed skin-ship even though Moeni had tried hard to suppress her. Otherwise, Suiri's body might not be clean anymore.

She was also the second person below Charlotte, being able to establish a relationship with Hoshiyuki Suiri forcefully.

"Do you believe in fate?"

Aoi suddenly asked.

"Um...not sure"

Suiri replied softly. She was still in a suspicious state. If you said she would believe it, she would. Because she was originally a transmigrator, Suiri believed and didn't believe it simultaneously.

"Anone~, Fate has arranged us together~The evidence is...we're still in the same class~"

Aoi smugly spoke.

"Don't say anything misunderstanding, Mrs. Mangaka"


Suiri instantly exposed Aoi. Class D was the class built for students who aimed for Art and Music. Of course, Suiri was a musician, naturally a class D member.


Aoi used her finger to cover Suiri's mouth. Her manga career had just started. Yet, Aoi had gone on the wrong path with no return as an R-16 mangaka. Suiri could discover Aoi's deed because of a certain accident. Her manga belonged to the Heavy Ecchi genre. The manga that Suiri had bought to support Aoi on the Ebook online store was one of the products from Aoi's sketchbook.

The story of this discovery was quite simple and short. Once upon a day, she just accidentally came back to her class to take her clothes in Physical Education class. Of course, you knew the rest.

"I lost, I lost, Sui-sama, don't talk anymore"

Aoi hugged Suiri's left arm and her eyes were like a puppy.


Suiri felt helpless about this girl. Her brain was weird but she was still a good girl. In the past, Suiri felt surprised when seeing this girl's talent in art. 

"Geez~, you're not fun at all~"

Aoi pouted.

"If you continue like this, no one will marry you"


Aoi added a sentence, making Suiri's mood drop to the bottom. She just bullied Akari, and then, Aoi bullied her immediately. It would be called retribution if she believed in destiny.

"Yeah, yeah"

Suiri replied for formal etiquette as she didn't want to follow Aoi's rhythm anymore.

"Yeah! You must say it in an intonation! Aren't you a singer? How come your 'Yeah yeah' is as flat as Moeni's chest!"

Aoi retorted.


What did Suiri just hear? The friendship between them was just that. 'Aoi, don't let Moeni hear you; else, she will tear your skin apart' Suiri lamented this creature. From Suiri's point of view, in this triangular relationship, Aoi was the most carefree and least hurt participant but their past relationship was vulnerable.


Suiri suddenly thought of the term retribution. If it existed, would her 'best friend' get punished after his death or simply live as the youngest talented musician? She didn't have any ideas because this world was not the same and she had already left that world. She couldn't invent a machine to travel back to the world to watch the consequences. Anyway, Minazuki Haruto had died...

"Oh, you two, are you interested in fate?"

A voice interrupted our conversation. Suiri immediately recognized the voice but didn't remember when she heard it last time. Her eyes turned to look at a new classmate. 

"Miko-san at the New Year temple"

Suiri recognized the girl in no time because her memory was quite good due to reincarnation. She subconsciously said the career name of a long straight black-haired girl. Although she didn't wear a Miko custom, Suiri could sense the familiar aura of a Miko on her new year's day.

The girl looked at Suiri for a while and nodded her head. Realizing the familiar hair color style, the girl had already had an answer.

"Oh, Hoshiyuki-san, I'm sorry for not recognizing you in the first place"

"By the way, my name is not Miko but Komi, Higashi Komi"

Komi-san spoke. It would be weird if she didn't remember a pair of mother and daughter playing Gacha kichi with a black bank card for a mere 200-400 yen.

"Don't worry, I wore a heavy disguise that day..."

Suiri spoke halfway but was interrupted.

"I know, God at my temple had told me to come to this school after all"


"You're kidding us, right?"

Komi-san suddenly threw a bomb. Aoi just thought of it as a joke but Suiri was already half-believing. Was her god a figure in a black hood carrying a scythe? Suiri thought.

"Higashi Komi-san, your joke is funny. My name is Aoi, Takamine Aoi"

Aoi immediately gave her hand, intending to shake hands with each other but retreating.

"Greetings, Takamine-san, we'll be in the same class anyway"

"Don't worry much, I'm a beta like you"

Komi confessed her gender, making the atmosphere less awkward. If she were an Alpha, it would be a different story. She also stretched out her hands to shake with Aoi.

"Hehe~, then we're the same group gender, huh~"

Aoi's lips broadened, revealing her white teeth. The two of them held hands in a business manner.

"I hope you don't mind if I don't believe in a so-called God"

"We're the people of science anyway, Miko-san...I meant Higashi-san"

Aoi explained awkwardly, being in contrast with her natural speaking. In fact, she was a half-believer. Because she was afraid of offending others and had to say goodbye to the Goddess of Luck, she became more humble and cowardly.

Komi didn't feel offended when Aoi didn't believe in God. Even though Komi was a child of the family serving the temple, she knew what was right or wrong. It was enough but she didn't want to force her opinion on others, forcing them to have her belief. It wasn't different from brainwashing.

"It's okay. I have met countless people and their opinions. Who will believe, then let them be so. Who doesn't believe it, don't try to persuade them"

Komi shook her head.

"Since you and Sui-chan are acquaintances, let's form a group. A group of weak-gender people!"

Aoi nodded and smiled smugly as if she had done something great. Her fist raised to the top and shouted out loud, making the principal Juvia who was giving a speech notice the aquamarine haired girl standing up suddenly and her shout attracted the attention of countless people.



You looked at me...I looked at you. The hall suddenly went silent. Not only the students in the halls but also the teachers's gaze directly pierced Aoi's face. 

"Don't brag that you're my friend"

Komi suddenly said, making Aoi's face redder and redder like tomatoes. She acted out of her quick mind, clearly drawing a line with Aoi. As if their previous introduction and relationship were just like a dream.


"Same here"

Suiri added fuel to the fire. Aoi felt that she was betrayed. What a group of friends! What a group of weak-gender people! They betrayed her immediately. No more friendship!

"Any question? That student over there"

The principal Juvia has already shown veins on her forehead. However, she had to suppress the anger inside her heart. It was like the dream scenario she worked so hard in the past shattered by a mere unruly student.

The redness from Aoi's face had disappeared and was replaced with a paler color.

"Nothing, I'm sorry for disturbing you..."

Aoi quickly bowed her head. She couldn't help but try to find a hole to hide herself like an ostrich.

After a long time speech by Principal Juvia, it was time for students to go to receive their class. Even though there was a time break for transition, Aoi's ear was immediately caught by a shorthand from below.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts...Moe-chan, please sparse me!!"

Aoi bent her body to the side of the pulled ear, her voice begged for mercy.

"I knew it. As long as I leave you, you will cause trouble again"

A loli Moeni said in a stern voice but her voice was filled with tenderness. Suiri watched helplessly on the other side. Knowing Moeni's feelings toward Aoi, Suiri had identified Aoi as a dense creature.


"Are they always like that?"

Komi asked Suiri but Suiri felt that this girl was a little different from her first impression. This was her exaggerated maturity. She could smell an adult aura from this girl instead of a robot cat from the future.


Suiri gave a simple answer.

"So, do you believe in fate, Hoshiyuki-san?"

Komi suddenly threw a question out of nowhere to Suiri, who was still watching the fun between Aoi and Moeni.


Suiri tilted her head, expressing her puzzled mood.

If you asked her whether she believed in destiny, she would only spend her half to believe it. Half was for her reincarnation and the rest was...What was it? 


"I don't know..."

Suiri just kept silent for a while and spoke.

"Just as I expect...Even though the world has been ruled by science, I still believe in destiny and even God"

Komi let out a smile and answered. 

"It's not like I'm a child being taught and brainwashed from childhood. Please, don't misunderstand me"

Realizing Suiri's suspicious gaze, she hurriedly added.


Suiri replied softly.

"Actually, you heard it before...God let me meet you...It's not a lie"

The two were silent for a while, Komi threw another bomb.


Suiri was completely puzzled. She felt like this girl coming from an evil cult to brainwash her.

"Hey, Sui-chan, Higashi-san, let's go"

Aoi interrupted our conversation, reminding us to go to class on time. She finally returned with her red ears abused by Moeni. Yet, her face was still wearing a happy smile.

Therefore, Suiri and Komi had to stop their superstitious conversation.

Arriving at class 1-D, as a natural matter, Shimori Akari had become the head teacher of class 1-D. She began to perform her teacher's duty as she explained the rules of the class, etc...

Suiri somehow got the seat of the protagonist in many romcom novels. 

"My name is Higashi Komi. I'm a Miko of my family's temple. My hobby is to paint and listen to music"

"Please, take care of me"

Suiri watched the long black-haired girl who had a seat next to her with a blank look. The girl named Higashi Komi told her that God had sent her to Suiri. Suiri didn't believe at first; however, after experiencing death and the afterlife, she couldn't help but be curious. She had a hunch that she could get some clues from her.

"Anou, Hoshiyuki-san..."

Akari awkwardly reminded Suiri, who had let her mind fly outside the Earth.

"My name is Hoshiyuki Suiri. I liked to read books, play music, and cooking. Please, take care of me"

As soon as Suiri finished her introduction, Aoi turned around to look at the girl once again as if she heard something wrong. Her mouth turned into an O mouth shape as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

All the old students had heard about the poison case of the school flower of this academy. There was a hidden rule 'Don't let her cook' in the Stardust Academy. Meanwhile, the new students heard her introduction and had already born a fantasy like 'She's a goddess', or 'She's a perfect girl'.

Ignoring others, Suiri continued the journey to isolate herself out of habit over the year. 

However, her fans couldn't help but glance at her profile secretly. Who could stand the living idol in front of them?

After the introduction and the new educational program were explained clearly by Akari, the students could be dissolved as the academy gave them more time to become familiar with the academy. In addition, the students just arrived here to finish the dormitory procedure. More than that, it was also the time for many clubs to compete with each other for new talents.

"Hoshiyuki-san, can I have a moment?"

Komi approached Suiri mysteriously. Yet, Suiri was willing to listen to this person, who believed in god...


Suiri nodded and told Komi to continue her talk.

Komi suddenly took a scroll of paper and handed it to Suiri.

"That's the reason why I said God had sent me to you"

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