TS reincarnated in Harem text

Chapter 18: Love?

Another day in Suiri's school life finished smoothly without too many obstacles.

The official account 'Yume ni sake' on the social platform and Me-tube channel had gained many followers before it launched the first post. All were due to the influence of her personal account. She couldn't believe the reality in front of her in this life. She felt it was like a dream.

'So this is the feeling of being famous'. Suiri thought in her heart.

Happy, pleasant, excited feelings mixed in her mind which made her ecstatic. If there was no backstab event in her previous life, maybe...

However, 'if' didn't exist in the first place. In contrast, she felt grateful because that event helped her open her eyes and witness how fragile trust could be.

Now, she was on the way back home with the heroine Mizuno Sasaki. She had free time so...

She opened her mobile phone to continue to read the comments.

[There is no surprise at all. Last week, I thought I'd mistaken the beauty at the Stage of the Stars live house for rock bands in Shinjuku

Looking carefully, it turned out that she was Hoshiyuki Suiri

I have her picture there

Inserted Suiri's last Sunday outfit.JPG

P/S: She's more beautiful than the digital self]

[F*ck, I'm jealous of you]

[My wife in casual clothes also looks so good]

[Yeah, I agree but no clothes will be the best form of women]

[I hope I could catch those pedophiles like you]

[Stay calm brothers and sisters

She is only 12 years old. Don't be deceived by her mature appearance]

Suiri surfed the comments and found it funny. In her last life, she also commented on the internet like this to express her inner desire for waifu. 'I understand all of your hearts best'. Suiri commented in her heart.

In every anime season, she would change her waifu like changing clothes. If she didn't remember wrong, she'd also comment like 'She is the best' and 'my wife only belongs to me', et cetera. Who could blame her adolescence at that age?

However, when did she get pictured by this netizen?

The picture of her in the blue frill shirt with a long white skirt was drinking orange juice on the table in front of the stage. Sasaki and her teacher got caught in the frame as well.

Suiri covered her mouth.


She realized that she was deeply tired. After the constant torture of the physical education class, her body had reached the limit. And then, she dwelled herself too much on these brand-new instruments without noticing anything. She played too hard...

She stored her phone inside her pocket.

The consequence arrived earlier than she'd expected.

'Ahhhh'. Her eyelids wanted to close on their own.

The soothing sound of the air conditioner of the car was the only thing she could hear before the darkness swallowed her consciousness.

--Sasaki's POV--

How could this happen? How could this happen? How could this happen? How could this happen?

What was more important needed to repeat 3 times. The extra one was to help me keep calm and not do anything unusual.

I didn't dare to move at all.

"Fuu~, fuu~, fuu~, suiya~"

That was right. My Oujo-sama had fallen asleep but why did you have to lean on my shoulder!!!!!?

Recalling my training since childhood, I didn't receive any simulated situation like this. What to do? What to do?

Ah, the strawberry pheromone kept penetrating my nose. This was a painful torture!!!

How could I hold myself back?

The only thing I could do now was to lend my shoulder to my Oujo-sama. This feeling...was not that bad.

It has been more than 2 weeks since I've been serving my master Hoshiyuki Suiri. Being together with her brought me a lot of new things that I've not known yet.

Emotions, the existence only possessed by humans, are so weird to me.

From the moment of my birth, I was trained by the Mizuno family to serve others. It could be said that I didn't even have a normal youth like the children in the fairy tale story. I've been questioning the definition of its existence.

Parental love? What is it?

The Mizuno family was not like any of the 'ordinary' families that you could find anywhere.

To be simple, the system of my family was one husband and many wives. It meant that I also had many half-brothers and half-sisters. We were all treated equally with the same purpose that our siblings would serve the next generations of those wealthy families.

When we reach the age of 20, we can choose whether to continue to serve our masters or to regain our freedom. If you choose the former, you will continue to receive the support of the Mizuno family and have the right to compete for the position of the next heir of the Mizuno family. If you want to regain your own freedom by the latter, you will have nothing to do with the Mizuno family. Let's get straight. It means we will completely serve tie with the Mizuno family.

That man didn't even spend a little love for their children in the slightest. As for my mother, she'd passed away from the moment I was born.

Then, my emotions gradually died as the time went by. I was envious of them, my siblings. At least, they had their mother's side to give love.

Every day passed by to train in martial arts, management skills, maid/butler skills, foreign languages, and attend compulsory education in the school. Every single thing I tried hard to do in the past was the only means to survive in this world.

I was tired.

Emotions had become something that I couldn't reach.

I had no attachment to anything.


Or not...

At first, when I received the news of serving Hoshiyuki Suiri, I thought I would serve an arrogant and pampered young lady like I'd witnessed how my siblings served others. I'd once intended to dedicate my 5 years left to be a tool woman for Hoshiyuki Suiri. After that, we've done and not related to each other again.

I would retreat from the wealthy circle and become an ordinary passerby to find the purpose of my life.

However, this young lady proved me wrong.

After all, the other party was labeled as a genius in study and music. And, a genius was usually a troublesome person, but she made me feel curious over and over again. Everything about her was a mystery. She had too many sides that I wanted to explore little by little.

The emotions that had died inside me in the past began to resurface and force me to face them.

Please, could anyone tell me what identity this pleasant feeling was inside my heart?

Just letting her lean against me had already made me somewhat proud and warm.

I also searched for this feeling on the internet.

They said it was love, but I doubted it.

They asked me to imagine 3 things.

First, could you have some reluctance to part with the other party?

If I were asked from the beginning, I would not hesitate to answer No. However, I didn't know how to reply for now.

Second, could you watch the other party arms in arms with other people happily?

That sour vinegar and uncomfortable feeling, how could I not remember? That Vixen Shiho almost pissed me off.

Finally, did you have sexual desire for the other party?

Of course, Yes, my Oujo-sama was beautiful and also an Omega. Plus, I was an Alpha. It was the natural reaction of my physiology to have a sexual desire for her.

After answering 3 questions, I couldn't say 100% that this was love or the possessive instinct of an Alpha.

Nevertheless, if it was love, I would have no door to go to the realm of love with my Oujo-sama because of the different status between the two and the talent gap. Her position was so high that I couldn't catch up with her because I had nothing.

I was a nobody.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of Oujo-sama, I couldn't help but feel powerless.

"Fuu~, fuu~"

The other party obviously was in front of me, but I couldn't do anything.

After all, from the beginning, this love was impossible for us. In addition, this was just one-sided love from me if I were in love with her.

Therefore, Oujo-sama, let me stay by your side until you find your happiness. 

I would be in the dark to be your knight to protect you at all costs.

Let me watch and observe how you've grown up.

Unknowingly, you've become the only attachment in my dull and meaningless life.


Suiri rubbed her eyes as she woke up after the short nap.

The car had already arrived at her home.

Her consciousness was blurred and hazy because she hadn't escaped the sleepy state yet, but the pain suddenly gave her surprise, which was enough to make her regain her senses.


Suiri groaned slightly because her body was so sour. Every single line of her muscles screamed and spasmed painfully. That was why she hated physical training in both lives. The backlash after exhausting her physical body made her feel unbearable and uncomfortable.

Her eyes swam around to look for more information. The car had stopped in front of the house...


Why was her head placed on the shoulder of the heroine? Did she lean on her while taking a nap? Hopefully, the heroine wouldn't think anything weird about her. As an emotionless woman, Sasaki shouldn't mind her, right?

"Oujo-sama, please stop making that misunderstanding noise"

While listening to her Oujo-sama groaning, Sasaki felt something was rising but definitely not lewd means. Her face was a little red when her head couldn't control her wild imagination. After all, she had also received sexual education early and knew the process of producing babies.

'Eh? What's the misunderstanding thing? If you get hit, won't you groan?'. Was there something wrong with the brain circuit of Sasaki? Suiri got confused for a while.


Soon, she realized her head was still leaning on Sasaki. She felt awkward so she wanted to move out but the pain kept her immobilized.


She wanted to escape but her body said no. Urgently, what should she do? What to do?

Sasaki emotionlessly said.

"Oujo-sama, how long have you used my shoulder? We'd arrived at your home"


'Could I pay you extra money for your service?'. Suiri thought inwardly.

Her mind was messy as her thoughts weren't on the right track. Suiri couldn't come up with any excuse to save her face.

She could only be honest with the other party.

"Um...Ano...I can't move..."


Sasaki had a question mark on her head and her thoughts processed the situation countless times.

Suiri continued.

"Can you carry me to the house?"

Sasaki widened her eyes because her Oujo-sama hadn't requested anything for more than 2 weeks. This was the first time she'd made a request to do something for her. Could it be that she also wanted to get closer to her?

Sasaki's wild thoughts couldn't come up with any reasonable explanation for this situation except for it.


She agreed immediately without thinking too much.

Sasaki stepped out of the car and carried Suiri in Princess style.



Suiri felt that the remaining manly side hiding inside her shattered completely. Done. She'd lost it and never found it back again.

'Why did you carry me this way!!?'. She scolded this rebellious heroine in her mind.

She was too embarrassed to hold her face on.

It was so shameful.

On the other hand, Sasaki was surprised because of how light her Oujo-sama was. Her body was like a feather but it was also soft and delicate in her hands. She had the urge to squeeze because her body was so fluffy, but she held back that impulsive action.

Sasaki wondered if, after this event, the relationship between the two could be promoted to another level. Being a friend was also good.

Unknown to her...

Suiri could only add her reason for this request to stop this humiliated feeling inside her.

"Today, I had physical education class"

"My whole body is sore"

"Sorry for troubling you"


As soon as Sasaki heard that, her steps were slower and her face couldn't hide the disappointment. She thought Suiri wanted to get close to her and establish a friendship by the way. If so, Sasaki could have more hope for the unknown feeling inside her heart. 

Sasaki was at a loss. Was it because it didn't meet her expectations? 


She realized that she'd thought too much. As a nobody servant like her, how could she easily have a friendly relationship with her? Maybe this was also a good thing. When her Oujo-sama found her happiness, she could leave with peace of mind. As for this unknown feeling, it should be sealed deeply inside her heart because it only brought disappointment and negative feelings for her. 

Suiri didn't notice the change in her face in the slightest due to being carried by princess style.

The two kept silent and didn't have any conversation.


Only the sounds of wind and the footsteps echoed in the big yard in front of the massive mansion.

Soon, Sasaki and Suiri stood in front of the mansion.

"Please, put me down"

Sasaki reluctantly parted with the soft figures in her hands but obeyed her.


"Oujo-sama, please take care"

Sasaki bowed her head before leaving.


Suiri just nodded.

Sasaki's role for today was over. The rest was for the maids inside the mansion. Originally, Sasaki was inclined to the bodyguard's job more.

Suiri rigidly dragged her exhausted body into her house.

"I'm home"

Suiri greeted.

"Welcome home, my lovely daughter"

The beautiful black-haired woman was sitting on the sofa. Her hairstyle was ponytail and her facial features had the resemblance of Hoshiyuki Maria. This was the adult version of Maria. Hoshiyuki Shiori.

"Hello, mommy"

Shiori had the appearance of a strong woman in her previous life. With sharp eyes and domineering red color pupils, her face gave off the vibe of seriousness, strictness, and an icy cold atmosphere. Her facial structures were well-arranged and had the best features of a Japanese woman. Her skin was as white as snow but firm at the same time. If Suiri met such a woman in her previous life, she would fall in love with her immediately.

Unlike her other mother Natasha, who gave her tenderness and caring comfort, her mommy Shiori gave her a sense of security and the feeling of being protected. She had the image of a responsible and reliable person. This woman was even cooler than the 5 heroines in the text if she had to say.

Although her chest part was a little humble D-Cup, maybe, it was not the case.

"Come here, my baby"

Shiori smiled gently.

Suiri loved to have intimate contact with her.

Hence, Suiri threw herself into the arms of her mommy in this life despite the smell of exercise and the painful muscles. She snuggled up to her neck under the embrace. The peach fruit of her mommy was so relaxing and fragrant. It would be good if her partner in the future was like her mom Shiori.

Shiori felt that she was a winner in life. Looking at her youngest daughter cuddling on her lap coquettishly, she couldn't help but form a satisfied smile.

"How was your day?"

Shiori initiated the conversation.

"Hmm...Fun but sore and painful after exercise"

Suiri concluded her day shortly.

"But it's good for your health right?"

Shiori chuckled.

"Ahhh~, I heard it countless times from you, my sister, and my mother"

Suiri childishly argued which made Shiori feel weird. This girl just now was acting the same as her actual age.


"Now you act like a child this time"

Shiori laughed heartily.


Suiri was puzzled. Wasn't she a child?

"Every day, you are like a little adult"

Ah, she forgot that she was a reincarnator. Her mental age was older than her current physical body. She almost lost herself in her mommy's embrace. This sense of security was exclusive only to her mommy. She couldn't find it in any person in this world.

Suiri hummed.

"Hmm...I don't have the right to act like a child?"

Shiori panicked instantly as she hurriedly explained to her little cabbage.

"No...no, no, that's not what I mean"

"It's just rare to see you want to be coddled like this"

"Hmm...I love you, mommy"

Suiri murmured.

She wanted to treasure and appreciate every moment with her new family. Leaving the scar in the past, she would take it as a lesson for herself in the future.

"I love you too, baby"

Shiori kissed Suiri on the forehead, and then she asked stupidly on a whim.

"Mah~, Who do you love more? Your other mother Natasha or me?"


Suiri had a big question mark on her face and forgot to continue to cuddle in her mommy's arms. Why did you ask such a difficult question? Or you had a death wish, didn't you? 

Don't look at the gentle and caring teenage mother facade of Natasha. Once, she gets angry, even God can't save you.

Suiri had a reminiscent memory of the past. When she was in kindergarten, she found that physical education class was so annoying. She did a coquettish operation with her Onee-sama to skip and invest her time in reading more books in the library of the school. As a result, she accidentally pitted her sister as the two sisters got their butts shining bright red like rhesus monkeys. After that time, she got a whole brand-new understanding of her 'gentle' mother in this life.

Looking at the bag under her mommy's eyes, her face seemed a little haggard as if she had been forced to labor for more than 10 years. What had you done, Mother Natasha? Why could she grievance in those red eyes?

"What's wrong? Can't answer?"

Shiori was a little heartbroken. Her daughter couldn't reply immediately which proved that in her daughter's heart, her position was not as good as that woman's.

Suiri shook her head and continued to cuddle again. In her opinion, she wanted to be on the neutral side. She didn't know how the relationship they were in secret. Since her mommy Shiori asked such a question, her mother Natasha must have done something wrong. In marriage, the conflict was an inevitable event.

"I love you both"


Suiri used a childish but greedy card. She wouldn't give up any side.

How could Shiori not realize the little thought of her daughter?

"Then, you should step down"

"No hugging anymore, if you love me more than her, you can enjoy the privilege like this"

Suiri realized her mommy wanted to drop her, which made her uncomfortable. Unconsciously, her hand clung to Shiori's neck and held tighter.


Suiri pouted her mouth like a child.

Shiori found it funny. She couldn't help but tease her.

"Why do you ask this question? Is there something wrong with Mom?"

Suiri was curious and knew in her heart that Shiori wouldn't reply honestly in front of her children.


Shiori was awkward and didn't know how to answer. How could she say to her children that she was squeezed dry?

Then, the white-haired woman appeared from behind while humming some song as she was in a good mood.

"Welcome home, Sui-chan"

Natasha's face was rosy and refreshing. She headed to the living room and caught her 'husband' hugging her mini version. She felt that her life was so satisfying. Her family was happy and harmonious.

"Um, mama, you are in a good mood? And you're different from usual"

Natasha held her cheeks.

"Is that so? hehe~"

"Um, more beautiful and younger~ maybe"

Suiri innocently praised which made Natasha flush red.

"Hehe~, don't praise me anymore, I'm not happy"

'Another dishonest person appeared'. Suiri thought but her praise was true. Her mother seemed to be upgraded.

Natasha approached and tangled Shiori's neck which made Shiori shudder. After that, she looked at Suiri and said in some jealousy.

"All right, all right"

"You go~, take a shower, you're stinky"

"Your time on her lap is over~"

'Hmm...Their relationship seemed to be so good? But you, don't be jealous of your children!!!". Suiri complained but still listened to her mom.


They looked at the lifeless corpse walking upstairs. When Suiri's figure disappeared, Natasha gave Shiori with an unkind gaze.

Shiori was still clueless.

"Hoh~, you wanted to brainwash her to love you more than me?"


"Honey, what're you talking about!?"

Shiori had cold sweats over her forehead and decided to play dumb.

"What am I talking about? Your conversation with my lovely daughter, you knew the best right?"

Natasha hinted.

"Heh, you must hear wrong. How could I do that?"

Shiori was cornered but still quibbled.

"Hmm...From the moment, 'how was your day?', for example"

'Wasn't it from the beginning!!!!?'

Shiori knew that she'd f*cked up!


On the other hand, Maria returned from school after the hard work day as she was exploited by the principal.

"I'm home!!"

Just thinking of Suiri, Maria suddenly regained her energy and walked straight to the living room.


'If I remember correctly, her two mothers must be at home. Why can't I see anyone here?'

Maria was at a loss.

She felt that the world had abandoned her.

Only her sister in the room waited for her to arrive.

Maria didn't care about the adults anymore and headed straight to Suiri's room.


In the main master bedroom of the Hoshiyuki mansion.

Shiori wanted to scream and run away immediately.

"Honey, forgive me!!!"

"Ara~, ara~"

Natasha licked her lips lewdly.

The peach fruit and cherry blossom pheromones intertwined each other.

As for the aftermath, the two of them loved each other very much...

From then on, the Hoshiyuki family unknowingly would have a new family member in the future.

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