Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-13: Back To Normalcy

After finally getting back to their dorms, the girls relaxed, except for Tisha, who went off to the headmaster to report the new... development of the dungeon.

"Hey, Elly, what did anal feel like?" Cassidy pondered without a filter.

"W-Well... Ahem. I did need to use healing magic on the way back, but I did partially enjoy it." Eleanora said, trying to hide her blush with a stoic expression.

"Only partially?"

"We didn't have the time for foreplay. So, even though what I got was alright, I'm sure it would've been better with foreplay to set us up." Eleanora added.

"It's so weird hearing a princess talk so happily about being rammed from behind..." Aviris stated, noting the odd feeling of someone who was once elegance incarnate talking so lewdly.

"It's a new experience. I'd suggest trying it out at least once."

"Can you stop talking about having sex with me so casually, please?" Veronica said, curled up into a ball on the sofa.

"Oh my, Ver~ We weren't talking about you specifically, just the actions. Are you implying that you would rather keep us to yourself~?" Cassidy teased, crawling towards Veronica on her hands and knees.

"W-What!? That's not-! I-I..."

"Avi, had you had a go at her yet?"

"No, and I have some ideas for when we do. Kinda wish for it to be soon though." Aviris admitted, thinking of the ideas she had in mind.

Veronica just gawked at her, mouth wide open, speechless.

"You broke her! Do you think she'd be fixed if we drained her dry?"  Cassidy joked.

'I'm in danger...'

"Anyways, did anyone get any upgrades?" Eleanora changed the subject.

"I can cast my void magic faster now. So, that's good." Cassidy popped up and sat down next to Veronica.

"I'm a bit over half-way through with my Light Weapons Master skill. Don't think I'll get the upgrade until after the tournament." Veronica said, looking at the little amount of experience she gained.

"Got nothing, sadly. Hard to level at the moment due to the massive cooldowns. And you, Elly?" Aviris sighed.

"I'm just short of being able to use Medium Healing Magic." Eleanora simply put.

"I could cut myself and you could repeatedly heal it." Aviris offered.

"Absolutely not! I will not abuse my friends to level my skills. Ah, right, I forgot to get our mail when we got back. I'll be back in a bit." Eleanora said, getting up and leaving.

"Since when did we get mail?" Veronica asked, confused at the fact the students get mail.

"I mean, we have parents that want to keep in contact with us, some of us are also ordering things at stores that we couldn't possibly bring back normally. You know, like a bed for six. And sex. The one we have is a bit too flimsy. I fear it'll cave in if we're a little too rough~" Cassidy giggled, explaining the mail system.

"Actually, thay wouldn't be too bad. Though, I feel like I'll need an even larger bed in the future..." Veronica agreed.

After a chuckle, Veronica unfurled herself, and let Cassidy lay her head on her lap. Veronica's gentle caresses lulling Cassidy into sleep. Aviris watched the two, a smile on her face.

"You two make a good couple."

"You think? I've been wondering about that..."

"Why's that?"

"Well... ah, I never told anyone about it. Well, I'll wait for that later. But in short, she was always there for me. Even when I was to weak to even read, she'd be there and read for me. I don't know where I'd be without her."

"Do you love her?"

"I've been wondering that myself. And honestly, I'm scared if I am. I don't want our relationship to change because of it. And... I might... no, that's for later." Veronica said silently, questioning herself.

A moment of silence then broken by Aviris. "You only have so much time to live. To love. Feelings like it need to be figured out soon, and rushed into blindly. If it fails, then it wasn't meant to be. But there's always that chance that they'll be perfect for you."

"I... I see... Thank you, Avi." Veronica turned her head back towards Cassidy, innocently snoring on her lap.

'I love you, Cassidy. But I don't think we are-'

Veronica's thoughts were cut short with Eleanora coming in a but too loudly, causing Cassidy to awaken.

"How long was I out?"

"Just a few minutes." Veroncia responded softly.

"Let's see... A letter from my Elder Sister... a package for Veronica and a letter from the local physician for Cassidy." Eleanora listed, handing the package and letter over to their respective owners. "Sorry, Aviris, there wasn't anything for you right now."

"That's fine. I'm not expecting anything anyways. Not until something important happens." Aviris responded.

'A package?'

Veronica took the package and quickly found that it was from her parents. Which means, the contents of the package was...

"Oh my Goddess! They didn't need to send me this. But, I'm glad they did."

A book titled "The Bridge to the Tower".

"Oh? I remember that book. Isn't it your favorite?" Cassidy mentioned, not opening her letter yet.

"Yeah. I've been wanting to reread this."

"What is it about?" Aviris asked, curious about the book's contents.

"It's a romance novel about a depressed princess who falls in love with a lowly knight, who saved her life from trying to kill herself. It really is a heartwarming story." Veronica answered, flipping through the pages.

Cassidy got up before opening her letter. She started to pace around before she had a sour look on her face. She crumpled the letter up and threw it away before going to her dorm room.

"What was that about?" Eleanora wondered, seeing Cassidy slam the bedroom door closed.

Veronica decided to find out, grabbing the crumpled letter and reading it for herself.

Dear Ms. Bright

We understand you recently underwent various test for your fertility. However, we regret to inform you that you are physically incapable of pregnancy. We've tried to make sure there weren't any errors, and we have repeated the tests over and over, with no success.

We know this news may sadden you, and the life you wanted with your lover may not be as you had hoped. But, if you wish, we can use a surrogate mother, or recommend various orphanages for when you are ready to settle down.


Dr. Valeria Samtum

Samtum Family Hospital, Parental Care Division

"Cass... she wanted to..."

'Cass wanted to have children...?'

Thank you for enjoying the chapter! And, for being nearly at 60k views, I decided to do something special (that I may ir may not have already set up a while ago...). I'vemade a discord server for you all! It is totally, definitely not a copy of a discord server used by another fantasy writer who makes futanari stories, no sir, not one bit. Anywho, the server is pretty empty, as of of writing this. So, if you want to hang out and talk normal things, theories, etc... please stop by! The link will be bother here and in my about section on my profile, so there's no rush to join. Anyway, have a good day/night to you all!

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