Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 11 - Calm

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In the next few days, it was calm.

Su Yu broke through to the Kaiyuan quartet without telling other people to continue to work **** the “Kaiyuan tactic” to consolidate the Kaiyuan quartet.

After taking sperm blood, there are some sequelae. Of course, it is mainly absorbed by the album. After two or three days, Su Yu’s body returned to normal and no longer feels bloated.

There is only one drop of Essence of Iron Winged Bird, and Su Yu did not continue to use it, otherwise the breakthrough was too fast.

Who knows whether the next practice of “Na Yuan Jue” will directly break through to Kaiyuan Wuzhong, that’s too evil.

At least … wait half a month?

Su Yu is not in a hurry. There is still more than two months left for the assessment of the higher education institutions, and one breakthrough in half a month. During the assessment, he may have reached Kaiyuan Jiuzhong.

“Ayu, don’t you go to the school today?”

“go with!”

“If you don’t go really cool, you can’t help me and ask for leave …”

Chen Hao subconsciously said, then froze, strangely said: “Are you going to school?”

This guy hasn’t been to school for several days, and he left soon after he left. Chen Hao couldn’t be envious. Why is he going to school again today?

Su Yu was too lazy to take care of him, and said, “I have more than two months to go before the assessment. I went to find a coach to see if I could learn a few more ethnic languages.”

“Still learning?”

Chen Hao’s tongue is really evil.

But soon I thought of something, Chen Hao laughed and said: “A Yu, I used to think that you learned 18 Wanzu languages ​​very well, and now I find someone in our school is better than you!”

“Liu Yue of the first class, do you know? I heard people say that the woman is more evil than you. I went to the 20th door of the Wanzhou language qualification certificate yesterday, which is too good!”

Su Yu raised her eyebrows, “Liu Yue? 20 doors?”

Liu Yue naturally knows that it is not uncommon in the library. Last time, Liu Yue directed the Kaiyuan Acceleration Method, which was useless.

He knows that Liu Yue has a lot of Ancestral languages, and the other party is more serious than Su Yu. Most of the time Su Yu went to the library and met her.

20 doors …

Although Su Yu said that he didn’t care much about someone being better than himself, but it was somewhat unpleasant.

In the past, although there were a lot of people in the academy here who knew a lot of Ancestral Languages, could they at most be similar to themselves?

Liu Yue had never heard of mastering so many subjects before, not to mention Liu Yue was not a student of Liu Wenyan.

You should know that all the people who learn Wanzu language and those who master many languages ​​are almost all taught by Liu Wenyan. Who did Liu Yue learn from?

Su Yu didn’t ask much, the two still walked to the university.

Although there are cars on the road, buses are not expensive, but unless they are too far away, most of them choose to walk, which is also a kind of practice.

On the road, from time to time, some traffic supervisors in uniforms can be seen.

Seeing the familiar uniform, Su Yu missed it a little.

Father has been away for five days, and I don’t know what happened in the battlefields of the heavens.

In addition to the traffic supervisors in cyan uniforms, there were also two Jifengtang inspection teams wearing black uniforms on the road.

Jifengtang is mainly responsible for the security of the territory.

“Hiroko, have Jifengtang been patrolling everywhere these days?”


Hearing Su Yu ’s question, Chen Hao, who was looking eastward and looking westward, immediately said: “Do n’t you hear that Wanzu Religion is active in Daxiafu?

“Hey, Ayu, have you watched TV these days? The master sent Longwuwei to patrol all parties, arrested many **** bastards, and beheaded every day, they cut hundreds of them!”

Su Yu looked at it naturally and frowned slightly, “Strange!”

“What’s weird?”

Chen Hao laughed and said: “It’s not unbelievable to behead.”

“I’m not saying this.”

Su Yu frowned: “Wan tribe teaches these beasts. It’s not too early to benefit. Every time you are active, it is to create chaos. But this time when you came to Daxiafu, did you hear that there was any disturbance? Just beheaded, Did these guys come to Daxiafu just to die? “

He felt a little weird. In the past few days, the TV reported that he had beheaded, but it seemed that the Wanzu religion had not caused any turmoil.

Could it be that Long Wuwei is so powerful that every time he detects a movement in advance?

It is also possible that Su Yu shook his head slightly, and it was his turn to manage these things.

But that’s fine. In this way, Wanzu Religion probably has no intention to assassinate Liu.

The two chatted while walking. Soon, the Nanyuan Middle School arrived.

at the same time.

Outside Nanyuan Middle School.

On the top floor of a tall building, a middle-aged man withdrew his gaze and stopped staring at Nanyuan Middle School.

Turn around and look back at a woman who is cooking, her lips slightly open: “There are 3,200 students in Nanyuan Secondary School, 210 teachers are instructors, all students are Kaiyuan, and the teachers are all in the same state. Shi Erzhong. “

“There are 50 people in the **** department, including 1 person who is nine times heavy and 6 people who are more than seven times heavy. Among the coaches, there are 28 people who are more than seven times heavy, and a total of 35 people are high.”

“In addition, Jifengtang now has a small team of 30 guarding secretly in the academy, and one captain Wan Shijing, and the rest are extremely heavy.”

“A total of 64 people are tall and heavy, and two are Wan Shi.”

“The main palace is 7000 meters away from Nanyuan Middle School. It takes more than two minutes to reach the double level of the city’s lord Wu Wenhai.”

The middle-aged man briefly said the situation. In the kitchen, the woman who was cooking was frying the dishes, and at the same time, with the sound of frying, her lips opened and said: “Nanyuan Middle School, the best middle school in Nanyuan City, and also the major universities The reserve of the school … “

“This time, it’s not that we act alone, but that the six cities act at the same time, and the goals are all local secondary schools.”

“Xia Longwu … haha!”

The woman’s face was cold, “Xia Longwu’s arrogance, smashed a few ordinary strongholds and thought we were vulnerable! This time Xia Longwu had a good follower, Daxiafu … it’s nothing great!”

Middle-aged did not answer these words, said again: “Nanyuan also has a team of Longwuwei stationed, a total of 10 people, 9 people Wanshi four heavy to Wanshi nine heavy, Shi Chang Xia Bing vacated twice, the specific station is still If we do n’t find out, we should prevent them from appearing suddenly! “

“Dragon Wuwei!”

The woman did not sneer again this time, a little dignified, “Check, find out where they are stationed!”

“But they have few people and they can’t detect clearly …”

“Then create chaos and entice them to appear.”

The woman said coldly: “Let people go outside the city and slaughter several small villages outside the city. With such a big **** case, Long Wuwei will definitely shoot.”

The middle-aged man was hesitant. “A lot of people have died recently. The following people have been a little shaken. Let them die …”

“They don’t know that they need to face Long Wuwei and let the blood-fire people go. Those guys are not sober. They like killing the most and let them go to find the way!”

After all, the woman said again: “Wait for the Dragon Wuwei to be led away! Let’s mobilize the manpower, one hit will surely kill Nanyuan Middle School, and evacuate immediately!”

“This time … kill them all!”

The woman’s face was ruthless, “Kill all the teachers and students of 6 middle schools, not many of them can go to higher schools this year. Xia Longwu will wait for hematemesis next! He thought we were just doing little things … don’t know … we Will the goal be a few small coaches! “

The woman looked cold and protected Liu Wenyan?

Our goal is not Liu Wenyan!

What is it to kill a Liu Wenyan?

After the slaughter of Nanyuan Middle School, even if the strength of the Daxia House was strong, the 6 middle schools were slaughtered, and the Daxia House would be hurt.

The young and middle-aged people exhaled lightly, worrying a little: “You and I are all in the air, it is enough to deal with the city owner Wu Wenhai, but once Xia Bing comes, we are not Xia Bing’s opponents.”

Long Wuwei is the most elite force in Da Xia Mansion. Even if he is long, he is very powerful. Even if they are in the same realm with him, they are not opponents.


The woman sneered: “They are about to appear, and someone will deal with it!”

“Aren’t you here?”

“Don’t ask, don’t ask!”

The woman interrupted him and continued to cook. She had been dormant for six full years. After this success, she should have left. I don’t know if I had returned to the headquarters.

Between the two talking, in the room, a little girl walked out of the door in a confused way, “Mom, I smelled the smell, what do you eat in the morning?”

“Good girl, don’t worry, you can eat right away.”

The woman’s voice was hearty and smiling, but her eyes were cold.

I can’t see any emotion at all. This so-called daughter is just for the dormant tool.

The man smiled and spoke, but his eyes were exactly the same as those of the woman.

The little girl didn’t notice anything strange and entered the bathroom with a smile. As soon as the girl left, the living room kitchen suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, the man said, “What should she do?”


The woman didn’t hesitate at all, “but you can’t kill it now, kill it before leaving, and burn the blood to prevent the blood of the strong from being traced to us, after all, it is the bloodline we left behind.”

Yes, biological.

However, the child was born in order to hide his identity. Now that he has to evacuate, he naturally does not need this burden and hidden danger.

In the past six years, the two have been hiding very well, and no one has ever doubted them.

Having settled here for six years, he also gave birth to a daughter, and no one thought that these two hardworking and hardworking couples were all vacant powerhouses, and they were also members of the Wanzu religion.

“Tonight you will contact other people, ready to start, remember, kill everyone, evacuate in three minutes!”

“it is good!”

The middle-aged man responded indifferently, turned his head to look out the window, and looked at the Nanyuan Middle School not far away, showing a smile.

In a few days, you will not see the Nanyuan Secondary School.

Unfortunately, a group of energetic guys.

Perhaps, a few great characters will appear in a few years, but now there is no chance.

“Xia Longwu … Da Xia Man has been calm for so many years, I’m afraid you can’t think of it.”

Thinking of the big movements in this teaching, the man couldn’t help but feel a little excited. After so many years, he finally regarded Daxia Mansion as the goal. Xia Longwu thought that the teaching was just a little bit of trouble, and he didn’t know that the main power of the sect had shifted here.

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