Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 7: Metropolitan Museum Tour

   Leaving the apartment building, Ye Tian went directly to the subway station.

   I bought a mobile phone and a pair of sunglasses at a store on the roadside.

   The previous mobile phone has been scrapped and thrown away. I really need a new one.

   I bought sunglasses to cover up, so that I won’t be noticed when observing the antiques in the museum later, that would be a big deal!

   When he walked to the subway entrance and was about to enter, he was taken aback by the sight before him and almost fell down the stairs!

   I saw the slightly dilapidated subway entrance in front of me, and it was also like yesterday's antique pistol, exuding white light, but it was pure and a bit disorganized without the light of the pistol.

   Obviously, the New York subway is also an antique, so it shines.

   But due to the different building ages and continuous repairs, the light seems mixed and inconsistent!

   Ye Tian's expression quickly returned to normal, and then he put his sunglasses on his face so as not to show his horse's feet.

   He was not willing to use the perspective function here, time is limited! It is too unwise to waste on the worthless subway.

  From the subway station, I arrived at the SC District of Manhattan.

   Many luminous objects appeared in Ye Tian's eyes, mainly historical buildings.

   He found that as long as the building has a history of more than 50 years, it will emit white light, but just like the subway station, the light will be too mixed.

  Modern buildings have no light, even though they are beautiful, they are not antiques.

   Even though Manhattan is daytime, Ye Tian’s eyes are already brightly lit. Every few steps he walks, he will see a historic building shining with white light.

   Fortunately, the white light is very soft and not dazzling, so you can always appreciate it, and your eyes will not be tired.


   ten thirty,

   Ye Tian was already standing at the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum, began to queue up to buy tickets, waiting to enter the museum to visit.

   Like other historical buildings, the museum in front of you also exudes white light, and the brightness is relatively high.

   should be because it was built in 1870, which is relatively early!

   Ten minutes later, Ye Tian walked into the museum gate with the ticket.

   After two steps, a shocked or even crazy look flashed in his eyes. Fortunately, it was blocked by sunglasses, otherwise it would definitely cause security personnel to pay attention.

   What shocked him was the huge statue of the pharaoh standing at the entrance of the Egyptian Pavilion.

   When he approached the statue, he immediately saw that the statue was glowing all over, dazzling, and very beautiful!

   Different from the white light emitted by the historical buildings outside, the pharaoh statues turned out to be purple light, almost black purple!

   "Wow! What's the situation? It's also an antique, how can there be such a big difference?"

   Ye Tian's head is full of questions, and he is eager to know the answer, but this is obviously not a place to study the problem, there are too many people! Can't stay for a long time.

   Forcibly suppressing his curiosity, Ye Tian followed the crowd into the Egyptian Pavilion on the first floor.

  Why is the light of the pharaoh statue purple? What color is the light of other antiques?

  Walking into the progress hall, the shock immediately struck again.

   There is a stone statue of a lying lion dating from the fifth century BC at the entrance. The light that Ye Tian sees from it is black.

   The light from the antique changes again! why?

   Through the introduction of the lying lion statue and comparing it with the age of the pharaoh statue at the door, Ye Tian quickly understood.

   The cultural relics are in different ages, and the light emitted is different!

   The statue of Pharaoh is about four to five thousand years old, and it emits purple light. The lying lion is a cultural relic from 7,000 years ago, and it emits black light.

   At the same time, Ye Tian also discovered the distance limitation of the eyes ability.

  Only within five meters of the antique can you see their light, beyond this distance, it is no different from ordinary people.

   Understand this, Ye Tian suddenly felt a little lost.

   This ability is not too great! It must be close to be useful. It does not mean that you can find antiques invisible to others by just sweeping the streets.

   At the same time, he is also a little grateful that he doesn't have to wear sunglasses to cover up!

   If there is no such distance limit, it would be fun!

  It’s okay in the United States. The history hasn’t been long. Naturally, there are not many historical buildings. The light changes must be limited.

   If this is in China, or other countries with a long history, wouldn’t it be that neon lights flicker all day and your eyes should not be blinded!


   Then Ye Tian began to visit other cultural relics.

   The cultural relics here basically have a history of more than three thousand years. The light emitted is all purple and black, mostly purple, and there are differences in color.

   After a lot of comparison, he quickly discovered the relationship between the age of the cultural relics in the exhibition hall and the light.

   During the comparison, Ye Tian also tried the perspective ability, trying to see the internal situation of the cultural relics.

   But he quickly gave up the idea, at least he didn't want to try it in this exhibition hall.

   The first attempt ended in failure.

   What he looked through was a sarcophagus, just like looking through the wall last night, his vision could not penetrate the sarcophagus at all.

   Upon discovering this, he immediately retracted his gaze so as not to overdraw again and faint here.

   The second perspective was a painted mummy wrapped in linen. This time he succeeded!

   But when he saw the petrified bones inside the mummy and the hollowed out chest and abdomen, he almost vomited in disgust!

   He immediately withdrew his gaze, and never wanted to see through anything in this exhibition hall, lest he look back and eat, or even have nightmares.

   Through continuous experimentation, Ye Tian gradually understood some other characteristics of his eyes.

In addition to seeing the light emitted by cultural relics and seeing through thinner objects, I can also see halos on cultural relics, layer by layer, or less or more. It seems that the greater the artistic value, the thicker the halo. .

   This is particularly evident in the frescoes, sculptures and other cultural relics that reflect the life of the ancient Egyptians. Some cultural relics can even reach dozens of layers!

   From this, he remembered yesterday's Ruger P08. The pistol also had a lot of white halo, but it was the first time he came into contact with the ability and didn't understand the value.

   And he also found that as long as the perspective ability is not used, his eyes seem to have no energy consumption, and he can always see the light emitted by the antique.

   If you use the perspective ability, it is estimated that it will be the same as the previous conclusion, and there will only be ten minutes of use time.

   So far, Ye Tian has almost figured out the change in his eyes.

   The next thing is to see what color the cultural relics of other eras have.

   Understand these, I am undoubtedly the most authoritative antique appraisal expert and art connoisseur! Any antiques and artworks can't escape your own eyes. The true and false, age, value, etc. are clear at a glance! Give and ask!

   Of course, this can only be hilarious! I can't tell anyone, although I am a little regretful, it will bring me countless money and honor.

   Thinking of this, Ye Tian was suddenly excited and almost crazy.

   "Go to his Wall Street! You are now kneeling and asking Lao Tzu to go back, Lao Tzu is not rare! With this power, Lao Tzu can live ten thousand times more exciting than before!"

   When his mood calmed down, he continued to visit the exhibition hall, constantly testing the power of his eyes, and enriching his knowledge of antiques.

  He spent nearly an hour here, studied carefully with a learning attitude, and then left and came to the American Pavilion not far away.

   The antique light has changed again. This time I saw almost all red light, some of which were orange, and very few cultural relics emitting yellow and green light.

   After coming out of the US Pavilion, it was time for lunch. Ye Tian didn't leave, so he had an expensive lunch in the museum restaurant, and then started visiting other exhibition halls.

   After visiting the European Pavilion, Greece Pavilion, and Rome Pavilion on the first floor, he thoroughly understood the relationship between the light of the cultural relics and the age.

   The cultural relics from fifty to one hundred years are white, one hundred to three hundred are red, three hundred to five hundred are orange, and five hundred to one thousand are yellow.

   One thousand to fifteen thousand is green, fifteen to two thousand is cyan, two thousand to three thousand is blue, three thousand to five thousand is purple, and more than five thousand is black.

  The cultural relics of all stages are the same, the color is from lighter to darker, the higher the artistic value, the more halo layers.

  The purpose of coming to the Metropolitan Museum has been achieved, and I have basically figured out what I have!

   In addition to the perspective ability, Ye Tian also determined a set of unique and most accurate methods for identifying antiques and artworks. These abilities will be the basis for his survival and success in the future.

   Next, it’s time to appreciate and experience the essence of human culture in the museum!

   Since you will often deal with antiques in the future, it is very necessary to understand the relevant knowledge, and the museum is undoubtedly the best place to learn this knowledge.

   Ye Tian decided to spend a certain amount of time every week in the future to study here and the nearby Natural History Museum and Hayden Planetarium to accumulate relevant knowledge.

   Let’s relax today, let’s just walk around and watch the flowers.

   Soon, Ye Tian came to the RB Hall on the second floor.

   He is not interested in RB culture. Although he has been to a museum before, he has never been in the RB museum.

  I came here today because I wanted to see the famous "Kanagawa Surfing Picture".

   This painting is known as the treasure of the Metropolitan RB Museum Town Hall. UU Reading is the work of RB Ukiyo painter Katsushika Hokusai. It was completely blown to the sky by the RB people and regarded as a god!

   When working in Manhattan before, Ye Tian met some RB people. Whenever they went to New York, they would worship this painting as a pilgrimage, boasting to everyone he knew how great and outstanding it was.

  Since I have come to Metropolis, Ye Tian wants to see this painting.

   He is going to use his own method to identify it and compare it with other masterpieces to see if it really resembles what RB people say, is a great work, or RB people are proud of it!

  As expected, the front of this print was full of RB people. While admiring the small paintings, these people kept admiring and admiring them, their expressions were extremely intoxicating!

   Ye Tian stood still two or three meters in front of the painting, watching the painting on the wall, and through the power of his eyes, he had a preliminary judgment on the painting in an instant.

  'S paintings are undoubtedly authentic, radiating red light and very deep in color, in line with the early nineteenth century.

   But judging from the number of halo layers on the periphery, the artistic value is not as amazing as the RB people boast.

   Not to mention anything else, there are many outstanding works in the museum, and there are far more halo layers than this one.

   Ye Tian continued to watch. Because of the distance and the small size of the painting, he watched very attentively. Under his concentration, he used the perspective power without realizing it. His gaze directly crossed the space and saw through the print.

   This is the third time he has used the perspective power today since seeing through the mummy.

   Suddenly, there was a refreshing feeling in his eyes, which seemed to have a hint of joy!

   hadn't realized what was going on, Ye Tian had an incredible picture in his eyes, and he was stunned in place!

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