Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2088: Detonate Athens

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Ye Tian drew six one hundred euro bills from his wallet, reached out and handed them to the stall owner with a nervous expression, and took down the broken marble statue as he wished.

Next, he asked a company employee to buy a metal trolley box at the stall next to him, ready to wrap up the broken marble statue, and then put it in the box and take it away.

At this moment, a curious voice suddenly came from the crowd of onlookers, and it sounded familiar.

"Steven, can you explain to you this broken marble statue, is there any secret behind it? Why did you buy it? I believe everyone would like to know the answers to these questions!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately put down the fragment of the statue in his hand and turned to look at the place where the sound came from.

The next moment, he saw a familiar face. The speaker was a forty or fifty-year-old Greek woman and an archeologist. He had seen it yesterday at the National Archaeological Museum of Greece.

Seeing the other party, Ye Tian immediately chuckled and nodded and said:

"Good noon, Professor Ophelia, I didn't expect you to be here too. Since you want to learn about the fragments of this marble statue, please come and have a look. Maybe you can find something."

As he said, he made a please gesture and asked the other party to come.

Professor Ophelia was also not polite, nodded gently, and then came out of the crowd and came to this booth.

When she came to the booth and stood still, she greeted Ye Tian first, and then squatted down and began to look at the fragment of the marble statue, looking very seriously.

At the same time, many onlookers at the scene all looked at Professor Ophelia and the fragment of the marble statue. Everyone was full of curiosity.

Although everyone can't see much, they instinctively feel that this broken marble statue piece is by no means simple, otherwise Steven would not take it so cleanly.

After checking carefully for a moment, Ophelia said:

"Steven, this should be a fragment of a classical sculpture, and it is quite old, at least more than a thousand years old. It is a pity that the preservation is too poor, and only this section, I can not make a judgment.

I don’t know what you think of this statue fragment You have always been known for your sharp eyesight, and you must see more content, otherwise you would not take down this statue fragment. I would love to hear your appraisal conclusion! "

Having said that, Ophelia raised her head and looked at Ye Tian, ​​with a sense of elegance in her eyes.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said in a leisurely manner:

"Well, then I will talk about my own identification conclusion. Let's first look at the texture of the fragment of the statue. If I read it correctly, this should be a very famous and very rare Paros marble.

This kind of marble from Palos Island is translucent and fine in texture. It is the highest quality marble in Greece. In ancient times, translucent Paros marble was regarded as one of the most exquisite things.

Because of the age of this fragment of the marble statue, the surface is somewhat weathered, and there are many stains attached, and there are many damages, which conceal its own luster and other characteristics.

Let’s not talk about the source of the fragment of this statue. Just such a large piece of Paros marble is worth more than six hundred euros. This precious carved stone is what every sculptor dreams of owning.”

When the voice fell, a sound of exclamation immediately sounded from the surrounding crowd.

"Wow! It's Paros marble, it's really precious"

"What kind of eyes does Steven have? You can even tell where the marble was used to shape the statue. This is too exaggerated!"

After all, this is a historic antique market, and there are still many professionals around who know the preciousness of Paros marble.

Looking at the stall owner who sold the fragment of the statue, his face has become pale, his eyes full of regret.

As for Ophelia, she once again looked down at the fragment of the statue and stroked it gently with her hand.

In a blink of an eye, she also came to a conclusion.

"Yes, this is indeed the famous Paros marble, the most ideal sculptural stone. Although the surface of this statue fragment is somewhat weathered and loses its luster, the texture is still very delicate, and it feels like a baby's skin!"

When she said this, Ophelia's tone was slightly bitter, and her eyes were full of envy.

Following Ophelia's words, the scene suddenly became more lively.

Especially those professionals and antique dealers, all of them stared at the fragment of the statue, wishing to take it directly into the bag and take it for themselves.

Ye Tian scanned the scene quickly, then smiled and continued:

"Because Paros marble is extremely precious and rare, the sculptors who can afford and are qualified to use this kind of marble in ancient times are all famous masters, without exception.

Almost every sculpture made of Paros marble by these masters is invaluable. The most famous sculpture is "Venus de Milo".

The treasure of the Louvre’s pavilion is carved from Paros marble, and most of the other famous and valuable ancient Greek sculptures are also carved from Paros marble.

Everyone is now at the foot of the Acropolis. Everyone must be very familiar with the Parthenon on the top of the mountain. The marble stone used in the Parthenon is slightly rough Pantellico marble.

However, you may not know that the statue of Athena once enshrined in the Parthenon, except for the wood and ivory parts, the rest are all carved from Paris marble."

Unsurprisingly, the scene boiled directly, and the exclamation sounded.

"Wow! According to Steven's words, is it possible that the fragment of this marble statue came from a certain top artist and is part of a famous sculpture?"

"This possibility is very high. Steven is right. The average sculptor can't use Paris marble at all, nor is it qualified. Only the top art masters can afford it."

In a sound of exclamation, Ye Tian raised his hands and gently pressed down, signalling everyone to be quiet.

Following his gesture, the scene quickly became quiet, everyone was watching, their eyes were extremely hot.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued:

"After talking about the texture of the fragment of this statue, let's talk about its artistic style. From the plump and elegant lines on this arm, we can see that this is a fragment of a classical statue. There must be no dispute.

If you study the art of ancient Greek sculpture and the sculpture art of the Hellenistic period, you can further infer that the artistic style of this sculpture fragment is closer to that of ancient Greek sculpture.

In this way, we can be sure that this sculpture fragment has a history of at least two thousand years, and in my judgment, the history of this sculpture fragment should be between 2,500 and 2,400 years. .

That era was the strongest era in ancient Greece, and it was also the era of the three ancient Greek sculptors Phidias, Milon and Polycritus. It was the most brilliant and great era in the history of Greek sculpture.

Having said that, let’s look back at the smooth lines of this marble statue, especially the slightly pronation shape on the wrist, which is not like the shape of the goddess Athena holding a spear and standing in the distance.

Everyone must be familiar with the statue of the goddess Athena displayed in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. The marble statue from the Roman period is an imitation of the classic sculpture **** Phidias.

Comparing the two, you may find some similarities! It is a pity that the fragment of this statue is broken from the wrist, and the left hand on it has disappeared, otherwise everyone will be able to see more clearly."

Having said this, Ye Tian stopped the conversation suddenly, and then looked at the crowd with a smile on his face.

At this time, the scene was deadly still, except for the heavy and rapid breathing, there was no more sound.

Everyone was completely silly. They looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded and looked at the fragment of the marble statue. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, and they were about to burn!

"I heard that right? Is this fragment of the marble statue from Phidias, the **** of classical sculpture? From his statue of the goddess Athena?"

Ophelia said in despair The whole person was almost crazy, her eyes staring straight at the fragment of the statue close at hand.

Following her remarks, many onlookers at the scene were all awakened.

In the next instant, the frying pan was directly on the scene, and people screamed crazy, like lava from a volcanic crater, erupting unstoppably.

"The work of Phidias, the **** of classical sculpture, am I not dreaming? How is this possible?"

"God! Is it really a fragment of Phidias's statue of Athena? If it is, it is definitely a great discovery that sensationalizes the world!"

Just as people screamed frantically with their heads in their hands, Ye Tian had already picked up the fragment of the statue and packed it into the metal trolley box just bought by his employees.

Seeing his action, one of all the Greeks on the scene was counted as one, and all of them almost died distressedly. Everyone's heart was dripping with blood!

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