Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2077: Endless

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In a blink of an eye, one hour passed.

The door of the conference room opened again, Ye Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, personally sent the Honduran ambassador to New York and the President's special envoy out of the conference room, and kept sending these Hondurans to the elevator.

"Mr. Hernando, please say hello to Mr. President for me. When the tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of the Golden City begins, I will go to Tegucigalpa to meet with Mr. President"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and shook hands with the Honduran President's special envoy, acting very polite.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, I will bring your greetings. President Juan really wants to meet you, the world's top professional treasure hunter, and welcomes you to visit Honduras!"

Hernando shook hands with Ye Tian and was polite.

Next, Ye Tian shook hands with several other Hondurans one by one, bid farewell to these guys one by one, and said a few polite words.

Later, these Hondurans entered the elevator and left the floor where the Brave Fearless Exploration Company was located.

When leaving here, several Hondurans took away an initial tripartite exploration agreement, which was exactly what they wanted.

Although this agreement is not a formal contract and has no legal effect, it clearly reflects the willingness of the three parties to jointly explore the treasures of the Golden City.

In this agreement, except for the absence of a specific date for the start of the tripartite joint exploration operation, all other matters related to the joint exploration of the treasures of the Golden City are basically reflected in the agreement.

For example, the most important issue of the distribution of treasures in the Golden City is also the most concerned issue.

According to the previous agreement to jointly explore the treasures of Lima, if the famous Golden City can be successfully found this time, all the gold and silver treasures and antique artworks in the treasures will be divided equally between the Brave Fearless Exploration Company and Honduras!

It is still Ye Tian and the Brave Fearless Exploration Company who assess the value of the treasure and preside over the distribution. The Honduran government authorities are the first to choose.

Before making a choice, the Honduran government can make an assessment on its own and choose half of the treasures that it considers the most valuable, and the remaining half of the treasures belong to the Brave Fearless Exploration Company. This is very fair.

As for the third party, the Columbia University School of History, they and the National Museum of Honduras and related universities jointly research and enjoy the relevant academic achievements of the Golden City treasures, and each has its own income.

The elevator was moving down, and several Hondurans in the elevator were talking in low voices.

"This guy Steven looks polite and has a bright smile on his face, but he is cruel and creepy! I still can't believe that the series of **** killings in the past two days is actually related to him. !"

"In the conference room, the Steven we saw was just one side of this guy, and the other side of him, like a devil from hell, is extremely frightening. We must deal with it carefully in the future!"

Just as these Hondurans were full of emotion, Ye Tian returned to the meeting room just now.

Next, regarding the tripartite joint exploration of the Golden City Treasures operation, he continued to discuss with several history professors at Columbia University to improve the details.

It took about half an hour before the talks ended.

Then, Ye Tian invited these old friends from Columbia University to the restaurant on the top floor of the Rockefeller Center for lunch.

While they were talking, laughing, chatting, and enjoying wine and delicacies in the restaurant on the top floor, the **** killings in the outside world continued, and the atmosphere of horror over New York did not abate at all.

Following the guys who were killed by various means last night, an important figure of the Gambino family and his henchmen were found dead in an underground garage.

The gangster who was mainly responsible for the Gambino family's drug business and outreach was strangled with a wire and his confidant was directly headshot with a pistol. Both died very miserably.

Almost at the same time when the murder was exposed, a sneaky video with a slightly blurry picture appeared on the Internet. The content of the sneak shot was exactly the whole process of the murder.

In this candid video, people can see that there were two people who killed the mafia boss and his confidant, and they were very familiar with them. The four people entered the underground garage in the same car.

Next, these two killers were surprised and killed the mafia boss and his henchmen in the car.

Because of the long distance, the faces of the two killers could not be seen clearly in the candid video.

However, everyone who saw this candid video instantly thought that this should be a cannibalism within the Mafia, and someone was killing people.

Not only ordinary people, the New York police and the FBI have the same thoughts after seeing this secret video material circulating wildly on the Internet.

It's just that they don't understand, who is the guy who hid in secret and made this video public on the Internet, and what exactly is it?

With the spread of this candid video, the suspicion that hung over Ye Tian's head suddenly decreased a lot.

Some people finally believe that the series of **** killings that took place in the past two days may really have nothing to do with him. It is a cannibalism within the Mafia and an act of killing.

Of course, there are still some people who keep their eyes on him and never relax. They don't really believe in this unexplained video and the message it conveys!

The other guys at the center of the storm, the infamous Gambino family.

When they saw this candid video, everyone felt desolate and terrified. Then, every one of them became suspicious and could no longer believe anyone around him.

For them at this time, everyone who appeared around them could be a killer who came to send themselves to hell, even if this person is their friend or even relative!

And Catania, far away in the beautiful scenery of the Mediterranean coast, finally calmed down after a **** day.

However, this silence did not last long.

When night fell again, Sirazzaku, another port city in Sicily, suddenly burst into bursts of gunfire, which completely shredded the night sky of the city and awakened countless sleeping people.

Next, the **** scene that happened in Catania was once again staged in this small Mediterranean city. The city under the darkness of night quickly became a battlefield where bullets flew.

As soon as the news came out, everyone had guessed in an instant that this was another crazy revenge of the **** Steven, another **** killing against the notorious Mafia faction ‘our cause’.

The facts are exactly the same. On this **** and crazy night, the Sirazak Army under the "Our Cause" suffered a merciless blow, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

They were located in a villa by the sea, which was also an important stronghold for them. Three teams of mercenaries from different regions joined forces to break through. The Mafia scum hiding in it were all killed!

The initiator of all this, Ye Tian, ​​was in the auction hall of the Christie's auction house just as the **** killing began, and was enthusiastically participating in a night auction.

At this auction, he was chatting, laughing, and chatting with his acquaintances, while watching his own top antique works of art sold at an amazing price, sweeping wealth frantically.

As for whether those scumbags in ‘our career’ are struggling on the edge of **** or have fallen into the depths of hell, he doesn’t care at all, it is worthy of sin!

When a new day arrived, the war finally spread to the nest of "Our Career", the largest city in Sicily, Palermo.

With several high-level figures dying on the streets, even the "Our Career", which is known for being cruel and cruel, cannot withstand this endless and unscrupulous **** killing.

Less than half an hour after arriving at the company in the morning, a group of very special visitors came to Brave Fearless Exploration and asked to meet and negotiate with Ye Tian.

These special visitors are made up of several elders from the five major families of the New York Mafia, and each of them has considerable weight in the New York underground world.

In addition, there is a man in his fifties from Sicily who represents the Mafia scumbags who are in the midst of the ups and downs, ‘our cause’.

After determining the identities of these guys, Ye Tian did not let these mafia bosses enter the company, but asked Matisse to take these guys to the top-floor restaurant and negotiate there!

He didn't want these mafia scum to pollute his company, nor did he want to worry about himself. You know, the New York police and the FBI are staring at him with eyes wide open.

After Matisse brought these Mafia scum to the top-floor restaurant, and checked everyone again, and confirmed that he did not carry weapons or a bug, he notified Ye Tian to come.

Of course, the restaurant on the top floor of the Rockefeller Center building used for negotiation has been packaged and checked thoroughly, and anti-monitoring equipment has been installed!

After everything was ready, Ye Tian arrived late and took David into the top-floor restaurant.

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