Traveling through Yuhuatian, the start of the Sunflower Collection is complete

Chapter 447 Xiaoyao’s new leader, Yuhuatian

Chapter 447 Xiaoyao’s new leader, Yuhuatian

Lost ancient civilization?
Yuhuatian's expression condensed.

This world is similar to the previous life, but it is not exactly the same.

The period before the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, that is, the Zhou Dynasty, including the period before the Zhou Dynasty, is called the Ancient Era.

It is more than 3000 years ago.

In all countries in China, there are very few records about the history of ancient times.

It seems that since the Western Zhou Dynasty, there has been a gap in history.

The legendary ancient Qi training technique gradually disappeared after the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Then came the era of martial arts.

And what Xiaoyaozi calls "the lost civilization".

If nothing else, it should refer to the civilization of ancient times.

But, what exactly does it mean?
Is it a Qi training technique from ancient times?Or a monk from ancient times?
Yuhuatian was confused and looked at Xiaoyaozi, waiting for him to explain his doubts.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyaozi shook his head and said: "There are only a few words recorded in the scriptures, but I am not too sure about the details."

"But according to Pindao's guess, the 'lost civilization' mentioned in the scriptures should refer to the Qi training techniques of ancient times, as well as various myths that only exist in legends!"

As he said that, Xiaoyaozi looked at Yuhuatian with a solemn expression and said, "If what you say is true, and the Great Sui Grand Master Yuwen Tuo in the West is really the reincarnation of the legendary ancient artifact Kunlun Mirror, then what is written in the scriptures is true." The records may also be true.”

"After all, both the Kunlun Mirror and the Xuanyuan Sword are mythical products that only existed in ancient times."

Yuhuatian nodded slightly.

The Xuanyuan Sword is the sword left over from the ancient times by Emperor Xuanyuan Huang after his battle with Chi You. It possesses incredible power, is a symbol of imperial power, and is the sword of the emperor's way.

Even during the Qin Dynasty, after the First Emperor unified the world, he searched everywhere for traces of the Xuanyuan Sword, trying to prove that he was the chosen one and the destined emperor, but he found nothing.

Later, many emperors ordered the search for this sword, but they were never found.

As for the Kunlun Mirror, it is said that it is held by the immortals of Kunlun Mountain and has the power to communicate between heaven and earth, reflect all things, and break the gaps in time and space.

But since ancient times, this artifact has only been circulated in various myths and legends, and no one has ever actually found it.

But now, these two artifacts have appeared in China.

If the remaining mottos in the scroll obtained by Xiaoyaozi are true, then the appearance of the Kunlun Mirror and the Xuanyuan Sword may really be the harbinger of the emergence of those so-called 'lost civilizations'.

Yuhuatian looked solemn.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Xiao Sanxiao once said about the 'Thousand-Year Catastrophe'.

I wonder if this matter is related to the Qianqiu Catastrophe?
Pondered for a long time.

Yuhuatian looked at Xiaoyaozi and said, "I don't know what the senior said just now that the world is not as simple as the senior thought. What did he mean?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyaozi smiled bitterly and sighed: "As I really took this step, I realized that there were too many things that I couldn't see through."

After saying that, Xiaoyaozi stood up, walked slowly to the door of the hall, looked up at the endless blue sky above his head, and said: "If you don't talk about other things, who dares to say that you can truly see through this world?"

"On the contrary, as you become stronger and your realm becomes higher, you will feel your own insignificance more!"

Xiaoyaozi sighed.

Yuhuatian was slightly startled, and then he looked up at the sky with a dazed look on his face.


This is a world that is inextricably linked to the previous life, but also very different.

He is also not sure whether this world is also a blue planet like the previous life?

Beyond the sky of China, is there also the vast starry sky of the universe?

Moreover, this world truly has the existence of heaven.

The way of heaven is the so-called power of the world.

All things in this world, the rise and fall of living beings, are all operating under the influence of the power of the world.

Including every time a living being breaks the shackles, steps into the Hedao, and is sensed by the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao will open the door to the fairy world, drive the living beings that are beyond the maximum power that this world can bear out of this world, and force them to ascend.

Yuhuatian had clearly sensed that power.

It was a terrifying power he had never seen before.

Anyway, with his current strength, he absolutely cannot stop the force of repulsion and attraction.

That is the power of the world!

At this time, Xiaoyaozi withdrew his gaze, took a long breath, and continued: "In addition to the world of China, there are also many things in this world that a poor man cannot see through."

"For example, the moment he entered the Hedao realm, Pindao noticed that some unknown changes seemed to be taking place in the northern part of China, in the far north..."

Xiaoyaozi turned his head to look north, with a look of doubt and solemnity in his eyes.

Yu Huatian followed his gaze and frowned slightly: "What did senior feel?"

Xiaoyaozi shook his head: "I don't know."

"But every time he looks to the north, Pindao always feels a palpitation in his heart, as if something terrible will happen in the near future..."

Yu Huatian frowned even more tightly and stared at the north, followed by some doubts.

He didn't feel that way.

He did not doubt what Xiaoyaozi said.

So, maybe something is really going to happen in the north, but we just need to reach the Hedao realm to have a clear sense of it?
Yu Huatian frowned and said, "Since senior has felt it, why don't you go to the north in person to see what's going on?"

Xiaoyaozi said helplessly: "Do you think Pindao has never been there?"

"Three months ago, Pindao went to the north in person, wanting to find out. But as soon as he left China, Pindao felt that it was getting more and more difficult to move forward."

Xiaoyaozi took a deep breath and said solemnly, "There seems to be a terrible force in the dark, blocking me from moving forward. I can't even fly in the air."

"In desperation, Pindao returned along the original path."

Yu Huatian's eyes also showed a hint of solemnity, and said: "You can't resist that power even at your senior level?"

Xiaoyaozi nodded: "That power is very mysterious. I don't know where it comes from. It seems that it is the power emanating from the world here!"

"The power of heaven and earth?"

Yuhuatian raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then asked doubtfully: "Why does Heaven want to prevent senior from going to the north?"

Xiaoyaozi took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "Perhaps there really is some secret in the north, and Heaven will not allow me and other cultivators to go there."

Yuhuatian fell silent, staring at the northern sky, frowning, and thinking carefully in his heart.

With Xiaoyaozi's current strength, he is unable to leave China and head to the north.

So, maybe there really is some secret hidden in the North.In other words, what Xiaoyaozi sensed came from the north?

Pondered for a long time.

Yuhuatian looked at Xiaoyaozi and asked, "Senior, where is the source of the palpitations?"

Xiaoyaozi's expression changed slightly and said, "You also want to find out?"

Yuhuatian nodded: "That's right, I'm going to see it for myself."

"Since the senior sensed this power only after breaking through the Hedao realm, then maybe this power is only aimed at the strong ones above the Hedao realm."

"This junior is still in the Ninth Heaven Realm at the moment. Maybe he can successfully leave China and go to the source of this power to find out!"

Xiaoyaozi pondered slightly, then nodded and said: "What you said is not unreasonable."

Yuhuatian smiled slightly: "If this junior really finds something when he goes here, he will come back and tell the senior to clear up his confusion."

Xiaoyaozi nodded and said: "My little friend just needs to keep going north, out of the Liao Kingdom, and then a thousand miles further north, which is where Pindao arrived last time."

"Last time, Pindao had just arrived here, and he was forced by that force and could not move forward."

Yuhuatian looked to the north and frowned: "To the north of the Liao Kingdom? That seems to be the scope of the Kunlun Mountains?"

"Yes, this terrifying power, I suspect, comes from deep in the Kunlun Mountains!"

Xiaoyaozi nodded with a solemn expression: "Pindao can sense that this power is very evil. You should be careful when you go here."

Yuhuatian cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior, for informing me. I will pay attention to this."

After saying that, Yuhuatian stood up and prepared to leave: "Without further delay, I will leave for the north now to find out what's going on."

Xiaoyaozi waved his hand slightly and said: "Don't worry, my friend, you came to our Xiaoyao sect this time mainly for the purpose of the Western Expedition, right?"

Yuhuatian did not deny it, nodded and said: "It is indeed true."

"The seniors should know the ambitions in the hearts of the juniors. China must be unified!"

Xiaoyaozi nodded and said: "With my current strength, it shouldn't be difficult to do this."

"Pindao has no opinion on this matter. As long as the Ming Dynasty can implement benevolent governance and not follow the old path of the Qin Dynasty, then the unification of China may be a good thing."

Yu Huatian smiled and said: "Senior, don't worry, this junior will solve these matters and there will be no future troubles."

Xiaoyaozi nodded: "As long as you know what's going on, little friend."

"So, the senior supports the junior?" Yu Huatian asked with a smile.

Xiaoyaozi shook his head: "Pin Dao can guess what I want to do, but if I want Xiaoyao Sect to get involved in this matter, I still need to agree to something."

Yuhuatian nodded: "Senior, please speak."

Xiaoyaozi looked at Yuhuatian: "You should also know the current situation of our Xiaoyao sect. Pindao will not go into details. Pindao wants to invite you to join our Xiaoyao sect and serve as the leader of my Xiaoyao sect. I don't know. How about your kindness?"

Serve as the leader of Xiaoyao Sect? !

Yuhuatian couldn't help but be stunned: "Senior, this..."

Xiaoyaozi stared at Yuhuatian with burning eyes and said: "My new leader of the Xiaoyao Sect was killed by my little friend. I can't just let it go, right?"

Yuhuatian suddenly felt dumbfounded. It was true that Xu Zhu killed himself, but wasn't this exactly what Xiaoyaozi wanted to see?

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate for this junior to serve as the leader of Xiaoyao Sect." Yu Huatian was a little helpless.

He could also guess some of what Xiaoyaozi was thinking.

It's just because he has good qualifications and wants to use his hands to develop the Xiaoyao Sect again.

But after all, he is a member of the Ming Dynasty at the moment, and the Xiaoyao Sect belongs to the Jianghu sect. It is indeed inappropriate for him to serve as the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Xiaoyaozi shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter. Pindao doesn't care what your identity is. All I need is that you join my Xiaoyao Sect and take charge of it. How to do it is my business. Pindao doesn't know. Too much intervention.”

"Pindao only hopes that Xiaoyao Sect will not decline so quickly."

As he said that, Xiaoyaozi sighed and said: "It can be said that Pindao has selfish motives, but after all, Xiaoyao Sect is Pindao's hard work for many years. When he obtained the scroll of scriptures and founded Xiaoyao Sect, he was also related to the owner of the scriptures. Without knowing the origin, Pindao doesn’t want to see the Xiaoyao Sect disappear into the world like this..."

Yu Huatian shook his head and said: "Senior, you are serious. Although the Xiaoyao Sect is no longer as glorious as it was in the past, as long as senior is here, no one will dare to take advantage of the Xiaoyao Sect."

"What's more, the Xiaoyao Sect is not weak at the moment. With Tong Lao in charge, as long as the senior's third disciple Li Qiu Shui is found again, the Xiaoyao Sect will be a first-rate power in the whole world. Senior also has Why worry?"

Xiaoyaozi glanced at the Tianshan Child Elder next to him, shook his head and said: "Pindao is not worried about them, but with their qualifications, their achievements in this life will probably stop here. Moreover, they manage the sect, and Pindao really can't let them go. Make up your mind.”

"Pindao has now entered Hedao. He will not be able to stay in this world for long. Pindao does not hope that after Pindao leaves this world, the Xiaoyao Sect will gradually decline and eventually completely wipe out the world..."

Yu Huatian said quickly: "This junior is only one step away from Hedao. When he enters the Hedao realm and fulfills his ambition, he will always ascend, and he will not be able to stay in this world for long..."

Xiaoyaozi waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, you can be in charge as long as you can. As long as you can manage the sect well for Pindao before leaving, and then find a suitable successor for Pindao to pass on the Xiaoyao sect."

Yuhuatian is even more helpless. Does he have to rely on me?
At this time, Xiaoyaozi looked at Yuhuatian meaningfully and said: "Pindao didn't choose you just because of your qualifications. If Pindao has a good feeling, I should be among the martial arts you practice." The core martial arts of the sect is Xiaoyao Yufeng, right?"

Yuhuatian was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

Xiaoyaozi was right. Although his martial arts was obtained through a lottery, he did also practice Xiaoyao Yufeng, which included Beiming Divine Technique, Tianshan Liuyang Palm and many other Xiaoyao sect's unique skills.

The most important thing is that he can't explain the origin of these skills...


Sighing, Yu Huatian cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I will accept it shamelessly."

Xiaoyaozi smiled with satisfaction, nodded and said: "That's right, as long as you become the head of my Xiaoyao sect, the people of my Xiaoyao sect can be mobilized at your discretion, including Pindao."

"Although you are quite strong now and have few opponents in this world, if you insist on conquering the west and unifying China, I'm afraid it won't be that easy..."

Yu Huatian's eyes moved slightly and said, "What do you mean, senior?"

Xiaoyaozi smiled and said, "Are you really a poor person who can't hear what's going on outside the window? You must have suffered a loss in the Shaolin Temple a few days ago, right?"

"Nothing can be hidden from senior."

As Yuhuatian spoke, his eyes flashed and he said, "Senior, do you know that old bald donkey?"

Xiaoyaozi nodded: "Didn't you also find out his identity?"

Yu Huatian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Could it be..."

Xiaoyaozi nodded: "Yes, this old guy is Bodhidharma's disciple, Huike!"

"Dharma had five disciples in his life, but he was the only one who received Bodhidharma's martial arts inheritance. Moreover, before Bodhidharma ascended to heaven, he gave up his body and left behind a relic."

"With this old guy's qualifications and the Bodhidharma relics, it's normal for you to suffer a loss in his hands."

Yu Huatian nodded and sighed: "Yes, this old bald donkey not only has profound skills, but is also proficient in many Shaolin secret arts. He is terrifyingly powerful!"

Xiaoyaozi nodded, then shook his head and said: "You want to unify China, this old monk is just an appetizer."

Yuhuatian's pupils shrank and he suddenly looked at Xiaoyaozi: "Senior, are you saying that there is someone stronger than this old monk in the West?!"

(End of this chapter)

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