Traveling through the famine years with the system to raise cubs

Chapter 11 The First Improvement of Prestige

Jiang Ling led the village head to the back mountain very quickly, and the back mountain was almost covered with small purple flowers blooming all over the mountain, the number was so large that even Jiang Ling was secretly surprised.

Jiang Ling walked to the nearest purple flower and repeated the action just now. After a while, several potatoes were uprooted by Jiang Ling.

"Look, village chief, I told you I didn't lie to you!" Jiang Ling said triumphantly, holding up the potatoes in his hand.

When the village chief saw the potatoes in Jiang Ling's hand, his face showed surprise and he trembled all over. Then his knees softened and he fell to his knees on the ground with a "plop".

Jiang Ling was taken aback by the village chief's actions, and she quickly threw the potatoes in her hand on the ground.

"Didn't I just discover potatoes? There's no need for the village chief to give me such a big gift, right?" Jiang Ling walked quickly to the village chief while thinking.

Just about to help the village chief up and say something polite, unexpectedly the village chief muttered to himself: "Bai...the white-haired lady! The white-haired lady has appeared! Our village is saved!"

"What the hell? White-haired empress? Apparition? Oh, that kneeling just now wasn't kneeling on me?" Hearing the village chief muttering to himself, Jiang Ling's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and even the corner of his mouth froze. Also pulled out an awkward smile.

"Village... Village chief, you'd better get up first, don't kneel down!" Although Jiang Ling was a little embarrassed, she still helped the village chief up. After all, people in the village are more or less willing to come to the mountains to pick wild vegetables. If Jiang Ling saw this scene, he might not be able to explain it clearly with ten thousand mouths.

"Jiang is very... sorry, I doubted you just now!" The village head tried his best to calm down, and said to Jiang Ling in a still agitated tone.

Jiang Ling didn't show any expression after hearing the village chief's apology. She just glanced at the village chief and said meaningfully: "Village chief, please take care of me as an orphan and widow in the future."

In fact, Jiang Ling was not as selfless and great as the village chief thought. Even if Jiang Ling's family of four kept digging for [-] hours, they probably wouldn't be able to dig many potatoes all over the mountains and plains.

If there are too many of these things in the house, people will definitely be suspicious. Originally, she was a woman with three children in a famine year, which was already eye-catching. If this ordinary potato caused some unnecessary troubles, it would not be worth the candle.

What's more, ancient villages have always been linked and maintained by clan blood power.

Jiang Ling didn't have much to do with Lujiacun in the first place, and now he's reconciled with that scumbag Lu Youren. If he wants to live in Lujiacun safely and securely, he must stand firm.The village head is the first step for Jiang Ling to gain a firm foothold. Only when he has a good relationship with the village head can he have a better life in Lujia Village in the future.

The village chief was stunned for a moment when he heard Jiang Ling's words, and soon he nodded and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, Mrs. Jiang, you can find food for the people of our Lujia Village regardless of the past. Jiacun owes you, if anyone dares to bully you in Lujiacun in the future, I will definitely not make him look good!"

"Grandfather... Grandpa..."

Just as Jiang Ling was about to say something, a childish voice came from behind her and the village chief.I saw the village head's grandson Lu Gou left running towards the village head panting.

"Gousheng, why did you come here?" The village chief was obviously startled when he saw his grandson, and he quickly wiped off the sweat from Lu Gousheng's forehead and asked with concern.

"Grandma...Grandma saw that you haven't returned after so long, and was worried about you so..."

"This old lady, I've been worrying about it for a day. I'm so big, I'm going to get lost!" The village chief interrupted Lu Gousheng with some embarrassment.

"Gousheng, you have quick legs, go to the village entrance to ring the bell now, and if anyone asks, just say that I have something urgent to announce!" The village chief patted Lu Gouxeng on the head and said.

Lu Gouzeng nodded obediently, and disappeared in front of Jiang Ling and the village head in a flash.

Jiang Ling and the village chief also came out of the mountain one after the other.

The entrance of Lujia Village was already surrounded by many people, and some women who couldn't hold back their temper had already asked Lu Gousheng first: "Gog leftover, the village chief just asked you to ring the bell? What's the matter without telling you?"

Lu Goupu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, ", Grandpa just said that he has something important to announce."

His words made everyone present have different expressions, and even everyone started whispering.

The village head stood on the periphery of the crowd, coughed hard, and then attracted everyone's attention. Seeing that it was the village head, everyone quickly moved out of the way.

But when everyone saw Jiang Ling following the village chief, the original silence immediately turned into whispers.

"Hey, who was I at that time? It turned out to be you who couldn't have a son!" A strange voice came from the crowd.

After the voice appeared, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Ling. Jiang Ling squinted at the voice, only to see Lu Youren's unbeaten face appeared in front of Jiang Ling.

Lu Youren seemed to be provocative and deliberately touched Widow Wang's stomach in front of Jiang Ling, as if mocking Jiang Ling for not being able to give birth to a son.

The Widow Wang on the side also straightened her chubby belly in an air, and looked at Jiang Ling provocatively.

Jiang Ling smiled coldly, and looked up at the village head standing on the platform. After the village head gave Jiang Ling a calm look, he coughed hard and said to the crowd below: "Quiet!" ! Be quiet!"

"It is so urgent to let everyone come here. It is a good news that a potato has been found in the mountain behind the village! This thing looks like a horse's bell, so it is called a potato!"

"In the early years, I had the honor to taste this food. The deliciousness of this food is incredible. It can be steamed, fried, fried and fried!" The village chief said as he took out the potato that Jiang Ling had given her before.

When the yellow potato with black spots appeared in front of everyone, everyone was in an uproar. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the potato the size of a ping pong ball, as if they were afraid that it would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Village Chief, I am very familiar with this mountain. Why haven't I seen the thing you mentioned? And I just saw you and the Jiang family walking out of the mountain one after the other. You two can't... ..." Lu Youren looked at Jiang Ling wretchedly and said.

"Hahahaha..." Everyone's piercing laughter resounded in the night sky of Lujia Village.

Even a few rascals in the village have already looked back and forth at Jiang Ling's body carelessly.

The village head is almost fifty this year, not to mention sons, he has grandsons, he was very angry at Lu Youren's words, he gave Lu Youren a hard look and scolded: "Is this how Mrs. Lu disciplines her sons? ? Have no respect for elders, talk nonsense?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu on the side quickly slapped Lu Youren and reprimanded in a low voice: "I'm going to be a father, why are you so ignorant!"

Lu Youren glanced at the village chief disapprovingly, but said nothing.

The village head glanced at Lu Youren and continued: "Your ignorance does not mean that others are ignorant. When everyone went to dig wild vegetables in the mountains, did they ignore a small lilac flower? Did you think it was an ordinary flower?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone let out a lot of exclamation, and immediately started whispering.

"Quiet! Be quiet! That little lavender flower is the leaf of the potato. As for the discoverer of the potato..." The village chief paused.

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