Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 22: Selling Vegetables

Chapter 22

The cameraman's heart started thumping as he desperately looked for angles to film them. I'm responsible for earning money and supporting the family, while you're responsible for being as beautiful as a flower - I truly love this line.

For this task, they were divided into three groups and had to cooperate and work together. The three cars went to different parts of the market to sell vegetables. Whichever group sold out first would go help the other groups.

Of course, no one really had any confidence that they would be able to sell out. Zhou Sheng and his group had already mentally prepared themselves for whatever punishing forfeit the production team might come up with.

Ji Nian had just finished laying out the vegetables on this side, and took out two small rickety stools from the car for Shen Shuyao to sit on as well.

The surrounding vegetable sellers were mostly aunties and uncles. Seeing these two young girls setting up a stall, with several people holding cameras, they couldn't help but turn their heads in curiosity.

Even passers-by gathered around wanting to see what the hustle and bustle was about. They didn't know what was going on, but gathered around to watch anyway.

Shen Shuyao felt rather awkward. Although she wasn't very popular, as a female actress she still felt self-conscious being watched by so many people like this. She worried what netizens might say about her.

Seeing so many people gathered around watching, Ji Nian thought to herself that this would attract business. She took off her straw hat and put it on the female lead's head, saying, "The sun is harsh, wear this."

Shen Shuyao was surprised. The large straw hat covered half her face, perfectly hiding her awkwardness.

"Thank you..." she said softly.

Ji Nian smiled back at the female lead, then turned to the crowd and asked with a smile, "Hello everyone, we're recording a lifestyle show. Would you like to buy some freshly picked vegetables? They were just harvested this morning."

"Are you celebrities?" a curious primary school student asked.

Ji Nian looked at the child, thought for a moment, then nodded, "I guess if being on a show makes you a celebrity, then yes we are."

Hearing this, the crowd broke into excited chatter. Seeing the beautiful woman's radiant smile, they couldn't help but sigh at her beauty.

"What a pretty young lady." An auntie smiled, "How much are you selling the vegetables for?"

Seeing a potential customer, Ji Nian's eyes lit up as she asked, "Auntie, would you like to buy some?"

"Your vegetables look quite fresh," the auntie nodded, then added, "But let me be clear first, if they're expensive then I won't buy them."

Ji Nian quickly waved her hands, "Not expensive, not expensive. Only 2 dollars per jin (0.5 kg). They were just picked today."

Hearing 2 dollars per jin, which was the standard rate, several people in the crowd perked up, intrigued to come buy some.

"Alright then," the auntie readily chose some greens with her hands, then gestured for them to start weighing.

Shen Shuyao blankly took the vegetables the auntie handed over and placed them on the electronic scale, but she didn't know how to use it. Seeing this, the auntie sighed again at how refined and sweet the young woman looked despite the straw hat covering part of her face.

"Dear, this is an electronic scale. You enter the price per kilogram over there and it'll calculate for you. Here, let me show you," said the auntie, as she guessed the girl didn't know how to use it. She pointed to the scale buttons and explained.

Shen Shuyao shyly nodded and followed the auntie's instructions. To her surprise, it worked and the scale calculated the amount. She slowly bagged up the vegetables.

Handing it over, she said softly, "Thank you auntie, one and a half jin, three dollars total."

The auntie readily handed over the money, "Alright, thanks."

As Shen Shuyao received her first sale of the day, her eyes shone brightly. She turned to look at the woman beside her.

Ji Nian smiled and gave her a thumbs up, thinking to herself that the female lead looked stunning even under the straw hat.

Seeing this, Shen Shuyao blushed slightly. Just moments ago she had felt rather uneasy, but now she suddenly felt totally at ease. The previous awkwardness had vanished.

Seeing someone make a purchase, the spectators were also spurred to action. Mainly out of curiosity as it was a novelty to have a TV show filming in their small town.

"I'll take two jin," said a young man, eyes fixed intently on Ji Nian. It was the first time he had seen such a beautiful woman, and his eyes were full of amazement.

Ji Nian saw they had a second customer and smiled, "Sure!"

Shen Shuyao clumsily weighed the vegetables and packed them neatly. Handing them over, the young man froze as he caught a glimpse of her face under the hat.

"Thank you, four dollars total," Shen Shuyao said politely with a smile.

It took a while for the man to regain himself before hurriedly responding, "Oh, uh, okay thanks!" And he fumbled to take out his wallet.

With these two taking the lead, many curious onlookers came over to join in the fun. They had three baskets of vegetables in the car. The first basket was already almost sold out. Shen Shuyao smiled as she busily weighed vegetables and politely collected money from customers.

Seeing they were just ordinary vegetable sellers, some of the less curious onlookers lost interest and half of them dispersed. But many of the elders remained watching from a slight distance.

The scene then switched to Zhou Sheng's side. Zhou Sheng was with Shen Yang. The two men stuck out among the lively streets.

Passers-by glanced curiously at the two cameras following them around, but soon lost interest. However, a few eagle-eyed high school girls spotted Zhou Sheng and Shen Yang and shrieked in delight.

"Oh my god, are you Zhou Sheng?" one girl asked excitedly.

"Wow, Shen Yang!" another exclaimed in surprise.

Zhou Sheng and Shen Yang smiled and nodded in acknowledgement seeing they had been recognized.

"We're recording a lifestyle show and doing a task. Would you girls like to buy some vegetables?" Zhou Sheng asked with a smile.

"You're filming a show in our small town?" the schoolgirl said in delight.

"Can we take a photo together?"

Shen Yang was briefly taken aback before shyly answering, "Sure."

Thrilled, the schoolgirls eagerly took out their phones and rushed over for a selfie.

Overhearing them, the onlooking crowd found out these were celebrities. They finally recalled Shen Yang, the wildly popular former rock singer, was here selling vegetables.

As for Liang Jie, there was no need to elaborate. She was surrounded by crowds of people while Wu Hai looked on enviously - none of these onlookers even recognized him!

As the most popular host on Fruit TV, Liang Jie could be considered the biggest star among the Love Life cast. As soon as she arrived, many recognized her and flocked around causing a slight commotion as people scrambled to take photos with her.

As a celebrity, being able to cause such a sensation in this small town made Liang Jie feel rather proud.

"Hello everyone, I'm Liang Jie. We're recording a Love Life variety show. If you'd like to buy vegetables you can come over here! For friends not making purchases, please don't block the way. This is a public area so crowding could inconvenience others. Thanks everyone for the support!" As an experienced host, Liang Jie greeted the people squeezing towards her politely and graciously.

Seeing the growing crowd, the filming crew also came forward to help maintain order.

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