Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 75 Eyes of the Sky Society's Attention

It's an exaggeration to say that she woke up, but Felicity is actually still in a semi-comatose state, murmuring things like Dad and Mom not to go from time to time.

Under Director Gordon's urgent gaze, Barbara woke up less than half a minute later, which greatly relieved the old director.

Although Barbara woke up late, her physique was far stronger than Felicity's. After all, she had practiced hard. The reason why she woke up later than Felicity's abandoned house was mainly because she inhaled too much, and some People dragged her stumbling all the way, and now she is still dizzy.

The medical staff hurriedly injected some injections to supplement their physical strength to speed up their recovery. After preliminary analysis by several pharmacology experts, although most of the drugs were not yet available, a few antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs would not conflict. It's the big bump on Barbara's forehead, it will really disfigure her if she doesn't take some medicine in time.

Although she was still a little weak, Barbara recovered really fast, and she was able to see her father clearly and speak a few words intermittently. Felicity was much worse, her whole state was still hovering between coma and semi-coma.

However, it is a good thing that people can wake up. Thea felt that these medical staff were really good at waking up, which was much better than her original method of waking up by pouring cold water and blowing cool wind.

Dad, where are we? Barbara gradually regained her sanity and looked around in confusion. This is not where I was before. Where is this?

Director Gordon doesn't know where this is. He was also sent in all the way in a daze. He is so old, and his natural recovery speed is not as good as that of young people. However, in order to let his daughter recover with peace of mind, he made up a story that is not a lie. lie.

This is a secret location, and it's safe here.

...Where's Robin? Barbara looked around, but she didn't find her boyfriend, feeling a little uneasy, and hurriedly asked her father.

Hey, Director Gordon suddenly found out that Robin was not there all along. Thea didn't mention it just now. Could it be that he was rescued? He turned his head and gave Thea a questioning look.

What can Thea say? Can only shake his head slightly.

Robin is still in the campus, we will go rescue it later... Director Gordon generally supports Robin's relationship with his daughter, but there is some part of his father-in-law's displeasure towards his son-in-law in his heart. Inside, he wasn't angry that Thea didn't rescue Robin, but instead felt like he should teach this kid a lesson.

Or say that most people in this world forget their father when they have a man, and forget their mother when they marry a wife. Barbara heard that her boyfriend didn't come out, and she didn't think about who fished her out, so she was a little anxious A little bit worried, and passed out again under the multiple blows.

Watching Director Gordon is like acting in a movie, holding his daughter and crying, Barbara, wake up, open your eyes...

Thea felt that her teeth were a little sore. She just passed out, and she didn't hang up. Do you need to be so exaggerated? Since both of them are awake, I haven't been busy tonight. Researcher, let's see if they have analyzed the components of the poisonous gas. If possible, I still have to rescue Robin, and Catwoman is gone now, so I have to look for it.

At the same time, Leila walked into a sealed cabin and announced a long password, and the monitor showed Amanda's black face.

Well, Laila, you are recovering very quickly.

Thank you sir for your concern.

Neither of them meant to talk nonsense, and they quickly got to the point.

Sir, this is the blood test report of me, Thea, and Director Gordon. The poisonous gas content in the blood of the three of us has exceeded the normal tolerance value of the human body. The inhalation amount of me and Gordon is similar. I have been trained so It is better than Director Gordon, but Thea's inhalation is far more than the two of us. Lila held the report in her hand and reported in a low voice.

Then what do you mean? Is she a supernatural being? Amanda asked noncommittally

On the contrary,

Her blood, cells, hemoglobin, etc. are at the normal human level. Under such a huge burden on her body, she can still fight fiercely and rescue three people. This can only show her own strong willpower. At least if I do it, I can't do it.

Agents are very pragmatic people, and they are very clear about the limits of their abilities. If you can do it, you can do it, and if you can’t do it, you can’t. So Leila confessed that she didn't have such strong willpower. At that time, she struggled to walk even two steps, and she still wanted to fight the enemy? Are you kidding me!

Oh... Amanda didn't have any special feelings, because there are such people. Some people can indeed do some unimaginable things by relying on their own tenacious will. Needless to say, Batman is a living example of this. He was attacked by poison gas many times. Although he was ugly, he escaped smoothly every time.

Comparing the past experiences of Bruce and Thea, Amanda looked for the common ground between the two, and found a lot. First of all, they are very rich, at least richer than myself, who came from the army to earn a dead salary. The family suffered misfortune, surrounded by wolves. The difference between the two is that Star City is relatively sunny, while Gotham is dark.

Is it easy for children from rich families to produce superheroes? Amanda unconsciously came up with this idea, shouldn't she find a few more of these for testing in the future? Not greedy for money, not afraid of death, full of ideals in my heart, this kind of thinking is really suitable for my organization.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Amanda asked Lila, What's your conclusion? Do you think she fits the bill?

Yes, I think she is suitable, at least... more suitable than Batman, and can be a partner of the Sky Eye Society. Leila said with certainty.

I see. Amanda said and turned off the remote call.

Sitting on a chair and looking at a document in her hand, Thea's mother, Moira, has officially submitted to the government to run for the next mayor, and the current polls are far ahead of another candidate.

Her policy agenda is not complicated, that is, to restore employment and develop new economic growth points. Originally, Amanda treated all these nonsensical words as waste paper, but this time because of the little butterfly, Thea, she No matter what, you have to look carefully.

If Moira is successfully elected, she will enter the eyes of the supreme ruler of this country. As a secret government organization, she will naturally stand on the same front with herself, and by the way, she can also pull the superhero Thea to the government's side , from this point of view, Thea is indeed more unstable than the mental state, and Batman who has gone crazy at some point is more suitable.

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