Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 58 Robin VS Killer Crocodile

Naturally, Robin saw that the second daughter had arrived by his side. As a Batman heir with a bit of mental cleanliness, he himself was very chivalrous, and shouted loudly, Don't bother, I can solve him.

Hearing what he said, Thea felt relieved. In fact, she didn't have the slightest intention to help. This killer crocodile ran out of nowhere. The scales on its body were covered with particularly disgusting mucus, and it made her feel uncomfortable just looking at it.

Catwoman grew up in a slum area, and she can maintain a certain degree of tolerance for mucus, but just now the wind direction changed a little bit, and from the place where the two were fighting, a rotten smell was blown near her, and Catwoman was caught off guard. I quickly hid on the side, this is too stinky! She is known as a catwoman. Although she is not at the level of a cat, her sense of sight, smell, etc. have reached an extremely strong level. This sudden blow made her almost spit out her lunch.

The two women exchanged glances with each other tacitly, and unexpectedly found that neither of them had the intention of rushing forward, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, both of them were thinking in their hearts, I am not afraid of dirty (stinky) I am here to protect Luo Bin Bin's masculine dignity, if you can't say it, you can't.

As if it happened yesterday again, the two daughters were just like watching Batman vs. Siwa that day, watching with their arms around their shoulders, and making some comments from time to time.

Robin didn't know the inner trajectory of the two of them. He said no, but in fact, what he thought was that you should hurry up and join hands, and we will be grandchildren together. He didn't have rhinitis, and after smelling the stench for ten minutes, his nose was almost numb. He fully thought that after he yelled, the two heroes would rush forward to help regardless.

I never expected that the two women stood on the sidelines obediently and watched. What's going on? Robin couldn't figure it out, Catwoman was always warm-hearted, so she probably wouldn't do anything to save her. The problem was this girl from Star City? Is it because the crime rate of you people in Star City is so low because you are so honest? If you say no, don’t?

Robin had always thought that the people of Gotham had one thing to say and one thing behind the other, which made him very uncomfortable with his honest nature, but the behavior of the real people in Star City today surprised him. He unexpectedly missed Gotham's cunning style. A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as our own kennels, and we Gotham people also have merits.

I don't know that my behavior has put a real label on Star City. Thea is also thinking about how to deal with this kind of enemy with a stinky halo, but after repeated thinking, I can't come up with a good idea. This may be the natural enemy of the heroine Well, don't talk about yourself, Superwoman and Wonder Woman don't dare to fight him in close combat, right?

Seeing that he is covered in mucus, every time Robin's short stick hits him, a lot of indescribable matter is splashed around, does Wonder Woman dare to still use the noose? Dare to cut with a sword? Unless she doesn't want the old one and is going to get a new one! The best way to deal with this guy is to shoot a freezing arrow from a distance, freeze it into a big lump of ice, and then bury it deep in the ground. It will be safe and secure and prevent him from polluting the air. Maybe the slime on his body can also promote plant growth?

The more Thea thought about it, the more disgusted she felt. As she was thinking wildly, the battle had already been decided. Robin's sambo joint skill discounted the left hand of the killer crocodile, or the left claw? Immediately afterwards, he put away the short stick and threw an over-the-shoulder throw, trying to throw the enemy out, but he miscalculated the enemy's weight and his own strength.

The movement of the over-the-shoulder throw was only more than half completed, and the fall was thrown out, but the strength was almost non-existent. The killer crocodile didn't know whether it was scared of being beaten or was naturally timid. Instead of seizing the opportunity to attack, it jumped into the lake in a hurry .

When he swam to the middle of the lake, he emerged from the water to provoke Robin again. I wondered if his vocal cords had degenerated, and the sound from his mouth didn't sound like a human voice, but rather a roar of unknown meaning.

It was inappropriate for the two women to watch, and they walked towards Robin quickly, but the two of them stopped after a few steps. There was no way, Robin was full of smell now, especially when he fell over his shoulder at the end. There are a lot of messy things, the black and red tights that were originally black and red are now white and green with a lot of mucus hanging on them.

Not to mention how disgusting it is.

Thea made a gesture of invitation to Catwoman, which means that I am not familiar with him, you are a teammate, you should go up and negotiate... At the same time, I thought mischievously, Robin, you are such a ghost that you will not take a bath eight times, ba Barra must not let you in the house.

Catwoman couldn't blame Thea for her lack of loyalty. This was her teammate, and it was a bit too much for her to hide far away, so she could only hold her nose and talk to her.

Robin, like Batman, appears to be patient with women on the outside, but he just doesn’t know how to talk to women. You can tell from watching him follow Barbara every day without saying a word, he is an honest and almost dull boy.

So don't say that the second daughter is just watching, even if he hits someone and even stabs him in the back, he will only ask why and whether there is any difficulty, and will not stab him back.

Are you not injured? Catwoman tried her best to shield her olfactory organs, implying that she didn't smell anything, recalling delicious fried fish, grilled fish, fried fish and so on. What? Crocodile is also a fish? Is a crocodile a fish? They are reptiles. The catwoman who is very sensitive to fish will tell everyone that it has nothing to do with fish.

No, no. Robin was so excited that he didn't know that he had so many attachments on his body now. He only felt that although the enemy ran away, the stench was still lingering near his nasal mucous membrane, wondering if his nose was smoked. up? Go back and find a doctor to check yourself. Superheroes don’t have medical insurance.

Seeing that Killer Crocodile didn't run far, and poked his head out of the water to provoke him, it made him a little angry. In fact, not only Thea, but the Batman team are also not good at water combat. In other words, superheroes except Aquaman don't have underwater combat. habit.

So when you meet such a guy, there is really no good way except to trick him into fighting on land.

Come up if you have the ability, and I'll kill you with one hand! Robin taunted with all his skills, trying to fool the other party out first.

Come down if you have the ability, I will let you have two legs! Killer Crocodile is not a fool, and the IQ level of ordinary people is still high. Seeing that Thea and Catwoman are standing a little far away, they are still surrounded. How could a Robin be beaten up to seek death?

Then it's time for the war of words You come down! You come up If you have the ability, you come down... If you have the ability, you come up!

The two sprayed at each other for five minutes from a long distance. Facts have proved that no one is more stupid than the other these days. Killer Crocodile is not fooled at all, and floats steadily on the surface of the water. At the same time, his stubborn temper also came up. Don’t be afraid in the water, I won’t go out even if I beat you to death, I’ll be mad at you!

At the time of the stalemate between the two sides, a motorcycle came quickly from far and near amidst the sound of beep.

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