Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 683 (4k) Please choose your lord

Chapter 683 (4k) Please choose your lord
"These troublemakers were basically instigated by Gillard in order to make his own rise to power a natural process. Now that Gillard has been arrested, the dog food for the instigators has stopped. Now all we need is a speech to appease the people and make them behave themselves."

Martin's words are realistic, like a villain.

He looked at Princess Mira with regret: "But the person I'm giving this speech to has a pig-like face, which is another matter."

Princess Mira's face was beaten by the traitor guard. Not only was it swollen, but it looked even funnier after applying ointment.

"Then..." Princess Mira naturally thought of an answer: "Why don't you give the speech for me?"

However, she looked at Xiaolan, and Xiaolan shook her head shyly. Then she looked at Qingzi, and Qingzi also shook her head shyly.

Although wearing a gorgeous dress and standing on the terrace of a big castle as a princess overlooking the country and the beautiful mountains and rivers is the dream of many girls, and it would be even better if there is a favorite prince next to them. However, the two girls would be very nervous when facing such an occasion.

Kuroba Kaito and Mine Riko each had their own tasks, and then the princess could only look to Martin.

"Hmm? Aren't you worried that I'll ruin your image?" Martin's expression was like a villain who had succeeded in his career, as if he was trying to control Princess Mira - at the press conference held in Japan before departure, Princess Mira was afraid that Martin would say something wrong, so she asked Mine Riko to replace him. Martin had already recorded this grudge in his little notebook.

"Mira doesn't understand what you are saying." Princess Mira put her hands on Martin's shoulders, intending to push him out: "I'll leave the speech to you."

"Don't worry, I get nervous too." Martin rooted to the ground, ignoring Princess Mira's shove, and instead reached out to grab Xiaolan and Aoko's arms: "More people will be able to accompany me."


In order to investigate the truth behind the murder of the queen and the prince, Conan and Daisuke Jigen went to the hunting ground on the outskirts of the city. On the way there and back, they heard a broadcast from a radio in a roadside shop: "An urgent news is being broadcasted below. An urgent news is being broadcasted below. Princess Mira, who is about to succeed to the throne, will make an impromptu speech in front of the palace in an hour. The one who is about to succeed to the throne..."

"Princess? Speak?" Conan tilted his head and felt that the noises around him seemed to suddenly become noisier.

The whole city is bustling with activity.

The pace of life here is similar to that in the countryside. It can be said that dull boredom is the norm. It is obvious that many people have heard the broadcast content just now, and most people care about it.

Most of the country's population is concentrated in this city, and the rest are scattered in the surrounding towns and villages. If they take action now and ride bicycles, more than 90% of them can reach the palace within an hour.

Vespania is only this big, with one city and seven villages. The rest of the country is mostly undeveloped forest, and there is also a military management zone centered on the mines.

Seeing many people put down their work and even closed their shops, rushing to the palace to join in the fun, Jigen Daisuke suddenly pulled up his hat and took a long step forward: "Okay, I'll go watch the fun too!"

Conan hurried to catch up. His short legs took five steps to catch up with Daisuke Jigen's one step. "Wait for me, Dad."

"I told you not to call me dad."


"Dad, let's go too."

Mine Riko appears behind Lupin who is listening to the radio.

Lupin III has gotten used to the fact that his future daughter can suddenly appear around him. Should he say that the disciple is better than the master, or that it is worthy of his and Fujiko's genes?
But who between us has the genes for blonde hair and super powers?

But she does know us all very well. Even the enemies who were defeated said that she was Lupin IV. This cannot be refuted.

In fact, he still has some doubts about Mine Riko's background, and he has not seen any evidence of the other world. But now Mine Riko's identity as the "daughter of Lupin III and Mine Fujiko" is very beneficial to Lupin. Naturally, Lupin firmly believes in this identity on the surface and uses it to advance the progress of his strategy to capture Mine Fujiko.

Lupin the Third turned around and found that not only Mine Riko, but also Mine Fujiko was a few steps further behind him.

As for Vespasian's crown, it was now worn on Mine Riko's head again. I wonder if she stole it back or begged it from Fujiko by acting like a spoiled child?

Lupin also noticed that they were holding a lot of bags filled with various small commodities in their hands. It seemed that they had played around before coming here.

As for the crown on Mine Riko's head, no matter how rich the imagination of these Vespanians was, they would never have thought that the national crown would end up on a little girl's head. They just thought that she had bought an exquisite imitation from somewhere - after all, how many citizens could really recognize their own country's crown?

"Hey, ladies, are you having fun?"

Mine Fujiko, who was behind Mine Riko, spoke first: "Of course it was a great harvest!"

As if by magic, a cute little pink wallet appeared in Fujiko Mine's hand. It was obvious that this wallet once belonged to Riko Mine - Fujiko Mine succeeded in stealing the wallet from her after all, proving that your mother is still your mother.

Mine Riko didn't seem to notice that her wallet was missing, and after Mine Fujiko finished speaking, she agreed, "Riko, you've gained a lot, too!"

Then she had a wallet in her hand. It was a mature dark red color, and it was obviously much thicker than the small pink wallet.

"My wallet!" Mine Fujiko rushed over anxiously.

Mine Riko immediately used Lupin the Third as a cover and performed the Qin King's Pillar Walk with Mine Fujiko.

"You're a detective, aren't you? How could you steal? Return the wallet to mom!"

Seeing two beauties, one big and one small, circling around him, Lupin III was happy but he didn't forget to hold his wallet tightly. Usually, Fujiko Mine wouldn't be interested in the tens of thousands of dollars in his wallet, but now that the two of them were together, Lupin III always felt a chill in his trouser pockets.

...In front of the palace, tens of thousands of people have gathered, and the number is still increasing.

The voices of dozens of people who had previously held up signs and marched in front of the palace against the princess were now drowned out by the ocean of public opinion, and even those who were interested in preaching had little effect.

"Hey, Jigen." Lupin III saw Jigen Daisuke in the crowd and approached him to say hello: "Lend me some money, my wallet was stolen."

"Huh?" Jigen Daisuke even dropped the cigarette in his mouth. Lupin III's wallet was stolen. Are you kidding me? "Your expression doesn't look like the reaction of someone who lost his wallet at all."

As he spoke, Jigen Daisuke took out his wallet and asked, "How much do you want?"

"Ah, just give me some change so I can buy ice cream for my daughter and roses for Fujiko." Lupin III made a little expression, "I can steal the rest when I need it, but I can't steal these two."

"You have another daughter?" Jigen Daisuke asked in a surprised but not particularly surprised tone. Lupin III had been visited by illegitimate daughters several times before, sometimes it seemed real, sometimes it didn't seem like acting.

But it was rare that they had such a good relationship that Lupin III wanted to buy something for her and even put her before Fujiko in his words. "Whose this time?"

Lupin III got excited, his nostrils snorting, and he made a rustic scissor hand gesture: "It's Fujiko!"

He went to talk to Jigen Daisuke on purpose. Borrowing money was only a secondary purpose. His main purpose was to show off the fact that Mine Fujiko had given birth to a daughter for him and to establish an established fact.

Hearing this, Daisuke Jigen immediately looked at Lupin the Third with pity as if he were a scapegoat. Why did his beautiful hair turn greener the more he looked at it?

Conan suddenly came out from the side. He was very concerned about what Lupin III said before, "You can steal when you need to." "You can't steal, uncle."

Only then did Lupin III notice that there was a child here who was not even as tall as his knees: "Hey, do you like to meddle in other people's business, kid?" He bent down, approached Conan and asked.

Conan immediately pretended to be scared, went around behind Jigen Daisuke's legs, and hugged his calves: "Dad~"

"Oh, Jigen, you have a child too!" Lupin III said with surprise, and then commented on Conan: "Well, she is not as old as my daughter, and she is not as pretty as my daughter."

Jigen Daisuke lowered his head and said to Conan irritably: "I told you not to call me dad, I don't have a dad like you!"

At this time, a very piercing electric current sound was heard, which was the howling sound made when the microphone and the speaker were close to each other. Moreover, the sound was very loud, completely covering the square in front of the palace. Nearly 30,000 people could only grimace and cover their ears.

The direction from which the electric sound came was exactly inside the royal palace. From afar, on the third-floor terrace of the royal palace, one could see four huge speakers being moved out and placed on the terrace. This exaggerated scene was more like the princess acting as a DJ and leading the people in a disco than a speech.

Conan had no doubt that things would develop like that, because through the telescopic function of the tracking glasses, he saw that the 'princess' who was standing between the speakers and holding a microphone and deliberately making a howl was wearing a maroon suit-style high school uniform. According to his memory on the plane, that was Martin's attire today.

The howling stopped, and those who were against the princess became even crazier, shouting words like "Princess, be sensible" and protesting loudly.

Martin took two steps forward with the microphone, stepped on the stone railing of the terrace, and said into the microphone: "Pigs, be quiet! The royal speech is about to begin!"

Everyone did quiet down, not because they were obedient, but because they didn't trust their ears.

"You're calling your people pigs right off the bat?" Nakamori Aoko, who was hiding behind the speakers, was stunned. "Is this really okay?"

Mao Lilan on the side did not answer her, but looked down at her phone.

"What are you doing, Xiaolan?" Nakamori Aoko looked over curiously and found that Xiaolan was searching on Google: How should the princess give a speech when she succeeds to the throne?

However, where can you find such a question? Not to mention now, even in 2024, no one will ask such a question on Zhihu.

"Why are you looking this up?" Nakamori Aoko was puzzled. "Are you here to help Martin with his words? But there's no speech that starts with 'pig', right?"

"I checked it for ourselves..." Xiaolan's expression was a little reluctant: "Based on my understanding of Martin Jun, since he dragged us to accompany him on stage, he must have caught us to give a speech together."

"What!" Qingzi had no doubt about Xiaolan's words. When she thought about being forced to perform on stage, she immediately became scared: "Then why don't we run!"

That's right! Xiaolan suddenly realized, suddenly enlightened, and suddenly realized: "We can still escape now!"

Xiaolan suddenly realized that she was used to accepting Martin Jun's behavior. If she didn't want to do it, she could just run away now! Martin Jun was speaking on the stage. Could he come back to catch them?
After reaching an agreement, the two girls hurried away, but after taking two steps, they found that the glass door that separated the terrace from the interior was closed and locked. On the other side of the glass door, Princess Mira stood there, repeating a sentence to them with her swollen face: "I'm sorry, I was forced to do this."
On the terrace behind them, Martin said to the excited people: "You don't want me to succeed to the throne, right? Congratulations! Because of your constant verbal violence, I have developed Jade Syndrome and severe schizophrenia! I have five personalities now!"

Xiaolan is confused, Aoko is confused, Mira is confused, and the public is also confused: What is this?

"Since you think that a princess who knows nothing can't lead this country, now congratulations, you have a choice! The five personalities of this princess will appear one by one to tell you what I will do when I succeed to the throne. You can vote for which personality to inherit the throne!"

Xiaolan looked at Aoko regretfully: See, I told you, we must be on stage.

Aoko on the side did not respond to her, but looked down at her phone and Googled: How should a princess give a speech when participating in the election?

She searched and found an answer: {Thanks for the invitation, I just got off the plane and will be in office soon. If you are shot during the election, remember to raise your shoulders. The real and effective record can be checked.}
The people in the audience were furious after hearing what Martin said: "Aren't all the personalities you?", "Are you taking us for fools?"

"Quiet! Pigs!" Martin once again released an electric whistle to force the people to be quiet: "First of all, of course, I will start with this princess. This princess is a demon king with all the power of princesses, transcending time and space, and knowing the past and the future! After this princess becomes the queen, I will use a whip to severely whip you lazy pigs, and make you all work hard!"

What kind of queen are you? Are you a proper queen?

(End of this chapter)

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