Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 654 No more pretending, I’m showing off my cards

Chapter 654 No more pretending, I’m showing off my cards
"Is it fun? It's in exchange for Vespania's political future." Kuroba Kaito suddenly poured cold water on Princess Mira.

Princess Mira's excited expression froze: "What do you mean?"

"Your first appearance as the future queen is as a comedian. Externally, this may give the Japanese government the impression that you don't respect them; internally, your people may think that you are immature as an heir. If your political opponents knew about this, they might burst out laughing... I don't think so." Kuroba Kaito looked at the stage and found something he didn't understand: "Not only is your 'Grand Chamberlain' not in a hurry, he also looks fanatical... Does your national conditions appreciate comedians as rulers?"

Seeing Princess Mira's face darken, Kuroba Kaito reminded her, "And you have no right to blame that guy, because you were the one who proposed this matter, and just now you were happily agreeing with...her."

“Hurry…” Nakamori Aoko felt that Kuroba Kaito’s words were a bit harsh. When she tried to persuade him, she was covered by Kuroba Kaito’s hand before she could even say her name in full. “We are now facing a major event that may affect the relationship between our two countries. While the princess doesn’t know our names yet, why don’t we call each other by nicknames, ‘Xiaoqing’.”

Before Martin parted with them, he called them Xiaolan, Xiaoqing and Xiaoheizi respectively.

"Then I will call you Xiao Heizi." Nakamori Aoko glanced at the other person with dead fish eyes.

Mao Lilan: I am at a disadvantage for using my real name.

"Don't worry, this incident was caused by me, and of course I will take all the responsibility myself. As a princess, I promise you that I will never let you suffer any punishment, whether it is from the Kingdom of Vespania or the Japanese government." Princess Mira promised.

At the same time, she was disdainful in her heart. These girls were still too naive. Did they really need names to find them? They looked like quadruplets and were very similar to the princess. Was it difficult to find them with such features?

"If she had the final say, this wouldn't be the case." Kuroba Kaito thought, pretending he didn't hear the princess's promise.

This kind of cautious behavior is very unlike him, but there is no way. The one here is not Kaito Kid who is on stage, but just a high school student Kuroba Kaito. Besides, even Aoko is here, so Kuroba Kaito cannot be careless.

While on the stage, Princess Martin was still answering the host's questions in the form of crosstalk.

Suddenly a question came from below the stage: "Does the princess have a boy she likes in Japan?"

"How annoying! I just arrived in Japan, how come I met someone I like so soon?" Princess Martin shyly held her face with one hand. "But, there is a man who I have been interested in before I came to Japan."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the guests became curious.

Conan suddenly panicked and quietly hid behind Maori Kogoro. Feeling uneasy, he simply crawled under the buffet table nearby, thinking: Don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me...

But it turns out that Conan was a little too self-satisfied.

"That man, I saw him on TV." When asked, Princess Martin continued, "I was attracted to him at first sight."

The guests began to discuss the matter in low voices. Some thought it was big news, some thought it was political hype, and some thought it was part of the princess' crosstalk.

"See him on TV?" The host thought that he must be either a TV actor or a sports star. Coincidentally, these two types of people are the most likely to come to this banquet. "It is very likely that the man the princess favors is here today? Princess, can you tell us his name?"

"I don't know if he's here or not." Princess Martin said shyly, "His Gin."

“Pfft—” Someone in the audience couldn’t hold it in.

“Has the gin meme spread beyond Japan?”

"I think I know what the princess meant by the empty action of organizing her speech at the beginning."

"From this point of view, the princess has really learned the essence of the art."

"So that person hasn't been caught yet?"


"Who is Gin?" Princess Mira asked puzzledly.

Kuroba Kaito: "The last victim of her impersonation."

From the perspective of the Japanese government, Gin stole the Prime Minister's wife's lace panties and put them into the South Korean government's ancient tomb to stir up trouble on both ends, and then hijacked the TV station to publicize the incident, and would pop up from time to time to make trouble. Gin can be said to be the number one terrorist in Japan as Bin Laden is to the United States.

Now the princess of Vespania Kingdom has openly expressed her admiration for Gin, which, to round it off, is an expression of support... At least during the term of this prime minister, the friendship between Vespania and Japan is over.

Princess Mira was confused: "Are there many people who look like us?"

Kuroba Kaito: "They should all be here."

If there are any more, the guy on the stage should find a way to get them here.

Kuroba Kaito: "The only way to redeem the princess's reputation now is to let the guy on the stage play the villain. If the princess stands up now and claims that she was kidnapped and her identity was taken away... I believe she will be able to escape."

"I've said before that I take personal responsibility for this matter. If there must be a villain and a victim, then I am definitely the villain, and the four of you are victims." Princess Mira emphasized, then her face fell: "Besides, after wearing my clothes and jewelry, that guy now looks more like a princess than I do. Even if I stand up, I'm afraid no one will believe me."

Especially looking at the enthusiastic look on Gis's face, he must have been completely convinced by this new princess, right? What an idiot!
"Actually, there is a way to turn you back to your original appearance as a princess." Kuroba Kaito remembered that at Martin's request, he had prepared four sets of clothes of the same style as the princess and hid them in the hotel in the afternoon - the security at that time was much more relaxed than it is now.


Princess Martin's special crosstalk performance has come to a successful conclusion.

After that, the normal process of the banquet began. People of relatively middle and lower status who were self-aware gathered in groups of three or five to chat, while those of higher status or those who were not aware of themselves gathered around the stage and lined up to talk to the princess.

However, what they were greeted with was the coldest and most heartless gaze they had ever seen in their lives. It was condescending, looking down at them as if they were looking at a pig. Although no words were spoken, that look clearly said - get out.

Except for Maori Kogoro, all the guests here were very discerning people. They immediately chatted in pairs of three or four according to the principle of proximity, and dispersed to make way for the fickle princess.

Then Martin found Suzuki Sonoko, who was looking at him curiously from a distance in the crowd, and her pretty face immediately smiled like a flower.

"Huh? The princess seems to be looking at me?" Suzuki Sonoko muttered in confusion.

Although Sonoko came to the banquet not for the princess but to see the handsome guy, she still had to take a look at the princess since she was here. After all, he was very rare, and the princess looked so much like Xiaolan, so she decided to take a few more glances.

But Suzuki Sonoko found that the princess was also looking at her, and was walking towards her with a smile.

"Strange, why does the princess seem to know me?" Sonoko felt more and more that something was wrong: "Could it really be Xiaolan?"

Xiaolan clearly said she would come to the party, but where is she?
The princess was seen walking quickly towards Suzuki Sonoko. When she was about five or six meters away, she happily raised her hand and said hello: "Sonoko~" Suzuki Sonoko was stunned. When Martin came closer, she stammered and asked: "You, you, are, are you, Xiaolan? Is it really Xiaolan?"

What's going on? Xiaolan is a princess? Shouldn't they just look alike?
"Yuanzi." Martin put his hands on his hips and stared at her smugly. "I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was alienation. I won't pretend anymore. In fact, I am a princess. I'm going to reveal my cards."

"Wait a minute, Xiaolan, who distanced themselves from you?" Suzuki Sonoko grabbed Martin's shoulders with both hands without hesitation and looked left and right, but couldn't figure out anything: "So, Xiaolan, you are actually a princess?"

By the way, my sister said that Vespania's GDP last year was less than one-tenth of the Suzuki Group's turnover, and its population was only one-fortieth of Tokyo's. Is there anything worth you being so arrogant in front of me?
Suzuki Sonoko turned her head and looked at Maori Kogoro: "Ran's real identity is a princess, so the uncle's identity is actually..."

"Wait a minute, how did the princess become Xiaolan? How did Xiaolan become a princess?" Maori Kogoro was even more surprised than her: "Why didn't I know?"

"Dad." Martin turned his head and said to Maori Kogoro with a serious face: "I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was alienation. I won't pretend anymore. I am a princess and I am going to show my cards."

"Wait a minute, how can my daughter be a princess? You are the child of Eri and me, there is no mistake about it!" Maori Kogoro didn't follow the train of thought at all: "My daughter is not like this!"

With the help of Kuroba Kaito, not only the clothes, but also Martin's hair and eyes were made closer to Princess Mira's state. However, with Mouri Kogoro's keen eyesight, he was able to notice these subtle differences from Mouri Ran at a glance.

"It's a long story. It was a snowy winter night seventeen years ago..."

Conan quietly crawled out from under the table and thought, why don’t you two think about it again. There is another person besides Xiaolan who claims to be attending the banquet but has not actually shown up yet.

He wanted to remind Kogoro Mori and Sonoko Suzuki, but he was afraid of offending Martin, so he had to keep his mouth shut.

By the way, where are the real Xiaolan, the real princess, and Kaito Kid now?

"On a winter night seventeen years ago..." Kogoro Mori looked straight at Princess Martin, waiting with worry and fear for her to reveal a shocking secret.

Wrong child? A cat for a prince? The Orphan of Zhao?
"That winter night..." Princess Martin drawled.

"That winter night?" Kogoro Mouri's gaze became more and more focused.

"That winter night!"

"That winter night!?"

“That winter night…it snowed!”

Bang! Maori Kogoro fell out of the picture, and only his feet were left in the picture.

Thanks to this fall, Maori Kogoro suddenly woke up: "Wait, are you Xiaolan?"

He noticed a problem. Although the princess never denied it when Sonoko called her Xiaolan, she never seemed to admit that she was Xiaolan. She never admitted it or said it directly.

"I am a princess," Princess Martin repeated.

"Are you Xiaolan?" Maori Kogoro stared at Martin with his half-moon eyes. It seemed that he could no longer fool him.

"No." Martin shrugged.

Suzuki Sonoko was suddenly deflated, not knowing whether she was relieved or disappointed: "So it turns out she isn't. I was saying that Xiaolan is Xiaolan, how could she suddenly become a princess... um, 'become'?"

She raised her head and suddenly had a bold idea: "You are not Martin, are you?"

"Bingo~ I'll give you a princess hug as a reward~"

"No, take it away." Yuanzi took a step back with a look of disgust: "Even if it's the same face as Xiaolan's, it's not okay!"

"Huh? You changed your face?" Maori Kogoro stared and lowered his voice: "How did you become a princess?"

"I met Xiaolan and the runaway princess who was tired of hosting banquets. Since the princess and Xiaolan were almost identical, the princess proposed to exchange identities with Xiaolan and let Xiaolan host the banquet for her." Martin explained, "But Xiaolan's personality made it too difficult for her to do such a thing, so I intercepted and exchanged identities for Xiaolan and the princess."

Of course I won’t tell you about the existence of Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko now. I’ll give them a big surprise once everyone is gathered.

Maori Kogoro lowered his head in silence: "I have to thank you for that... If we are not careful, it will cause trouble for diplomatic disputes, which is definitely not something Xiaolan can do."

"So..." Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously, "Have you turned into a princess or Xiaolan?"

"Of course it's Xiaolan." Martin raised his hand, inserted his fingers into the hair beside his ear, and then handsomely combed his long hair, so that Suzuki Sonoko could vaguely see that his current hair color was a temporary effect created by using the same long black straight hair as Xiaolan's with the addition of hair dye spray.

"What? You dare to turn into Xiaolan!" Kogoro Mouri, who thought that Martin had turned into a princess, got angry again and took a step closer to Martin with one hand rolled up his sleeves.

Under normal circumstances, Martin would either dodge or use the grappling techniques he had just learned to pin Kogoro Mouri to the ground.

Today's Martin did not dodge or evade: "Calm down, uncle. Hitting me now will cause diplomatic disputes, which is equivalent to interfering in the international situation."



The scene of "Princess Mira" and Suzuki Sonoko chatting and laughing was of course seen by countless attentive people present.

"That girl... is she the second daughter of the Suzuki Group? Her parents shook their heads and sighed when they mentioned her."

"No matter how much I sigh, my eldest daughter is already engaged, so the future will definitely belong to this second daughter... Is Princess Mira actually acquainted with her?"

"Looking at their appearance, they are more than just acquaintances. They are very close friends, right? They are already doing it right away."

"Is that the famous detective Maori Kogoro next to you?"

"I originally thought that Princess Mira's public love for Gin would affect the government's attitude towards Vespania... I didn't expect that she is actually friends with the second daughter of the Suzuki Group. If this matter gets out, the government will reconsider its relationship with Vespania, right?"

"I thought young people acted without thinking, but it turns out they are just being reckless?"

(End of this chapter)

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