Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Chapter [-] Tour Rules for Hell Exhibition Hall
Mao Lilan took Dr. Ali and Conan and turned around the art gallery almost all over. In addition to the main exhibition hall, there are also the sky exhibition hall, the earth exhibition hall and the ocean exhibition hall. Now there is only the hell exhibition hall in front of you.

"It's best not to go in." Conan reminded: "Martin is playing a prank inside."

The target of Martin's prank is probably the real boss, and Conan has nothing to stop him. The real boss not only has a bad attitude, but also violated the promise made before the deal was concluded, which is really annoying.

"Ah..." Mao Lilan was a little reluctant: "But the walking armor is also inside, that's why we came here."

Moreover, Mao Lilan was a little bit wicked, a little curious about what prank Martin was going to play, and wanted to see with his own eyes how others were tricked by Martin's prank.

"Sister Xiaolan, Martin has turned into a marble statue of David today." Conan reminded again: "No accident, Martin's way of pranking is to stand there pretending to be a statue, and when the target is facing away from him, he will pat him quietly. Return to the posture of the statue before the other party turns around."

Of course, it is also very likely that it will exceed Conan's imagination. After all, he is a walking booster and a prankster. Conan's imagination is not enough to fully reason about Martin's actions.

But Xiaolan still didn't understand the reason why she couldn't go in, she blinked her big eyes.

Seeing this, Conan had no choice but to continue what he really didn't want to say directly: "You learned it in art class, right? Michelangelo's David is completely naked, including his private parts."

In other words, if Martin is going to dress up as a sculpture, he will have to take off his death cloak and walk the bird in the hall of hell.

And Martin could do it.

Mao Lilan's eyes widened, her face flushed, and she immediately shook her head to give up the idea of ​​entering the Hell Pavilion.

However, at this time, Mao Lilan, Conan, and Dr. Ali all looked at the passage leading to the exhibition hall of hell, because there was a very miserable cry coming from there.


Boss Manaka went to the Hell Exhibition Hall.While passing through that dim passage, he saw a piece of paper stuck on the wall.

[Rules for visiting Hell Exhibition Hall]

Welcome to the Hell Exhibition Hall of Mihua Art Museum. For your tour experience and personal safety, please be sure to abide by the following rules.

1. The main works of art exhibited in this exhibition hall are all kinds of oil paintings, lacquer paintings, wall paintings, reliefs, sculptures, and many other classical or avant-garde, implicit or enthusiastic exhibits.

2. You should keep a proper distance from the exhibits when you visit, and do not damage any art exhibits.You have to believe that this is not only to protect artworks, but also to protect your personal safety.

3. Please do not stay in the hell exhibition hall after [-]:[-] p.m., you can continue to visit the main exhibition hall.

4. If you hear the sound of claws tearing objects or smell the smell of rotten fruit, please get down immediately. Please believe that this is our staff cleaning with disinfectant water and rags, and wait until the sound disappears.

5. There are 8 steps and 4 pillars in this corridor.

6. There will be no 9 steps or 13 pillars in the promenade. Please be sure to confirm the number before entering the promenade to start the tour. If the number does not match, please turn around and leave immediately.After the break, please go to the "Sky Pavilion" to pray for 30 minutes.

7. The exhibits will not move, please do not bother to pay attention to their positions.

8. You know, the exhibits can't speak. If you hear someone talking, don't answer.


18. Although human beings do not have fangs and claws, we have the good qualities of respecting others, persistence and courage, empathy and never giving up.

19. Human beings have good morals, but they don't.

What a mess... Boss Zhenzhong just glanced at the handwritten notice. After all, this museum is already his. Why should he pay attention to the rules that restrict tourists?Besides, it will all be invalidated after ten days.

But this corridor is really dark, is it just to create a gloomy 'hell atmosphere'?It's such a boring design, I'm going to tear it all down, knock down the walls, and make it an open theme...

Thinking about the reconstruction plan in his heart, Boss Zhenzhong accidentally stepped on the ground, raised his hands in a panic and waved it in the air before he stabilized his body and did not fall.

Then he realized he had just stepped down a notch.

What the hell design... Boss Zhenzhong looked at the dark ground in front of him, because there was no light in front of him, he still couldn't see the steps under his feet in front of him.

Is the Hell Pavilion lower than the other halls?Just to reflect the feeling that hell is underground?

The old man in Ochiai asked me to come here to discuss important matters. Could it be that he deliberately didn't turn on the light because he hoped that I would fall to my death here?

Boss Zhenzhong continued down the stairs with resentment.

Level [-], level [-], level [-]... The protruding feet touched the ground ahead of time, giving Boss Manaka the illusion of losing his balance.

But the steps end here, and the front is flat ground.

Wait, how many steps does the rule that I saw just now say there are?How many steps did I walk, three?four?

Boss Zhenzhong looked back, because there was some light behind him, the road he walked was dim but clearly visible, but he could not see the shadow of the stairs at all, from the corner where the rules were posted and the light came in to his feet, it was completely Is it a flat land?
Am I making a mistake?Boss Zhenzhong continued to walk forward suspiciously, wary of the remaining steps.

However, there were no steps, and Boss Zhenzhong finally walked into the hell exhibition hall.

Although he is already the boss here, this is the first time for the boss of the hell exhibition hall to come.He looked at the broken copper and iron around him with disgust. In his opinion, these so-called works of art were all broken copper and iron made into bloody and terrifying shapes. Don't look at it looking a little gloomy now, but as long as you turn on the light It's just ridiculous.

Then he noticed a gray-white statue. The light here was very dim, and most of the exhibits were black or dark, which made this gray-white statue very obvious.

Boss Zhenzhong carefully looked at the sculpture that was a little taller than him. Of course, he couldn’t recognize that it was Michelangelo’s work (imitation), but he felt that this sculpture had neither horns nor sharp-nosed tusks. Tooth, why put it in the hell exhibition hall?
Following the knotted muscle lines on the statue, Boss Zhenzhong looked down and frowned.

I hate it when people point guns at me.

It seems that the impact of placing it in a bright place outside is not good, so it was left in this dark place where few people come.

But the shape looks pretty good. Turn around and wrap a piece of cloth around your waist. It can be placed in the lobby on the first floor of the future hotel, standing in the fountain pool.

After making up his mind, Boss Zhenzhong continued to walk forward.

There seemed to be some rustling sounds in the darkness, and Boss Zhenzhong suddenly felt the hair on the back of his neck being blown.It felt as if someone was blowing on his neck behind him.

Looking back, the dark corridor still looked the same, and there was nothing following behind him.

But... where was that white statue before?Boss Zhenzhong frowned, looking at the gray and white statue not far away from him, he always felt that something was wrong.

Something's wrong, I've already walked a few steps just now, right?But it doesn't seem to go too far from the statue.

Turning his gaze back to the front, Boss Zhenzhong took a few big steps forward quickly, and then turned his head abruptly.

The white statue still stood by the wall, between the two paintings.

But... I still feel that he is a little closer to me, and I haven't opened up the distance just a few steps ago.

Perhaps it is an illusion caused by the color being too conspicuous?Boss Zhenzhong didn't know why, so he stared at the statue, and then firmly remembered the distance between it and himself, and also remembered what the oil paintings on the left and right sides of it looked like.

After writing it all down, he turned around and continued to walk forward, that old thing Ochiai was still waiting for him inside.

After walking more than ten steps in a row and stepping over four or five oil paintings, Boss Zhenzhong stopped and turned to look.

Before he could turn, he realized, the statue was right behind him.

After Boss Manaka turned around, they were face to face, gun to gun.

The statue's face magnified infinitely in his field of vision, and the statue's pupils seemed to have been chiseled out into a dark and weird shape, as if a black flame was burning inside, bottomless.Those weird eyes stared at Boss Zhenzhong, and looked at him.

"Good job."

 It's not the development of strange talk, after all, the will of the boss really doesn't seem to be able to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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