Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

“Archer, why are you here!” Saber snapped.

“Ah, when I saw him on the street, I invited him, but he was still late, shiny golden guy!”

Gilgamesh glanced at Rider proudly, “It’s a shame that you chose such a shabby place to have a banquet, so I came here specially, how can you apologize! And…” he glanced at Liang Yiluo and Lancer. , “What’s the matter with this **** and that loyal dog?”

“Ah, don’t say that! I admire Lancer and his Master very much. Since they also met on the street, of course they have to invite together, come and have a drink!” Rider said casually and handed it over. liqueur.

The hero king, who thought he would be angry, snorted coldly, agreed with him, and took the wine. I don’t know whether he really didn’t care about the kick before Liang Yi fell, or he kept his anger in his heart.

“——Bah, what kind of broken wine is this!”

Gilgamesh looked disgusted.

“Really? I bought it from this market. It’s a good wine!” Rider scratched his head in confusion.

“If you think so, you don’t understand bars at all! Bastard!”

Archer smirked. The vacant shaking around made Alice Phil and Weber chill, but what appeared from it were dazzling wine utensils and clear and fragrant wine.

“Let’s take a look! This is the king’s wine!”

“Oh! I’m so touched!” Not paying attention to Archer’s tone and insult, Rider poured the wine happily.

Liang Yiluo took a glass first, and Rider drank it without paying attention. Lancer wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

“Oh! It’s delicious! Isn’t it, Lancer’s little Master!” Rider said with an admiration.

“Well, indeed, a very special taste!” Liang Yi nodded, although he didn’t understand wine at all…

Archer laughed arrogantly after hearing it, as if it was a compliment to him. He didn’t care about Liang Yiluo’s drink of his wine, he naturally possessed the king’s measure!

Saber, who was very wary of Gilgamesh, was also aroused by curiosity, as was Lancer, and the two also had a drink at the same time.

“Ah, this is definitely not the wine that people drink, it’s God’s drink!” Rider sighed as he continued to drink.

“Of course, whether it is wine or sword, it is the best thing in my treasure house! This is the king’s taste!” The golden king was very satisfied with his wine glass leisurely.

“What a joke!” Saber yelled.

“Listening to your boasting is really annoying! It’s like a clown!”

Gilgamesh sneered, “A guy who doesn’t even understand wine is not worthy of being a king! Humph!”

“All right! You two! Let’s consider whether each other is eligible for the Q&A of the Holy Grail!” Rider persuaded.

“Then, Archer, as a king, try to persuade us that you are qualified to receive the Holy Grail!”

“First of all, the word ‘scramble’ is inevitably used incorrectly!”

“Huh?” Rider gave Gilgamesh a surprised look.

Archer sighed helplessly, as if his ignorance of others bored him.

“That was originally my possession! All the treasures in the world come from my collection! Although they are lost in my treasure house, their owner is still me!” Archer arrogantly declared everything in the world Ownership.

“That is to say, you have owned the Holy Grail, do you know what it is and what it is?”

“No! This is not what you can understand. The total amount of my property has exceeded my own recognition. However, as long as it is a treasure, it belongs to me. There is no doubt about it! You guys want to **** my treasure. No self-knowledge!”

After Liang Yi listened, suddenly there was a desire to rob him…

Saber is even more speechless…

“Are you insane too? Archer, I originally thought it was only Caster!” Saber didn’t know what mode he had turned on, and started a malicious taunt!

“Um, how do you say it.” Rider responded casually, but kept pouring the wine in his hand.

When doing this at the same time, there is still Liang Yiluo, this drink really tastes good…

“Archer, you don’t really care about the Holy Grail, right? You don’t have any desire to fight for it, do you?” Rider asked suddenly.

“It is true. If you are willing to surrender to me and give you this cup, it is not a big deal. Of course, if you dare to **** my treasure, I can’t let it go. This is a principle!”

“Ah, surrender or something, this can’t be done!” Rider said, scratching his head.

“So, what’s the reason for this?” Rider was very curious about this question.

“It’s the law!” Archer replied without thinking about it, “I am the rule made by the king.”

“Yeah!” Nodding in agreement, Rider understood him completely.

“What a perfect king! I can implement the rules I have set, but ah, I still want the Holy Grail, I will grab the things I want, because I am the King of Conquerors!” Haha laughed, Rider said boldly .

“As long as you dare to come, I can punish you!” Gilgamesh responded to Rider’s provocation.

“Then we’ll see you on the battlefield!”

“–But Archer, let’s drink first, we’ll talk about this later!”

“Of course!”

“By the way, Lancer Yo, although you are not the king, why did you get the Holy Grail?” Rider suddenly asked Lancer in confusion.

Lancer, who has been standing upright, heard the question and answered without thinking: “My wish has been fulfilled, and guard my lord until the victory of this war!”

“So in other words, you don’t have any special wishes, just for your own Master?” Rider asked in surprise.

“You can say that!” Lancer nodded, and Lancer admitted.

“Huh, really a heartfelt minion!” Archer said with a curl of his lips, but he didn’t have any harsh words. He is not the king. You don’t have to use the king’s way to compare him. And for the sincere subordinates, every real The capital will naturally be satisfied.

“Ah, what a loyal soldier!” He exclaimed, but Rider didn’t say anything to let him join his army this time. When the opposing ruler was still alive, this was an insult to the loyalty of the opponent, besides his ruler. Rider also appreciates it.

“Hey! Master of Lancer, what do you wish?” It seemed that Rider was going to ask everyone present.

“Ah, me?” After a sip of wine, the topic came to me. Liang Yiluo stopped.

“I am not interested in the so-called Holy Grail at all, but I really want to see these heroes in the past. Besides, this can also sharpen my strength.” After thinking about it, Liang Yiluo answered so casually. Tao.

“Oh? Is it the pursuit of stronger power?” Rider looked at Liang Yi Luo, always feeling that he didn’t say everything.

“No!” shook his head firmly, “…I am not a slave of power! For me, power is only a means to achieve my end, and means and ends can’t be confused!”

“So, what is your purpose?” Rider was a little curious at this time, and the others in the room also listened attentively.

After pouring a glass of wine again and drank it, Liang Yiluo said meaningfully: “Rider, have you ever asked if there is a ambition to compare with the world? What I want to tell you is that the desire is greater than this world, which is Be detached from this world itself!”

“And me! Just to surpass all of this!” As he said, he completely let go of his control of the power of origin, and the flames soaring to the sky carry the power of ‘transcendence’!

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