Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

In a park in the island country, visitors laughed and laughed, ignorant of the future war, and lived a numb but happy life.

Jian Tongyan watched the playful children at night, playing on the grass, and laughing at the fountain. It seemed that he himself had a lot of sunshine.

Among this group of people, he saw the coveted figure at a glance. Although she was married, although she didn’t know if she could see one in one month, he cherished every meeting.

Seeing Tosaka Aoi’s thin face, Jian Tong Yanye wanted to care very much, and he would help her solve any problems, but he knew that he was not qualified.

“Ah, it’s Yan Ye.” Seeing Jian Tong Yan Ye’s arrival, Tosaka Aoi smiled and said hello.

“It’s been a long time. It seems to be very busy at work this time.” With a comforting but polite tone.

“Ah…Yes.” Every time he faced her, Jian Tong Yanye didn’t know what to say, but said with a smirk.

Sweeping slightly, I saw a figure.

“Xiao Rin !” greeted loudly with a happy tone.

Tosaka Rin heard the call, saw Yan Ye, and ran over happily.

“Uncle Yan Ye! Did you buy me a gift?” With a smile on his face, Rin stretched out his little hand.

“Don’t be so rude, Rin…” Although Tosaka Aoi is reproaching, but the tone is very gentle, which shows her love for her children.

Yan Ye smiled and took out a small gift, took out one and gave it to Lin.

“Wow, it’s beautiful…Thank you Uncle!” He took the brooch happily, and thanked Rin with a smile.

Touching Rin’s head, holding another gift, weirdly asked, “Rin, where is Sakura?”

Rin’s smile disappeared, and she whispered: “Sakura, she is no longer there.”

Yan Ye couldn’t understand, looked at Tosaka Aoi, hoping she could explain it.

Tosaka Aoi looked sad, and whispered: “That kid, I’ve already gone to Ma Tong’s house.”

Jian Tong Yanye’s smile froze there.

“I heard that Tosaka’s little daughter has come over?” In the old house of Jian Tong’s house, the deep environment could not stop Jian Tong Yanye’s anxiety and anger.

“Yan Ye, if it wasn’t your waste, why would I need it?” Jian Tongzang Yan said with a disgusting smile.

“Anyway, even if there is no successor in the Jiantong family, the magician representing the Jiantong family is still necessary, and the Holy Grail must be in your hands.”

Jian Tong Yanye could no longer suppress his anger and hatred, and roared: “Is the Holy Grail really so important? Is it necessary to get it?”

“Of course!” Jian Tong dirty Yan said coldly, “Also, who gave you the courage to speak to me like this?”

Jian Tong Yanye did not pay attention to the threat in his words, but said in a low voice: “Then, if you can get the Holy Grail, you don’t need Tosaka Sakura, right?”

Jian Tong’s dirty inkstone narrowed his eyes, temptation: “It’s true, what do you want to say?”

“Then, bargain! I’ll win the Holy Grail War. In exchange, you released Tosaka Sakura!” Jian Tong Yanye said firmly in the face of the old immortal monster.

“Huh! What qualifications do you have to trade with me? You are a waste of no practice!” Jian Tong dirty Yan said with disdain.

“Do you have a secret technique that you can do? Use your insect technique!” Jian Tong Yan night gritted his teeth slowly.

“Well, indeed, Jian Tong’s affairs should be solved by Jian Tong’s people.” With a smile of satisfaction and malice, Jian Tongzangyan replied.

Ma Tong Yanye didn’t know that deep down in her heart, apart from the guilt towards Tosaka Aoi and the resentment towards the dirty inkstone, the deepest thing was towards that person, the sum of all the hatred, all the cause was him, just hope. Take revenge on him.

‘Yes, it’s all the fault of the minister! ’

Heathrow Airport, London, United Kingdom.

A figure walked out slowly, his height was less than 1.5 meters, but his immature face told others that he was not old, yes, for a 12-year-old boy, this height was indeed enough.

His appearance gathered the eyes of many people, because his dress was so weird, not to mention the kimono, the strange boots under his feet, and the feather-like robe is also surprising, but if it is a 21st century An otaku from another world would definitely be amazed: This suit is too similar to the captain’s costume in the **** of death!

For the two Taichi that were obviously prohibited items hanging on the boy’s waist, he didn’t seem to have seen the same thing and ignored the past, and I don’t know how the airport security check let him go through! Although the boy’s appearance is small, the mature expression on his face also makes people take a few more glances.

Liang Yiluo got enough news about the Holy Grail War, and in order to have an opportunity to join it, he came to this magician’s base camp.

The double swords on his waist had already done a spell that ordinary people would ignore. With the addition of the relationship between the Liangyi family, the so-called contraband was nothing in front of him.

As I walked toward the exit, I thought about my decision.

I can’t remember the specific circumstances of the Holy Grail War, but the main reason is that the people who participated are still somewhat impressed, Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Berserker and Assassin!

Liang Yiluo can kill by himself in the Holy Grail War, see someone kill, see the heroic spirit cut the heroic spirit, but although Liang Yiluo hopes to fight the strong, but he is not stupid, this behavior shows that he is here to hit the field, It will definitely be beaten by most people, even if you are not afraid, this is not done by a wise man.

Therefore, it is best to join as a participant in the Holy Grail War. Among them, Caster, Berserker and Assassin gave up first, which was too useless for him. Archer was the second one to give up. Although strong and outrageous, the fighting style is not suitable for him. The most important thing is that kind of character, I am afraid. The first person who wanted to hack him was himself! I appreciate Rider’s words very much. However, after all, he is also a king. He has his own arrogance and will not listen to himself to a certain extent. For this kind of character, even if he is good, he has to give up. Therefore, the best candidate for him is Saber and Lancer!

Saber is actually the best choice. Although she is a king, she is also a knight. As long as she doesn’t go against her way, she who believes in knighthood is right for her. But the Einzbern family, I really don’t know where it is. Even if it’s passed, it’s a bit difficult for a thousand-year-old clan like the Einzbern family to be good at fighting even if they are not good at fighting. After the reaction time, it is estimated that Saber will be summoned directly. At that time, with Saber’s character, even if she gets her magic spell, it will be useless, but it is really a waste of water.

Finally, think about it, think about it, it seems that only Lancer is the best to do it. Loyal and loyal, he can absolutely follow his own words, and he is easy to get hands, suitable for his fighting style, and after being summoned, he can understand the strength of the heroes the fastest! And this is why he came to London!

I was thinking about it, and I found a figure running in a panic in my perception, and the front of the road was where Liangyi was standing. Of course Liang Yiluo can avoid it, but why do you want to avoid it?

With a sound of “Puff!”, the two instruments did not move, but the visitor was knocked to the ground.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn’t pay attention to someone in front of you!” The person who was hit quickly apologized, with a panic tone, and scrambled to get up.

“Ah, it’s okay, don’t be so anxious next time, just be careful.” Normally, Liang Yiluo also smiles and greets people, and will not draw swords at a small matter.

“Yes, yes!” This is a young man with dark green hair. His height looks similar to Liang Yiluo, but his age is much older than Liang Yiluo, but he doesn’t have the demeanor of being a senior. Yi Luo bowed and apologized. The boy wore a green suit that was the same color as his hair. If you don’t get entangled with his’receiving’ temperament, he is really gentle and gentleman.

“Well, I’m really sorry, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely pay my respects! However, I am really in a hurry now, so I will leave first!”

Liang Yi Luowei turned aside, stepped aside, and stretched out his hand: “Please!”

“Thanks, thank you!” Seeing the long knife between Liang Yi’s waist, Weber Velvet was a little surprised, but didn’t dare to look more, and hurriedly left.

For him who just stole an important item from his instructor, it is understandable to be so flustered, and I am afraid that there will be no chance if he doesn’t run now!

Seeing Weber Wilvert’s back, Liang Yiluo smiled slightly and said to himself: “It seems that I’m here at real time!”

Data 0002

A five-star hotel in London, England.

Liang Yi sat down in front of the window, sipping tea while looking at Big Ben in the distance. There is the headquarters of the Magic Association, where the clock tower is located. The entire Big Ben is surrounded by a powerful enchantment to prevent ordinary humans from discovering the magician’s secrets, and also to prevent the invasion of enemies.

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