Chapter 2: Why is treatment so diffrent?
Chapter 2
Just when the flash from the circle was subsiding and i was to turn around i heard low male voice.
I heard from the ground from really low ground like it was a small plushy or animal.
I turned and looked at the place where circle was and saw something i wasn't expecting. In there was black cat and was talking to me. I started to stare at it and when i wasn't answering it question cat jumped on me and started to claw me with its paws on my face and screamed.
„What are you staring at?! Have you never saw a cat that speaks?!"
I grasped it before it could do much damage to my face and said to it
„Actually you are the first one i see"
„Oh sorry kid, but tell me where the hell we are? I was naping on roof just second ago"
„Ehmm could you tell me your name first" i asked shyly.
„Yoruichi, and whats yours kid?"
„My name is Rei, Rei Wolford."
„That's strange name. Am i abroad? Boy in what country are we?"
„In Kingdom of Earlshide."
„What? Can you repeat where?"
„Kingdom of Earlshide."
„Oh shit. What the hel lis going on?" cat Yoruichi looked around and thought for a while.
„Boy turn around for moment please.
„Ok mister"
„Hehe we will see" cat said mysteriously with glow in his eyes.
'Wait is she going to transform in her human form?' I thought with my eyes wide open. After few seconds and hearing fluttering of material i knew that she changed and have clothes on her and i was glad about it.
„You cant urn now kid" said sensual female voice.
„WHAT?!" i said with faked surprise and turning fast. „You are a girl?"
„Yes i am" said Yoruichi but she didn't notice what i saw. She wasn't the mature beauty from anime. She was at most looking like a 7 year old girl in black sleevles kimono. When she saw that I'm not looking up but almost at the same level of view on her she was shocked.
Yoruichi looked around and saw a stream just few metres from us and run towards it to look at herself. After seeing her reflection there was pause and then
„NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! I was so preaty and mature i could tease him with it but now…" she started crying and hugging her legs in fetal form.
I started to slowly walk towards her and when i was just half a step away i started to pat her head trying to cheer her up.
She looked at me with her golden eyes and for the first time saw that mine are just like hers and my hair is the same colour like hers. My delicate face was just asking for pinching so she just did it with tears on her face.
„It hurtssss" i said when she started to pinch me on my cheek and she started to laugh through tears and smiled at me.
„Rei where are your parents?" she asked.
„Dunno, I live with my brother and grandparents."
„Hmm, do you think they will help me?"
„Do you know what you want to do?"
„Actually, no really and there wasn't to much where i was for me so being here maybe is for the best." she voiced her thoughts.
„So maybe you will help me train? Cause i can se that you have on your belt the same weapon like I have" i said with smile.
She looked at me and saw katana at my waist ans he widened her eyes.
„Where did you get these?" she asked with tension in her voice.
„It just appeared there before you came." I said with smile.
„Hmm well i can teach you but it will be harsh training and for start it ill not have to much with sword fighting like you can imagine is that ok?" she said thinking if I can learn Shunpo, Hakuda and Kido before Zanjutsu because she was curious if in this world we can learn what Shinigami could. And if i could she would teach me Shunkō than. Thinking about it gave her stars in her eyes and when i saw it i was scared about what she is thinking.
„Ok but we will need Grandpas approvement for that as i have other training in schedule… OH SHIT I HAVE TO GO BACK!" i said, and last words where screamed when i thought about promise to go back after half an hour.
„Grandma will be mad again" i said and went towards sticks which i picked up earlier and thanked to myself for that. „Come, and don't say anything about you travelling here through portal cause they would be suspicous about you, just say that you are orphan that was left in woods and just went around when i picked you up ok? Cause it will be big trouble if we say the truth."
„Than how will i say to your grandpa that i will teach you? On what basis?"
„Well… I… Maybe…"
„You didnt thought about it did you?"
„No, problem with that?"
„No, we can say that i will teach you what my parents taught me cause you have the same weapon like i have"
„Let's go with that" i smiled and took her hand and started to walk towards home. She looked at our hands and smilled.
'I will protect you kid' she thought with smile.
[Congratulation Master in getting companion through persuasion and not through forcing Master/Servant relations. Reward will be granted +5 Stat Points and 5 level ups]
{Rei Wolford}
Level 1 -> 6
Title: Reincarnator
Effect: on level up all astats +1
Bloodline: Uchiha (Bonus stats and perks like Sharingan locked until first travel)
Health: 30/30 -> 80/80
Stamina: 50/50 -> 100/100
Mana: 40/40 -> 90/90
Reiatsu: 400/400 -> 900/900 (normal student in first year of Shinigami academy)
Strenght: 2 -> 7
Agility: 3 -> 8
Vitality: 3 -> 8
Endurance: 5 -> 10
Intelligance: 4 -> 9
Mental Strengh: 4 -> 9
Luck: 8 -> 13
Free Stat Points : 15(for every level up you gain 2 points)
Quests: None
Weapons: Zangetsu in sealed form DMG +50(Shikai unavaible, Bankai unavaible)
Armor: None
Accesories: None
Talents: Affinity to all Magic
Modern Special Forces Training max.(unavaible until 5 years old)
Cooking level 4
Singing level 2
Learning level 5
Inventory: Nothing inside.
Companions: Yoruichi Shihōin (Strenght of Lieutenant, will gain strenght in time untill peak on Host 10 birthday, age 6 in this world, Shikai avaible, Bankai unavaible)
{Yoruichi Shihōin}
Level 50
Title: Flash Goddess
Effect: Agility + 50
Bloodline: Shihōin (+15 Strenght, +25 Agility, +10 Vitality, +20 Endurance,
+10 Inteligence, + 25 Mental Strengh)
Health: 1150/1150
Stamina : 1450/1450
Mana: 950/950
Reiatsu: 27500/27500 (threshold of Lieutenant is 25000)
Strenght: 130
Agility: 210
Vitality: 115
Endurance: 145
Intelligance: 95
Mental Strengh: 275
Luck: 75
Free Stat Points : 0(for every level up you gain 2 points)
Weapons: Inazuma DMG +100 (Shikai avaible, Bankai unavaible)
Armor: None
Accesories: None
Talents: Transforming into a cat, ???, ???
Zanjutsu level 7
Hakuda Level 9
Shunpo Level max
Kido lvl 8
Shunko lvl 4
Inventory: Nothing inside.
When i saw the difference between our statuses i was shocked. 'What the hell?' And she dont have her peak power? I'm afraid now how strong she is in her full capacity. But i am thankfull cause i manager to persuade her and didn't have to use Lucy for that.
[Master is really lucky cause if you used power of the System to make her your Servant she wouldn't have capability to regrow and maybe be even stronger than her normal character was]
'Really Lucy? So how much weaker she would be than her peak?'
[Looking at her status and with information i can acces in her home world at least 5 times what you can see maybe more cause she could hidden some things from records]
'Damn, thats really big diffrence.'
„Ok we need to hurry, we will go with your normal name cause it will be better than thinking about something now and maybe forget it. That would be awkward." I said to her.
„Ok Rei, i will trust you in this" she smiled at me and i had burn my cheeks cause she was so cute when she had done it. „Oh could it be that Rei is interested in me?" she asked batting her eyelids.
'Damn she is so cute' i thought turning my head forward and not answering her. When she noticed my blush and didn't hear any answear she started to laugh. It was sound similar to small bells.
She was still laughing when we came out from forest and we saw Melinda, Merlin and Michel standing with Shin and talking with him and Melinda was in that moment saying „… just in case on the table so you can shot it in the air and one of us would come here as fast as we can and rest would continue looking for your brother…"
When she said that she heard laugher and than turn around towards it. She saw me and a girl few years older than me and Shin. 'What happened in that forest?' Melinda thought and started walking towards us. She saw that i have guilt all over my face and knew that i have idea what i done but seeing the little girl she let it pass for now.
„What happened Rei that you are late?"
„I… I… met Yoruichi i talked with her and came to know that her parents where killed in attack of beasts so i thought that she can stay with us because she dont have anywhere to go" I said shyly not showing the courage to look up on her.
„Ok boy, about your not keeping what you said we will talk later for now lets go inside. She probably didn't eat anything normal for days" Melinda said looking at Yoruichi at which girls eyes started to shine like little stars.
„Looks like i am right. Come child we will feed you and we can talk after what happend and what you want to do" Grandma said with smile towards Yoruichi. She took her hand and started walking towards home with me, Shin, Merlin and Michel stunned. I looked at Grandpa and asked „Grandma didn't hit her head right? Cause she is really nice towards someone without even knowing them."
„I can hear that!!!" Grandma yelled from door and took Yoruichi with her inside.
„Like you can see she is like always. It is probably because you and Shin never act cute and you are boys." Grandpa said with thoughtfull expression. „Well lets go or she will yell again shall we?"
And after he said that all of us went towards house.