Tournament of Worlds

Chapter 6: Chpater 6

I got woke up to Miriallia shaking me. She had been told to get me to the bridge.

Apparently Murrue and Natarle call on the comms and its been over 30 minutes. Miriallia "We finally got away from that Zaft ship that was chasing us so the captain said to let you sleep but now its been six hours and they need you for a meeting."

Jason got up and since he did not have a shirt on Miriallia was staring at his body at how chisel his chest was and the size of his muscle something you could not see well when in his uniform. Her face to red instantly. Jason just let her look while he went to grab some clothes to get ready.

Jason "Are you going to keep standing there while I change. I don't mind if you do if you want to." Jason trying to tease her some.

Miriallia quickly turned around and said "I will wait outside." Jason quickly change when she shut the door. Miriallia was lost in thoughts not knowing how to feel about the situation taking place. She really did love her boyfriend but now some strange feeling was coming over her and it was nothing that she had experience before even with Tolle.

She was deep in thinking when the door behind her open and Jason said "lets go." She lead him to where the other officers was having a meeting about the resource problems. Murrue "looks like the sleepyhead finally got woke up. hee-hee"

Mu "So about our problem the only thing we can do is either try and make it to the moon on the supplies we have which is going down quickly or make a stop by the Debris Belt and see if we can get some resources since I know that Zaft will not let up and Le Creuset will be back on top of us as soon as he can be."

Natarle "So you suggest we become robbers and steal what we need." Murrue "is it really stealing they are abandon or destroyed ships there that will likely still have some resources on them."

Jason "As long as we don't disturb the resting places and just take the resources we need I don't see a problem with it. But if we go toward the moon you know we will be in multiple fights and losing even more resources and be at a major disadvantage."

Natarle "I am against going to loot." Mu "I all for it since we can get the supplies and maybe even hid a bit in the belt for sometime." Murrue "Jason which are you for." Jason "I agree with Mu this is a chance to get the crew so much deserve rest and get the resources we need to keep going."

Murrue "ok the decision is to go to the Debris Belt and get supplies but only what we are in need of no looting other things. Anyone that is found looting will be locked in the brig."

Everybody agree and the four return to the bridge to tell them where they was heading. The ship took a sharp turn and headed for the Debris Belt.

Natarle went to round up some of the civilians to help with getting the resources so it would not take a long time since they was still way under staff. Some of the younger ones agree to help. It took a few hours to get to the Debris belt while the ship was flying there Jason was in the stimulation machine training himself.

His level was going up but he wanted to quickly get to another job since it would not let him switch jobs til he master that one at level 100 so he went with the hardest training stimulation hoping this would make a bigger difference in leveling then the previous one did.

It took them about four hours to get there since it took to much fuel to mantain full speed they had to reduce some to save the little fuel they had left. When they finally got there Natarle got them in to team of 4 to go thru all the ships with the civilians she was able to make 6 teams and Jason was in the Strike keeping watch while helping.

The groups was having hard time finding the resources. They found enough fuel and ammo but water which was the most they need was very lacking. Murrue was looking from the bridge trying to figure out what was out there in the Debris Belt when she notice something very large like a continent.

It had a big lake frozen in the middle of it. Mu and Natarle went to the bridge when they got back from searching the recent ships they were assign to tell Murrue that they was still lacking water. Murrue "I think that is part of Junius Seven." Mu look up and said "Looks like it and look there is a large lake there for the water we need."

Natarle "I don't like where this is going." Murrue "We are only going to get water from the lake nothing else no reason to disturb the graves of those that died there." Mu lead the teams back out and had the Strike use the beam saber to cut chunks of the ice off so they can carry it back to the ship. Jason had most the lake broke into pieces just waiting for the to transport when he notice a small ship in the area with a Zaft reconnaissance type Ginn.

It start to fly off then turn back around when it seen one of the work pods transporting a chunk of ice back towards the ship. The Ginn raise his weapon to fire but before he could take aim. Jason had already fire and sent about destroying it. Jason "Murrue we need to hurry there was a Ginn here searching so they will be here soon when he doesn't return."

Murrue "Teams hurry it up double time." When the teams finish Jason was heading back his notice a life pod floating out in space he grab it and took it back to the ship. Murrue came do when they open it to see who was inside. When they open the hatch a pink hair girl jump out with a pink Haro jumping even farther out then her. Jason caught her hand and brought her down to the floor.

Girl "Thank you for saving me. My name is Lacus Clyne." Mu just face palm how the crap did we keep ending up in the situations. First Le Creuset and now we have the Princess of Zaft. Murrue was shaking her head while telling Jason, Mu, Natarle and Lacus to follow her.

When they was in a room without prying eyes. Murrue was talking to her trying to learn how she ended up in a pod. Mu "Are you really the Plant Supreme Council Chairman Siegel Clyne daughter?" Lacus "oh you know my father." Mu "nope only heard about him." Jason "Lacus you know this is an Earth Alliance ship not a Zaft ship." Lacus "Oh really."

Murrue "Jason you take care of her needs but we can not let her roam the ship. She needs to stay in a room until we can do something." They left the meeting with Jason taking Lacus to a room to relax while the others try and figure out what to do now.

Jason "Lacus you need to stay here the others don't want you walking around thinking you might be spy since you are with the PLANTs." Lacus nods and goes into the room to relax. Jason heads to the cafeterria while there is a fight going on it in.

Miriallia and Flay are arguing over Flay taking a tray to Lacus. Flay "I don't want any coordinator to be friendly with me and she could attack me then what I don't want to." Miriallia "You are being stupid Flay why would she attack you she is not with the military just a girl like us."

Jason walks in time to saying "I will take the tray Miriallia no need to force Flay to do it." Jason grabs the tray and heads towards Lacus room. They have a nice little chat while Lace is eating. Jason also brought some of Miriallia clothes so Lacus can change into something other the dress she was wearing. Comms "Level 1 Battle Stations"

Jason quickly got up. Lacus "Jason be safe out there." Jason "I really don't want to fight in this war but I want to try and end it as quick as possible." Lacus agrees the war needs to end but not sure how to go about trying to end it. She is only 16 right now.

Jason got into the Strike. Miriallia "Jason a Zaft ship caught up to us as we was leaving the Debris Belt and has launch 6 Ginns." Jason "Ok Mu let me hand them and you see if you can sneak around and get there ship at least destroy their engines." Mu "Roger kid" Both launched and Jason went head first into the Ginns.

The battle did not take long. Jason shot down all 6 Ginns and Mu was able to disable the ship from following them. Jason heard a ding in his head when he destroyed the last Ginn.

Selena "you reach max level in the job." Jason "I change it when I get back to my room." Jason quickly disembark and went to his room. Jason quickly pulled up his status.

Jason Knight- Male 

Age: 17

Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline


Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline


Evil Piece- King

Job System


Job Class- MS Pilot LV 100

Available Jobs: Fighter, Mage, Incubus,Computer Analysis


Pilot Mobile Suits II

Jason was debating which job to take next. In this world there was no magic and very few fighting hand to hand. I guess I can get the Incubus job and see what kind of skills I can get with it.

Maybe that will help me to have my own harem and get some girls in my bed quicker. Selena was just shaking her head when she heard him say this. Jason quickly change the job to Incubus.

Jason Knight- Male 

Age: 17

Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline


Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline


Evil Piece- King

Job System


Job Class- Incubus LV 1

Available Jobs: Fighter, Mage, Computer Analysis



Pilot Mobile Suits II




Jason was shock he got two skills just for taking the job. Charm description makes the other sex more attracted to you. Seduction making female more in heat around you. Jason I might have to test these out but who do I do that with.

I don't want to mess with Miriallia feeling since I know she is falling for me slowly. Maybe I need to seduce the captain. The captain seems to be stressed out. But I never really seeing her leave the bridge.

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