Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 218: Don't Let the Flap Hit You On the Way Out

Somehow, ends of semesters and ends of school years did not give her as elated a feeling as when she handed her completed Lycée Project report to Instructor Rosemund. Perhaps it was because this project stretched into four school years and now, it was finally over. At least the school portion was.

Tori’s hands almost shook with excitement as she turned in the inch thick portfolio packed with maps, charts, an entire section on building a village, sub-reports from Université professors and master craftsmen regarding their contributions, and more.

Other students may have felt nervous, but she was brimming with confidence. If there was one thing she, as a project manager could do, it was write a detailed report and make plans. If others couldn’t use her project as a foundation in town-building in Soleil, that was on them because she had been thorough.

When she stepped out of her classroom, she couldn’t contain her smile and could barely hold back wanting to cry ‘I’m free, bitches!’

“No matter what happens now, the project is in the hands of the gods.” Compared to her elated feeling, Ilyana wore a serious expression and was looking out ahead of them, as if at an unknown future.

Tori chuckled. “You had your project reviewed by the instructors and were just as thorough as I was. Not to mention that your project itself was immensely successful and we’ve applied the process initially used to train other villagers.”

“One never knows, Tori,” Ilyana said as her fingers dug into the sides of her skirt. “What if I missed something? What if the teachers don’t think I did enough?”

“Even if that were the case, you’d only be shy a few points. It’s not going to fail your entire project,” Tori replied. “And even if you don’t get a perfect score-”

“Don’t jinx it!”

“I’m not jinxing it.” Tori rolled her eyes. “No one can make up enough points to overtake your ranking, even if they get a perfect score on this project.”

Ilyana let out a low, unconvinced grumble. “I will feel more secure in my ranking when our projects are tallied.”

There didn’t seem to be a way to ease her mind, though Tori was sure that Ilyana would maintain her ranking. While there were extra points tacked on to more complex project assignments, most were straightforward and did not end up as complicated and detailed as Ilyana’s. Even Henrik’s restaurant was more formulaic from the start.

Tori’s project was the most complex out of all of them and she was certain that even with full credit and extra points, her ranking would still be below Ilyana’s, as Ilyana consistently got full or near full credit on all her exams and other assignments, securing her at the top of their ranking.

“Okay, get your mind off of it for now. We still have to get to Viclya and we have a short amount of time to prepare for Axton’s belated birthday party and Ewan’s training mission success dinner. I’m sure the carriages are already waiting for us.”

Ilyana nodded. “And we still have to pick up Ewan from La Garda.”

“You go on SIG Two with Henrik and Montan to get to the delta first. Mr. Merced isn’t familiar with it. Although he’s used to planning balls and the like, he doesn’t know what to do in a place like Viclya.”


They rushed to their dorms to get their things. Axton returned from Osten midweek via naval vessel direct to Viclya. In order to prevent another failed surprise party, Tori told him what had happened when he was still in Buchenberg. Axton had dramatically groaned and lamented his loss, blaming Piers for being so heartless.

Piers, who had been with Tori at the time of the call, had stared at the comcry with increasingly narrowing eyes. Before he could threaten to withdraw birthday plans altogether, Tori had told Axton that they’d arrange one for him at Viclya on the weekend he arrived, so he could just stay and rest at the delta.

Piers had allowed it under her pressuring gaze, then she, Ilyana, Henrik, and Mr. Merced got to work. Mr. Merced was bringing many decorations and the prepared fireworks back to the delta and was supposed to be arriving that day. Tori and the others had school, so they wouldn’t leave until later, but would meet Mr. Merced to help finish up the plans.

The default restaurant was Henrik’s once more, but invited chefs had also been placed to prepare the various foods Tori had promised.

She and Ilyana rushed to the front of the school and as expected, her two modified imperial carriages were waiting for her along with both imperial guards and guards hired by Lions Gate. Henrik and Montan were already in SIG Two. Sonia and JP were on their horses and planned to ride there.

Several unexpected students were nearby, and Ilyana let out a tired breath as her shoulders shrunk. “I know he can afford his own carriage.”

“I know he has his own carriage,” Tori said in a dull voice as she watched Gideon ignorantly hand over his bag to the coachman of SIG Two. The presence of the second prince explained why there were additional imperial knights from his escort. Ilyana gave her own back to the coachman as Tori let out a heavy breath. “Your Highness, where is your carriage?”

“It’s more convenient this way since your carriage is already here and going directly to Viclya,” Gideon replied.

The corner of Tori’s eye twitched. “You knew we were having Axton’s party this weekend. Why did you not prepare your escort?” Her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear, and her eyes drifted to his knights, who immediately averted their eyes. Even Fabian, who was just behind Gideon, looked embarrassed.

“Like I said, this way is more convenient. Besides, having more guards and knights isn’t bad, right?” He gave her a smile and then shamelessly climbed into the carriage.

Ilyana let out a low grumble and got into the carriage, wedging herself in the corner of the seat bench across from Gideon. Tori looked at Fabian, who looked back at her awkwardly. He didn’t seem to know if he should proceed with their earlier plans to take SIG Two.

Tori took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead. “Just get in the carriage, von Dorn.”

“Yes, my lady.” He quickly got inside and Albert, who’d just arrived at the gate sighed.

“Is SIG Two full? Tori, can I ride with you?” Albert asked as he looked over at her.

“Yes, there’s plenty of room. Hop in.”

Albert took her bag from her hand and went to hand it off to their driver. Tori stood outside the door of SIG Two and looked inside. Henrik was seated between Ilyana and Montan, while Gideon and Fabian sat opposite them.

“I need to get a horse, then I can ride there myself....” Ilyana muttered. If she didn’t need to get there faster to meet with Mr. Merced, she’d already be seated in SIG One.

“We’ll get you one for your birthday,” Tori told her. “Let’s get one from Sur since we’ll be there this summer.”

A small, happy smile reached Ilyana’s pretty face. “Okay, you promised.”

Tori looked at the others. “We’re going to go at a faster pace since there are preparations to be done. Henrik, check to make sure the food and venue arrangement are as expected. Ilyana, guest reception and decorations. Show Mr. Merced around, as well.”

The two sat up straight and nodded, as if taking official orders. “It’ll be ready well before tomorrow’s dinner.”

“Good. Montan-”

“Yes, god sister! What can I do?” His face lit up, eager to help.

“Keep your brother company and don’t let him eat too much before the dinner. Make sure his meals are light because he’ll complain if he eats too much during the day and won’t have room to gorge himself at night,” Tori said with a roll of her eyes.

Montan also nodded and Tori stepped away. An escort guard closed the door and Tori checked to make sure JP and Sonia would be comfortable riding the entire way. Normally, they would take a rest inside the carriage during long rides; however, this time, they both gave her mirroring deadpan expressions.

“Rather be on my horse than stuck in there,” Sonia said.

Tori sighed and watched them go on their way. The imperial knights saluted her as they left, and Tori tried not to grimace. Before, it was just a slight bow of their heads, but since the announcement of Piers as Crown Prince, she began to be saluted with the fist over the left breast. This was something she expected in Sur from her family’s knights, not from other knights.

“Tori, are we going?” Albert shouted from the carriage.

“I’m coming.” Tori turned around and walked towards her carriage.

“Have a good weekend, my lady!” Another voice called to her, and Tori turned her head. She gave Alessa a nod and a small wave.

“You, too.” She paused as she put one foot on the carriage step. She looked back over her shoulder. “Did you finish the annual operating plan and confirm it with the abbey?”

“Yes!” Alessa gave her a bright smile and nodded. She stopped beside a slender young man who had appeared to come to pick her up. A pair of eyes bored into Tori with suspicion. IN response, Tori pretended she didn’t see Tom. “I did everything you said!”

Okay, please don’t put it like that. Your childhood friend is looking at me as if I’m a scumbag leading you on. Tori forced a smile. “Great! When are you submitting your report?”

“Next week!”

“Good to hear. We’ll see you then!” Tori gave her another nod and pulled herself into the carriage. She sat across from Albert and the door closed.

“Every time we see that friend of hers near Duel, he’s glaring,” Albert said, looking out the window with some distrust. “We haven’t done anything to Hart and you’re going out of your way to help her. Why does he keep looking at us like that?”

“You all are guilty by association,” Tori said as the carriage jerked forward. “And I did get him arrested our first year.”

Albert’s brows shot up. “Oh, I forgot about that.” He scrunched his face and looked at Tori. “But that was his own fault.”

“I don’t know how people from Chetterswickshire work, Albert.” Tori shrugged and she leaned back against the carriage. The ride to La Garda was in the opposite direction of Viclya, so picking up Ewan was out of their way. Tori had already called him to tell him what time to expect them, and he was ready at the gate when they arrived.

La Garda was smaller in size than Lycée, both due to a smaller student population per year and only spanning two years. While they had a sizable training ground, as well as barracks-like dormitories for students, they often went outside their campus to do training exercises.

Ewan was still in his everyday training uniform when they saw him. He was standing with Sir Noelle, a third-tier imperial knight instructor who was also Ewan’s guidance instructor. She had short, somewhat messy hair, and was a tall, stately woman, carrying herself as a knight that was identifiable from a distance.

Tori had met her before and found her to be good-natured.

“Ah, it’s the Countess!”

“Tori!” Ewan waved excitedly, as if he were trying to flag them down despite the fact that the carriage stopped on the curb in front of them, three paces away. Tori opened the door herself and hopped down.

Feeling like a parent meeting with their child’s teacher, Tori greeted them and was saluted in return. Her eye twitched once more. Even the knights at La Garda were doing it.

“Sir Noelle, how is our Ewan doing?” Tori asked. Sir Noelle came from a family of knights, as well, so she went by her first name, similar to what Ewan preferred because practically all the adults in his family were a ‘Sir Conner’.

“My lady, in his class, we have the highest hopes for Sir Ewan. We see no issues in him applying to the first tier knights this spring,” Sir Noelle replied.

She had confidence in Ewan, but it was always good for a professional to reassure her. “That’s good to hear. He keeps up with his training regimen when he’s with us.”

“It’s envious that he has a training regimen curated by Lord Sebastian,” Sir Noelle said. “When he told us he was able to join the Guevera Knights in a training exercise, there were plenty of envious instructors.”

“My brother also has high expectations of Ewan,” Tori said. She thanked Sir Noelle guiding Ewan and then ushered him into the carriage.

Ewan and Albert eagerly discussed the food while asking Tori questions about it. Axton was happy to share his birthday dinner with Ewan, just as proud of him as Tori was for successfully completing a training exercise with the Guevera Knights.

When they reached the delta, it was already night, but there were plenty of streetlights. The main road from the border entrance had been completed. It was wide for what it was and Tori had gotten some questions about it, but Tori felt that preparing the road now to accommodate for future traffic and a public transportation system, if she could figure out crystals and trains, would save her trouble later.

Street lamps had been installed all along the main road and there was now a small village at the border. In the past, it was dark on all sides as far as the eye could see, but now, every so often, Tori could see the light of a homestead in the distance.

Her delta was being settled well and it was surprisingly comforting.

As Viclya now accepted guests throughout the year, though by reservation only, the Promenade was still lively. They were dropped off by the encampment so they could put away their things and Tori found Piers and Alexander waiting for her in her tent.

She raised a brow as she walked past them with her bag. “Did you eat already?” she asked.

“Waiting for you,” Piers replied from where he sat at her desk, going through some papers. “Are we still going to the ship research island tomorrow morning?”

“The retired corsair Cousin Siobhan recommended for the coast guard arrived, so yes,” Tori said. She tossed her bag into the chair in her bed chamber and came back out. “Are you going to come?”

Piers nodded and paused. “I would like to bring Gideon.”

Tori raised a brow and stopped beside him. “Are you certain? The research is classified in nature.” She didn’t believe Gideon could keep his mouth shut until the research and ships were revealed.

Piers took a deep breath and stared ahead of him. “Gideon requires reassurance that he is trusted. I also want to bring Axton.”

“I can agree with Axton, but I’m unsure about your brother,” Tori said. Even if she said no, in this matter, she would have to acquiesce to Piers’ order. While the research was technically under the O’Tuaghs, she had a heavy hand in it. “This matter has to do with my delta and my master.”

“I will not bring Fabian, only Gideon. He will understand the seriousness of the matter.”

Tori remained frowning, but nodded. “If that is what Your Imperial Highness orders.” Piers looked towards her and Tori turned around, her voice sharp and distant with her disapproval. “I’m tired and will skip dinner. You go without me. I’ll call Ilyana and see you in the morning.”


“Don’t let the flap hit you on the way out.” She raised her hand as she walked into her bedchamber and turned off all the light crystals in the main room, leaving Piers in the dark. She activated a silence charm to block noise from outside and then secured the flap to her bed chamber closed.

If Piers wanted to come, he’d have to stick his head through the cat flap at the bottom. Inside her room, Tori took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the bed. She didn’t want Gideon to see the full extent of the work being done yet, both as a matter of security of their work and his safety.

She took out her comcry and began to make calls to prepare for the unwanted visitor in the morning.

She was a bit calmer when she awoke, but still irritated that Piers insisted on bringing his idiot brother. When she stepped outside her tent, Piers was waiting with Axton and a yawning Gideon.

“Ugh.” She didn’t bother to stop the irritation in her voice upon the sight of him. She turned towards the path, not bothering to give them a morning greeting. “Let’s go.”

“Are we going to get breakfast first?” Axton asked.

“We’ll stop at the restaurant. They’re expecting us this early,” she replied without looking back. Her bad mood must’ve been evident, as none of the three men asked her anything else. She sent them into the restaurant first while she stopped to look at the Promenade’s notice board by the information booth.

There were several notice boards all around the village meant to advertise jobs, events, and general village information. Every so often, Tori would check them out to see what her villagers were up to and if there was anything she, as their countess, could support.

“Good morning, my lady!” A few excited voices came from the street and Tori saw about a half dozen children climbing up the stairs with papers in their hands. She knew these children by name. When she first arrived, they were thin and despondent, quiet and afraid. Now, they were all rosy-cheeked and sun kissed, with bright smiles, boisterous laughter, and eager to learn.

Children of the delta tended to take advantage of anything the delta offered and after school, they often took some sort of after school activity.

A wide smile filled her face. “Good morning. It’s the weekend. What are you all up to so early?”

The children beamed from ear to ear and the closest one among them, Ida, held out a flier. “We are putting up signs for our school festival next month!”

Oh my God, that’s so freaking cute. Tori accepted the flier from the curly haired little girl. The flier was drawn out with pencil and wax drawing sticks following a familiar flier pattern. It bared the word ‘festival’ at the top and then more information was below in childish, but still legible handwriting. It was topped off with drawings of vaguely familiar food. “Food festival?”

“Yes!” Ida said with a bright face. “Each class is going to do a presentation or sell food with our teachers and parents. We are sponsored by the county and the Cosora Gastra...Gastro....” Ida’s face wrinkled up and she slowly sounded out the word. “Cosora Gastronomy Association! Yes! Our class is selling tacos!”

Tori drew in her lips to keep from laughing as Ida and the other children looked proud of themselves. “My lady, you will come, right?” Several large, coaxing eyes looked at her and she cracked a smile.

“Well, now that you’ve said you’ll be selling tacos, I will have to take a day off to come,” Tori said as she bent down and patted their heads. “Can I keep this flier?”

“Yes! We have extras!” Another child looked eager. “There will also be games from the border, where we were born.”

Tori nodded and tilted her head to the side. “Are you going to have food from the border?”


“Then...why tacos?” They were immensely popular in Viclya, and Tori had gone to awkward lengths to have something like a taco truck. Meal wagons were quite popular on the east shore, where there were many workers.

“My lady.” Ida looked her in the eye with a serious face. “Tacos are the best food.” Several little heads nodded behind her.

“I admire your dedication. I will see you all there.” Tori gave them an affirmative nod and let them return to their mission of putting up fliers. She joined Piers, Gideon, and Axton at the delta and met a curious look from Gideon.

“Children are very friendly towards you. Do they not know that you’re the Countess?” he asked.

“Everyone in this delta knows I’m the Countess,” Tori told him with a dismissive wave. “They are also all familiar with me. I’ve watched many children grow in the last few years, from little toddlers learning to swim to students studying for the Lycée examination. My people feel comfortable enough to come to me and that is important.”

Perhaps when there were more people and it became difficult to be so personable, that would change, but for the time being, she liked the village atmosphere and the informality. Everyone still addressed her respectfully, but they didn’t avoid her or cower in fear.

They ate a small breakfast and then Tori took them to the dock. Her usual transport vessel met her, and Tori noticed that it had been modified already. She smiled a bit.

“Are you comfortable with the controls yet?” Tori asked as she got on the boat. She took a seat close to where the cabin had been built.

The middle-aged man beamed. “I’m not yet an expert, but I’m not a novice, either, my lady.”

“Is it difficult to learn?” Tori asked.

“Not difficult, but different.” Tori took her seat and the low rumbling below the ship grew louder. Axton frowned and looked around as Gideon tensed in his seat.

“What’s that sound?” Gideon asked with a frown.

“Don’t panic,” Piers said in a calm voice as he sat beside Tori.

“I just noticed...where are the sails?” Axton said in a hesitant voice.

“No sails, Your Grace. The transport vessels are transitioning to a crystal-based system,” the driver said. The boat began to move away from the dock and Tori watched the confusion and fear on Axton and Gideon’s faces.

“ in....” Axton looked towards Tori.

“This isn’t going to explode, is it?” Gideon asked in a choked voice. Tori clenched her jaw.

“This is why I didn’t want to bring you.” She scooted away from Piers and brooded in a corner of the boat. Piers shot Gideon an annoyed frown, but Gideon couldn’t seem to get past the fact that the boat was moving without sails or paddles.

They moved along the water smoothly, and arrived at the test island faster than before. Master Ramos was waiting for them.

“I’m going to speak to Captain Alvilág,” Tori said after greeting her master. She looked over her shoulder at Piers. “Since you invited them, you take them around.”

Piers lowered his head and replied obediently. “Yes, Tori.”

Tori sent the head engineer to accompany Piers and Master Ramos stayed behind to ensure that the finer details of the project were not disclosed in accordance with Tori’s wishes to follow the original classified guidelines. One of the naval engineers brought her past the new construction.

In Tori’s mind, making it a hanger would’ve been great, but it just ended up being a massive barn.

Whatever. The point is that they can get work done inside without exposure. She continued past it to one of the work rooms where a man with red hair fading to white was seated on a stool, drinking coffee. He looked up as soon as the door opened and rose to his feet, lifting his fist over his chest.

“Good morning, Countess Guevera!” He hit his chest and then smiled. “Thank you for having me!”

“Good morning, Captain Alvilág. And it’s I who should be thanking you for coming. My cousin told me that you were on the verge of retiring,” Tori said as she crossed the room and extended her hand to shake his. The Captain laughed as he shook her hand before motioning for her to join him.

He poured her some coffee as she took a seat. “Marquess O’Tuagh told me there was a special project in her territory. I found out it was here, on a southern coast, and thought it must be leagues warmer than Ivory Cove!”

Tori chuckled. “That’s right, it’s on the Nord border. I’m sure the snow has yet to clear there.”

“I love my village, but the more I heard about the position, the more interested I became.”

“Captain Alvilág, the position isn’t anywhere near as exciting as your previous position,” Tori said with a slight grin. “The Cosora Coast Guard is mainly for emergency assistance, marine law enforcement, and guidance.”

He gave her a wave of his hand and shook his head. “You’d be surprised how dangerous anything on the water can get. Besides, at my age, I don’t need anything that’ll give me too much excitement.”

“I’m relieved to hear you say that. Have you taken a look at the occupation proposal?”

“I have and I’ve also prepared a patrol schedule and pattern. As per your instructions, I was taken around to survey the bay and coast these last few days, as well as made aware of the maritime traffic common to the area,” he told her, getting down to business. He pushed forward a few pieces of paper which had a map on them. “If my lady approves of me, I will start in accordance with the proposal immediately. I’d like to meet some of the young people who wish to train for the ‘coast guard’.”

“And have you seen the island prepared as a base?” Tori asked as she opened a map. She raised her brow and the corner of her lip curled into a smirk. Considering that he had marked Guardian Island as a base, he had.

The man chuckled and nodded. “The Countess is sparing no effort to ensure the safety of her territory.”

“Is that not what any good leader should do?” Tori asked. She looked up at him. “My last major question...while I want all the coast guards, or ‘Coasties’ as I like to call them, to be knowledgeable in sailing, paddling, emergency medical services, and the like, will you be able to transition from sailing to our...crystal and steam-based ships?”

A wide smile filled his face and she could see the excitement in his eyes. He leaned forward. “My lady, no one is more excited to get their own steam ship than I am.”

The position was filled and he and Tori hashed out the details for another hour before they left the meeting room. On the walkway, coming from the dock, a windswept Gideon had a red face and watery eyes filled with excitement and envy. Behind him, Axton was running a hand through his tousled hair and Piers was being watched like a hawk by Master Ramos.

“ made that?” Gideon pointed towards the water and Piers frowned, raising his hand and pushing Gideon’s arm down. Gideon’s eyes were fixed on Tori.

She raised a brow. “I pushed the theory and pointed out some details, but the real credit should go to the naval engineers, builders, and Master Ramos.”

“If you’re able to put that...that...engine into all our naval ships, do you know what that means?” Gideon asked.

Tori held his eyes, unimpressed. “It means in a technical naval race; we have a massive advantage.” She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a withering look. “Until it is in place, the exact nature of the engines are classified, understood?”

Gideon drew back his head. He furrowed his brows and then stood up straight, lifting his fist to his chest and hitting it. “I understand!”

She was finally able to relax once the sun set and the party began. Axton and Ewan sat on a long table with Montan and the others, with a whole roasted pig in front of them. When it came out, Axton’s jaw dropped, and Tori saw Ewan wiping his eyes.

“Stick candles on the pig. This will be enough for me,” Axton said in a tight voice. Tori gave him some side eye, but said nothing as the servers placed tongs around the roasted pig. The savory, delicious scent of the meal reminded her of large celebrations in her original world.

As her friends dug into their feast and sampled various dishes from restaurants that would be set to open in the summer, Tori sat at a small table with Piers. The party’s section of the restaurant was closed off to other guests, but Tori could see the other guests asking the servers questions about the food presented.

Piers had inched his seat closer to hers. In an effort to appease her, he’d been much more attentive and accommodating to her since returning from the research island. Unfortunately, she was busy with Axton’s party, so at best, Piers could only follow her around like a distressed puppy.

She had felt a bit guilty for neglecting him, especially when he had a valid reason for bringing Gideon and she was just biased against his brother, so when she was helping make Ewan’s soup dumplings in the afternoon, she made extra and steamed them for Piers to try before anyone else.

Ilyana had walked in on them with Tori holding a spoon with a punctured dumpling and its soup up to Piers’ lips. Ilyana had scowled, hissed ‘special treatment’, and then told Piers that Tori was getting her a horse before turning on her heel and leaving the kitchen.

“My lady, the soup dumplings are ready to be served.” The restaurant manager bowed his head and reported to her. Tori gave him a nod as she stood up.

“Serve us last to keep them fresh,” Tori said. She walked towards the table and told Ewan the soup dumplings were ready.

She had taught him how to eat them the way she ate them in her original world: with a spoon and chopsticks. The servers brought out imported bamboo steamers with three dumplings each and placed them in front of each of the guests. Each table had a server explain how to eat them and warned them that the soup inside was very hot and could burn their mouths.

Tori stood at the main table, explaining how to eat them, what the imported vinegar dip was, and to puncture the dumplings with a fork to leak out the soup so it wouldn’t scald them. It was just easier that way.

Ewan, however, had prepared for this meal with such intensity, that he was already on his second dumpling by the time Tori finished her explanation.

“Do I only get three?” he asked in a pained voice as he looked at the last dumpling in the steamer. The wooden chopsticks he had been served with hovered over the dumpling.

“Of course not, I have ten of these things reserved for you,” Tori said with a slight snort. “But they’re best when they’re fresh from the steamer, so before you finish one and you still want more, tell a server to prepare another.”

Ewan stuffed the last dumpling into his mouth. Steam came out as he spoke. “I love you, Tori, you’re the best.”

She put her hand on his bald head and gave it a little shake. “You worked hard. You deserve it.”

“As the birthday celebrant,” Axton said as he sat in front of an empty steamer. “Shouldn’t I also get-”

“Yes, Axton, there is extra for you,” Tori replied, rolling her eyes. Montan offered Axton his unfinished ones when he heard.

Still, Axton gave him a gentle look, pushed the steamer back towards him and told him to eat and that if he wanted more, he could have some of his.

Gideon seemed to notice this and turned towards Piers just as a server brought out steamers for her and Piers.

“Tori, they’re hot....” Piers quietly complained as she sat down.

“I already taught you how to eat these. I’m not going to do it for you,” Tori said with a dull look. He frowned a bit, but proceeded to eat.

She ate a dumpling and looked out towards the guests. Henrik had gotten another tray and Sonia was waving down a server for a glass of water because Albert had shoveled one in his mouth and burned his tongue. He was frantically fanning his mouth while Ilyana scolded him.

“You did a lot today,” Piers said beside her.

“There is a lot to do,” she replied with a slight shrug. In fact, there was still more coming.

“You should rest a little since you completed your project.”

Tori chuckled. “The project is completed, but nothing else is.”

Piers sipped on the dumpling soup in his spoon. “During the Spring Festival, come with me to the Lunar Inn at Geyser Cliffs.”

She didn’t expect him to say such a thing and looked towards him.

“Since when did you own the Lunar Inn and got the authority to invite me?”

“Since I purchased the land around it in order for the Lunar Inn to have access to private geothermal baths.”

Tori pursed her lips. “I do like geothermal baths....” she said in a quiet voice.

“Construction is near complete. Axton and I plan to see it. You should come with us to relax.”

Tori let out a sigh. “But during the Spring Festival? JP and Sonia were convinced to do one more Spring Three-Day, so it’ll be their last one.”

“You’ve seen us race several times already.” Sonia leaned back on her chair and looked towards her. “It’s the same courses and JP and I aren’t hyper fixated on winning. The cheering squad can also manage themselves without you. Just go to the geothermal baths and relax.”

JP swallowed his dumpling and nodded. “You deserve it, Tori. Take a break. We’re going to be busy in the summer.”

“You’ve been working on your project, the delta,” Ilyana said as she seemed to count her fingers. “All your crystal fanatic experiments-”

“Don’t call them that.”

“Fine, your ‘crystal technology research’.” If Ilyana knew what air quotes wore, Tori was sure she would’ve used them. “And you’ve been helping Guthry and Hart.” Ilyana narrowed her eyes and her voice lowered. “If you go out to relax, they can’t bother you.”

Tori let out a little snort and rolled her eyes. “I’ll consider it as long as everything else is on track.”

“What wouldn’t be on track?” Henrik asked as he waved for another steamer of dumplings. “Even if something suddenly changed, I doubt that the people, myself and Ilyana included, could not handle it, at least until you got back.”

He made a good point and Tori didn’t doubt their abilities. Still, she hesitated.

“Tori, you don’t need to be around for the Spring Festival at Lycée this year,” Sonia reminded her. “You don’t need to do anything for the Sword Association or the tabletop gaming club. Tiff and Albert and the others can handle that. You have Henrik and Ilyana for Lions Gate, and the delta only comes to you for high level approvals and infrastructure needs.”

Tori’s shoulders slumped and she looked towards Piers. “It is your chance to be lazy.”

She bit her lips to keep her chortle in and then slowly nodded. “All right,” she said with a relenting nod. “I’ll take a break.”

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