Top of Qinglian

Chapter 15 Killing Zombies

Chapter 15 Killing Zombies

At this time, a large number of clansmen rushed over. They held torches in their left hands and a handful of glutinous rice in their right hands. Everyone showed nervous expressions on their faces.

Wang Changsheng raised his eyebrows and ordered: "Send someone to see what's going on right away, and if there are zombies, then ring the gong to warn."

Wang Qingshan agreed to come down, and immediately ordered to go down, and several clansmen followed the orders and left.

A quarter of an hour later, the clansman sent to investigate the situation returned.

The result made Wang Changsheng dumbfounded. It turned out that it was a clansman named Wang Yousheng who woke up from urination and came out to relieve his hand. It happened that a piece of clothing was blown up by the strong wind and fell on him. reaction.

Wang Qingshan's face was a little embarrassed, and it was a false alarm after a long time.

"Okay, okay, let's all go back and rest! Send a member of the tribe to guard Wang Yousheng's house, and leave the gong to others for safekeeping. Next time you see a zombie, you will ring the gong as a warning. Don't ring the gong lightly." Wang Changsheng Solemnly ordered.

"Did you hear Uncle Jiu's words? Did you see any zombies? Don't knock on the gong indiscriminately. Let's all go back and rest!" Wang Qingshan dismissed the clansmen and went back to their homes.

Wang Changsheng returned to the house and meditated to rest his mind.

It didn't take long for Qingshi Town to regain its tranquility.

At Yin time, the night was quiet, and most people fell asleep.

Unable to resist sleepiness, Wang Qiumao slowly closed his eyes and went to see Duke Zhou.

In a certain courtyard, Wang Yousheng rushed out of the house, covered his abdomen with his hands, and rushed towards the latrine.

The hut was not far from the gate of the courtyard, and it seemed that the gate was not fastened. A gust of wind blew and the gate was blown open.

"Damn it, it's unlucky. First, I accidentally rang the gong, and now I have a stomachache. I must have stepped on shit yesterday!" Wang Yousheng complained.

Because he accidentally rang the gong, he was severely reprimanded by his uncle, and his peers also ridiculed him for being timid, which made him really annoyed.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Youyi, I'm inside, just wait a moment." Wang Yousheng said impatiently.


The door of the room was shattered, and a figure rushed towards Wang Yousheng.

Wang Yousheng didn't even have time to react, his shoulders were grabbed tightly by the opponent, and immediately after that, there was a sharp pain in his neck.

He let out a miserable scream and tried to push the other person away, but it was of no use.

Not long after, Wang Yousheng lost consciousness.

The figure let go of Wang Yousheng, revealing a pair of sharp fangs. It was Wang Qingyan who had turned into a zombie.

It turned around and jumped towards the house.

Not long after, there was a scream from inside the house.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the straw mat, his eyes slightly closed.

A crisp bell sound suddenly came from outside.

Wang Changsheng tied some red strings near the house, and each red string was tied with some bells. As long as someone approached the house, the red string would be touched.

A strange cry sounded, the door was knocked open, and a zombie rushed in, it was Wang Qingyan.

When the bell rang, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes.


With a low growl, the zombie rushed towards Wang Changsheng with an unbearable stench.

Wang Changsheng's face changed slightly, he grabbed a handful of glutinous rice from the rice bag tied to his body, and sprinkled it on the zombie.

The glutinous rice hit the zombie, and there was a puff of smoke, and the zombie let out a miserable cry.

The zombie let out a loud roar, and grabbed Wang Changsheng with both claws.

At this time, Wang Qiumao also woke up with fright. Seeing the zombie, his face became extremely pale.

Wang Changsheng raised his hands together, and two feet long crystal ice cones flew out.

The two ice picks hit the zombie's body, but failed to penetrate the zombie's body, shattered and turned into a large piece of crushed ice.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. The body of this zombie can block the elementary and middle-level spells. I don't know if the spirit weapon can hurt it.

With a turn of his gaze, he held out a blue bead the size of an egg, and hit a spell on it.

After the blue bead turned around, a large amount of blue light emerged out of thin air, turning into a wall of blue water as high as a person and two feet thick, blocking in front of him.

The zombie didn't even think about it, and jumped directly into the blue water wall.

The moment it plunged into the blue water wall, Wang Changsheng flicked his fingers repeatedly, and five white lights flew out from his hand, and disappeared into the blue water wall in a flash.

The blue water wall condensed into ice amidst the sound of "Zi La", turning into a white ice wall as tall as a person, emitting a trace of white air.

The zombie is frozen and turned into a huge ice sculpture.

Wang Changsheng flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, hitting the blue ball with several spells, and a large number of blue light spots emerged, turning into a huge ball of water, enveloping the ice sculpture.

Wang Changsheng flicked his fingers repeatedly, white lines flew out, and submerged into the water polo in a flash. The water polo quickly froze and turned into bigger ice cubes.

"Get out of here quickly, I'm going to set fire to this room." Wang Changsheng ordered.

He doesn't have a fire talisman on him, and he doesn't know how to cast fire spells. He can only freeze the zombies, burn down the house, and use fire to destroy the zombies.

He had already thought about this plan.

The valuables in the house have been removed long ago, and multiple water tanks filled with water have been prepared in the yard to prevent the fire from spreading.

Wang Qiumao and his wife and concubines hurriedly rushed out of the house with their children in their arms.

Wang Changsheng took out the fire folder, lit the bedding, and retreated.

It didn't take long for the fire to grow bigger and blaze into the sky.

The ice cubes melted in the raging fire, and the zombie escaped, and a large wave of fire immediately engulfed its figure.

A shrill roar sounded, and the zombie ran out in a hurry.

"Earth Wall Technique!" Wang Changsheng shouted in a low voice, a dazzling yellow light came out from his hands, and he pressed the ground.

The yellow light disappeared into the ground in a flash, and two yellow earth walls more than two feet high and two feet thick rose from the ground, blocking the way of the zombies.

The zombie was burned to ashes in the package of billowing flames.

When Wang Qingshan and Wang Qiusheng arrived after hearing the news, the whole house was burned down. Because of the protective measures taken in advance, the fire did not expand.

When Wang Changsheng felt that it was about the same, he cast the Condensation Water Turning Rain Technique and extinguished the flames.

"Qingshan, send someone to check to see if any clansmen have been victimized. If there is a victim, burn the body immediately."

"Yes, Uncle Nine, I'll give the order." Wang Qingshan nodded and agreed.

Half an hour later, the result report came up. Two clansmen were killed, one of them was Wang Yousheng, who died in the hut, and the two bodies were burned immediately.

At this time, it was almost dawn, Wang Changsheng gave some instructions, and then went back to the room arranged by Wang Qingshan to meditate and adjust his breath.

Speaking of which, if he had ten or eight Fireball Talismans in his hand, he would probably be able to kill this zombie with just one face-to-face encounter, but unfortunately he is too poor.

What surprised Wang Changsheng was that he had sent a message to the family Feige in the morning, but at night, the family hadn't sent anyone over. Could it be that he hadn't received his letter?

Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, but he really couldn't understand the reason, so he simply stopped thinking about it and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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