Tomboy Island

Day 8 – Between Two Shores – Part 2

Alex was pleasantly surprised to find fish on the breakfast table. Fish that had not only been caught but also gutted, filetted, and cooked. There was no seasoning, but this level of preparation was already way more than he had expected.

The culprit was obvious. It was once again courtesy of their blob-servants. By the instincts of the supernatural, Alex knew that these servants were using the life force of the tree to remain as operational as they did. Since Alex owned both the tree and them, that symbiosis worked without any further questions involved. ‘Maybe blending such vastly different things is an effect of my mongrel blood? Is that why they value it so much?’ Alex theorized.

The fish swarm was right off the coast from where they were currently anchored, putting them within reach. Interestingly, neither Alex nor any of his tomboys had given the order. The servants were reacting to their desires on their own.

As the group took their seats on the grown cushions on the floor, the servants wobbled and writhed about. Fish and fruit were loaded onto plates from the same, short-lived material as the cups earlier. Water was also brought in. “The weirder our living situation gets, the better it gets,” Tess commented, skewering her piece of fish with a fork made from Lovecraftian goo-monster chitin.

Alex could only agree. The presence of the servants made everything go a bit faster. There was no need for every woman to go get her share of the food, greatly diminishing the traffic in the hallway, which then made the morning bathroom visits a more orderly affair.

“So, imma be the one to say it - I’d be due for the shark week,” Charlotte spoke up. “Like, four days over by now… and I don’t like the way my womb feels. It's like I have dry eye in my tubes.”

The rare awkward pause followed, the other women in the room exchanging uncomfortable glances. Alex may not have had a womb in his body, but as the owner of 16 of them, he was invested in their health. He also had the answer to this one. “It's the infertility effect,” he told them. “We all felt it from the first time we had sex on this island, right?”

“Yes, but have we not deemed it something positive?” Yahui asked.

“At the time,” Alex answered her. “But I sensed… something when I made my pact with Amethyst, something lifeless and barren.” He glanced at the slime, whose eyes were seeking comfort in him. “You won’t have any answers for us on this, will you?”

“My… deepest apologies, Master, but no,” she confirmed. “My knowledge is scarce… all I can tell you is that the islands would never do anything that slows the spread of life.”

“It didn’t fit into everything else from the start,” Tess mumbled, having the same epiphany as Alex had. “From the gentle living conditions to all of the things that make us horny, everything is set to make us breed. Why add a spell that blocks pregnancy to it?”

“We liked it at the time because we could have casual sex,” Alex continued further and showed a proud smile. “We’re out of that phase.”

“Bro, you can stop boasting about how quickly you seduced us,” Astrid weighed in with a laugh. It sounded a little stilted, failing to paint over the worry of the next words. “But… yeah… now that Charlotte mentions it when I think about having children I feel… crumpled up? Inside?” She put a hand on her stomach. “My womb does not like it, that really is the best way to put it.”

“Nothing gets to prevent me from getting knocked up by my Master,” Evelyn growled. “Any inkling on what it is?”

“It either is in or working through the trees, that’s what I felt,” Alex reported. “I don’t have anything else. All I know is that I must slay it.”

The declaration had and needed no other reason than the knowledge that he could not breed his harem until he did so. He was a man. Whether he wanted to knock them up right this second, he was not entirely certain of. A few more weeks to think about it may have been wise. Before long, he would want to watch them grow gravid with his children.

They finished breakfast, cleaned themselves up, and then gathered again to go through the ritual that was practically tradition by this point. “Who are you taking along today, Alex?” Tess asked.

“First, let me tell you about a decision I reached.” Alex uncrossed his legs to get a little more comfortable. “Yesterday I gave myself a maximum of not taking the same girl along more than two days in a row. I’m changing that to only one day.”

Sofia raised her hand before speaking. “You, uhm, don’t have to force yourself to keep shuffling us around. I think I can say for everyone that… we don’t feel under-appreciated?”

“And some of us don’t like waddling after a gargantuan guy all day,” Kiara threw in. “It’s fine if I get to sit in the climatized tree all day.”

“It’s not about that - it’s not just about that,” Alex corrected himself quickly. “I do want to spend time with all of you, as equally as I can or should. It's just that yesterday showed me that each, or at least some, of you sense different things.” He looked at Yahui specifically. “You found that ice cave when Evelyn, Astrid and I had no idea anything about the temperature was off. We’re retreading a lot of the same ground every day, so fresh eyes and different magical senses are wise to cycle through.”

That logic worked for the group. “Whatever makes you happiest, stud,” Valeria said with a smirk.

“Guess we’re on vacation today then,” Evelyn groaned and gestured at Yahui and Astrid. “Shame - guess I’ll have to hunt that creature daring to block my eggs another time.”

‘...Would she lay eggs if she turns dragon enough?’ Alex chased the intrusive thought away, then contemplated the actual question of who to take along.


“With me today will be Selana, Charlotte, and Tess,” Alex announced.

“I figured,” Charlotte purred. “The swimmer and two pairs of floaties, mhm?”

That was a way to put it. Today the tree would cross the strait, so they would have to swim at some point and not a short distance either. That was why he took Charlotte along. Selana was with him for similar reasons. Her home had been the mountains, but the adrenaline junkie definitely knew her way around endurance sports and high-stress situations, even more than the other athletes around. As for Tess… well, Alex wasn’t going to say it out loud, but he did favour her above the others. Her presence just helped keep him grounded.

That those tits kept her body afloat and his attention in their orbit was neither here nor there.

“As before, I’ll take this odd time-frozen hour we have in the morning before we leave,” the man of the island continued. “Relax, get fully awake, stretch, then we’ll be on our way.”

The breakfast gathering dissolved after that. Charlotte and Selana decided to get another quick nap in. A few others joined them, but the majority of the women headed down to the foot of the tree to run a few laps around it and do their stretches while they still had solid ground available.

“Looks like everyone’s falling into some routines now that there’s some stability in the day,” Astrid chatted. “I totally get that though. Been having the urge to go for a run all morning.”

“Why aren’t you doing it then, mhm?” Kiara asked. The former PR manager was one of three that had stayed behind in the room. 

The third, Tess, was taking the time to inspect her halo. The thin silvery thing usually hovered in a relative position to the top of her head. It seemed she could somewhat anchor it by concentrating.

“Dude, can’t I like chatting more?” the blonde asked in her typical tone, filled to the brim with the intention of friendly banter. “Would you rather I be like Niara and just…” Astrid forced her face to turn completely neutral, sat upright, put her hands on her thighs, and just existed, silently.

Tess snickered at the display, as did Kiara. Alex had the decency to shake his head, even though he did smile with them. “That’s not very nice.”

“If you think that’s not very nice, you should hear what I have to say about Valeria,” Tess drawled in her sarcastic tone. “Can you believe those tits are not fake?” Alex just glanced down at Tess’ mounds, considerably larger than those of the climber. “You know what I mean,” the goth tomboy groaned. “They’re borderline impossibly firm.”

“We have a lot of broody types, don’t we?” Kiara weighed in. “You, Valeria, Niara, Janette, Jane…”

“Would you call Jane the broody type?”

“Oh yeah, definitely!” Astrid snapped out of her Niara impression. “Remember the Disinfectant Affair™?”

Alex raised an eyebrow and looked at Tess for an explanation. It was Kiara who answered instead. “It was a whole thing,” she groaned. “Our main gym got closed for some time because the guys we rented the building from hadn’t gotten their permits done. We had to get an alternative on short notice, so I pulled in some favours and we got to use a uni facility.”

“‘Got to use’.’ Tess’ voice dripped with sarcastic poison. “It was absolutely rancid and understaffed.”

“To the point, Tess had the girls adhere to some basic gym etiquette. Use the machine, wipe the machine down afterwards, and optimally also use a towel to be between you and the seats. Standard stuff. They did not do it there. Jane blew a gasket.”

“By which she means Jane repeatedly voiced her frustrations in her prim and proper manner and eventually drummed the entire gym together and forced them to watch a presentation on why gym etiquette is for the best.”

“Did not do much, can’t correct students,” Tess stated.

“Bro, it was so funny. The looks on their faces were so vapid.” Astrid slapped her own thigh. “Honestly, I thought that Yahui was pretty stuck up too. I knew her a little bit before, did not know she was this… warm, under the frosty exterior.”

“Lots of expectations on her shoulders, so she preferred to keep to herself. Glad that she gets to leave that behind now,” Tess weighed in.

“And I am SO glad I don’t have to worry about our slut trio anymore!” Kiara exclaimed with a groan.

“Let’s not go there,” Alex requested. He did not want to hear details about the dirty deeds of women that were now his. More importantly, he did not want this playful gossiping to drift into actual complaints about each other.

“I was just gonna say that I’m really happy with where you got them,” the Irish shortstack clarified and smirked. “All of these girls, slave to your cock. Totally not me though. Your male charms won’t break me, ya tall bastard.”

Alex snorted with amusement. The little brat was trying to get him to commit, but he was, for once, just in the mood for chatting. “Any other opinions you need to get off your chest.”

“Sara is way too cute!” Astrid declared. “Like, bro, the way she has her bangs cut is illegal.”

“Also her thighs are half the export of Spain,” Tess added.

“They are delicious,” Alex agreed. The slender tennis player’s bottom was all the more outstanding for how petite her chest was. ‘I wonder what she will turn into? Only her and Niara are changing.’ “What about Amethyst?” he probed.

“What about Amethyst?” Kiara bantered back, her tone too biting to be serious. “I don’t quite know yet. Obviously, she’s hot and she’s really easy to get along with. Little bit too focused on you.”

“I see that relaxing in the coming days,” Tess told the PR. “It’s similar for most of them. You and I knew all of the girls well beforehand, but in between there’s some awkwardness.”

“Wouldn’t say it’s awkward,” Astrid gave her opinion. “Awkward is when I reach for the same item as someone next to me in the supermarket. With the other harem dudettes, I already know we want the same thing in life. We’re just learning where we want to be in that framework… and how we taste.”

“It’s so nice to just kiss other women!” Kiara exclaimed. “My God, it's actually incredible that I lived without that all my life! We can just go up to each other and just smooch, it’s incredible!”

“Smooch?” Tess chuckled at her choice of words.

“Shut up, you know what I mean BGSE.”

“BGSE?” Alex had to ask again.

“It’s a nickname Kiara gave her that she still tries to get to catch on,” Astrid informed him.

“What does it stand for? Big Goth…?” he was guessing.

“Boobie Goth Space Elevator.” Tess patronizingly put a hand on Kiara’s head. “She complained about how tall I was all the time.”

“You are tall!”

“You were tiny. Now I can barely see you.”

“Get bent, Tess!”

“Only if it pleases Master,” Tess purred and shot Alex a horny glance.

Maybe he did have another foursome in him.


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