Tomboy Island

Day 7 – Towards the Shore – Part 2

“It just… feels correct.”

The answer was entirely devoid of substance and yet everyone understood. There was something about this island that fascinated him and the women like their individual disciplines did. There was a calling here, a fundamental desire to explore.

With that part of the morning gathering wrapped up, it was time for the next question: would they stay on this island or move on now? By intuition, Alex knew roughly how fast the tree would travel.

Unlike them, the wandering tree house would not be greatly inhibited by the jungle. As the greatest of the trees around, room would be made for it and so it was the speed of its ‘steps’ that hindered it more than anything else. By Alex’s estimation, it would take the tree the full day until it reached the point where he had seen the other island and then two days to swim across the distance.

Question was if they wanted to move to the next island now or if they wanted to stay to try and find something more here.


Alex decided to put off the definitive answer to the question until tomorrow. What he could do right then and there was to have the tree engage in a move to the closest point between their current island and the one he had spotted days ago. Since they were no longer reliant on the river for fresh water, there was no real downside to the move.

The moment Alex had resolved this, the walls of the tree trembled. “It’s uprooting,” Janette explained to the otherwise confused group of tomboys.

“I want to see that from the outside!” Ashley babbled and jumped up. Her reporting spirit was coming through.

To deny her this when he himself was curious felt out of place. Rather, he and everyone else followed after her. They reached the door just as it was getting raised from the ground and jumped off one after the other. To behold the entirety of the spectacle from a safe distance, they moved down to the beach.

The red-leafed maple was gently swaying. It tried its best, successfully, to pull its roots from the ground while keeping its trunk mostly steady. Only the outer branches of the canopy notably shook from the gentle vibrations.

It appeared more that the roots were reverting back into the tree than getting pulled out from the dirt. The spread plant fibres consolidated into eight equally spaced out legs. Earth, pebbles, and rock fell from these limbs, each thicker than an old tree, as the harem’s mobile home pushed itself further upwards. A dangling network of thick roots hung beneath the entrance door, now a solid three metres off the ground.

The tree moved four of its feet, placed them in a new spot, and then moved the next four. It was a lumbering process, slow and careful. The weight in motion was beyond what Alex could properly imagine and yet the tree walked with as little as a tremor. For a moving plant, it was rapid, but compared even to the walking speed of the humans, it was quite slow.

“So cool,” Ashley muttered.

Tess clapped her hands, to get everyone’s attention. “This would be a good time to announce your picks for the day, Master,” she addressed Alex. “And… if I may be so lazy, I encourage you to not pick me.”

It was understandable. Alex had been taking Tess along every single day so far. Now that their group had expanded to its full size, he could offer his haremettes rest days. It was equal parts nice on their feet and served as a good limitation on himself so he wouldn’t accidentally appear like he had favourites.

‘Two days in a row maximum before they get at least one day off,’ he gave himself a mental limitation.

As for himself, he could take a rest day whenever he wanted, He was unlikely to, however. Not only had exploration of unknown terrain been his hobby, but he was also a man. Venturing out into danger and bringing back new things for the tribe was his place in the state of nature. Tomboys that they were, they were still women and not quite as well built for constant marches.

It was just how things were.

‘Now, who do I take along?’ Alex asked himself.


His mind turned to all of his potential candidates. First, he limited himself to the usual number – three – and then picked a few out, mostly on a whim. He announced his choices after just a few seconds.

“Astrid, Evelyn, and Yahui will be with me today.”

Astrid had been alone on the island for the longest, if only by a few hours, so he wanted to spend some quality time with her. Evelyn, he had tag along because he felt like testing what her being a dragon meant in practice. Yahui he had no reason for, not even a post-hoc one. He just wanted the Chinese acrobat around.

“Good choices, Master,” Evelyn complimented. “Then again, when do you make bad choices?”

“You might get to see some today. Although I’ll do my best not to disappoint,” Alex joked, then stretched. There was a vague sense that he still had time before the day really began. It was that same sensation he had the prior two days. Three was a pattern, so he trusted in whatever supernatural event was going on. “We won’t set out immediately though. Take some time to warm up and socialize.”

“”Alright,”” the gathered harem said. The second instance of accidental synchronicity caused another wave of laughter from the gathered girls, who then slowly broke up into a number of groups. Some stuck to pre-established relationships, but most made the effort to talk to someone they barely knew. Alex was far from the only member of the harem making an effort to turn it from an absurd happenstance to a permanent fixture.

‘Now, what do I do with my time?’ Alex wondered. Drifting eyes inevitably got caught on a posterior. Kiara and Sofia had laid down in the nearby grass to catch some of the morning rays. Even if they did not tan, it did feel nice, so he understood the sentiment. ‘That seems like a good spot to spend my morning.’

The two were chatting casually until Sofia noticed Alex approaching.  “H-hey, Master,” she greeted him. The little stammer hardly distracted from the open greed with which she beheld his cock. After five days, the willing sex slave had fully slipped into her desired role. “Can I help you?  In any way you want?” the Estonian spoke in a husky tone.

“I’ll use you if I feel like it,” Alex answered in an equally suggestive voice. He sat down between them and put one hand on the fat ass of the dwarf. “Please, don’t let me interrupt you. Keep talking.”

“We were going to do that anyway,” Kiara said dismissively but wiggled upwards so her plump bottom was in even easier reach. Alex studied the way her tits spilled out from under her chest. Shortstacks were something special. “Where were we?” the redhead asked, sounding just a bit excited from having her ass squeezed.

“My, uhm, swordsmanship?” Sofia asked, temporarily distracted by the arm wrapping around her. Alex gently played with the hardening nubs atop her little breasts. She gasped at even that little touch.

“Right. Really fortunate for you that magic decided to give you a new sword, huh?” Kiara asked. “You could’ve turned into a -mhm-” the redhead bit her lower lip, just as Alex’s fingers traced over her wettening labia. …-into a mouse girl or something.”

“I think there’s something about the way we change that’s… deliberate,” Sofia pushed back. “Like it is manifesting something we should be or that we want to be for someone else?” She stared at Alex.

The Master of the harem was resolved not to weigh much into this conversation, but he could sneak in a quick kiss while Kiara was answering. At the merest hint of him bowing down, Sofia eagerly parted her lips and leaned up, meeting him three-fifths of the distance between them. Sweet as always, she nuzzled up against him.

“Are you saying I wanted to be even smaller?!” Kiara squeaked, then gasped when her tone got her a reprimanding smack to the butt.

“I, uhm… guess I am? Do you dislike it?”

“I believe that it is too early to make a definitive statement on this matter, so let’s move on to another question,” the PR manager dodged and immediately moved onto another talking point. “Any of the other girls you find hottest?”

“Oh, uhm, hm,” Sofia pondered the question. 

That she had always wanted to be specifically ‘one’ of his sex slaves doubtlessly meant that she had fantasies about her fellow women. By this point, all of them should have, Alex hoped. They couldn’t have been doing what they had done last night without being at least considerably bi. 

“Last week I would have said Astrid…”


“Uhm… because… honestly I thought she was going to confess to Alex before me and we kinda sorta m-maybe had a little bit of a deal that she’d… enable me?”

“Seriously?” Kiara asked for Alex, who was now too interested to continue the casual groping.

“I-i-i-it was a drunken, joking conversation!”

“Right, you might as well have sworn a blood-oath with Astrid. You know that girl will do anything for her friends.”

“Yeah, she’s great,” Sofia answered with a gentle smile. “But… Master is the greatest, so we never needed to do any of that. Now it’s not just her and me, it’s all of us.” The fencer hugged Alex’s side and pressed an intimate kiss on his chest. “

“Surprising how close I was to having a harem even back then,” Alex broke his vow of silence. “I could have had you, Astrid, Selana, and maybe Jane.”

“No, you couldn’t have,” Kiara stated bluntly. “Or you could have, but you’d have gotten fired faster than your balls refill. You would have gotten all of the S.o.O.W. in so much trouble.”

The growl he answered with was purely teasing. “Maybe that’s what you sows would have wanted.”

“...fuck…” Kiara muttered under her breath. The release of excited pheromones may not have been actively sensible, but Alex certainly noted the warmth in his core that responded to it. Rolling onto her back, the redhead presented her huge tits. An audible pout was his invitation and her moaning was the reaction to fingers sinking into the pliable flesh. “W-who is the answer now?” she investigated.

“Tess, because she’s tall and cool, and she made Master take us all!” Sofia answered immediately. “You?”

“Honestly, I’m pretty basic… I think Evelyn is the hottest. I like them tall and prideful…  also the amount of money that woman made me is just… wow!” Whether that last bit was because of the dollars or the squeezing of her nipple was anyone’s guess. “Don’t let her hear I said that though. She’ll get an even bigger head.”

Alex’s cock throbbed with an intensity too large to ignore. Guiding one of Sofia’s hands to it, he had her massage the length of his manhood. That was meant to be the compromise to keep the conversation going, but the fencer immediately forgot everything else in the world and focused solely on giving him the best handjob she could.

‘The horror,’ Alex thought sarcastically.

Then he used both of them to ‘clear his mind’ a little.

Thirty minutes later, he gathered up his declared party members for the day. Evelyn had done half that work for him already. He found the three of them together, locked in a three-way of kisses and mutual masturbation. Balls drained by a shortstack and a willing sheathe, he just watched the scene reach its zenith.

“I love all of this,” Astrid moaned. “Why didn’t we do this after every gym sess?”

“Because we were saving ourselves for our Master,” Evelyn answered plainly.

“Or because we didn’t know any better,” Yahui weighed in, a carefree smile on her lips. “Where are we going, Alex?” she then asked.


“I want to try and find the spot I spent the first night,” Alex told them.

“The pond with the aphrodisiac mist?” Evelyn asked, recalling the stories others had told. Alex nodded. “Why, just out of curiosity?”

The Master of the harem shrugged. “To satisfy my own curiosity, mostly. I want to see if I could find it again and if there’s anything notable there. Not like we have any other goals.”

That was explanation enough. All of them headed out together. Alex led confidently and that confidence was rewarded. Within thirty minutes, he found various trees and formations of plants that he recognized from that first day. Within an hour, he had narrowed down the scope of the area considerably. Within two, he found it again.

“You really are gifted,” Yahui complimented.

“Seriously, dude, do you have a navi in your head?” Astrid asked and delivered a friendly punch to his shoulder.

Alex grinned and led them towards the target. He did not want to brag, but the compliments were warranted in this case. The pond was incredibly hard to find. A ring of trees, surrounded the body of water, effectively creating a wall that blended in flawlessly with the surrounding bushes and ferns. A singular gap in it all was their current destination.

All of the confidence Alex felt wavered when he poked his head into the clearing and found it different from what he remembered. There was that burrow underneath the largest of the trees where he had spent the first night with Tess and Charlotte and where he had both of them for the first time. The memory of that threesome was still a bit hazy.

There was the thin mist, hanging in the air above that crystal clear, shallow pond. What had changed was the moss. Previously it had been a bright pink, now it was a regular shade of green. Still, this was exactly the place he remembered.

Careful, Alex climbed into the open space. He breathed in deeply, testing the aphrodisiac effects of the mist. It was fast-acting, but it would take a while to turn him into a borderline mindless version of himself who only craved sex. Even if it did, he had plenty of women with him who would be happy to service him until he calmed down.

No such thing happened. The mist layered on his skin, pearling down his naked form alongside the sweat. The day was getting hotter with every passing moment and it was humid heat.

“Mongrel?” an unknown voice spoke from all around. “Oh, Mongrel, you have returned for me!”

The pond suddenly rippled. The rest of the expeditionary party scattered out behind Alex, ready to either run or reinforce should something attack them. Alex was not quite as tense. Even if he did not know why they kept calling him ‘mongrel’, so far none of the entities that had done so were hostile towards him.

The centre of the pond rose up. Tendrils of water overlapped into the shape of… hair. A head of liquid, bright blue hair. Underneath it formed a mass of purple slime that took on the shape of an attractive face, then continued to shape up as the entity rose from the water.

Alex looked at the slime woman with equal parts fascination and lust. Her eyes were as blue as her hair. Her body was primarily purple, with bits of blue here and there. She was solid and glistened in the light that managed to get through the crowns of the trees, yet also had an element of translucency to her, in keeping with her liquid nature.

She was stark naked. Hands clasped in front of her collarbone served less to hide her medium-sized breasts than to offer a venerating prayer. Her midriff mimicked the shape of a trained stomach. Her hips were shapely. A prominent pair of lips between her legs left no doubt about her being more woman than slime. Her upper lips were curved into a servile smile.

“Has the Mongrel come to take what is his?” she asked and swayed her hips. Her pussy was wet with a liquid different from the one that made up her body, one translucent and meant to lubricate.

“Why do you call me that?” Alex had to ask. That question was stronger even than his immediate desire.

The slime woman tilted her head. “Because that is what you are…?” she answered, then shook her head. “I am sorry, I sense that there is a greater answer to give, but I am incapable of giving it. I was but a minor sprite until the intensity of your lust nourished me. Ah, the desire of an awakening harem king. How lucky I am to be in your presence!”

She half-stepped, half-flowed forwards, reaching the edge of the pond before prostrating herself before him. Head down, round ass up, she presented all of the curves he had not seen so far. A slender back, a round ass, all that a woman that could choose her shape would choose to be, bowed in veneration to him.

“I apologize for my lack of knowledge. I will grant you what answers I can, in exchange for my freedom.”

“What would you require to be freed?” Alex asked.

“A name, from your lips, and the touch of your seed, Mongrel. A place in your harem is not strictly necessary, but-”

“It is,” Alex disagreed. He had not planned to exceed his fifteen, but presented with the choice, why would he not? If he was going to grant this slime her wish, then she would be his. There was a risk here that he was being played for a fool, but his intuition certainly told him otherwise. Considering the last reward he got from engaging with a magical creature… ‘I best think of a name.’

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