Tomboy Island

Day 6 – Uncertain Progression – Part 7


Alex was taking a forced break from work. Him, Tess, Selana, and Valeria all sat on one of the might roots of their new house tree and watched the rest of the group break up their current camp and move everything worthwhile into the tree.

They hadn’t achieved much since they had dedicated this spot to be their main stay, but they had achieved some things and many of these were useful to keep around. The cauldron was an obvious item to keep. They had flowing water in four locations within the tree. One was the bath, two were located in what was very obviously a toilet, one being a sink and the other being a flushing mechanism triggered by the tree itself, and the fourth was just a general ‘stream’ they could use to fill containers. 

All of that eliminated their need to boil drinking water, but there was no kitchen. In order to cook, they would have to take the cauldron outside of the tree. There was no place inside it that seemed fireproof and they certainly weren’t going to try it out. Either the tree would grow further and, by the whims of magic, offer them a very obvious kitchen, or they would count their blessings and cook in the evening before going to sleep.

Then there was all of the bamboo and other materials that they had accrued to create their rudimentary campsite constructs. While there was no need for the constructs anymore, the tree offered practically everything in better, the materials themselves may come in handy in one situation or another. Same was true for the clay that they had gathered so far. There was enough stowing room in the tree to keep all of it around. If it did not prove useful, they could always throw it out later.

There was some continued joking about how bad it felt that they had to throw all of their hard work away, but it was just that: jokes. From the bed to the individual rooms, the tree offered them everything they wanted. There was not quite enough space in it that all of the 12 people could claim a permanent private retreat yet it was still a massive upgrade in every department.

They had separate rooms to wash and the call of nature. Two rooms near the entrance worked as the current storage. Everything between that and the uppermost floor, where the bedroom and the heart of the tree were located, was general space. One room was made the dedicated living room, because it was the largest and because it had a bunch of ‘cushions’ that grew from the floor, effectively creating a ground-level couch. Meetings and general hangouts would happen there.

The remaining rooms would be used for privacy, in whatever limited form the girls wanted to find it. There were no doors inside the tree, so anyone passing a room would know what was happening within it. Considering that, top to bottom, there was only one way that connected everything via corridors and staircases, there was basically no privacy to be found.

At least there was a curtain of leaves between the corridor and the restroom.

As the providers of the new and improved home, the expeditionary party of that day was allowed to just stay put while everything was moved about. Alex had considered moving out again, but had discarded the idea swiftly. The orgy and the aftercare of it had taken over three hours. There was enough time in the day to still look around, but he decided he had accomplished quite enough that day.

Alex was ogling at Janette. It wasn’t just because she had a nice butt or because he now owned her perky tits. No, he was observing the straight-faced olympian because of what had happened during the orgy. The rapid mutation was new and its origin somewhat mysterious. Janette had said she had felt a connection to the tree and left it at that. Now she had antlers, a long tongue, and an incredibly sensitive throat.

A sudden movement pulled Alex’s attention to the side. Bouncing breasts headed towards them. Alex had to blink twice to get his brain out of the gutter and look up from the freckle-ornamented cleavage that jiggled towards him. It was a pair of tits to rival Selana’s and it was attached to the person all of them had been most worried about.

Kiara was sprinting and did not stop until she was right in front of Alex. Putting both hands on her hips, the PR manager of the Society of Olympic Women stared. She had striking blue eyes, elevated twice over in their colour by her red lips and long, orange hair. Long sidelocks and blunt bangs framed her roundish face. 

“Explain everything to me!” she demanded and made herself as tall as possible. 

That was not tall at all. In fact, she was incredibly short, shorter even than Ashley. That had been true before the crash, but it seemed even more true now. At 1,52 metres, Kiara had always been short. With her huge breasts and wide hips, she had also always been stacked. In fact, she had been as close to a shortstack as was possible without having dwarfism.

Alex had never seen her naked before, but he had been around her enough to imagine and the Kiara he knew definitely had been taller and less endowed than the Kiara standing in front of him right now.

“Explain!” the orange-haired shortstack repeated her demand and pouted. “Why am I tiny?!”

Alex was about to recover from the surprise, when he noticed two more figures catching up. Where Kiara had sprinted straight towards them, these two women walked at a relaxed pace. One was a figure of medium height, at least as far as these athletes went. She had a lean body. Small breasts, taut skin, but nice and wide hips that swung slightly as she strut along. Her skin was dark, far darker than even that of Valeria. Her hair was a deep brown, as were her eyes.

It was Niara, the African Track and Field athlete that had been aboard the plane.

While Alex was happy to see her, like he was happy to see any survivor, the woman next to her he was especially delighted to spot. Short, red hair stood out in disheveled strands. Jane had always suffered from unruly hair and the absence of tools to tame it had sent that into overdrive. That aside, the Englishwoman (ethnically Irish) was as well and naked as the rest of them. Toned, balanced curves clear for him to see.

Jane’s breasts were on the larger end of small, bordering medium. She had a fantastic midriff, just the right level of toned without being overly defined. Thighs and hips were shapely, on the wider side without being overbearing. Her red lips were flat.

The redhead stepped in front of the pouting PR manager and raised a hand. Without thinking about it, Alex answered it with a clapping grip. It was more than a handshake, it was a competitive grapple between friends. Alex, being a man, inevitably won.

“Glad to see you still take everything too seriously,” Jane stated.

“Glad to see you still have a resting bitch face,” Alex countered.

The redhead rolled her green eyes. There was amusement there, but the softly tanned woman hardly showed it. Alex knew the signs though. “I do have to ask what is happening though.”

“Yes - that’s what I was asking!” Kiara pushed herself back to the front. Niara quietly stood besides the entire scene, following it all with a keen gaze. “Why - am I - tiny! Why do you have a giant HOUSE MAPLE in the middle of the TROPICS and WHY does CHARLOTTE have FOX EARS!”

“Love ya too Kiara,” the French tomboy shouted back.

“Not going to comment on the halo?” Tess asked and pointed above her own head.

Kiara’s eyes dashed up, then down, then over to Evelyn, then over to another woman. “As attractive as you monster girls all look, I don’t even know what to first ask about. Getting Selana modeling gigs with those massive milkers she has now will be super easy, but that’s not really the issue at hand, now is it? Also, why are half of my girls leaking cum, huh?”

Alex just chuckled at the words ‘my girls’. For Kiara, that was just marketing language. For him, it meant something more. He would have to decide on how to break that fact to her.


“To start with the simpler news, magic is real,” Alex told them. “That’s all I can really tell you on the matter. We’ve been coming across it here and there. It’s been touching us, changing us, and a few hours ago I spoke to a weird, cute fairy creature and it let me take a seed from the fae realm. That’s the tree.” He pointed over his shoulder.

“Okay, and what’s the not simper news?” Kiara asked.

“You’re standing in the presence of a man and his harem now,” Alex told them. The statement was met with bafflement. It was Jane who broke the silence with a singular laugh.

“You really did it?”

Alex smirked and put his arm around Tess and Selana. The duo of ready sex slaves curved into the gesture, then moaned when he penetrated their folds with his fingers. They were dry at first, relaxation had not prepared them for this, but that swiftly changed. Their Master was showing them off to prospective new members and their bodies reacted appropriately. Breathing quickened, legs spread, pussies became wet, and they gasped for his glory. It was loud enough to be an underscore to his words, yet not loud enough to mess with his declaration.

“It just happened. I saved Tess, twice, then she submitted herself to me. Sofia was immediately mine the moment I found her. Bit by bit, I made the women that had crashed with me mine.” He focused the three in turn. “And I want to include you three as well.”

Kiara and Niara were stunned and he expected that much. He knew the PR manager somewhat well. He did not know Niara at all. Those two had every reason to need a moment to digest this entire scene. Jane was a different matter. Him and the green-eyed redhead stared at each other. Just through that shared gaze, the two of them exchanged all that needed to be said.

“I missed the mark when I kept seeing you as a friend,” the archer said, slowly leaning forwards. “It’s still you, right, Alex?”

“The same and more. I’m becoming who I always wanted to be,” he told her with a growing smile. “There is no coercion in this. We’ll survive together no matter what happens.”

“I know.” Their foreheads met in a short moment of tenderness. Then, Jane suddenly pressed her lips on his. The kiss was no surprise. Alex answered it readily. They had been friends for years. He had seen her break up with her last boyfriend. He had not known he would ever desire her like this. Even less had he suspected she would ever desire him like this. Right here, right now, everything slotted into place.

Their kiss broke, as she glided down his body. Eventually, she knelt in the sand of the beach. “I don’t need to see more. You’re my friend. You’re sexier than I ever thought. Let’s do this together.” Jane kissed the tip of his erect cock. “I’m yours, Sir.”

“He goes by Master,” Tess purred.

“Only during sex,” Selana helpfully added. “Unless you prefer calling him that.”

“I’ll decide later,” Jane announced, then shuffled to the side.

“No coercion,” Alex repeated for the remaining two. “This is my dream: to be the Master of a harem of willing sex slaves. Willing is the most important word. You don’t need to join and you don’t need to decide now.” 

Tess moaned when his fingers brought her to a casual orgasm. Kiara and Niara remained motionless, Irishwoman and Kenyan alike. Their breathing, however, was visibly deeper, less steady, and instinctual. The blush was clear on the tanned shortstack and still visible on the dark-skinned runner. Kisses on his neck and their clear interest urged Alex to push further. He could smell and see their arousal. He knew they wanted it. All he needed was to advance, speak to the feminine wants of these tomboys, and display his virtues as the man of the island.

“Selana, would you say I have been satisfying you, specifically you, since you submitted to me?”

“Satisfied me?” Selana laughed out loud. “Master, you have pounded my brains out every time you wanted to. Casual sex or harem orgy, you kept making me squirt! No toys and no post-thrill masturbation sessions even brought me a tenth of the pleasure you ever brought mhmmmmm-eeeeeeeee!”

Tactically, Alex finished her off with his fingers just as her little, erotic rant reached its end. She was still twitching and moaning as Alex turned over to Tess. “And how would you, first of my harem, say I have done in keeping everyone satisfied?”

“You’re a god of sex, my saviour,” Tess swooned. Her sweet tone immediately made the two women, who knew the goth for being a sarcastic, dry woman, blink in confusion and awe. “You last until your entire harem is satisfied. We writhe under your passionate gaze, we live for your pleasure because your pleasure is to always put us first. You are the one and only perfect Master.”

Alex rewarded her with a deep kiss. He was sorting his next words of advertisement while his tongue fenced with that of his first sex slave. Before he could even finish that kiss, he felt the mouth of another woman on his cock.

The kiss of the tip of his cock came before the first words the African woman spoke to her new Master. “I submit to you,” she said in flawless English, no accent or anything. “You’re the man I dreamt of every night. Be they visions or just the desires of a nymphomaniac, it does not matter. The others trust you. I will follow that trust and you, Master.”

“I will not disappoint you,” he vowed.

“What did I just stumble into?”

Everyone turned around, finally noticing the woman who had stepped out of the nearby underbrush. An averagely-sized blonde with short hair and striking green eyes. Her skin had a soft tan to it, barely overpowering her northern European complexion. Her breasts were small, her hips wide, her body toned and nubile. She was gorgeous and she was the last of the passengers they had been missing.

“Astrid,” Alex greeted her. She wasn’t as good a friend as Jane was, but they had seen a lot of each other.

Niara shuffled aside, taking her position next to Jane. The redhead raised her voice. “We are submitting to Alex as members of his harem.”

“For real?” Astrid sounded more impressed than confused.

“Join,” Jane stated simply. Alex raised an eyebrow and the redhead rolled her eyes. “She had a crush on you for the last six months.”

“Oy!” Astrid complained and jumped over the root that separated her from the beach where the submission ritual was happening. By now, the rest of the harem had stopped moving things around and was witnessing this instead. “That was my secret to tell.”

“Be mine,” Alex stated, interrupting any distracting banter that may break out.

The two words had the blonde scratch the back of her head. She was smiling bashfully.

“I can hardly say no if you put it like that, can I?” she purred. “I barely have any idea what’s happening but… this feels right.”

“It is right,” Alex encouraged her, as she dropped to her knees. “I’ll tell you everything. I’ll give you everything you need. I’ll never give you a reason to regret this decision.”

The deep voice of the man of the island resonated with the rhythm of the world. That was the only way to put it. Every word he said, every gesture he made to underline his sentences, appeared to be exactly what needed to be said in that moment. His tone assured Astrid in doing what she wanted to do anyhow. In her green eyes, her chosen Master saw the veneration of someone that locked into his kinks as perfectly as Tess, Sofia or Selana.

There was no ‘practically’ to it anymore. Alex could physically smell her arousal, her virginity, and her eagerness to submit to him as her dom. It was the mother of all chemistry and it became official in the moment Astrid licked a drop of precum off the tip of his cock.

“I’m yours, Master,” she stated. “And… yeah… I love you.”

“I will repay your love every day,” he assured her. He could not answer it yet with the same sincerity, and had not marvelled at her from a distance as she had apparently done with him. In due time, in just a few days, he would. He loved his harem. He loved women that would become part of his harem. He loved them all as nubile tomboys with a healthy mix of submission and attitude. He loved them as individuals.

“M-me too!” Sara shouted and jumped down into the sand. The moment Astrid had shuffled aside, the dark-skinned Spanish woman was on her knees. She put her arms behind her back, bowed forwards, and kissed his cock with all the heat that had been building over the day. “Master, I’m yoursh!” she slurred, then looked up with pure worship in her eyes. “Can I be yours?”

“Of course you can, I thank you for it,” he told her, the depth of his gratitude swinging in his voice. He couldn’t believe it and yet this chain of events just felt proper. Everything aligned. It was as Matthew’s Law said: to those who had everything, more would be given.

Alex had woken up this morning with much in spiritual richness and romantic love. Perhaps there had been a breaking point where the pheromones of ten women sticking to him just drove everyone into heat. Maybe he just had figured out how to display himself as the harem king he wanted to be. Maybe these tomboys were just that pervy by themselves.

Maybe all of this was just an alignment of factors so unlikely that he was the one in a billion to be blessed by it.

The last piece of the puzzle still stood in front of him. Kiara was speechless, trembling so much that her breasts swayed. A lesser man would have mistaken it for rage. Alex had the benefit of experience. Withdrawing his hands from the cunts of Selana and Tess, he raised his drenched fingers.

Kiara stood just at the edge of his range. It would have been easy for her to step away. Instead, the two fingers he put under her chin acted like a powerful magnet. He pulled her closer with raw charisma alone. She was bound to his smile. She moaned when his hand found its place between her plump, clenching thighs. Her cunt was dripping wet.

“You’re the last,” he told her. “You know what you want. Show me.”

“Yes, Master,” the redhead said, not a hint of protest or resistance in her tone. It was all washed away, replaced with a submissive passion. Her mind, overcome by the situation, had collapsed into total honesty. She lowered herself in a squat, too short to still reach his cock while kneeling, and pressed her enormous tits against his crotch. Her red lips enveloped the tip of his cock. “Delicioussh.”

“Whose property are you?” Alex coaxed her submission out of her.

“Yoursh, Master,” she swooned.

The feeling of success was unparalleled.

Six days ago, the worst thing that could happen to a pilot had happened. It was just six days ago, that Alex had washed up on these shores with Tess. What six days it had been, turning from a terrible incident swiftly into a dream come true. It was not a clean realisation. There were ugly parts to it all and they still had more questions than answered, but just for this moment, Alex felt like everything he had ever wanted was right there around him.

These women were his. They were complimentary submissives to his dominance. They were all eager to please him, just as he was eager to please them. Some, he knew very well. Most, he barely knew. He would fix that. They were his now. He was theirs now. They all owned each other in a complicated and yet delightfully simple web of honesty and desire. He could never imagine this working with any other kind of woman. He could never even fathom this working back in modern society.

‘Tomboys are just the best,’ Alex thought once again.

Then, his hard cock spurred him to action. He had promised them satisfaction. Four of his new haremettes were virgin nymphomaniacs and the fifth was a good friend in need of having any and all previous experiences pounded out of her. Fifteen haremettes, fifteen sex slaves, all his to use. They were his toys to fill with his seed. It was his privilege to make them orgasm until they could no longer feel their legs.

They had started this relationship on passion. Maybe that wasn’t the best foundation. No, it definitely wasn’t the best foundation. However, Alex would take it and reinforce it and that started with taking the passion of the moment and turning it into the passion of the hour.

“Your desire will be validated tenfold, that I swear,” Alex announced.

And the gathered sex slaves swooned.


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