Tomboy Island

Day 6 – Uncertain Progression – Part 1

“Jesus Christ.”

The exclamation caused Alex to half open one eye. After yesterday, he very much doubted he could wake up to any greater surprises. The tone indicated bafflement of the social kind, not any immediate threat.

The sight he was treated to caused him to blink rapidly until he could fully focus.

The one that had spoken out was Sofia, of all the girls. The fencer was weighing Selana’s tits in her hands and for good reason. The increase in size in the mountain biker’s chest that Alex had noted yesterday had continued overnight. What had been respectably sized tits were now true udders. They were seriously either as large or even larger than Tess’ tits. 

Noticing that he was awake, the brown-skinned tomboy turned to him. “Sorry about that, Alex,” she said with an apologetic smirk. It was as good as ever that she addressed him by name when they weren’t in the middle of the usual. A sex slave was good, a friend was better and a friend that also was a sex slave was the best. “Staring?” Selana put an arm under her enormous chest and propped the puppies up a bit more. Her smirk turned just the slightest bit smug.

Alex had enough recollection to do a before and after in his mind.

“How couldn’t I?” Alex asked.

“Indeed, how couldn’t you?” Selana asked, then moaned softly when Sofia went back to weighing them. “More sensitive too…”

“Seriously…” Sofia mumbled. “Those are some Master pleasers…” She looked down at her own chest. The previous day had seen it slightly grow, but the size could not compare.

“I like tits in all shapes and sizes,” Alex assured and sat up to put an arm around both women. “Important is that they’re mine.” The statement had the two of them swoon. It was a little too easy with these two. Sofia was flattered by anything he said and Selana was a tomboy among tomboys and ready to banter no matter what he presented her with. They also both had another priority.

“Sorry, we, uhm, got sidetracked,” Sofia apologised and began to massage his morning wood. “S-since you’re awake… how would you like your breakfast service, Master?”

Alex yawned and considered that question. He looked around the camp. The other women were slowly rising from their own slumber, stirred either by the quiet talk or the sunrays coming over the horizon. First, he asked himself if he should be waking anyone else up. Then, he laughed softly. “Still can’t quite believe I managed this,” he confessed when Sofia and Selana sent him a questioning gaze.

“Oh, you better believe, Alex,” Selana grinned. “And you’ll keep living up to it. You showed me my place now, so you’ll have to take responsibility. This sex slave needs your big fat cock at least once every… let’s say three days. I’m being reasonable.”

“Come on, Selana, you should try to overcome your limits. Try four days.”

“That sounds like torture.”

“What if your Master wants to put you on a bit of a chastity course?” Alex asked.

“Th-that sounds pretty hot…” Sofia mumbled.

“If you want that,” Selana purred, the heat evident in her voice. “I’m yours to sexually torture. Not sure if orgasm denial is my kind of play, but I didn’t think I wanted to be property either and here we are, Master.”

His morning wood twitched with need. A decision had to be made before he continued the talk. Much as he wanted to give those tits a try, Sofia had been the good girl and thus should be rewarded first. “Ride me,” he told the fencer.

The brunette smiled ear to ear at the permission. “Thank you for choosing this sheathe to serve you, Master,” she said eagerly, then straddled him. The classical cowgirl position was a truly magnificent start into the day. Sofia impaled herself on his manhood, her wet cunt allowing her a nice and steady descent. Her midriff ever so softly rose where his girthy cock stretched her folds.

Libido engaged, Alex stretched and enjoyed the view. Optimally, he would have liked to rest his back against a cushioned wall of some kind. Optimally, he also would have liked to lie on a mattress. Thinking about these things made the discomfort of the situation slightly more apparent.

Alex laid on an improvised bed that was basically just big palm leaves on top of a thin layer of leaf litter on top of grass and dirt. The entire thing had been compressed by his weight overnight, so he was basically just laying on top of the ground. For all of the improvements the camp was slowly making, they were still in the jungle.

The hardness and cold of the dirt was easily forgotten while he had a hot and tight cunt massaging his dick though.

While Sofia rode him, Selana settled by his side. “I know what Master wants,” she said and then blinded him with a faceful of pliable tit flesh. She wasn’t wrong. Having his entire field of view and every tactile sensation of his face consist of squishy boobs was the dream of basically any man and he was no exception.

The up and down of the fencer grew bolder while the groans and yawns of the camp grew more numerous. Once everyone was awake, she was moaning openly. Her tight little ass smacked against his thighs on every bounce.

Holding on barely, Alex managed to delay his orgasm until he felt the clenching of her folds. At that point, he let go and filled her up. That his enhanced seed on its own made Sofia shout with orgasmic delight did not matter. His pride as a man demanded that he remained able of making them all climax the simple way too.

After releasing his first load of the day into the fencer, Alex got up properly. There was more lewdness to be had, but he wanted to be clean and there was another call of nature he had to obey first. There was a designated spot for that business a few minutes away from camp. That was all that needed to be said on that matter.

When he got back to the camp, the girls were all in motion. A few were out and about, doing the same thing he did, others were cleaning themselves, and the rest hung out in a grooming cluster. ‘The memes were right, we should return to monkey,’ Alex thought, while watching Tess check on Selana’s hair.

“Cow,” Tess said.

“Bitch,” Selana answered and got an eyeroll by the sarcastic goth. “Seriously, though?”

“Yeah, those are cow horns. Giant tits, cow horns, You’re a cow.”

“Really hope these changes stop at aesthetic shit,” Selana said.

“I haven’t changed further, so I guess so,” Charlotte said. As the one who first had showed clear physical signs of change, she likely had been checked on first. Alex himself gave her a once over when he was in range.

There were indeed no further signs of change at this time. Alex honestly wouldn’t have minded a few additional things here and there, as long as she remained primarily human. The extras would only be worrisome if the extras started to fully change what they were. Also, if she started to grow hair all over, Alex was going to find that unattractive. He could deal with the natural places that, thankfully, the island seemed to prevent, but if there was fur on the stomach or the sides? That was a big turn off.

But nothing like that was showing. As Selana put it, so far all the changes were aesthetic bits or changes to bust sizes and skin tone. All of that was, except for the part that it was happening at all, not worrisome.

“Ya should spend less time looking at me and more looking at our changed girls,” Charlotte pointed Alex at the three women who had positioned themselves together for his inspection.

Changes appeared to roughly follow the order that Alex had found the women in. Selana was the exception to this, for whatever reason, as her changes were almost as far along as the trio he now looked at.

First was Valeria. The matted clumps of her extremely short hair had fully formed into pair of animal ears over night. Cat ears, it appeared, in her case. The climber seemed annoyed about the sudden addition to her scalp, although that likely was just a case of her having a resting bitch face.

“Got these too.” Valeria hooked a finger in one of her cheeks and pulled back to reveal canines that were definitely sharper than they had been before. The pointy teeth looked downright vicious. “The changes aren’t bad. I wonder why I turned into a cat though.”

“Cats are good at climbing?” Alex guessed. Valeria just shrugged.

Next in the line was Ashley. The growths she had formed surprised Alex least of all. The small woman had grown a pair of big, round mouse ears. “W-well… they’re cute at least?” she stammered.

“Very cute,” Alex assured her. It let the petite Asian reporter be a little more confident.

‘Seriously, those are adorable though,’ he thought. ‘I wonder if these changes are also why she can take all of my cock these days….’

“Of course you are cute, you are our property. We wouldn’t keep anything but the most gorgeous women in our hoard.” Evelyn sounded twice as haughty this morning. The reason for that, she made immediately apparent. “Yes, Master, these are dragon horns.”

“Could just be goat horns…” Ashley mumbled.

“No… no I agree, those are dragon horns,” Alex said. He just… knew that for certain.

“Do goats have claws?” Evelyn asked and raised one of her hands. The fingernails were a lot sharper than they had been the day before. That was, for a few moments, before the extended bits began to slowly retreat, leaving her fingers the same as before. Growing them back out happened much faster. “God, I feel powerful!” the triathlon gold medalist declared and jumped to her feet. “I always knew I was better than everyone else, but this is a new height!”

Alex was uncertain what to do at that moment. After Tess turning into an angel, someone else turning into a dragon girl was not that surprising. What the limits of these changes were could only be guessed at. That being said, the gold medalist’s cocky attitude had apparently been worsened by the famed draconic arrogance. Whether that was a mental change due to the physical change or if the physical change had been inspired by her already prideful attitude was a question for another time.

Right now, Alex had to ask himself if he wanted to curtail her behaviour. Evelyn’s self-assured attitude was valuable, because she backed it up with action. In his absence, she was the de-facto leader of the camp and that was good to have. Pride and assertiveness turning into a superiority complex, that was not good to have, especially in a harem. There was accepting that hierarchies were natural and then there was accepting abuse.

That being said, Evelyn enjoying a slight power high from turning partially into a dragon may not require intervention. She had shown to be introspective enough and a three-time gold medalist had to know how to manage her ego at least somewhat. If he let this go, she likely would just calm down on her own.


Alex elected to let her have this for a little bit. The other haremettes knew what Evelyn was about. As long as she calmed down within the day, everything was going to be fine.

The first sign that he was right in that assessment was Evelyn, rather than posture further, decided to channel her energy into something useful. That useful thing was to drag some of the heavier pieces of wood they had been using to outline their camp into a better position. She did this with almost the same ease that Alex moved these things around and he was a man with borderline superhuman strength at this point.

There was more to these changes than mere appearances. Then again, he already knew that.

Alex stepped away from the scene after giving the new animal ears a testing rub. They were every bit as soft as he imagined. Ashley reacted to the touch with all kinds of happy squeaks. Valeria blushed a bit and averted her gaze. Very mouse and cat-like, respectively.

After that, they checked on what they had been burning in the oven overnight. Most of what they had put together had cracked either due to small imperfections in the clay that had been left in there or just general bad craftsmanship. Two of the unevenly shaped bowls had survived though and two bowls were already a nice luxury. It made drinking the boiled water a lot more convenient. It certainly worked better than using their hands.

Breakfast followed. Their stockpile of fruit had found the addition of berries and a few crabs that had been lying in the oven overnight. The latter were uncomfortably dry, but it would have been a waste to just toss them out. Any variety in what they were chewing was welcome.

In the end, they were all fed and sitting around the fire. It was kept at a low heat at the moment. No need to waste their firewood when the day was starting and everything was heating up. That did include the girl’s libido. The mood around the camp was carefree that morning, many of the haremettes just masturbating openly or even helping each other. Shame was a thing of the past around here.

“Hey, Master, can you use my face?” Evelyn requested and pointed at her open mouth. “I wahnna shee if you can ushe my hornsh ash handlesh,” she slurred, letting her tongue hang out.

Three minutes later, the kneeling dragon woman was moaning around his cock. The gag reflex sadly still existed, so he had to measure his fucking of her face, but he could and did use those horns as handles. Their texture was surprisingly good for this, the ridges fitting nicely under his fingers.

‘Wonder if Selana’s horns will work the same way,’ Alex wondered. He could only see the growing horns peek out from her dark hair every now and again. ‘Jesus, those tits though,’ he thought, then turned his attention back to the haughty sex slave in front of him. ‘Not so haughty right now,’ he thought.

Evelyn did still know her place, that much was clear. She was moaning and sucking his cock like the sex slave she had professed wanting to be. He was using her to get off like the Master he wanted to be. That was to say, he was doing it with her maximum enjoyment in mind.

After the second orgasm of the day, he decided to spend some social time with the girls. Like last morning, the sun was moving very slowly in the morning. A peculiar phenomenon that, if he kept observing it, he would guess was more than just his skewed perception.


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