To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1666 The choice between loss and profit

Chapter 1666 The choice between loss and profit
Pei Qian didn't spend too much time thinking about it, although the system hinted that it could take a long time to think about this issue, so there was no rush to make a decision.

"I choose to lose."

His decision was not immediately adopted by the system, and another line of text appeared on the light curtain as a second confirmation.

【Once a choice is made and the system upgrade is complete, it will never be able to be changed in the future. Are you sure? 】

Pei Qian couldn't help but smiled slightly: "It's because I can't change it in the future, that's why I'm so sure."

"If the future can be changed at any time, I'm really afraid that one day I will make a decision on the back of my mind because of a private jet, an island of my own, a global limited edition top sports car or something else .”

"Once selected, I can never change it, and I don't want to have this opportunity to go back on my word."

"Because once I repent, it means that my last line of defense as Tengda has also fallen!"

"Actually, this multiple-choice question is not to choose the way of wealth conversion, but to choose two different identities."

"I can choose to be a rich slave, or I can choose to be a decent man who is not so rich."

"Owning the most property is nothing but a slave to capital, and I want to be the master of capital!"

"Wealth lies not in how much you have, but in how you use it!"

"The richest man should not be the person with the most wealth, but the person who knows how to use wealth best."

"I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't always resist this temptation, but fortunately, I can make this decision when my mind is clearest, once and for all so that I have no chance to regret it in the future."

The font on the system light curtain scrolls again.

【Wealth Conversion System 3.0】

[Host: Pei Qian]

[Loss conversion ratio: 50:1]

[Fixed settlement time: December 12st of each year]

[Initial system capital for the next cycle: 2.5 million]

[Click to expand the details of fixed assets, infrastructure projects and personal property]

Seeing that the system has been upgraded again, Pei Qian felt a big stone in his heart, and it finally fell to the ground.

After the dust settles, it's a good thing that you can't regret it even if you want to.

In the past two months, Pei Qian has been watching some people's analysis on the business model of Tenda Group and the game and movie "The Future You Choose" on the Internet.

Some people praised Tenda Group and President Pei to the sky, and some people wanted to trample Tenda Group and President Pei to the ground.

Some people say that Pei Zong is a business genius who has never appeared before, but also a wise man and philanthropist who can see through the fog of history and has a heart for all mankind!
Mr. Pei has built such a behemoth as Tenda Group with amazing business wisdom, but he is able to stick to his heart and illuminate all employees and all users of the entire company with his idealistic brilliance.Let the light of his idealism continue to expand and affect more and more people.

Tenda Group is the process of good money driving out bad money. Under the leadership of Tenda Group, domestic companies are either defeated or assimilated. From the game industry to other fields, the entire business environment has undergone earth-shaking changes!
It is not an exaggeration to call Mr. Pei, who created all this, the savior.

Some people also say that Tenda Group is a huge scam!

Both Mr. Pei and Meng Chang are talented liars, but Meng Chang's rank is too low, while Mr. Pei's rank is so high that no one can see through it.

Everyone thinks that Pei is always a perfect person, and this is precisely the most dangerous thing. Tengda Group can defeat all opponents through the will of the people during the development period, but no one can guarantee that Mr. Pei and Tengda Group will suddenly show their true colors one day , stand on the opposite side of everyone.

And at that time, he will be the most terrifying enemy!

Pei Qian was a little bit dumbfounded while feeling emotional.

Because these two statements are obviously not the truth of the matter, but they are both extremely close to the future that can be touched.

Will Tenda Group never go bad?
Pei Qian doubted this more than anyone else.

How can there be anything in this world that will never go bad?
Many people think that Pei is always the embodiment of Tengda's soul and will, but Pei Qian knows that he is just an ordinary person.In the future, he will face all kinds of temptations. As the development of Tenda Group grows, the temptations it will receive will become stronger.

In fact, Mr. Pei has the supreme power of the entire Tengda.No one can compete with him for this power!

Once Pei Qian lost his mind, even if it was for a limited-edition luxury car, a yacht, or a private jet, he wanted to earn more personal wealth through the company's profits.Then maybe the entire Tenda Group will collapse quickly.

Either it will be quickly abandoned by the people, or it will surpass the people and become a more terrifying existence.

At that time, the scenes depicted in the game and movie "The Future You Choose" will no longer be a fantasy.

So Pei Qian was always thinking about how to firmly hold his inner line of defense.

It is absolutely impossible to rely on personal willpower.

And this upgrade made by the system is considered to be a perfect solution for him.

As long as Pei Qian never directly benefits from the development of Tenda Group, but chooses to stand on the opposite side of Tenda Group, then he is the biggest threat to Tenda Group. Messy.

After making this choice, it also marks that Pei Qian's identity is no longer just the president of Tenda Group, but also a ruthless regulator, so that Tenda Group can never be troubled by the curse of capital appreciation.

Pei Qian himself will also be able to avoid the terrible situation of being controlled by capital forever.

Maybe in the future, Pei Qian will regret the decision he made today countless times.

Maybe this decision will cost him a private island, a few private jets, a lot of luxury sports cars, a lot of sea view villas, and many, many expensive things.

However, Pei Qian firmly believed that in the last second of his life, he would be extremely persistent and grateful for his decision today.

Because this decision allows him to step on the head of capital forever and be an upright person.

It also allows countless people who may be oppressed by capital to live with dignity.

Pei Qian felt that some planes and yachts would be exchanged for a better future.Simply not too cost-effective.

"So I still have to thank the system."

"Without a system, I really can't do anything."

"I don't know if I'm the most rubbish host for the system. After all, losing money can transform personal wealth. I actually delayed it for 4 years before I got 2000 million. It's really embarrassing for the host. "

"However, maybe my way of playing is the most correct way to open this system?"

"Among the mistakes, I chose the most correct path. I have to say that my luck is really good."

Pei Qian expressed his sincere emotion.



2014 1 Month 3 Day.

The New Year's Day holiday passed, and Tenda Group resumed its daily work again.

At this time, in the large conference room of the Tenda Group headquarters, the people in charge gathered together, with worried and expectant expressions on their faces.

Mr. Pei has not been to the company for two whole months.And the amazing thing is that, although there is no decision and decision made by Mr. Pei, the various tasks of Tenda Group are still progressing smoothly, and even many businesses are developing better than before.

The negative profit activity proposed by Mr. Pei not only had a warm response in the society, but also made these responsible people have some new insights into the spirit of Tengda.

Perhaps negative profit activities are to temporarily abandon the company's profit attributes, assume more of the company's social attributes, and use the company's development to feed back society.

Seriously think about the company's mission, besides making money, can it do something more important.

Today, President Pei came to the company to hold a meeting for all the responsible persons.

According to President Pei, he wants to make some simple arrangements for the company's future development.

During the dinner with the executives last time, Mr. Pei once said that he would leave the company for a year or even longer.But at that time, Boss Pei didn't say it to death, but left room to say that he might change his mind.

So at today's meeting, Mr. Pei may also announce that he will not leave and continue to lead Tenda to struggle for 20 years.

Many responsible persons came to the meeting with such expectations.

Moreover, this meeting not only included the heads of various departments, but also Lin Wan, Li Shi and other company bosses who are closely related to Tenda Group.

The bosses of companies like Lin Wan and Li Shi who follow Tengda Group have the same worries as the heads of various departments of Tengda, and even more so!
For example, Li Shi has always regarded Mr. Pei as his investment secret. No matter what project Mr. Pei does, he just needs to follow the investment without thinking.But now, if Mr. Pei is not in charge of the various investments of Tenda Group, wouldn't his investment secrets be equivalent to disappearing?

Could it be that Li Shi will also retire with Mr. Pei, that seems a bit outrageous.

Mr. Pei didn't think he retired early, but Li Shi felt that he was still in his prime, and there would be no problem at all if he worked for more than ten years.

As for Lin Wan, although the cooperation between Chixing Studio and Tenda Group is not so close at present, Chixing Studio has also formed its own brand and game design concept, and even made achievements in VR games.But without Mr. Pei, Tenda Group will always make people feel empty.

Mr. Pei is like a banner, which can well unify everyone's spiritual world.

Even if Boss Pei doesn't get involved in any actual company business, as long as he sits in the office, it will make people feel very at ease.Make people feel that everything is on track and there is nothing to worry about if things go wrong.

But once Boss Pei is not in that office, but in a corner of the world where no one can find him, everyone will inevitably have serious worries!
In this atmosphere, Pei Qian stepped into the conference room.

Everyone looked at Mr. Pei, and found that Mr. Pei was not as shy as before, but had a relieved expression. It seemed that after more than three months of long thinking, some problems that had been troubling him had finally been resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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