To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1645 1 kind of cycle

Chapter 1645 A Kind of Cycle

This opening chapter made Lu Xiaoping feel a little unclear.

He felt that from this opening chapter alone, it seemed that Qiao Laoshi could not fundamentally refute the two points he raised, but such a strategic approach was indeed very compelling and deep.It can really highlight the professionalism of the video.

So Lu Xiaoping didn't dare to draw conclusions now, so he could only continue to read patiently.


"Let's talk about the gameplay first."

"Actually, the gameplay of the game is very simple. It's just a chug game with some special combat capabilities added."

"Players will go through one battle after another, and in the battle, they only need to shoot guns to complete the specified mission objectives. During this process, players can continuously transform their bodies through the prosthetic doctor and gain new combat capabilities."

"At the beginning of the experience, this feeling of acquiring new abilities was very exciting. For the first time, I was able to climb walls, and for the first time I was able to soar in the air. For the first time, through the modified large-caliber weapons, I was able to inflict damage on multiple enemies. A devastating blow..."

"These special abilities that are constantly unlocked, combined with the intense and diverse battlefields, have achieved excellent combat effects. It makes people feel that he seems to be a passionate game that does not require brains."

"But this feeling can only be experienced in the first game. The more you play the game repeatedly, the more anxious you feel when you experience this process repeatedly."

"Because if you play again from the beginning, you need to give up all the special abilities you have obtained before, and all the prosthetic body transformation process needs to be repeated from the beginning, and for players who already know the ending, they will think that the whole process is meaningless and boring , so it’s actually not much fun to watch multiple weeks.”

"On the surface, this seems to be a failure of game design. After all, in most people's minds, the richer and longer the gameplay of the game, the better the design."

"But do you still remember Mr. Pei's design theory I mentioned earlier?"

"In Mr. Pei's design, all the settings and gameplay are designed to break the game circle. The emotions given to the player by the gameplay are used to break the dimensional wall, so that the player can bring the protagonist into the protagonist more deeply emotionally. This approach is better than It is more clever to introduce the protagonist simply through the performance of the plot.”

"Then why does this kind of monotonous and rough gameplay that only focuses on one game but not multi-weeks can break the dimensional wall? Let me make a joke first, and let me talk about the plot of this game as I understand it."

Up to this point, Qiao Laoshi has actually raised the first question that most people have about this game, which is that the gameplay is relatively monotonous.

It's just that its evaluation of the gameplay is different from most people's evaluations.

After all, Qiao Laoshi is also an experienced up host, and he knows how to show off in order to attract the audience's attention to the greatest extent.

Then he began to analyze the plot of the game.

"Do you still remember what I said just now, the second cornerstone of Mr. Pei's game is to express a specific thought to us through various metaphorical worldview structures and plot content that are easily overlooked by people."

"And in this game, of course, it is to express a specific understanding of the cyberpunk theme."

"You can see that this game actually echoes from beginning to end. Mr. Pei actually brought the plot of the last scene to the very beginning, and then cut to the real beginning 10 years ago to tell the story."

"In terms of approach, there is a touch of magical realism. It reminds me of the famous line: 'Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía will recall that his father brought That distant afternoon when he went to meet ice.'”

"Sartre once said: 'The novelist's skill lies in which time he chooses to be the present. From this begins to describe the past.'"

"For ordinary authors, traditional novels can describe the environment, they can describe dialogue, or they can simply chat with readers. This is a very safe way to start. But this beginning is based on an uncertain The present embraces the past and the future at the same time."

"He didn't simply circle a piece of land, set a starting time node, and found a few characters to tell them what to do, but he merged into the free ocean like a fish, past and future and everything around him It’s all completely unfamiliar and new.”

"In my opinion, the game "The Future You Choose" actually uses this opening, because the leader of the rebels Captain Lude is actually not in the final time node, because we are still waiting for the door to be knocked. It’s not about what happened after the ring, and it’s not standing in the past because he started his own Rebel activities 10 years ago.”

"The time node when Captain Lude stood on the rooftop and looked at the whole city is a landmark node in his life. This is not a linear time structure, but a circular time structure."

"Linear time will bring a sense of oppression, because you can clearly see the beginning and the end, but circular time will relax this sense of oppression, and bring a sense of helpless fate. Because you have no way of knowing this When will the cycle and reincarnation end, and you don't know whether the end you thought is a new beginning."

"So it can be seen from the beginning. This game is full of metaphors. Similar metaphors will be repeatedly presented in future plots."

"Let's turn our attention to the ending of the game, because the whole process is paving the way for the ending. If you understand the ending, you will naturally understand the clues buried in the process."

"There are actually three parties in the game's ending."

"The first party is the victor on the surface. As the leader of the rebel army, Captain Lude played a vital role in the process of overthrowing the Tengda Group. He is supported and admired by everyone. In the final battle , he even took the lead and rushed into the headquarters of Tenda Group first."

"But he didn't achieve his goal. The reason why he resisted Tenda Group was because he believed that there was an incarnation of 'evil' in this world, that is, the president of Tenda Group. He wanted to find the highest war criminal and bring him to justice. Use the law to judge him with fairness, justice and truth, and the whole world can be freed from the shadow of Tenda Group from now on."

"But he was in vain. The person in charge surnamed Wu told him that Tenda Group has never had a real president. Tenda Group is a decision-making community formed by all the persons in charge and the artificial intelligence system based on the interests of the enterprise."

"The reason why Captain Lude finally fell into confusion on the rooftop is because a person with a shape can be killed and judged, but how can an invisible system be killed and judged? He also gradually realized that, Precisely because it's an invisible system, then he must somehow be resurrected."

"Captain Ludd is the biggest winner on the surface, but in fact he is also the biggest loser."

"The second party is the entrepreneur who finally occupied the underground computer room of Tenda Group and seized all the data and artificial intelligence systems held by Tenda Group."

"On the surface, he is the real winner, because he has inherited the most precious legacy of the Tenda Group. As long as he has these data and intelligent systems, and by recruiting the original head of the Tenda Group, he can develop rapidly and make his own Enterprises quickly replaced Tenda Group as the next true monopoly giant."

"His name and the name of the company are not stated in the game. This is because it doesn't matter in the designer's attitude. He can be any person or any company."

"Even the game deliberately expresses a feeling that things are getting worse through the mouth of the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur said that Tenda Group did not put corporate safety first in this decision-making system, so It gave the rebels and other chaebols a chance to overthrow Tenda Group."

"The entrepreneur said that he would not make the same mistake, which seemed to give people an illusion that he would replace Tenda Group as the eternal monopoly."

"But will the future really go as he wishes?"

"Of course this is a relatively open ending. The designer did not give a clear answer, but I think. The conclusion drawn after in-depth analysis must be negative."

"He's the biggest winner in the dark, but I don't think he's really a winner yet."

"The third party is Tenda Group. On the surface, Tenda Group is the biggest loser. It had already obtained the monopoly position of the entire world, but because it did not put corporate security first in the decision-making system, it gave the rebels and The other chaebols were jointly overthrown by taking advantage of the opportunity."

"The headquarters of Tenda Group was captured, and the head of Tenda Group surrendered to the enemy, fled to the enemy, ran away, committed suicide, the entire company fell apart, property will be divided up, and the data and decision-making systems in its possession will also be occupied by other companies. "

"If Tengda Group was a person, then his current fate can be said to be cut into pieces by five horses and cut into pieces."

"But the question is whether the Tenda Group in the story is really a concrete person, or an ordinary company? I don't think so."

"The reason is very simple. The person in charge surnamed Wu said that Tenda Group does not have a president at all. All decisions are actually made by all the people in charge and the intelligent system. What does it represent? Is it everyone's opinion? ? No. It represents the will of the enterprise to develop and is the optimal solution for the entire enterprise.”

"So the will of the real Tenda Group is invisible. The opinions of the person in charge and the plan of the AEEIS decision-making system, including the data and systems in the underground computer room, are nothing but the medium of this invisible will in reality .”

"Please think about it, employees are part of the company, but if the company fires employees, will the company be affected or even cease to exist? Is this a failure? Of course not."

"Similarly, whether it is the person in charge, the employees, the headquarters building or the data in the computer room, these are to Tenda Group just like ordinary employees to the company. Losing these actually does not affect the foundation of this intangible will."

"And this invisible will has already entered a new company with the person in charge of data and transfer in the computer room, and replaced the original will of this company."

"So what appears to be the biggest loser is actually the biggest winner."

"Because in this game, what Tenda Group represents is never a certain person, a certain company or a certain entity, it is an invisible will and law, it will only go from one carrier to another, constantly Go through such a process of rapid development, monopoly, and decline.”

"This is what the game tells through the beginning: the hopeless cycle where you can't see the beginning or the end, and you can only stand on one of the nodes overlooking the whole city, but the more you look, the more confused you become."

"In this cycle, the invisible will is constantly reviving the corpse and being reborn from the ashes. Whether it is Captain Ludd or the other rebels, or those big chaebols who think they are victorious, they are nothing more than a rush on this stage. passers-by."

(End of this chapter)

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