To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1633 "My Property"

Chapter 1633 "My Property"

Everyone finally understood why Nie Yunsheng said that this trick should only be used at the end.

Because only when the Tenda Group has made great strides in various fields, gradually occupying a monopoly position, and defeated the anti-Tengda alliance, the fear of Tenda growing into a new monopoly group in the minds of ordinary people will rise to a threshold!
Prior to this, Tenda Group had established a good reputation for a long time, which was enough to support ordinary consumers to stand by them.

Maybe this is called putting one's life to death and then being born again!
Once Nie Yunsheng's plan is successful, the relationship between the Anti-Tengda Alliance and the Tenda Group can be said to be a change of offense and defense.

If most consumers agree with the idea spread by Nie Yunsheng and believe that the market monopoly position of Tenda Group has posed a danger, then when Tenda Group and the Anti-Tengda Alliance launch commercial competition activities, these consumers will not help each other .

They will stand aside and watch the excitement, because both sides are evil capital seeking monopoly, so what difference does it make?

Even in the most optimistic scenario, Tenda Group will have a backlash because of its good reputation before, and people's love for it before will turn into greater hatred.

At that time, once Tengda's undefeated golden body is broken, it will be time for the anti-Tengda alliance to counterattack.

Bosses like Nie Yunsheng and Zheng Hao started from the humble beginnings and rose step by step from the bottom. They are not afraid of conventional business competition.I'm afraid of a company like Tenda Group that doesn't play cards according to common sense and doesn't pay attention to martial arts.

If both sides can be pulled into the same starting line, I dare not say that I can definitely beat Mr. Pei, a business wizard, at least the chance of success will be greatly increased.The living space obtained by self-owned enterprises will also be significantly improved.

It won't be so hard to breathe like it is now.

One boss said: "Mr. Nie has a good plan! If this plan is really successful, we still have a chance to turn around, and even completely defeat Tengda, it is not impossible!"

"However, there is a small problem now. Some time ago, the network cleaning activities have hit the activities of the navy across the country. I am afraid that we will not be able to find many sailors as easily as before."

"How to solve this problem?"

Nie Yunsheng said: "It doesn't matter, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. As long as the demand is still there, the navy cannot be banned forever."

"Of course, this is a tough battle, and we can't count on the navy. After all, the strength of the navy is limited. They can only wave their flags behind us to cheer and build momentum, but they can't really enter the frontal battlefield."

"The real decisive battle still depends on ourselves!"

He said, looking at Lu Xiaoping, vice president of Fanqi Media, "Mr. Lu, I can tell you about the movie."

The others looked at Lu Xiaoping in unison, with surprise on their faces.

Previously, Nie Yunsheng tried his best to pull Fanqi Media and other media companies into the camp of the anti-Tengda alliance. He even paid a lot for this and made some veteran companies a little dissatisfied.

But now it seems that Nie Yunsheng is actually planning ahead and has already thought about today's situation.

Fanqi Media is a media and entertainment group with considerable influence in China. Its main business includes film investment, production and publicity, TV drama investment and distribution, artist economy, etc.

In addition, Fanqi Media will also undertake the publicity and distribution work of some overseas blockbusters in the mainland, and has a good voice.

They were responsible for the announcement of the overseas blockbuster "Warship of the Raging Sea" before, but it just happened to hit "Mission and Choice" of Tenda Group.

This miserable failure has always been a pain in Lu Xiaoping's heart!
With the rapid development of Tenda Group and Feihuang Studio, many excellent movies and online dramas have been released, which has made domestic audiences more and more pampered, and they are increasingly disapproving of some overseas blockbusters and streaming works.

This undoubtedly cut off an important source of income for Fanqi Media!

Just because of this, Fanqi Media has a good reason to fight with Tenda Group to the end.

Lu Xiaoping looked around the crowd and said, "Actually, Mr. Nie had already anticipated the current situation in advance. Although it seemed the worst situation at the time, the facts have proved that it is always right to plan ahead!"

"In fact, most of the anti-Tengda alliance's support for Fanqi Media has been used to invest in a movie, and the filming of this movie has been completed, and it is scheduled to be released at the end of this month."

"And this movie will become the clarion call for our counterattack against Tenda Group!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help cheering up.

Obviously, if you want to defeat Tenda in the war of public opinion, you must have a medium.

Just relying on the navy to create momentum online with empty teeth will not achieve very good results.Because there is neither a support point nor an intention that can resonate with ordinary people, it is impossible to achieve great things purely by relying on the navy.

The reason why Tengda is able to take advantage of the public opinion battle is because Tengda has a variety of cultural products, whether it is games or movies, they can accurately hit the hearts of ordinary audiences or players, thus arousing widespread public opinion. resonance.

So after the failure of various public opinion wars, everyone finally realized that if you want to defeat Tenda, you must use your knife in the field that Tenda is best at.

And the most suitable core areas are nothing more than two - games and movies!

Not to mention games, the current level of game research and development of Tenda is the only one in China, and even if there are two gaps, there will be no one behind.Finding trouble with Tengda in this place is definitely asking for death.

So the film field is the only feasible breakthrough.

Fanqi Media has been cultivating in this field for many years, with a wide network of contacts and sufficient resources. After receiving the help of resources from the Anti-Tengda Alliance, if it can really prescribe the right medicine to launch a work that directly hits the soul, it will definitely bring a new wave to the public opinion war. Come to great advantage!
Although Fanqi Media was also beaten by Feihuang Studio before, but at this moment, the situation is a little different.

In the past, Feihuang Studio fought Fanqi Media with mental calculations and unintentional intentions, but now the offensive and defensive momentum of the two sides has changed.

The bosses immediately became active and talked about it.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Nie, what is the specific content of this movie? Can you tell me?"

"Yes, what subject is it?"

"In my opinion, most of them are realistic subjects. It is about the process of an entrepreneur from starting from scratch to becoming the helm of a monopoly group. During this process, his words and deeds are slowly showing his inconsistencies and changes, so that everyone can realize that once After gaining a monopoly, all entrepreneurs end up looking alike!"

"I think the realistic subject matter is too straightforward. If you want to allude to Mr. Pei, you will probably end up using actors who are similar to Mr. Pei's image. This way the intention is too obvious and it is easy to backfire. It may be better to change the background."

"I think the ancient background is also good. There were many wealthy businessmen in ancient times. It can also play a very good role to show the attitude of these businessmen who are rich and unkind after they grow up, and then compare them with their fortunes when they were young. Using the past to satirize the present, and it will not easily lead to widespread resistance!"

When it comes to movies, many bosses are excited.

After all, most people have seen the movie and can generally come up with some ideas.

Although they already knew that the filming of the film was over, it did not hinder their curiosity and enthusiasm for discussion.

Lu Xiaoping and Nie Yunsheng looked at each other and smiled slightly.

Lu Xiaoping explained: "Everyone's ideas are good, but none of them meet our requirements!"

"Everyone is right about one thing. This film is too much to go too far, so we must not shoot realistic themes, let alone allude to the Tenda Group too obviously, which will expose our intentions too much!"

"Once our intentions are revealed and public opinion becomes sympathetic to Tenda Group, our goals will be completely impossible to achieve, and will instead backfire on us."

"It is indeed a way to use the past to satirize the present, but there are many restrictions in the background of ancient themes. If the hints are not in place, and the audience cannot understand that we are actually alluding to the Tenda Group, wouldn't it be a waste of work?"

"In addition to this, there is the most important point that everyone ignores. That is the story, the excellence of the script itself."

"If we only want to insinuate Tenda Group, but what we come up with is a very bad book, then no matter how much money is invested, no matter how good the director is to direct, the audience will still not appreciate the final film. Buy it. How can a bad film affect Tenda in terms of public opinion?"

These bosses looked at each other in blank dismay, then nodded and said, "Mr. Lu is still thinking about it."

"Then, Mr. Lu, what is the specific method of filming this movie?"

Lu Xiaoping smiled slightly: "Boss Nie and I have repeatedly considered this issue before, and the last solution we came up with was to buy the novel copyrights of excellent science fiction authors."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded, and they all thought it made sense.

If you want to make a good movie, you must first have a good script.And the best way to get a good script is to buy a good story that has been proven successful, and then adapt it.

Although the adaptation may still overturn, it is much better than writing a story from scratch.

Domestic science fiction is developing well, and there have been a number of excellent works, and in recent years, science fiction movies have shown signs of recovery.

If it is true as Lu Xiaoping said, if you buy an excellent science fiction novel, guide it properly during shooting, and allude to Tenda Group, you may be able to achieve unexpected results.

Someone asked: "So which science fiction novel is it?"

Lu Xiaoping said: "My Property."

The bosses looked at each other, and some of them said they had heard of it, but they didn't know what kind of story it was.

Lu Xiaoping smiled and introduced. "This is a relatively old science fiction novel. Although it is a short story, it has a good reputation and is written by a famous science fiction writer in our country."

"This novel uses two clues, one bright and one dark, to tell a bizarre future society."

"Two children from poor families, one of them is constantly developing in business, the company is getting bigger and bigger, and it is constantly annexing other companies. In the end, more than 90% of the world's industry and wealth are concentrated in his own hands. And when he was a child Another kid I knew grew up to be an ordinary worker, doing nothing.”

"Because of the wealth of the world, including the mineral resources water and air on the entire planet, the poor can only live in small compartments, lingering through the life cycle system, but the protagonist can enjoy the whole world to the fullest." All the wealth in the world, he is also called the boss."

"The child of the poor man had no job when he grew up, and his father and mother passed away one after another for some reasons. Finally one day the child saw the boss walking outside, and vaguely recognized that it seemed to be his childhood play. partner, so he ran out at the risk of being shot dead by the law enforcement unit on the spot."

"In the end, out of friendship and compassion for this child, the boss took out part of his wealth to build an interstellar spaceship and send all the poor people to another planet. The story ends here."

Someone asked rather puzzled. "But can this story really map to Tenda Group and President Pei?"

Lu Xiaoping smiled slightly: "Even if all the groups in the anti-Tengda alliance monopolize, they only occupy a market dominant position in a certain industry."

"But Tenda Group is different. It is a new type of company that spans multiple groups and has achieved success in countless fields!"

"Only Tenda Group meets such a definition and concept!"

"Not only that, the boss in the story started from a small businessman step by step, relying entirely on his honest and legal labor, as well as his talent and ingenuity in business. It is precisely because every step of his It's perfectly legal to go, so that makes the story even more ironic."

"Think carefully, everyone, does this role fit Mr. Pei better?"

(End of this chapter)

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