To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1616 On the surface, it looks like an old dog, but in reality...

Chapter 1616 On the surface, it looks like an old dog, but in reality...

Bao Xu asked: "Mr. Pei, you should have a design plan for the new haunted house project? I want to take a look."

Pei Qian nodded immediately, and found the design plan of the new haunted house project from the computer.

Although this project was jointly designed by Chen Kangtuo, Ruan Guangjian, and Ma Yiqun, since it was the plan of the Shocking Hostel, President Pei must make the final decision.

Pei Qian took a brief look at the plan at the time, and felt that it was promising, so he passed it without any comments.

Now that Bao Xu wanted to take a look at this plan, it was completely understandable. After all, he wanted to really enter this haunted house to be the chief experiencer, so it was understandable to know the situation inside in advance.

It's just that Pei Qian didn't expect that after Bao Xu got the plan, he didn't read the previous details carefully, but jumped directly to the interactive content.

The haunted house project this time is called "Traveler from a Foreign Land", and the storyline is not complicated. It is about one or a group of tourists from a foreign land coming to another dimension of Jingzhou, a weird version, and staying in the Horror Hostel.

It's just that the industries they have access to include Moyu Internet Cafe, Moyu Takeaway, Managed Fitness, etc., all of which have become haunted by eerie ghosts. Their names have also changed, and they have become Demon Prison Internet Cafes. , Devil prison takeaway, drag coffin fitness, etc.

In addition, there are many more intuitive and terrifying edge areas, such as the abyss of evil spirits and swimming in the underworld, which are more thrilling and exciting!

There are only two ways to escape from this terrible world, one is to survive in it for a certain period of time, and the other is to look for clues to solve puzzles everywhere.

This project can be participated by a single person or by multiple people, and the difficulty will vary.

The staff plays all kinds of ghosts and ghosts to frighten tourists.There are special ghosts in each area. In most cases, they only patrol in their own territory. Tourists must avoid these ghosts if they want to get clues.

But in some special cases, these ghosts may also gather together, depending on some special mechanisms in the game.

For example, if a tourist finds a key clue, the ghosts will gather together for a cleanup, and the tourist must hide it patiently so that it cannot be found.

Under this mechanism, tourists can actually do a lot.You can choose to act separately, and each person is responsible for one area to quickly collect clues, and then summarize and decrypt them.You can also choose to take the key clues first, and after individual warriors lure all these ghosts away, others will go to the corresponding location to search for other clues.

The staff who play ghosts will not maintain a fixed walking route like robots. They can make some adjustments and changes within a certain range of rules according to their own preferences, making the whole game more exciting and unpredictable. .

Bao Xu just glanced at the previous part of the puzzle, and he put all his attention on the latter part of the ghost performance.

Keeping these things in his mind, Bao Xu thought for a while before saying: "Mr. Pei, in the list of staff who will play ghosts, I hope I can assign two people."

"One is the ghost player who will appear directly on the list, played by Qiao Liang. The other ghost player who does not need to appear on the list, but will also enter the haunted house, will be played by Ruan Guangjian."

"I'm going to speak with both of them privately and separately."

Pei Qian nodded: "Yes."



October 7, Wednesday.

Palpitation Hostel's new haunted house project "Foreign Land Traveler" has officially entered the trial operation stage of internal testing.

Because it is in the internal testing stage, it is not open to public tourists this time. Instead, Bao Xu will be the chief experience officer of this project to experience the whole project.

According to Chen Kangtuo's plan, of course he hoped that Bao Xu would stay in the "Traveler in a Foreign Land" project for a full month.

After all, I suffered for two full months when I was traveling, which is already cut in half.

However, considering the special nature of this project, Chen Kangtuo and the other people in charge also agreed that as long as Brother Bao can find clues as soon as possible and leave this place, then the closed beta will end early.

After all, everyone is not a real devil, and they still have a responsible brotherhood towards Brother Bao.

Therefore, the closed beta activity may not last for a long time, it may be a month or a week, it all depends on the speed of Brother Bao's customs clearance.

Of course, the people in charge will also deliberately adjust this speed, so that Brother Bao will not pass the level so easily.

Especially considering that Brother Bao has probably already secretly seen the design plan of the entire project, and he has already figured out where many clues may appear.It is even more necessary for this project to have the desired effect.

The people in charge thought that when they were playing ghosts, they could slightly change the location of the clues to make the whole game more exciting, otherwise Brother Bao would clear the level in two days, wouldn't that be embarrassing?
Under Chen Kangtuo's call, many people in charge actively participated, and even Qiao Liang actively signed up.

Qiao Liang was notoriously timid. In order to complete the ultimate horror project, he also experienced a fierce ideological struggle.And this time the registration was so enthusiastic, Chen Kangtuo felt the same anger as Qiao Liang and everyone else, so he readily agreed.

Chen Kangtuo customized special costumes for these responsible people, and they could pretend to be ghosts by putting them on.

These leather cases are very well made, and when placed in the dark and terrifying environment of the haunted house, the degree of fright is directly beyond the charts.

But it's not a big problem if you wear it yourself, as long as you don't look in the mirror, everything will be fine.

At this time, in the office of the Palpitation Hostel, Chen Kangtuo was having the final communication with the person in charge.

"Finally, check again. Everyone should be responsible for their own area, keep in mind the mechanism inside, and don't scare yourself by yourself."

"Each of us will send a small communicator, and I will give real-time instructions in the headset. Everyone can move freely at ordinary times, but when they hear the instructions, they must follow my instructions."

"We must accompany Brother Bao this time, understand?"

The people in charge said in unison: "Understood!"

Among these persons in charge are Xiao Peng, Rui Yuchen, Huang Sibo, Guo Licheng, etc. There are also some persons in charge such as Min Jingchao who originally wanted to come, but because of their busy work, they couldn’t get away, so they could only wish for the closed beta event. It's done.

Each area has a variety of institutions, with a certain trigger mechanism.

The staff who pretend to be ghosts must firmly remember all kinds of organs in advance to avoid triggering, or at least be mentally prepared in advance, so that they will not be scared even if they are triggered.

Otherwise, the tourists didn't come, and I accidentally made myself into high blood pressure and neurasthenia, is that plausible?
Xiao Peng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, we have been looking forward to this day for a long time! And we have already seen the detailed plan, and we went to the field for inspection two days ago, it is absolutely foolproof!"

Chen Kangtuo nodded.

The difference between these responsible persons and Bao Xu is that Bao Xu may only be able to inquire about a part of the design plan, and it should be difficult to see the complete plan, and even if he sees the complete plan, he cannot go to the site for field inspection.

As for the haunted house, there is still a big difference between the design plan and the field inspection.

Many scary things are mainly visual. After seeing it once, the horror effect will be greatly weakened the next time you see it.

The people in charge had already explored the haunted house several times in the past two days, and knew the locations of various key props and organs.

Compared with Bao Xu who entered for the first time, he has an advantage no matter what.

Thinking of this, Chen Kangtuo gave an order: "Okay, let's split up and put on the props, and let's gather inside."


Half an hour later, the people in charge were already in their positions.

Each of them is in charge of a small area, and the ghost leather jacket they wear is very similar to the style of this area. If you find a little place, a cat can blend in perfectly, and it is difficult to be found.

This gave them a great advantage in encounters.

The functions of the ghost leather case are very rich. Not only can these responsible persons wear Bluetooth headsets to communicate with each other at any time, but they also have tiny audio devices on their bodies that can make very scary sounds.

In this way, there will be no situation where tourists forcefully come up to make friends, but the person in charge who plays the role of a ghost can't scare the tourists away with his teeth and claws.

"Everyone takes their places, Brother Bao entered through the main entrance."

Chen Kangtuo's voice came from the earphones, and many people in charge immediately took precautions, some hid in the office, and some found a corner to blend in with the environment, waiting patiently for Bao Xu's arrival.


At this time, Bao Xu strode into the entrance of the traveler in a foreign land with his head held high.

On the surface, they are as stable as old dogs, but in reality they are flustered.

Although Bao Xu has briefly seen the design plan of the entire project, he still remembers that there is still a big difference between the design plan and the immersive experience.

Seeing the gloomy layout around me, I feel as if I am stepping into a mysterious and dangerous space step by step. The fear deep in my heart is naturally aroused, making it difficult to keep calm.

However, Bao Xu also tried his best to tell himself that there must be cameras everywhere here, and Chen Kangtuo's group must be monitoring his actions and preparing to watch his jokes, so he must not show his timidity.

Going in from the entrance, there is a long passage first.

The design of the "Traveler in a Foreign Land" project this time is different from the previous projects.

The previous three horror house projects were all directly transformed from a single abandoned factory building, among which the factory building used by Ultimate Horror is the largest.

This time, the "Traveler in a Foreign Land" project used several factories, but they were all connected by a special passage in the middle.

In this way, there is no need to worry that tourists will have a sense of drama when they go from one factory building to another, and it also creates a dangerous and depressing horror atmosphere, making people feel that they are completely trapped in an isolated time and space.

After going through a long passage, Bao Xu felt that his tense nerves could no longer bear it.

The central area of ​​this project is the largest, and it can also be regarded as the so-called living area. There are relatively common industries such as Moyu Internet Cafe and Moyu Takeaway.

And in the surrounding area are some more dangerous locations, such as Huangquan Swimming Crossing, Evil Ghost Abyss, etc., which are the locations of some difficult clues, which need to pass through some passages to reach.

Visitors walk from the long passage at the entrance to the central area of ​​the entire haunted house, and the long passage will be temporarily closed after entering.

So after walking through such a long scary passage, although no scary ghosts appeared, a lot of mental pressure had already accumulated.

When we reached the end of the long passage, the gate behind us 'clicked' and made a loud noise
When it rings, most tourists can't help but scream.This is the first shock of the new project "Traveler in a Foreign Land".

(End of this chapter)

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