To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1575 "Sleep Well" Office Chat System

Chapter 1575 "Sleep Well" Office Chat System

October 5, Wednesday.

"This is the list of the first batch of companies that signed up for the Tengda Cooperation Department. There are a little bit more people. Take a look, which one should you go to first?"

Pei Qian handed the tablet to Min Jingchao.

Min Jingchao reached out to take the tablet, and seeing the list in the form, she couldn't help but look surprised.

"Mr. Pei, do you call this a little bit more?"

There are more than 70 companies on the list!

And there are not only game companies and game channels, but also many other messy companies, companies of all sizes and from all walks of life!

What kind of fun are these companies following along?

Min Jingchao is a game designer herself, so she can only cooperate with game-related companies.

Regarding this point, Mr. Pei has already made it clear to other companies when he established the Tenda Cooperation Department.

But these irrelevant companies still signed up without hesitation!

Some companies said: It doesn't matter, when there is a suitable candidate, or Min Jingchao has time to understand these businesses in depth, it is not too late to cooperate.

Now, register first to get a seat!

Min Jingchao couldn't tell for a while, did these companies trust him too much?Or do you trust Tenda too much in its ability to make money?

Or are they simply trying to show their presence in front of Tengda and make up the numbers?
However, it is more likely that Tianhuo Studio has made a lot of money with the game "Bullet Scar 2", which has made countless companies feel jealous and envious!

This kind of business miracle has made Tenda's cooperation department a favorite, and every company wants to embrace this golden thigh!

This made Min Jingchao feel a little panicked.

"Mr. Pei, these companies seem to have some unrealistic expectations of my ability! The success of the cooperation with Tianhuo Studio was mainly because of your better ideas! Now that the Tenda Cooperation Department does not have your help, I am worried. I can't do it myself!"

Pei Qian waved his hand: "You don't need to worry about this, I have already told these companies. Tenda's cooperation department is only responsible for coming up with ideas, they provide people and money, and they are responsible for their own profits and losses!"

"The project lost money. It has nothing to do with us. It's because they are too good to move."

"If the project earns money, give it to Tengda, and to Tengda, including you and me, as part of the bonus."

"As long as it succeeds, it's a win-win situation! These companies are all voluntary and have signed an agreement. You just need to do it freely and don't need to worry too much!"

For Pei Qian, this cooperation has no direct interest in him.

Losing money will not have any impact on Tenda. These companies are responsible for their own profits and losses.

If you make money, Pei Qian, as the chief designer, won't be too much to get some commission and bonus, right?
So he doesn't have so many burdens, and he is much calmer than Min Jingchao.

Infected by President Pei's spirit, Min Jingchao also calmed down, and kept encouraging herself with the Tengda spirit in her heart.

Mr. Pei thinks there is no problem, so it must be no problem!

Min Jingchao picked out the company she most wanted to work for from the list of companies.

"Mr. Pei, let's start with Longyu Group first."

Pei Qian was a little surprised by his choice: "Why did you go to Longyu Group first? Didn't they already taste the sweetness in the cooperation project of "Bullet Scar 2" before?"

Min Jingchao was silent for a moment, and explained: "The reason why I chose Longyu Group is mainly because of three considerations."

"First, Longyu Group is the leading game channel in China, holding a large number of games in its hands."

"After going to Longyu Group, my focus of work can be on transforming and improving these krypton gold games and changing their operating strategies."

"As a numerical balancer, I have been in charge of GOG operations for a long time. I am better at this aspect and more confident!"

"Second, Longyu Group can put pressure on some cooperative developers and ask them to modify the game."

"As a top-ranking large channel in China, Longyu Group has this strength."

"The transformation of Longyu Group means that many game developers have been transformed at the same time."

"In terms of efficiency, it is far more efficient than going to other game development companies!"

"Third, Longyu Group has already tasted some sweetness from our previous cooperation, which means that they will be easier to obey!"

"Although we can restrain them by signing an agreement and requiring partners to abide by the regulations, after all, the agreement cannot cover everything!"

"If some employees don't cooperate at work, and some leaders secretly trip me up, I will feel very uncomfortable."

"Since Longyu Group has tasted the sweetness, it will trust and rely more on me, and the resistance to my work will be less!"

"To sum up, I think that if the cooperation between Tenda Cooperation Department and Longyu Group can also be successful this time, then it will be logical to expand the cooperation to other companies. This can be regarded as setting another good benchmark!"

Pei Qian agreed with Min Jingchao's thoughts: "Since you have considered everything, then don't have any worries because I am not here, just let go and do it boldly!"

"But..." Min Jingchao didn't get carried away by Pei Apologetic's encouragement, he paused and said, "Boss Pei, I still lack a handy management tool."

"After signing the cooperation agreement, although the content in the general direction has been agreed, it is difficult to implement this agreement in daily work."

"As I said just now, I am very worried that some employees will not cooperate, or some leaders will secretly trip me up!"

"After all, each company's situation is different, and there are many internal factions. As a new manager, I have just arrived, and it is easy to be excluded and isolated!"

"Although Longyu Group is a relatively reliable company, it is a large company with deep internal waters. I am not sure that after obtaining the support of Longyu Group's senior management, I will be able to implement my plan without resistance. plan!"

"The previous success of the cooperation between Tianhuo Studio is because Zhou Muyan understands the game and is completely convinced by Mr. Pei's idea! In addition, Sun Xi and others get along well with me, and it is only through multiple coincidences that we can achieve such a result." Good results."

"But this time, I'm alone, and I'm really not at ease."

Pei Qian seemed to have anticipated this problem, and smiled slightly: "It's easy to talk about! Our company's new office software has just been developed, so you can try it out."

"When the time comes, you bring this new office software, and force all employees from top to bottom of the company that cooperates with Tenda to use this software! We directly write this point into the cooperation agreement, and they must abide by it! "

Min Jingchao was surprised: "Mr. Pei, does this software have a name?"

"Of course, its name is ARS." Pei Qian said with a smile.

This name sounds a little strange, and I don't know which three words it is an abbreviation for a while.

Min Jingchao pondered that the most commonly used office software is called FXT, which may have some connection.

Seeing his puzzled face, Pei Qian explained: "It is the abbreviation of arouse revolution system."

Min Jingchao wrote these three words: "Wake up the reform system?"

Pei Zhi smiled slightly: "That's right! This office software is to evoke a reform in the company's office field. It is not only an office software, but also a complete and comprehensive communication system."

Min Jingchao praised: "This name is really appropriate!"

Pei Qian smiled slightly, but did not tell Min Jingchao the real abbreviation of ARS.

He was afraid that Min Jingchao would be overwhelmed after knowing the truth.

In fact, this ARS is not an awakening reform system at all, but an abbreviation of the three words "sleep peacefully"!
Pei Qian's original intention was that the biggest difference between this software and other work communication software is that other software will suddenly wake people up from sleep in the middle of the night to perform urgent tasks.

And with this messaging app, that will never happen!
All employees who use it can sleep peacefully at any time, whether they are sleeping at night or taking a lunch break, without worrying about being woken up.

What an apt name!
Such a name, naturally comes from the handwriting of Mr. Pei, the little genius of naming!

Min Jingchao immediately said: "It's much easier to have this software. If someone wants to trip me secretly and doesn't cooperate with my work, I will use this software to punish them directly!"

"There is absolutely no need to worry about the situation that I let the employees rest, but the employees dare not rest."

As Min Jingchao said, she stood up eagerly: "I'm going to Shanghai right now, and strive to complete the handover of work this Friday, and start a comprehensive transformation of Longyu Group from next Monday!"

Pei Qian also stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, I'll wait for news of your victory!"


After sending Min Jingchao away, Pei Qian briefly checked the situation of the Anti-Tengda Alliance.

"The anti-Tengda alliance seems to have died down recently!"

"Oh, it's really boring. I didn't do anything, and they lost the battle by themselves. It's really sad..."

"Forget it, let them recuperate. After all, this cycle is too long, so there is no rush for a day or two!"

According to normal people's way of thinking, this time must be to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, adding fuel to the fire.

The anti-Tengda alliance first provoked a public opinion war, but lost in the end, and now retreats.Tenda Group is now launching a public opinion offensive, and maybe it will achieve good results.

But Pei Qian didn't think so!
If the anti-Tengda alliance is killed in one wave, won't there be nothing to play next?
This cycle is still long!
Now that the anti-Tengda alliance has retreated, let's give it a chance to recuperate and work hard to support the bandits.

"In the short term, let's focus on the Tenda Cooperation Department first."

"If everything goes well, Min Jingchao should be able to bring me a good bonus income."

"The income that loses money at the time of settlement must be considered, as well as the usual odd income."

"Just because one is 1 million and the other is hundreds of thousands, it's all money."

Thinking of this, Pei Qian once again sent an internal circular to various departments.

Inform all departments that they no longer need to pay attention to the movement of the anti-Tengda alliance, but concentrate on handling their own internal work!
If Min Jingchao's Tengda Cooperation Department has any needs, all departments should pay close attention and cooperate with them.

Only in this way can we give the anti-Tengda alliance some time, so that they can prepare well, so that this battle can last longer!

(End of this chapter)

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