To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1567 The people in charge show their magical powers

Chapter 1567 The people in charge show their magical powers

At the same time, the work of various departments of Tenda Group is still progressing in an orderly manner.

Since the person in charge said last week that the internal column of Tenda has become a topic of joint participation of the whole network, the acting heads of various departments of Tenda have temporarily lost their main goals.

The Anti-Tengda Alliance was probably a little dizzy after being beaten, and lost their minds for a while, so there have been no new troubles in the near future.

It may be silently accumulating strength and looking for a new breakthrough!

Haoxiang Fitness was the worst, becoming the first company in the anti-Tengda alliance to be directly defeated. Although it is still lingering, its withdrawal is a foregone conclusion.

It can only be said that self-inflicted crimes cannot live!

Ordinary consumers will not have the slightest sympathy for it, because it stands on the opposite side of Tenda.

And fitness enthusiasts will not sympathize with it, because it does not provide excellent service to customers at all, but tries to cheat money.

Once you get involved with those Internet celebrity coaches, many things will be unclear.

You say you are serving customers, but look at what you have done, who will believe it?

When the Anti-Tengda Alliance saw that Haoxiang Fitness had been completely defeated and could not be helped up, they would only verbally comfort them, and would never bleed for Haoxiang Fitness.

Maybe he even cursed secretly behind his back: What a waste, it didn't take long for him to be defeated at the speed of light!

After much deliberation, maybe the only person who feels sorry for Haoxiang Fitness is Boss Pei.

The two parties temporarily stopped their efforts, and the acting leaders of Tenda Group continued to be busy with their work. There are still two months before the expiration of the "Grassroots" activity.

As for the people in charge of the original departments, they will continue to do their work at the grassroots level.

A group of horses is working in the horror hostel and is cooperating with Ruan Guangjian to design a new haunted house.

The two racked their brains every day to design, Ruan Guangjian was responsible for designing the artistic concept and painting style, while Ma Yiqun combined this painting style and background to come up with detailed background stories.

Making game plots is the old profession of a group of horses.

A group of horses does not intend to give a very detailed and comprehensive background story, but considers dismantling and disrupting the entire plot like going back to the shore, turning it into a fragmented plot, and then stuffing it into this haunted house in various ways every corner of the

In this way, if you want to escape from the haunted house in advance, you have to complete the challenge and collect these plots.

Moreover, after collecting it, it is impossible to directly restore a complete plot, but to put these fragmented plots together, and then add your own brain supplements to find a general direction.

It's a pity that all the hard work may return to zero in an instant if you have found the plot but failed to make up the correct content.

This obviously makes the design of the whole haunted house more thrilling and exciting!

Maybe there will be a special discipline in the future, "School of Palpitation Hostel", which is dedicated to studying the real plot buried in Palpitation Hostel through various clues.

This job reminded Ma Yiqun of the exciting and exhilarating feeling when he was working on the plot of "Return to the Shore"!
On the other side, Hu Xianbin is an editor at the Chinese website of the terminal.

Hu Xianbin is a game designer. He originally thought that being an editor might be very uncomfortable. He had already made plans to apply for overtime quota and study hard. After getting started, he found out that it was unexpectedly smooth.

Get started very quickly!

After a brief chat with Zhu Xin'an, I realized that the two things had something in common to a certain extent.

Whether it is making games or writing novels, in fact, it must follow the objective laws of the industry.

The reason why many people find it difficult to enter the industry is because they think too highly of themselves and regard their subjective feelings as the objective laws of the industry. This kind of blind self-confidence will instead become a huge resistance.

But Hu Xianbin has no such resistance at all, so the transition will be particularly smooth.

In addition, Hu Xianbin also used his experience as the head of the game department to re-examine the Chinese website of the end point, and found that the website still has many flaws.

For example, the design of some functions is not reasonable, and the recommendation mechanism is not efficient and transparent enough.A lot of the activities that seem to be done in a grand way, in fact, are immediately unappealing compared to the activities that the game does.

Of course, Dingdian Chinese website is much better than Unlimited Chinese website in this respect. After all, Ma Yiqun also came from the game industry.

But after all, Ma Yiqun has never been the person in charge of the game department, nor has he received personal guidance from Mr. Pei, so there are some shortcomings in this regard.

In terms of some operational details, it is not so good.

Therefore, Hu Xianbin also found his own direction, which is to learn while editing and come up with a set of improvement plans, so that the operation system of the entire website can be like a game, which can stimulate the participation of ordinary users to the greatest extent, so that all Activities have become efficient and innovative!

Xiao Peng and Rui Yuchen were interns at Tenda Games and Shangyang Games respectively.

The two of them have never entered Tenda's game department, and they can be said to know nothing about games.

Although the work of Moyu Internet Cafe and Moyu Takeaway is impressive, but I haven't felt the imaginative and creative atmosphere of the game department, and I haven't grasped this spirit. After all, it is still somewhat lacking.

In the process of in-depth study in the game department, the two of them also deeply felt why the heads of the game department can all be independent.

It is because of this unique workflow and working atmosphere!

Tenda's game department is the department that pays the most attention to imagination and creativity. Everyone can give full play to their own ideas and offer suggestions, and the person in charge must integrate these good suggestions so that the game can have unlimited possibilities. possibility.

However, Xiao Peng and Rui Yuchen realized that in the previous work of Moyu Internet Cafe and Moyu Takeaway, they may have paid too much attention to the construction of the foundation, but did not fully stimulate the imagination of employees.

Comparing it with Tenda's game department, you can immediately feel the gap!
So they plan to continue to study hard, return to the original department after the grassroots activities are over, and work hard to pass on the spirit and atmosphere of the Tenda game department!
Yu Pingan, who has a useful app, went to Moyu Delivery to work as a delivery boy. Although he felt very tired and hard at first, after seeing the delivery boys on other food delivery platforms, he realized that his job was much easier.

At the same time, Yu Pingan is also trying to get close to the delivery guys on other platforms, wanting to see if he can try to break into the enemy's interior, and see how different Moyu Takeaway is from other delivery platforms?
Although Rui Yuchen has done an episode of "The Person in Charge" before, dismantling the routines and clarifying the fact that other food delivery platforms will inevitably continue to squeeze merchants and delivery guys to pursue scale expansion and form a monopoly. A lot of data support is missing.

It can brighten people's eyes and make people think, but it is difficult to be deafening and convincing.

Yu Pingan feels that there are many outstanding young scholars and experts in his useful app. If he can use these experts and scholars to conduct in-depth research on the models of other food delivery platforms, then combined with some real-world data, he will be able to draw more useful insights. Convincing conclusion!
At the same time, Headwind Logistics, as the most important department of Mr. Pei, is also undergoing changes.

Now the acting person in charge of Headwind Logistics is Xue Zhebin. He did not make a lot of noise like the acting heads of other departments, but he is earnestly studying the organizational structure and working mode of the entire Headwind Logistics, and let him Headwind logistics can develop steadily and smoothly.

This may be due to Xue Zhebin's background.

His father is a coal boss, and the biggest characteristic of the coal boss is that he will never interfere with the decisions of professionals, and will fully respect the objective laws of each industry.

Because when digging coal, if you don't respect the professional rules and forcefully intervene, you will die, and you will have a major safety accident!

Xue Zhebin is in charge of headwind logistics, and he takes every step solidly, so he won't worry about suddenly messing up the department that was originally good.

For a sector like Headwind Logistics, nothing is more important than stability.

Guo Licheng, the original person in charge of hosting the gym, went to the bottom of Headwind Logistics to work as a courier brother.

In fact, when choosing a department, Guo Licheng didn't think too much, he simply felt that his body was the strongest, and this job might be relatively difficult, so he volunteered for it.

Facts have proved that the work of headwind logistics is indeed not very heavy. Guo Licheng still has spare time to go to the gym to exercise again after delivering the goods every day.

The Tengda Group and the anti-Tengda Alliance have tacitly stopped their flags and drums and entered a temporary rest state.

But everyone knows that this is just the calm before the storm.

Although the anti-Tengda alliance is losing ground, they will never give up.

The next battle between the two sides may break out in any field at any time!

At the same time, in Shanghai, the headquarters of Shengyun Group.

Nie Yunsheng frowned as he looked at the strategy report submitted by the think tank of the Anti-Tengda Alliance, looking very dissatisfied.

"Why are these old routines back and forth? Don't these people know that these routines are impossible to cause any damage to Tengda?"

Nie Yunsheng originally thought that recruiting outstanding talents from various companies to form a think tank would improve the current situation.

But I didn't expect that it was still the same, none of the ideas put forward by these think tanks could make Nie Yunsheng's eyes shine!

In fact, it can't be blamed for the stupidity of these think tanks.

Just like the war between the two countries in ancient times, is there really such a big gap between the counselors of the two countries?Obviously not.

But the situation of the two countries is different. Some countries have strong national power, abundant military power, clear politics, and wise monarchs. Then these advisers can get a lot of room to play, and they can come up with a series of strategies based on their own advantages.

When an excellent strategy is selected, it is an eternal conspiracy.

And the party with weaker national power, even if Zhuge Wuhou is alive, will be unable to recover after all.

Because there are too few cards in hand, and there are only so many cards to play, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!

This is completely consistent with the current state of the Tenda Group and the Anti-Tengda Alliance.

Although Tenda Group is far inferior to the anti-Tenda Alliance on the surface, it has too many cards to play.

As for the anti-Tengda alliance, even if there are so many talents, it will not help, because many truly effective strategies are completely inconsistent with the essence of the Tenda alliance and cannot be implemented at all.

That being the case, why come up with these strategies to make yourself ugly?

We can only come up with some feasible strategies based on the current situation, and these feasible strategies must not be in the eyes of Nie Yunsheng.

Nie Yunsheng was watching, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

A vice president hurried in and said, "Mr. Nie, look quickly, there is a new job at Nifeng Logistics!"

"They actually found a muscular man with a particularly good figure to deliver the courier. Now that picture is uploading crazy on the Internet!"

(End of this chapter)

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