To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1560 Dismantling the live broadcast platform routine!

Chapter 1560 Dismantling the live broadcast platform routine!

October 4th, Thursday.

Modu, the headquarters of Langya Live.

Zhu Yan sat in front of the computer, tapping on the table lightly while checking the work report sent by his subordinates
"Well, two more promising rookie anchors were recruited from Tuwei Live. Unfortunately, the other one was snatched away by Waiwai Live."

"It is said that we will jointly deal with the live broadcast of the rabbit tail, but it is still unavoidable that the live broadcast will secretly stab the knife in the back."

"Forget it, it's all legitimate business competition, but it's inevitable."

Ever since Qiao Liang made the safety statement on the Tuwei Live match, Langya Live and Waiwai Live, the two anchors who poached Tuwei Live, have intensified, and even gradually began to test the bottom line of Tuwei Live.

The frequency of poaching people is getting higher and higher, and the people who are poaching are also moving from some insignificant small anchors to some top anchors occupying key fields on the rabbit tail live broadcast.

It's just that in this process, there are still some minor frictions between the Langya live broadcast and the Waiwai live broadcast, which are also the anti-Tengda alliance.

For example, this time the anchor dug from the Tuwei live broadcast was snatched up by two companies, and the price was raised by each other.

Another example is the head anchor job-hopping incident that just broke out a few days ago. This anchor was originally the anchor of the Waiwai platform, but was later poached by Langya Live.

It stands to reason that since the two parties have joined the anti-Tengda alliance and regard Tuwei Live as their common enemy, these small frictions and disputes should be put on hold for the time being.

It's just that this case has already been filed a long time ago, and it is in the process of going through legal procedures, so it is not good to temporarily shelve it.

The amount was too large, and both parties were unwilling to give in easily. This big anchor had a certain influence, so under the superposition of various factors, the heat of this matter was still not suppressed, and it exploded.

Both Tuwei Live and Langya Live did not pay much attention to this, and their goals were still focused on Tuwei Live.

Because Langya live broadcast does not need to pay for this money, in the final analysis, the anchor pays for it himself.

If the anchor can't afford it, then he will be an old man. Langya Live has already made a clear arrangement in the contract, and will not give him the bottom line.

Since the two platforms will not have any losses, why bother to beat you to death?Wouldn't it be nice to happily earn the anchor's liquidated damages and let the anchor work for nothing for the rest of his life?

Langya Live and Waiwai Live are very clear that the fight between each other is just a disease of scabies, while Tengda Group's Tuwei Live is the serious problem!
Because the rabbit tail live broadcast will really threaten the live broadcast mode of both parties!
Once the business model of Tuwei Live Streaming is successful, life for the two platforms will be difficult.

Just then, someone knocked on the door hastily.

Zhu Yan looked up and saw that it was his assistant.

He said anxiously: "Mr. Zhu, look quickly. There is a new issue of "The Person in Charge" on Tuwei Live. They really turned the tables on us just like Lu Mingliang from NFL back then! "

"On the homepage of Tuwei Live, there is a 24-hour carousel, and the videos on Elli Island's website also have millions of views!"

Zhu Yan couldn't help being surprised: "What did you say?!"

He could hardly believe what he was hearing.

Hurriedly opened the official website of Tuwei Live to check, only to see that this video is actually hanging on the homepage of Tuwei Live, and it is in a prominent position on the homepage!
Not only that, the account of the series of videos of "The Person in Charge Says" has updated this video simultaneously!
Zhu Yan really didn't expect that Tuwei Live would do such an amazing job!
"Is something wrong?"

"Didn't Tuwei just issue a security statement to show weakness? This shows that their strategy is obvious, and they don't want to have a direct conflict with us in the short term. Why did they suddenly make such a decisive thing?"

In Zhu Yan's view, Qiao Liang's previous statement was obviously a show of weakness and softness. Now that he said so, it shows that Tenda's recent struggle strategy may be in other directions, such as fitness, takeaway, games and other fields.

Otherwise, Qiao Liang wouldn't say anything and just keep silent?

In Zhu Yan's view, Qiao Liang's words were a "declaration of peace" and played a soothing effect on the other two live broadcast platforms.And Zhu Yan was sure of this point, so he and Waiwai Live dug out the anchor of Tuwei Live to test the bottom line of Tuwei Live.

After all, there is a saying that kill him while he is sick, and since the Tuwei Live broadcast is not going to resist now, of course he will bully him to death.

Don't make a move now, wait for the live broadcast of Tuwei to recover, and wait for Mr. Pei to mobilize Tengda's resources, wouldn't the situation be worse?

But Zhu Yan never expected that his judgment was wrong!

Tuwei Live did not ban the live broadcast of Tenda games on the other two platforms, but directly used the column "The Person in Charge Says" to turn the tables!
An ominous premonition suddenly emerged in Zhu Yan's heart.

Because the previous issues of "Speaking of the Person in Charge" are still vivid in my memory, almost every time they hit the fate of these industries!
Now Zhu Yan's only hope is that Qiao Liang doesn't know much about the live broadcasting industry, and many things he said missed the point.In that case, the harm will not be too great.

This possibility is relatively small, but it does exist.

After all, Qiao Liang is just an acting person in charge, and his insights into the live broadcasting industry may not be that deep.

With a very apprehensive mood, Zhu Yan clicked on the video to check it out.


"Hi everyone, I'm Qiao Liang, the acting person in charge of Tuwei Live. Here, I want to share two things with you."

"The first thing is that several anchors of Tuwei Live have been poached by other platforms."

"The second thing is the sky-high liquidated damages incident of a certain anchor last week. This incident has caused a lot of noise. If you don't know about it, you can go to the Internet to search for relevant information first."

"Maybe the anchors didn't expect it, and the audience didn't expect that the sky-high liquidated damages really came."

"Today, I want to analyze the chaos behind the rapid development of the live broadcast industry from these two different angles."

"In the past few years, the live broadcast industry has developed rapidly."

"Compared with other industries, the live broadcast industry has very obvious advantages, for example: top anchors have a huge income, relatively free time, work on hobbies, and are highly sought after by fans."

"At the same time, this is also a very inclusive industry. Whether you are a retired professional player, an articulate beauty schoolmaster, or a sharp-handed passer-by, you can find your own position in the live broadcast platform."

"However, many anchors who have just entered the live broadcasting industry don't know that high social status is often accompanied by high prices. They don't know that all the gifts given by fate have secretly marked their prices."

"Take the big anchor who switched jobs this time as an example. Within the time stipulated in the contract, he earned more than 900 million yuan on the original platform. In addition, the platform also spent nearly 1000 million to sign up for him to participate in two variety shows. According to the contract, this money should also be included in the income. According to this statement, the income obtained by the anchor on the original platform is multiplied by 5 times, and at least 1 million yuan must be compensated for the loss. And the platform has also obtained this lawsuit. Court's support."

"Some people say that it's because the anchor has no contractual spirit and forcibly changes jobs during the contract period, completely ignoring his old club, and he deserves the liquidated damages."

"There are also some people who say that the platform deceives the anchor and signs unfair labor contracts, and it is not in compliance with the law to claim sky-high compensation."

"Of course, I don't want to comment on who is right and who is wrong in this case. I believe that the law will give a fair judgment."

"But no matter what, the model of relying on liquidated damages to set up anchors and tie anchors to death does exist widely in live broadcast platforms. And the routines of live broadcast platforms are not limited to this one."

"Today, I'm here to dig deep for everyone!"


Seeing this, Zhu Yan panicked a little.

Qiao Liang spoke unhurriedly, but this feeling was exactly the same as Lu Mingliang's feeling at that time.

Obviously, they all put themselves in an objective and neutral perspective, and were seriously analyzing this incident.

And the status of "industry insider" did not restrict them at all!

This is the most terrible.

Because people outside the industry, although objective and neutral enough, do not understand the inside story, and what they say is full of loopholes, which is also unconvincing.

Although people in the industry know the inside story, they often dare not speak out. What they say only touches the surface, and they dare not touch the core.

In both cases, in fact, it will not cause too serious an impact.

But if people in the industry completely stand on an objective point of view and reveal all the content, then the problem will be serious!
Zhu Yan silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and continued to look down.


"One of the routines of the live broadcast platform is wage arrears."

"Of course, the arrears of wages mentioned here are not real arrears, but delayed payment. This is legally legal, because the platform has to check and accept the fruits of the anchor's labor."

"An anchor contract must make an agreement on the effective popularity, and the live broadcast content must be manually reviewed, otherwise there will be some mixed-time situations."

"So from a legal point of view, after the platform has reviewed and accepted the labor results, it is in line with the law to issue wages for payment. But it is precisely because of the strong operability of this regulation that the platform will tend to wait as late as possible. Wages are paid out in a timely manner, and it is delayed again and again.”

"The second routine of the live broadcast platform is false popularity."

"Except for Tuwei live broadcast, all other live broadcast platforms are fake popularity."

"When these platforms first started to create false popularity, it was easy to be debunked, but after a period of time, when all audiences got used to this feeling, the fake gradually became real."

"The key is that the platform can change the popularity more, and naturally it can also reduce the popularity."

"Many anchors say that when they change jobs, the platform side has deducted wages. But the platform side often uses the contract written in the 'the number of live broadcasts does not meet the standard, the platform has the right to deduct the income of the anchor' to deal with it."

"Combined with the first routine of delaying payment, it is easy to create an illusion for the anchor that 'my salary is in arrears, and it is only natural for me to change jobs'."

"But in fact, once a dispute arises, it is almost impossible for the anchor to provide effective evidence, but the platform can prove that the deductions for the anchor are in full compliance with the regulations based on the popularity data. In the lawsuit, the anchor is almost certain to lose .”

"For these platforms, if you want to restrict and suppress an anchor, you only need to lock his popularity."

"Since the platform data can be manipulated at will, without the most basic authenticity, how can we actually complete the task clauses that need to be completed in the anchor contract?"

"The third routine of the live broadcast platform is to fool people."

"When the platform is poaching people, it will definitely consider the efficiency of poaching people. Different anchors have different understandings of their popularity. Some anchors are good at bargaining, and some anchors are relatively honest."

"When the platform is poaching people, those who are good at bargaining can often get better bargaining chips, while the honest anchors will be fooled into getting a lower price. This is an unsolvable problem. As long as the platform remains If we do not poach people in an orderly manner, this problem will never be resolved.”

"Because of a smart anchor, the platform is very difficult to deceive, and only those honest people can be deceived."

"Even when many platforms are poaching people, they verbally promise that the anchors can help resolve contract disputes, but they just say it verbally. Maybe it is because of human affection, or some other small favors, so that the anchors who are not deeply involved in the world are more interested in these platforms. Trust was generated, and he jumped ship as soon as his mind became hot."

"Because they will soon find out that the platform will not pay a penny during a lawsuit. Businessmen only have interests in front of them, and things must be written in black and white to count."

"However, many anchors actually don't have the ability to identify and distinguish. They believe what the other party says, so it's not surprising to be fooled."

"Through these three methods, the major live broadcast platforms started a melee. Because each other is constantly breaking through the bottom line, so no company with a bottom line on the other side can survive. In the end, only the live broadcast platform with the least bottom line and the most abundant capital , in order to truly survive in this competition.”

"Furthermore, such behavior without a bottom line will naturally become a guide, affecting the content of the entire live broadcast platform."

"Live broadcast platforms need popularity, and anchors also need popularity in order to prove their worth, so they have to fall into a vicious cycle of ranking and ranking. Under the pressure of this collective popularity, live broadcast platforms will inevitably make more and more Behaviors that have no bottom line for the sake of popularity, condone some live broadcast content that is hot but has no bottom line."

"The anchors who were dug out thought they were in heaven, but in fact they just fell into a bottomless pit from which they could never climb out again."

"But it's a pity that many anchors of Tuwei Live still haven't seen through this point, and have been deceived by empty promises. Once they sign a contract, they will bear a huge amount of money, and it will be even more difficult to leave. "

"At this time, someone may ask, is Tuwei Live different from other platforms?"

"It's natural! Tuwei live broadcast adopts a completely different model from other live broadcast platforms."

"First of all, Tuwei Live does not pursue popularity. When watching live broadcast content, you must first learn the content for an hour. This makes Tuwei Live lose a lot of popularity, but this is to remind Tuwei Live to remind itself not to On the other hand, it is also reminding users not to sink in the false popularity of live broadcasts, only focus and knowledge are the real wealth."

"Secondly, Tuwei live broadcasts are all real data, and there is never any popularity falsification. Therefore, the true value of an anchor can be accurately reflected by the real number of people in the live broadcast room, so there is no need to worry about falsification."

"There will be no such unfair situation as obeying the live broadcast platform and deducting heat if you don't obey the live broadcast platform."

"And the most important point is that the anchors of Tuwei Live are always free. We have no intention of restricting the freedom of these anchors, because only a free person can have endless creativity!"

(End of this chapter)

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