To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

Chapter 1556 I can't change this thesis!

Chapter 1556 I can't change this paper!

The dissertation is not very long.

The graduation thesis required by Handong University is only 8000 words, which is relatively small in universities.

Even if Pei Qian writes high, the number of words written is a little bit too much, less than 1 words.

Zhang Wei finished reading this length in less than half an hour.

After reading the entire paper, Zhang Wei's mentality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"This article is simply a strategic plan, the layout is too big!"

"Could it be that Pei Qian's previous class assignment papers were just hiding his clumsiness? Or did he just spare a little time to write casually, without showing his true strength at all?"

"Well, it's very possible!"

"After all, Tenda Group spans multiple fields, and its contribution in the cultural field is particularly outstanding. If Pei Qian is really an ordinary student, can he make so many popular movies, games and novels?"

"It's not like he's hugging others. Tengda started from a small company, and he led these projects."

"It seems that Pei Qian really wrote this graduation thesis seriously, showing a part of his true level."

"And the real case of Tengda is also used here. This should also be Pei Qian's summary of his creative theory?"

"The only pity is that there are not many references."

"And... what does that last sentence mean?"

Zhang Wei was filled with emotion.

When he first saw the title, Zhang Wei felt that the thesis was too big and empty, and that it might be a completely unqualified work.

But after looking down, especially when he saw the abstract and text of the paper, and saw the big framework of the whole paper, Zhang Wei immediately changed his opinion!

This article can be roughly divided into three parts: first, it analyzes the dilemma faced by literary and artistic works in the Internet age, and then based on this dilemma, it puts forward the necessary factors for the dissemination and creation of popular literary and artistic works in the Internet age, and finally puts forward the popular literary and artistic works in the Internet age. The mission of the work, as well as supplementary explanations based on Tengda's specific creation examples.

It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs!
And the whole paper doesn't have so much nonsense, it's all very dry content, without any irrigation.

It can even be said that if we use this thesis as the skeleton to add some content and cite some literature to expand it, it will be enough to expand into a master's or even a doctoral thesis.

If you are more daring, it can even be used as a higher-level research topic!
This situation simply made Zhang Wei feel a little unexpected.

The characteristics of this paper can be briefly summarized as the following aspects.

First, the professional knowledge it cites is quite basic, but precisely because it is all basic knowledge, there is no controversy and it is very solid.

Second, the theory put forward in this article is very contemporary and predictable. In other words, it directly analyzes some characteristics of current popular literary and artistic works. Because it is too trendy, it is difficult to say whether it is right or wrong.

To be honest, it seems that there is no direct relationship with the current theoretical research.If you want to say it's not right, it makes sense.

Moreover, liberal arts is different from science. In science, what is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong. There is basically no room for ambiguity, and truth is unique.

But liberal arts, what we pay attention to is that a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and each has its own truth. As long as it has something to say and can be verified with the phenomenon in reality, it can be said that it is not wrong.

Third, this paper combines a large number of real-life examples of Tenda, such as some successful games and successful movie scripts.

These contents themselves are filled with a large amount of text materials, and these text materials can also be regarded as a form of expression of literary works.

If these works are successful in reality, then the theory of studying them will naturally become very credible.

Zhang Wei couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"I can't seem to change this thesis!"

"It's completely beyond my capabilities."

"Pei Qian didn't follow the routine at all, and actually wrote such an undergraduate thesis?"

"What's even more outrageous is the last sentence."

"The theoretical knowledge referenced in this article is relatively basic and simple knowledge, and the completion time is short, and the preparation is not sufficient, so it is not directly quoted in the paper. If there is any inappropriateness, please forgive me. If there is any error , please don’t hesitate to correct me.”

"It looks very modest, but combined with the content of the paper itself, it will give people a very arrogant feeling..."

The more Zhang Wei pondered, the more he felt that the taste was not right.

What is quoted in the article is indeed some relatively simple knowledge, but the key is to see what topic is being studied with this knowledge?

If it is to study some very simple topics, it properly shows that the author's academic theory level is very low.

Because there is no stock in my stomach, I can only study these special basic theoretical topics.

But what if the research is some very advanced, very trendy and very ambitious topics, and it does say something famous?

Then this shows that the author used some very basic, very solid, and undoubted knowledge to demonstrate a current latest topic, and it has something to say.

This will not make people feel simple, it will only make people feel that the foundation is solid, beyond doubt, the road is simple, and all roads lead to the same goal!
As for what Pei Qian said at the end, the time for writing was short, the preparation was insufficient, and he did not directly quote it in the article... This is indeed because Pei Qian is busy with work, so he has no time to complete it, which can be forgiven.

In other words, with such a short preparation time, Pei Qian didn't even have time to list the reference sources of various basic knowledge in detail, but he successfully completed the whole framework and wrote a very excellent paper. Doesn't it mean that Pei Qian's academic skills are actually very high?
The structure is all in the heart!
As for the last paragraph, the meaning seems to be saying: I think there should be no mistakes in the paper I wrote. If you think you are awesome, then please find out the mistakes. I don’t mind talking to you. Let's discuss and discuss.

Zhang Wei frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "This Pei Qian, the academic level is obviously higher than mine!"

This kind of academic level does not refer to the ability to search for reference materials in the literature, but the ability to truly research and solve problems.

Pei Qian has really applied this knowledge to his daily work, created literary and artistic works that the people love, and achieved great success.

And this paper summarizes his experience and writes it out very clearly!

How should Zhang Wei change?
He didn't dare to change it randomly, because it might be completely wrong after changing it.

The only thing he can do is to help Pei Qian quote and mark all the contents of these reference materials, so that the format of the entire paper meets the requirements.

But does it make sense?
It's all very basic knowledge. Is it necessary to take this form?
Zhang Wei was a little undecided, so he found a few young lecturers in his major, sent them the paper, and asked them to take a look at it.

Soon, these young lecturers wrote back one after another.

"I've never seen such an undergraduate thesis, it's not easy to correct!"

"Although there are some theories in it that I don't particularly agree with, and the thesis itself is not particularly mature, but after all, there are successful cases as a reference. I don't think it's appropriate to act rashly. Otherwise, I'll study for a few days and figure out why, then I'll give it to you reply."

"I think the academic attainment of this thesis is very high, which is exactly what college students lack today. Just keep it as it is, don't change it!"

"This thesis is a bit impossible to change. What I can change may be the wording and sentence construction of some sentences, as well as some formatting specifications and reference citations. But these changes are really meaningless."

Seeing these replies, Zhang Wei was a little speechless.

He found that these young lecturers had the same attitude as himself, and there was nothing they could do about this paper!
Because this paper is in a very polarized state: the knowledge it cites is too basic and there is nothing to say, but the topic it studies is too lofty and grand.

Zhang Wei was a little helpless, and thought for a while: "Why don't I just hand over this paper to Kong Lao for decision."

"Students of this level can only be brought up by Confucius."

In fact, Zhang Wei can change some details and add all the referenced knowledge, but he feels that these references are too basic at the level of this paper, and it will have little effect whether they are added or not.

Let Kong Lao take a look first to determine whether further changes need to be made.


At the same time, Pei Qian just came to his office.

On the table is a detailed report about the finger company sent by Eric.

Because the finger company is far away across the ocean and there is a time difference, Eric can't often report to Pei Qian on his work.Coupled with Pei Qian's recent retreat, there is no chance.

So, Eric made a detailed report on his recent work in Finger Company and submitted it, and he will read it when Boss Pei has time.

Pei Qian also happened to be very concerned about the situation at Finger Company, so he sat down on the boss chair and opened the report to check.

Ever since Eric took over the finger company, there have also been scenes of palace fights over there.

First, Eric carried out a comprehensive transformation of Finger Company according to Pei Qian's request.

For those high-level executives in charge of management and operation of Finger Company, they basically tried their best to dissuade them. Only some high-level designers and original painters were left behind. The development of heroes and the cooperation with the GOG project team.

Of course, many middle-level and bottom-level employees have resigned.For these people, Pei Qian's attitude has always been to come and go freely, and he will definitely not stop them.

In short, according to Pei Qian's request, Eric has done enough to completely merge the two companies!

The only fly in the ointment is that there is still a small amount of shares in the hands of the original high-level executives. Although people can be fired, the shares cannot be snatched back.

Pei Qian originally felt that he had made such an unreliable decision, they should have been impatient to sell their shares, and then run away.

After all, if the shares are not sold now, they will only become less and less valuable in the future. Can you watch them depreciate?

But at the beginning, the stock price of Zhito Company did not drop significantly, and these high-level executives did not throw away their shares.

There are even some discussions on the Internet, whether Tenda wants to go public through a backdoor and indirectly absorb capital from US stocks through finger companies?
Some people are quite optimistic about the future of Finger Company. After all, after the merger of the two companies, they have formed a de facto monopoly on the MOBA game market. Since Finger Company is highly controlled by Tengda, then the money earned by Tenda is not the same as Finger Company. son?
So some time ago, in response to this situation, Pei Qian gave Eric another trick.

Start harder!
(End of this chapter)

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