Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 18 Demon King

Chapter 18 Demon King
The Soul King knew the importance of this matter, but he didn't dare to make his own opinion. As long as he was a little careless, the newly born Yaozu might be destroyed, so he had to turn his head to look at Hutian. After all, Hutian gave all the exercises of.

Seeing the soul king looking at Hu Tianzhu'er was startled, she had already overestimated Hu Tian's status, but she didn't expect that even the nearly 10-year-old soul king would ask Hu Tian for advice, she always thought that Hu Tian was just a soul A junior from a foreign race that Wang likes more, in fact, how did she know that the soul king looked at Hutian not to ask for Hutian's opinion at all, but to give Hutian the right to choose.

While the soul king was looking at Hutian, almost all eyes around him were on Hutian. Hutian looked at the surrounding crypt demon spiders, and then at Zhu'er.

"Go down!" Following Zhu'er's order, the crypt spiders in the surrounding woods quickly disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Hu Tian looked at the crypt demon spider that quickly disappeared into the forest, and looked at Zhu'er and said, "Actually, you don't need to test me. You just asked me as soon as we went up the mountain, and I will give you the answer."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Zhu Er looked very nervous, afraid that Hu Tian would reject her because of this incident.

"I don't mean to blame you, even if you imprisoned my friend in Wanzhu Mountain, I don't mean to blame you. As the head of the clan, you have a noble status and are willing to accompany me, this little one, for the sake of race. The tiger was joking, and you even pretended not to hear my ridicule. I admire you for this. It is their honor for the Crypt Demon Spiders to have a patriarch like you. I let you tell the clansmen to go down because you are qualified to replace them Make a decision, and at the same time, I don't want this matter to spread among the soul beasts now. Once I tell you the cultivation method that does not require soul power, I will not care about your clansmen, but if you hear it, there is no way out. Would you like to hear it?"

"Thank you for the compliment. What you said is that I am the head of the clan. I finally saw a hope for the race. I will try anyway. Tell me." Zhu Er replied without hesitation. She knew that once Hu Tian Having said that, no matter whether he wants to or not, he can only agree, otherwise the soul king beside Hutian will definitely shut him up forever.

"Okay, I do have a cultivation method that doesn't require soul power, not even a soul ring. Once you practice this method, you will no longer be a soul beast, but a demon clan. This method is also called the demon method, the demon method This method can even help you dissolve the soul ring in your body and turn it into pure demon power, but this method breaks the foundation of the human race. Once it is rumored that human beings may even attack the whole family, and there may even be gods appearing. Before I can protect myself, I will not Maybe spread this method to the outside world, if you have any questions, you can ask, as long as it is related to this, I will answer for you." Hu Tian said seriously.

"I want to know how many people there are in Yaozu?" Zhu'er thought for a while, then asked a question that Hutian didn't expect.

Hu Tian felt that Hu's face turned red, and he said awkwardly: "Counting you, there are seven." Hu Tian did not hesitate to count Wusheng into it, if there is one more, it is one.

"I really want to know how strong you can be in cultivating demon arts and how long you need to practice." Zhu'er asked a question that seemed normal to Hu Tian.

"I don't know how strong the gods in this world are, but I have always regarded gods as my enemies. As for the training time, my friends and I have only been practicing for more than a year now. You should be very satisfied with the strength of my friends." Clearly, although the cultivation in the future may slow down, it is definitely much faster than the cultivation speed of soul beasts. At the same time, I have to tell you that in the later stage of cultivating the monster clan skills, you must pass the calamity. Your people choose." Hu Tian said in a heavy voice.

Zhu'er went straight to Hutian and knelt on the ground with all four feet together and said in a heavy voice: "The head of the Monster Clan Demon Spider clan brought the whole clan to meet the Demon King. Yes." Zhuer saw that only in this way would the tiger give himself the real demon law, the way of the monster clan is much better than the way of the soul beast, the most important thing is to dissolve the soul ring, so that Even if they die in battle, it is impossible to take advantage of the enemy. This has always been the long-cherished wish of all soul beasts. At the same time, since they have decided to practice demon law and truly show their loyalty, Hu Tian will not let the Crypt Demon Spiders be used as cannon fodder. Clan Crypt Demon Spider Clan' these words are very emphatic, showing their loyalty.

Under Hu Tian's astonished gaze, Hu Lie, Kong Yuxin, Long Nianqing, and even the Soul King demanded to kneel down in front of Hu Tian, ​​saying in unison, "Meet the Demon King!"

Looking at their resolute eyes, Hu Tian knew that he had no choice. If he did not accept their gift, it would be tantamount to denying their status as a monster clan, so he had no choice but to say in a heavy voice, "Be flat." They just got up.

Looking at Zhu'er Hutian who was still kneeling on the ground, he said loudly again: "Flat body." Only then did Zhu'er get up from the ground.

"Actually, you don't have to be like this. We don't have any distinction between high and low. If there is, we are strong and weak, but I am not strong." Hu Tian said helplessly.

"The demon king is humble. Since the demon clan is established, there must be a king to lead everyone. Our skills are all given by you, and only you can do this king." The soul king said first.

"That's right, Brother Hutian, no Brother Monster King, you are willing to pass on the skills of the Monster Race to the public. It's not just because of this, you are qualified to be a Monster King." Long Nianqing said on the side.

"Well, I will be the demon king. Today is the first day of the first year of the demon calendar. There are twelve months in a year, 360 and five days. From now on, the demon clan will use the demon calendar to record the big and small events of the demon clan. Since you are the first If you call this demon king, you will be in charge of this matter, and Kong Yuxin is in charge of the demon text, you can ask me if you don’t understand.” Hu Tian immediately gave the order, since he wanted to be the demon king, Hu Tian felt that he must first perfect the demon text. The management system of the family, and the text and time are the first elements of management, and the others will be improved later.

"Yes, Demon King." Zhu'er and Kong Yuxin said solemnly.

"Okay, Zhu'er, the Yaozu can't be released to the world now, so if you gather your people who are willing to join the Yaozu, you can leave with us. If you don't want to, you don't have to force it. How long will it take to prepare to move?" Hu Tian asked.

"Demon King, my people are only active in the nearby mountains and forests, and they can move tomorrow." Zhu Er replied
"Okay, you go get ready, and you can call me Hutian in private from now on." After speaking, Hutian looked at the Soul King and the others and said, "It's the same with you, you can call me whatever you want to call me in private."

"Monster king, how can this be, if there are tens of thousands of demon clans in the future, your majesty will be damaged." Zhu'er objected.

"It's okay, wait for me to say this, I will only tell you, give me a period of time to adapt to the identity of the demon king." Hu Tian laughed

"Yes, Zhu'er, the demon king, is going to gather the tribe first." Zhu'er said.

"Didn't you say that, just call Hutian, and I'll call you the demon king, be careful." Hutian said helplessly.

"Then, Hutian, I'll go first." After finishing speaking, before Hutian could answer, he dodged into the forest.

After Zhu'er left, Hu Tian looked at Hu Lie and the others and asked, "How did you find suitable materials for direct casting of demon soldiers?"

Hu Lie said: "I found it by then, but Nian Qing hasn't found it yet. We met human beings when we were helping Nian Qing find suitable materials for casting demon soldiers." The gold and stone, with strong gold elements accumulated on it, just matched the "God Killing Art" of the master, and one cube was more than enough to cast demon soldiers.

Hu Tian looked at Long Nianqing and asked: "Nianqing, what kind of exercises are you practicing, and what kind of materials are suitable for you?" Long Nianqing's exercises were given by Wu Sheng, and Hu Tian still doesn't know What kind of exercises did Wu Sheng give Long Nianqing.

"I am practicing "Dragon Transformation". Senior Wusheng said that I can transform into a real dragon when I practice to the extreme. It is a water-based exercise. It's just that there is no place with dense water elements in the Sunset Forest. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find suitable materials for me. " Long Nianqing said rascally.

"Why don't you cast it with metallic materials first, gold can produce water, and the demon soldiers cast from metallic materials are the most lethal, and then go to the sea to find suitable materials for casting demon soldiers and smelt them." Hu Tian thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Hutian. Anyway, Brother Hulie won't run out of materials. Just give me some of them. I'll go to the sea after I transform." Long Nianqing knew that even if he didn't transform, It is impossible for 10-year soul beasts to pass through human society and reach the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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