Tianting Garbage Recycling King

Chapter 953

Chapter 953

"I don't know where I escaped to, but if I really left according to the two methods I thought, I think it's clear where I went."

For this, Fang Tianyuan seemed full of confidence.

Jun Wuzui said indifferently: "Say,"

"No matter which method is used, it's easy to say. It is calculated according to the highest speed per hour. In addition, all kinds of possibilities are included. We get two data. If it is electric power, the radius is less than a hundred miles. If the ejection starts, the radius is less than a hundred miles. It can be found in two hundred miles."

Jun Wuzui's eyes lit up, and he said: "Since that's the case, order the ninja clan to search for it from hundreds of miles away."

Fang Tianyuan's calculation is very reasonable, at least for Jun Wuzui, he can only search for it in this way now, if he delays further, when Mond wakes up and drills into the white snow, there will really be no place I looked for it.

"That's right, if you put your hands hundreds of miles away and search outside, you will definitely gain something."

Fang Tianyuan agreed with this statement very much. No matter from which point of view, it is absolutely useless to put people within a hundred miles.

Since there is a way out, the farther you go, the better.And this place has always been the most important thing for the Philop family, and it is extremely important in terms of its significance. It is understandable to spend a lot of money to lay the best back road.After all, the farther you go, the more secure you are.

"Take action immediately, and I will leave it to you to guard this place. I don't think I need to teach you how to do it?"

Jun Wuzui couldn't sit still anymore, even if the search range of hundreds of miles was subtracted, he still had a very wide range, and his efficiency would increase a bit if he was added, sitting here and waiting was a kind of torment in his heart.

"Don't worry, my lord, I understand."

Jun Wuzui nodded, jumped on his toes, directly smashed the ceiling of the research room to the ground, lifted into the air, and dispatched all parties to conduct a large-scale search.

On the other hand, Fang Tianyuan ordered the Hydralisk mercenary group to divide into two teams. One team continued to stay in the research room to count the loot, while the other team guarded important places such as the airport, garage, and ammunition depot, and resolutely refused to give Mond any training. camp to find a chance to survive.

These are all combat veterans, who understand what is important and what must be guarded, it is a very correct choice for Jun Wuzui to hand over this place to Fang Tianyuan.

Although the research office said that important materials and key figures were taken away by Mond, but because they felt that there were two iron eggs, Fan Denglong's manpower was absolutely out of ten, so he didn't want to do anything when he left, so that Hydralisk The mercenary group was a little dazed looking at the dazzling array of instruments.These instruments and equipment can be sold for a lot of money even at the processing price, and if they are resold to the black market as a set, then the compensation for this dispatch can be returned.

This is only for the research room. Although the training camp above said that Jun Wuzui ordered an indiscriminate attack before, in fact, some important places were left behind, which were guarded by the other Hydralisk mercenary group.

There are helicopters, cars, and a lot of guns here.

"It looks like, why do we seem to specialize in collecting tatters?"

When his subordinates reported the situation, Fang Tianyuan felt a little embarrassed. All these things had to be dealt with at a price, like opening a second-hand specialty store.

"I can't help it. The boss wants money, and those of us who are subordinates have to collect it even if we collect waste."

For now, this is all I can do to comfort myself, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for all the backbone elites of the dignified Hydralisk mercenary group to come together as scavengers.

This side is cleaning up the tatters miserably, and the other side is looking for the target person with wide-eyed eyes. Almost 10 minutes have passed.Starting from hundreds of miles away, Jun Wuzui's heart sank after only traveling thirty miles in ten minutes.

The hope of continuing this aimless search seems very slim, and God seems to be helping Mond. There is a heavy snow in the sky, and all traces will be covered up in a short time, and it will be difficult to find someone.

"Go straight to the one two hundred miles away, and leave one person in each of the four sides to wait two hundred kilometers away. The rest will come with me, and I will search for another 10 minutes. If you still haven't found it, then you can only report to the leader."

When Jun Wuzui made this decision, it was very bitter. Fan Denglong finally entrusted him with an important task. If it fails, it will be difficult to speak in front of him in the future.

For more than a year, Jun Wuzui has been respectful in front of Fan Denglong. Apart from winning Fan Denglong's trust, he has also received a lot of benefits. He has already reached the Nascent Soul stage in his cultivation.

If Fan Denglong no longer valued him more, would there still be more exercises in the future?

Jun Wuzui felt a little uneasy in his heart, but of course, he was even more determined.

We must find Mond, even if this bastard burrows into the ground and turns into an earthworm, he must be found out.

Jun Wuzui's eyes were already red, and after giving the order, his figure disappeared into the eyes of Wudang disciples, constantly moving, his aura became more and more violent, he couldn't control himself.

"found it,"

For 10 minutes, it feels like 1 years when you are bored.But when you need time, it seems to pass in the blink of an eye.When Jun Wuzui couldn't help but want to admit that he was incompetent, a loud shout almost made Jun Wuzui's eyes full of enthusiasm.

Heaven pays off.

The safe house was covered by snow, like a small hill, and it was easy to miss if you didn't check carefully.

And Mond and others were discovered because these guys were overconfident.

Two hundred miles, in this snowy field, driving a special car or using a sled, it must be less than half an hour.As for the helicopter, it doesn't matter if it can arrive, but the sound of the propeller can be heard from a long distance away.So, they were so safe that they got so carried away that they spoke a little louder, and happened to be discovered by Wudang disciples passing by from above.

The Wudang disciples are all dressed in white, completely in harmony with the sky and the earth. These scientists and Mond are not professional scouts. How can they detect this?

Therefore, when the sound was found and sounded over the wooden house, Mond's face was ashen, and when he walked to the window to have a look, he stood there in a daze.

The entire safe house was surrounded by men in white, and it was impossible to escape.

There was less than 10 minutes left before the helicopter pick-up, and it happened to be surrounded at this time.

"Boy Mond, it was very hard for me to find you."

From almost despairing at the beginning to now full of joy, Jun Wuzui's mood fluctuated greatly. When he first saw Mond, he immediately yelled, and the safe roof was overturned, and Mond fell to the ground directly, and it was all over.

 This chapter is really not easy. After standing in the cold wind for half an hour, I was lucky enough to wait for the signal, and finally uploaded it!

(End of this chapter)

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