Tianting Garbage Recycling King

Chapter 914

Chapter 914

All the wood spirit fruits in the cave were taken as her own, and He Yuexian was in a very comfortable mood. Whether it was for alchemy or for consumption, it was quite heaven-defying for her now.

The wood system has always had a strong healing effect, and the energy is mild. If a wood spirit fruit can be added to the alchemy, it will greatly increase the success rate of the elixir.

He Yuexian prepared a lot of materials for alchemy in the medicine garden. With the help of wood spirit fruit, her confidence in alchemy would be much greater.

This time, going to the mountain to purify the Jedi, it can be said that the gain is far more than the sacrifice.

Some of the associated medicinal materials around the wood spirit fruit were also collected by He Yuexian, and there was even a tree of wood spirit lucidum in the middle, which proved that this place was indeed a blessed place.

The big bear and the big bear were chatting there, the situation just now almost scared the big bear half to death, and he still had lingering fears until now.

He Yuexian looked around the cave, and within the range of her sight, there was nothing worthy of her shot.Clapping his hands, he said to Big Bear, "Is the cave only this big?"

It is not easy to cultivate a magical item like wood spirit fruit in the heaven, so why do they appear in piles in this cave?
It is not an easy task to produce wood spirit fruit, at least several of its growth conditions must be met at the same time, none of them can be dispensed with.

Where did that huge aura come from?

The accompanying medicinal materials around the wood spirit fruit can grow, relying on the excess aura emitted by the wood spirit fruit.Who provided the spiritual energy needed for the growth of the wood spirit fruit before?

Although there is a lot of aura in this cave, at most it is at the same level as Zhu Jiachong, and it is far from what the wood spirit fruit needs to grow.

Was it planted here by someone else?In fact, did it exist hundreds of years ago before the immortal channel was closed and the mortal spirit veins were not exhausted?

This seems to be a reasonable explanation, because the growth cycle of the wood spirit fruit is very strange, and it needs a lot of spiritual energy in its infancy.But after growing up, it no longer needs spiritual nourishment, and when it reaches maturity, it can provide spiritual energy to the outside world.The growth cycle of wood spirit fruit is 200 years, the juvenile period occupies 180 years, and the adult period takes 20 years.

Faced with He Yuexian's question, Big Bear rubbed the back of his head in confusion. He didn't come here many times, and because of the monkey guarding him, he sneaked in every time when the monkey was out for a walk. The time of stay is very short, how can I know the situation of this cave.

It was not a coincidence when it came this time. The monkey just came back from a walk and was caught. He was educated before he even had time to pick the fruit.

He Yuexian took out a wood spirit fruit from the small space, observed it carefully, and said to himself: "It's very pure spiritual energy. It didn't suffer any setbacks when it grew, and it just reached maturity. There is a possibility of delayed growth."

A sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, "It seems that this cave still hides some unknown secrets."

"You go back first,"

He Yuexian brought two black bears to the outside of the cave, and told them again.

The two black bears nodded and left quickly, but the ribbon wrapped around He Yuexian's body suddenly turned into a long sword.

"Where is the sacredness, why don't you show up soon?"

He Yuexian yelled into the cave, and the long sword lifted into the air, drawing a circular magic circle in the air, and thousands of swords shot straight out and blasted towards the top of the mountain.

There was a rumbling sound, and the mountain was shaken, and the cave was riddled with holes under the bombardment of thousands of swords.

Smoke rose, and there was a slight creaking sound coming from the cave.

With a smile on the corner of He Yuexian's mouth, "Let's show the true face of Mount Lu first."

chirp chirp

chirp chirp chirp

In the smoke, the slight sound became louder and louder, and one after another tiny bugs quickly flew towards He Yuexian through the smoke.

It is only the size of a finger, and the whole body is green, and the organs inside can be seen. There are centipedes, and a pair of small horns on the forehead.

The appearance of this kind of bugs still looks very cute, but once they appear in piles, if you still think that they are harmless to humans and animals, you are very wrong.

Because every insect has a swollen mouth, and the original green head has a dark green mass, which is their attack method.

"Ink shadow worm,"

He Yuexian exclaimed, quickly propped up a spell barrier, and retracted the long sword in the air.

The army of bugs was close at hand, and when there was still a distance, he opened his mouth and spit out the liquid contained in his mouth, a very corrosive venom.

Bugs spewed out one after another, and then fell to the ground, slowly turning into a plume of black smoke.

Ink shadow worms are very similar to bees to a certain extent. Once the venom in their mouths is sprayed out, the body will die, but this venom has a strong corrosive effect.Of course, the scariest thing is that the black shadow worms appear in groups, and thousands of black shadow worms have the invincible instinct.

The spell barrier propped up by He Yuexian made a sizzling sound under the attack of the black shadow insect venom, and the strong corrosion effect made He Yuexian's barrier crumbling.Fortunately, she received a lot of spiritual energy just now, otherwise she would be in trouble now.

Ink shadow worms usually live in groups, and each group has hundreds of thousands of them. After the smoke cleared, the figures that appeared seemed densely packed.The sound made by one black shadow worm is very small, but when hundreds of thousands of them make sound at the same time, the sound becomes a bit tricky.

Thousands of ducks chirping would make some people feel upset, and hundreds of thousands of black shadow worms, the sound alone was enough to make people nervous.

This is also an attack method of the black shadow worm, which is similar to the spiritual attack.

A look of ferocity flashed across the corner of He Yuexian's mouth, "You guys are looking for your own death,"

Raising her hand, an unusually dazzling fire appeared in her hand.

The fire light summoned by He Yuexian is naturally not the low-level fire spirit technique like Fan Denglong's. It is the highest fire in the world, the three-flavored real fire.

The magic barrier dissipated, Sanwei Zhenhuo came out, and a sea of ​​flames was created immediately.

chirp chirp chirp


If Fan Denglong was here, he might have cried out when he saw this scene, that the silkworm chrysalis was roasted.

The visual effect is very dazzling, those flying black shadow worms were all buried in the sea of ​​flames, and none of them could break through.

After working hard for a while, the ink shadow worms began to retreat, and Chi Chi went underground in exchange.

"You provoked me, and you want to leave so easily?"

He Yuexian yelled violently, the fire was burning more vigorously, the ground was emitting hot steam, and the water vapor in the air was instantly evaporated and turned into raindrops, which turned into hot air before it touched the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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