Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 68 Plagiarism is easy, invention is too difficult

Chapter 68 Plagiarism is easy, invention is too difficult

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Thank you *poor for watching the original Bitter, Undead Lord, Xiaofa 007, Yokohoho, Fisherman's Fight, Little Man's Little Growth, LOHAS 777, Cute and Invincible Little Monk, Junzi Zhu, Kind and Good People, Introduction to Good Books A reward from my *several lords!
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Sincerely, salute! ~
"This old man has seen many smart people in his life, and they will be the big bosses in the prison. All of them are ingenious, but no one can compare to Erlang! This four-wheeled carriage is really wonderful. To make this car, I am willing to die... Please forgive me for being stupid, there is one thing I really can't make..."

The old man looked very guilty, as if Fang Jun gave him this four-wheeled carriage to manufacture.

Wang Erxiao pointed to the axle, and said regretfully: "Erlang's drawing, the little old man has studied it very carefully, and I have to say, it's a fantastic idea! But this shock absorption device is really a Can't do it..."

Fang Jun leaned over to take a look and understood.

When he first drew the drawings, he realized that with the current level of smelting, it was absolutely impossible to manufacture a spring as a shock absorber, so he took the next step and replaced it with a bow piece, which is a set of steel with excellent elasticity. The sheets are bundled together and placed on the load-bearing parts of the carriage and axle, instead of the spring.

Unexpectedly, it is a steel sheet with excellent elasticity, which cannot be made in this era...

Fang Jun was depressed. Can a car without a shock absorber still ride?Even four wheels are not much better than two wheels.

Nima, do you still need to improve the level of steelmaking?
But my buddy is studying agriculture. Although he is barely a science student, iron and steel making is really not my thing...

I've heard about frying steel, pouring steel, and smelting steel, but who knows what's going on?

He only knew one thing: the reason why the level of ancient steelmaking was not good was largely because the furnace temperature was not enough to completely melt and carburize the molten iron.

I can't help but think of a small blast furnace left over from a large-scale steelmaking in the county...

Steelmaking seems...probably...perhaps...is the carbon content between pig iron and wrought iron, right?

After a few laps around the carriage and horse, Fang Jun returned to the farm in a depressing mood.

After entering the study, all the maids were driven away, and he was bored in the room alone. He picked up a "pencil" that was ground with graphite a few days ago, and wrote and drew on the rice paper.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Lu Cheng walked in, along with the farm's steward Fangquan.

Both of them had different expressions.

Fang Jun said, "Is something wrong?"

Fang Quan looked at Lu Cheng and coughed.

Lu Cheng lowered his head and counted the ants without saying a word.

Fang Quan was helpless and had no choice but to say, "That... Erlang, what..."

Fang Jun frowned: "Uncle Quan, if you have something to say, just say it."

This "Uncle Old Quan" shouted Fang Quan's eyes, who's servant would be treated so politely?

When a scholar dies for his confidant, he will fight even if he is scolded and beaten!

Fang Quan said with a solemn expression: "Meng Erlang called him uncle, and he had to say what was in his heart. Erlang was young, and it was when he was reading a book. "

When he said this, he was actually beating a drum in his heart.

In the entire Chang'an City, who doesn't know Fang Jia Erlang's fiery temper?If you are beaten and scolded, you will lose this old face.But as a steward, and a rare senior among the servants of the Fang family, it would be absolutely impossible to watch Erlang go astray.

He dared to say it, and looked at Lu Cheng, who looked like a little sheep beside him, bowing his head and saying nothing, and couldn't help scolding in his heart: "You bastard, we've agreed to silence Erlang together, and you're not even a word for fooling Lao Tzu." Not to mention, it's so immoral!

Fang Jun looked blank: "Uncle Quan, what do you mean?"

Fang Quan sighed and said: "Erlang, it is said that the main family's affairs are not up to you, but you can't help it. The family has always been in financial constraints. Since the winter, the snow disaster has been raging, and the master has donated money and food many times, and he has already made ends meet. …”

Fang Jun was stunned.

What?The house of Fang Xuanling, who once served as Zaifu and Shangshu Pushe, could actually make ends meet?
What a joke, and no one investigates your huge assets of unknown origin, what are you pretending to be cool?
He didn't know that the Fang family was indeed very poor right now.

The reason is very simple, there is no way to make money...

Fang Xuanling has a clean and honest personality. She has nothing to do with getting cards in the officialdom. She has no gray income at all. She honestly takes the salary issued by His Majesty Li Er. Although Lu is the daughter of a wealthy family, she has been married for many years. , most of the dowry that year was replaced by silver coins, and followed Fang Xuanling all the way from Shandong to Chang'an; Fang Yizhi was a nerd and didn't know anything about business matters; and what about Fang Yi's love?Hehe, that thing is even more of a stick...

Honest and honest, don't know how to operate, the harvest is not good, donate to disaster relief...

With all these things, it is normal to have a big hole in the book.

And Fang Jun is dispatching Fang Dahai to buy tea trees all over the world, and what kind of hot pot to make, what kind of four-wheeled carriage to play...

That's why Fang Quancai couldn't help but persuade him a few words. If he didn't persuade him, Erlang would become a prodigal...

Fang Jun was depressed.

Didn't you agree to be a second-generation official who eats and waits to die?There is no money at home, how to be a beautiful man quietly...

Worrying about money, this is the first time in two lives.

How to do it?

Of course to make money...

After Fang Quan and Lu Cheng were sent away, Fang Jun was alone in the study, so worried that his hair was almost stripped.

He has never done business before, he doesn't quite understand the number of roads here, and the business model he understands cannot be integrated with this era at all. Open a restaurant?nightclub?Running a rental?Will not work……

You can't sell the rank and file under the banner of your father, right?Not to mention whether Fang Xuanling, who has always been upright and honest, will clean up his door, the wise and martial emperor Li Er alone can shoot him to death in minutes...

How could His Majesty Li Er, the self-proclaimed number one emperor of all dynasties, have this in his eyes?
After thinking about it, I can only rely on my super-era "gold finger" to get rich.

However, it is not so easy to find a plan to make a fortune suitable for this era.

I have a lot of poetry in my head, do you want to sell it?
Ten pieces of "Shuidiao Song Head", eight pieces of "Jiangjinjiu", nine pieces of "Nian Nujiao, Chibi Nostalgia", and eight pieces of "Yu Meiren", if they are packaged together, they will be collected [-] pieces, and a song "Yong Yu Le" will be included as a gift. ·Beijingkou Beiguting Nostalgia"...

Ruin things.

The more important question is that once these peerless poems are spread out, the second His Majesty Li will take a look: Diaoyou, it turns out that Fang Er is still a great talent, disrespectful and disrespectful, this son-in-law will be decided...

Wasn't the "self-defilement" that he tried so hard to give up, and in the end he had to marry the great woman who surpassed the age of Princess Gaoyang?
This way is absolutely impossible!
If you can't think on the left or think on the right, then you can only make some inventions.

When it comes to inventions made by traversers, the simplest, most popular, and the least technical is naturally distilled wine.The liquor of fifty or sixty degrees is given to the people of the Tang Dynasty to drink, and they are not all poured down. How much does it cost?
However, the problem came again.

It is now in the middle period of Zhenguan. Although the social situation of Qing and Ming Dynasties is stable, the impact of the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty has not been completely eliminated. The population has dropped sharply, the land is barren, and the grain output is extremely low. Otherwise, there will be no case of relying on the allocation of Jiangnan grain to relieve the snow disaster in Guanzhong. Happening.

Liquor is made of grain, and distilled liquor requires a lot of liquor, not to mention whether there is so much money to buy grain, just say that if His Majesty Li Er knew that grain was wasted so much to make wine, would he slap him?
Distilled wine is no good, then there are only two other big killers that are necessary for crossing: soap and glass.

Soap seems to be made from lard?But caustic soda should be added, but how did caustic soda come from?
Glass looks relatively easy, quartz, limestone, plus soda ash, burn and burn, and that's it.

But what about the exact ratio?

Fang Jun looked at the sky silently, plagiarism is easy, invention is too difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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