Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 587 Counterattack

Chapter 587 Counterattack

Almost all the ministers shook their heads. It seemed that Fang Jun could only bow his head and confess his guilt in the face of this impeachment.

Most worrying, in fact, is the honor of all the generals.

These guys made their fortunes by fighting and killing. Fenghou and generals have high status, and their rough habits have long been stereotyped. Fighting and fighting are as natural as eating and drinking for the children of these military generals and noble families.

It is conceivable that once Fang Jun was convicted of this crime today, no matter what kind of punishment he faced, it would be the same as giving the military commanders and nobles a slaying stick!From now on, wouldn't he be ridden on the neck by aristocratic families of civil servants?

A group of military generals and nobles looked at each other in dismay, and their hearts were deeply...

Everyone was looking at Fang Jun.

There is anxiety, there is concern, there is drama, and there is sneer.

If you want to defend yourself, then defend yourself!
See how your tongue blooms with lotus flowers, how can you turn the dead into the living?

All eyes were focused on Fang Jun.

Fang Jun, however, did not have the consciousness to become the center of the stage at all, standing upright, his face light and calm, without the slightest panic.

Casually bowing his hands to Zhang Fang, Fang Jun asked casually, "I don't know what to call your Excellency?"

Zhang Fang proudly said, "This official, the Censor, is overseeing the Censor, Zhang Fang!"

The voice was very loud, lest any of the officials of the cultural relics in the hall could not hear clearly, I want everyone to see, from now on, there will be a rising officialdom star at the Censor's Desk, who will help the society and the pillars of the country!

Fang Jun looked blank: "Sorry, I have never heard of this official position before. I dare to ask Your Excellency, Supervising the Censor... How many officials?"

Zhang Fang sneered: "It's the eighth grade!"

Fang Jun showed an expression of sudden realization: "Eighth-rank...or lower?" Then, with a look of disgust: "Is it still a rank? It can be ignored, okay! Even if it's an eighth-rank official? Er, but you can't even get a high-ranking rank. What do you have to be proud of? According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, eight-rank officials have no qualifications to enter or leave the main entrance of the court, and can only enter and exit through the side door. With such a little ability, there are five or six people here with this official. Before this official was dismissed by His Majesty, he simply dumped you for thousands of miles! You are really shameless..."

The generals laughed, Fang Jun's mouth was really immoral.

The faces of all the censors were a little unsightly, and even those who stayed out of the matter and did not participate in the impeachment were uncomfortable.

Our duty to supervise the censors is sacred and pure, and we hold the right to impeach ministers. Can this be a pure first-level talk?

This Fang Jun is not really ignorant, he is deliberately making trouble.
Zhang Fang's little white face was even more red with anger, feeling that she was being treated with unprecedented contempt!He is the best face, how could Fang Jun be allowed to be so sarcastic?

Immediately, he retorted with embarrassment: "What do you know? The imperial court can deter the stubborn and wicked, and those who are good and good are in the law. How can you be insulted by an ignorant child with your grades? It's ignorant to the extreme!"

Fang Jun listened to this, but he was not annoyed, instead he blinked and asked: "Does that mean that if you are a person with bad conduct and personal morals, you can never take on the sacred and honorable duty of supervising the censor? "

Zhang Fang proudly said: "That's natural! If you don't hold your body upright and your morals are not pure, how can you arouse the turbulence, justify the injustice, pay attention to the eyes and ears, and the responsibility of Yan Jigang?"

This statement is so righteous and well-spoken that many censors have followed suit.

The reason why it is called "clearing rumors" means that those who take up this responsibility are all virtuous people who have read poetry and books, and have a clean reputation.In this era when fame is worth everything, a clean reputation is more important than more talents...

Therefore, the rumor-clearing officials headed by Song Guogong Xiao Yu and others seem to have no real power, but in fact they control the public opinion of the empire.

They are natural judges...

Fang Junruo nodded and said, "Thank you for your advice."

Then he stopped talking to Zhang Fang, who was a little confused, but turned around, took out a memorial from his cuffs, raised his hands flat and bowed to salute: "The humble minister Fang Jun, sued Zhang Fang, the supervisory censor, relying on his Qingliu status , the censor's power, indulged his father in Yurou Township, occupied 67 hectares of fertile land, and even imprisoned the family of the common people surnamed Wang from the same village, invaded [-] acres of paddy fields from his family, convicted the father and son of the Wang family and sent them to Lingnan, and Zhang Fang's brother even occupied the daughter-in-law of the Wang family. All kinds of humiliation caused the daughter-in-law of the Wang family to drown herself in the river! After the incident, the local people were outraged and rushed to the government. The government arrested Zhang Fang's brother and tried him. At the same time, Zhang Fang threatened the local government , order him to correct the charges of his elder brother's elder brother and acquit him. Your Majesty, if you are guilty, you can still be corrected. If you are sentenced to death, can you be reborn? Zhang Fang despises the laws of the country and has no conscience. Make justice for the wronged people who died!"

Zhang Fang's whole body was agitated, and he was dumbfounded, as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt!
Manchu civil and military, stunned.

People are impeaching you, but you actually impeach them backhand?
No, it's not impeachment, what Fang Jun said, but "sue Zhang Fang, the censor of supervision"!
The censor heard the news, and even if there was a mistake, the punishment was not severe.But if you sue the censor, the nature of the matter will be different!Although it is not like the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the people sue the official first with a killing force, which has shown the majesty of the government, but once it is proved that it is a false accusation, then it is a crime of false accusation!
Datang statutes, false accusers sit back!
what for?

Those who slander and false accusers are guilty of the accusers!

What crime are you accusing others of? If it is proved that it is a false accusation, then what crime will you be sentenced to!

The punishment for false accusation is extremely severe, so under normal circumstances, no one dares to make false accusations!
The ministers couldn't help but look at Zhang Fang, and they were immediately surprised.

The expression on this guy's face already explained the problem.

Such a serious crime was reported by Fang Jun in the Taiji Hall in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, which completely shattered Zhang Fang's defenses.

He was clearly impeaching Fang Jun, but how could he become Fang Jun and sued him?
The eldest grandson Wuji, headed by the civil servant, frowned slightly...

His Majesty Li Er ordered someone to present the memorial in Fang Jun's hand. After reading it, he took a picture of the imperial case in front of him and shouted angrily, "Zhang Fang! Can you plead guilty?"

Zhang Fang's expression was sluggish, and he knelt on the ground with a "pop", kowtowing "Tom Tom Tom", but he couldn't say a word.

What else to say?What you do, you know in your heart.

Because of his status as a supervising censor, no one in his hometown dares to control it, but how can these things be hidden from anyone?Just a little verification will reveal the truth.At this time, it is useless to refuse to recognize it.

Looking at his expression, the ministers knew that this guy was completely finished.

Sure enough, His Majesty Li Er said angrily: "Someone! Give me this scorpion and put it in the Heavenly Prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Punishment will try this case. If anyone dares to cover up and hide it, they will be guilty of the same crime as this scorpion!"

The guards outside the hall hurried in, holding Zhang Fang's arms like wolves and tigers, and dragging them outside the hall.

Zhang Fang was only relieved, with a look of despair, knowing that he was not far from death, not only himself, but the whole family would be implicated.

This is the Zhang family of Jiangdong. At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, it was a prominent family and wealthy family, but because of the shame he suffered, he had to face huge disasters...

Seeing the sneer on Fang Jun's face, Zhang Fang went crazy.

It's all this bastard, it's just too cruel!
"Your Majesty! Wei Chen is the censor of supervision. Wei Chen impeached Fang Jun for repeatedly beating up princes, important ministers, and officials, and even beat up monks on the streets of Chang'an to the point of being seriously injured.

Zhang Fang howled loudly, while crying, loudly accusing Fang Jun of the crime.

If he wanted to die, he had to pull Fang Jun!

Just shouted here, and the guards covered his mouth tightly, preventing him from making noise in the hall... dragging him out like a dead dog.

Fang Jun laughed, and said leisurely: "How dare you say that you are a censorship censor, such as these beasts who have lost their conscience and are unforgivable? Appointment? It's just tarnishing this sacred official position!"

(End of this chapter)

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